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Knowing God as God,

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Nisargadatta , ADHHUB@A... wrote:



> In a message dated 11/21/2005 11:47:23 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> Nisargadatta writes:



> What Pete in his post is describing is the world of consciousness.


> The content of your consciousness is totally subjective, noone in

> this world has the same contents like you have. And therefore you


> this consciousness. Always remember consciousness is its content,

> without content there is no consciousness. The expression that the

> obsever is the observed is just the same as to say you are

> consciousness.


> Werner




> Content is that which consciousness is conscious of. Without


> there is no content. Consciousness creates it's own content by

virtue of it's

> ability to be conscious. The dream image is not consciousness

itself, but

> rather the product of consciousness. The eye is not what is seen.

There must be

> an eye to see, and then there is seeing. (An analogy)


> Phil




good day,


and may all be blessed in Him


This is true you cannot deny consciousness, but you can realize it.

Though you are seperated while encased in bodies you are a part of

the total conscience.


Mayavadi philosophy teaches to become one with the whole. This basic

idea is is founded in impersonalism, and rooted in a nihilistic

composition. and tendencies.


The bin laden boys are expert at convincing people of this kind of

philosophy, with a twist.


These strains of philosophy evolve from the eastern

traditions of the vedic literatures.


Many varieties of concepts of the ancient ideas of realization or

healing, exist.


All 'pure thought' concience, is purposed for one cause, PEACE, love

and harmony.


So why individual thought or duality?


Now more than ever, people are finding ways to express IT'S, or IS,



However many ways you try to impress the concept, there is only

consciousness, and you are that consciousness. i suggest you try to

teach your children at a young age and see whether they can



Therefore since most adults have a hard time grasping the concept,

what do you suppose of children?


The Answer to understanding all conciousness is that it remains that

there is an active principal or ingrediant that is ''within.''

Where there is consciousness there is action.


Consider this, there is no place wherein nothing is not moving, for

the entire universe is constantly in motion.

Now motion presents itself to the eyes as moving, and if moving then

living, or the ever presence of consciouness.

Therefore consciousness is the active principal for life.


Consider the body of stone on the ground, moving b/c it's on the

living planet earth, bhumi, Barahta varsha, whatever, but is void of

conscince however, will one day become again part ot the earth as it

breaks down to earth particles, ie dust, earth, water, fire.


Likewise your body, correct. But difference is, your body is an

active body, like the animals birds, trees, aquatics, and the planet

earth. All moving parts are bodies with a unique but similar

characteristic called conscience accordiing to the body it's in. Dog

body, act like dog, think like dog, snake body same and human body

same. Whatever body then conditions that conscious takes on, and acts

in or as like. Female body female acts, likewise male.


no denial yet right. questions yes but hold on.


What governs the conscious of all the entities except humans?(wait

for the sake of analogy, before you deny)


Is not all the world entities, perfect and perceived as perfect when

you consider their world? Dogs do as dogs, the trees are, the birds

sing the rain is coming, is it not all what it is, in it's own



Therfore, is not all what is going on in the human world also

perfect??? CAN YOU SEE THAT PEFECTION as well,therefore too, governed.


As you do so comes a result, hence all in that sense is perfect.


So if john shoots and so called kills, or removes the life of a deer

is that not a perfect action and result. According to conscious now?

As seen from the observer. If you were a deer and saw your mate deer

be taken by a bullet, does not the conscious of the dear recognize

it's loss in it's capacity to think?


Therefore, there is an enemy to the deer world, and it's man.

Therefore emotions and fear and love conscious, are throughout all

living, with higher or lessor degrees, according to the entitity.


Does planet earth fear of feel pain? by this logic yes. If moving

then living, if living, then conscious. The body of earth has a

protective shield around it and is in greater part a univeral order

of things or a huge expansive universe that is alive.


Consider this, there is more than one universe, then it is reasonable

to conclude more than one system of living things that can be equal

to or different from, but still part of a greater whole.


So is theapplicable word is infinate or infinately.


Now all this is perceived through the lense of an infintesimal part

of the infinite, but conceivable through the characteristics or make

up of the living form, ie conscience using the bodily senses.


This is how you can deduce that you are of the living conscience by

subtracting the outer shell body which is the what the present

conscious is in.


Now comes the kicker, body is taken away by one of many ways, what is

left?___conscious__ correct or:


Question? does it merge into nothingness, if so how does the

individual spirit-body set of thoughts merge out or loose it's unique

independent character? Does it become formless? Like the stone

eventually goes back to the earth? Does the conscience dissapate into

the thing the larger one as in vanish.


Or does it remain it's own self and emerge again in another body, as

in come up again in another body, and if so what body , how and why?


Does it remain independently floating in the big one body in the say

clouds or heavens or purusha, or brahman effulgence, or does it go to

another universe and come up again as in another body?


These are questions that are being answered by all kinds of men and

women putting forth their own personal concepts or ideas,

philosophies, idealogies, for personal conscious reasons for better

or for worse.


So one mans idea appeals to some will others to another. Depending

upon where the conscience comes up, in what body will it be subject

to the environment and conditions, teachings and habits, of the

family, country , culture.


Therefore the wheels are in motion for the living to be exposed and

hence what appeals to one or some people for certain reasons, may not

be the same for others. Hence, diversity and complexity within a

perfect system of activity called the living, or connscience.


Is it perfect? yes, why? because the governing principals are coming

from another force or conscience, superior to our own infintesimal.


Therefore, admiittedly by default are subject to an authority, or

other living entites or consciousness, who are subject to a larger

entity of concious that is called Nature, and all Her

characteristics, which is a manifestation of yet another conscience,

which is____________>.


This is Wisdom, as is cleary defined in the Bible, and is also

defined in the Vedic literature with other names, bhumi, or bharata,

or even prakriti, but nevertheless, all the same descriptive

reasoning coming to the same conclusion.( well, not all, but )


Now Wisdom, as described in the Bible was there in the beginning with

the Supreme One, Lord, or God in the Bible, or Visnu or the purursha

in the vedic texts. And if you know me, She says and approach me

wisely you find eternal life in Me, and finds favour with the Lord.

Subsequently the male and female form and formless, and the reason

for the two equalls existing for partnership as in likeness to the

Mother and Father.


Now this is the conclusion of the teachings of the HOLY PROPHETS.


That onesness exists equally in eternal states of variegatedness,

ever changing in the eternal conscience. Hence, for one who is alive

in the eternal conscience, he/she accepts the changes, like going

from one house to another. The address may be different but the

conscious, the dweller, you, is the same. The surroundings may be

different, the furniture,and so on but the personage, you is the

same. Taking on new surroundings like a new body may influence the

conscience to act differently, feel difference but it's still the you.


The Bible says for such a realized soul , there is victory over death

and the second change does not effect, for the new spirit, born again

into the true understanding of it's eternal self is unaffected or

remains dhira, steadfast in his/her Self ie conscience, yet



Therefore the conclusion is there is uniqueness in oneness and

equallity, but there are differences in service or activity.


Now comes the nature of different actions, what appears to one as

loving may be an affront to another.Condequently, when one

understands the higher governing principals of what the SUPREME

CONSIENCE is desiring then and only then can there be harmnony and

peace and loving cooperative spirit that is free from all thoughts of

transgression or offence b/c of the awareness of the ONE'S (The

Infinites) pure desire. That remains for all the infintesimals, or

parts of the Greater Infinate.


Every part of an automobile has relevence to the other and works in

order and cooperation, the same applies in the spirit world.


So who has all the perfect understanding and knowledge? God or the

One, the Ominipresent one etc, etc.


Therefore, as the Bible says,Jeremiah 44;4 " from time to time He

sends His sons Holy, in perfect awareness to teach, but you choose

not to listen " . What do the vedic literatures teach? Avatara's come,

souls sent, sons, personalities sent from.


There is more particularily one, or an indiviual soul person, that

happens to be the central figure of the Bible. He's not better than

but as written, brother of, of which the main actor is. Just like the

story line of the Bagavad Gita is about krishna, and the mystery of

tor knowledge is told, but it' really not about God, but about the

recovering of those who are sincere to Him.


So shall the mystery of knowlege be revealled, when the son appears

as prophesied by the Holy Prophets, to teach all, and reveal the

mystery's of the life.



The vedic literatures prophesy of avatara's to come and 'they came'

and left, and what remains are many theories of Knowledge or Truth or

God, or Atman, or Bagavan, whatever, many far out stories.


Now comes the conclusion of one such prophecy as written in the

Bible, the story of a soul, a sent son, purposed and part of the

Greater Whole. Not unique, not special, just especially needed to

bring together the souls aspiring to know God in Truth and to share

in truth and loving realtionships in a victory over the ills, and

evils and to return to serving God's Eternal Government, and Body

once again. Such living entities are called angels, saints, not human

beings, under conditional conscience but Spirit -souls liberated and

called angels as written in the Holy Word of God by the Holy Spirit

the paramatma feature of the Brahman, if you wish. God within, Not

you god but God with, operative word 'with'. Thus two unique but

seperate, co-eternal companions and intimate confideants and friends

with all other angels, the greater family of eternal loving souls.


Now who are you? Let us begin to unfold the mystery's of angels and

saints, who is True Guru and who is not guru, who is saint who is

not. That is the final chapter of the Bible ie___ Revalation___


peace my good friends and all glories to Sri God, our loving and most

intimate friend and confidant.


spoken by, His most forgotten and estranged son.

but forever at His feet, i remain at His side,

servant on duty, formerly on hold, waiting.


shalom, namaste, in God we be as One in perfect love.


your friendly messiah.\

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