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Discerning Peace from Poison

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milk touched by the lips of a serpent has poisonous effects.


That is guru talk, much thinking and analogies come from guruland.


But what good is all the thinking and ideas if peace is not there.


Most of you here believe the Bible is poisonous, and not to be trusted.


Why, because no one is opening the truth to you.


The so called authorities have altered the teachings.


It even says that they have and will but it also says that too will be

known, and on God's clock he will set up the time and all will be

returned to what it's original understanding b/c of the promise God has

made to send His own to reveal the Truth.


Now somehow, many of you have wandered in search of God having lost

faith in your Bible thumpers and taken on new names and fallen to other

paths of what is and what is not god.


And then you fall away and find yourselves in survival of the fittest

mode doing things to maintain, life, Then you find familiar people who

were once a part of but have now fallen away like you. And why are you

in this communication?


Because it's friendship you long for, and what is a friendship but an

excuse for some fix of love, or part of love, or lost love.


Can you hear that?


Therefore if you could only hear that it's love you are searching for

in relationships, and you end up talking in endless circles about the

onesness you thought you once had or are still or think you have

attained. Yet you refuse to see that it's not silence you seek, but

love, through acknowlegement or acceptence.


It is still an active principal of the living soul.


It is the souls desire to be in love, B/c love is Soul, God is LOve.


You are a peice of the loaf of bread, broken off, similar in taste and

a ppearence but not the whole.


lololol and your not going to be glued back together, lol


So stop your loafing around and get busy opening your heart to God's

perfect Word. Listen to the sounds of Love.


If you cannot understand God's Word in the Bible, then ask Him, He

wrote the letter, He sent the letter, ask Him. And if you don't know

ask me, i'll be glad to tell you what He said.


i 've read the letter. It's simple and straight forward. He's my

Father, i hope i can understand my own FAther. lollolol


Now He's your Father too, He doesn't want to hide from you He just

wants you to be together with Him.


He says " hey, where are you all going? hang on, come back is not my

Love better than those idol worshippers, hindhu gods " ?


" If you don't come back, I'm going to make sure you find life in those

deserts troublesome, filled with famine, war and two kinds of

pestilence, one being the disease type and the other being the one of

the mind where you are all lost in false gods " .


This is just a sampling of His words.


There is nothing less than perfection in God's Words.


You have gone astray , i too when to India became brahman, but the

Hooly Prophets were raised amongst all the idols from the beginning

story of Adam and Eve who's Garden was surrounded by hindu gods.


The stories have come at you by liars and thieves from Government

rubber stamped phd's. go figure . It's an oxymoron Government lawyer

institutes rubber stamp theolgians, as men of God LOLOLOL what a




So, Jesus called the phd's " liars, blind guides, " .

Do you think it will be any different in the return ie Revelation?


NO, the same thing " you government liars and priests are all falsely

promising a hope of heaven based up some stupid idea, that Jesus died

for you all you need is faith, not works and see heaven " . all lies.


They are perfectly using the old method of syllogisms to brainwash the

new born christians, jews , whatever._______


Hear from God,



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