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Comparison Of Jesus-Krishna Preachings

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Divine Message of His Holiness Shri Datta Swami


The Divine preaching of Holy Jesus is the top most Gospel in the world and

touches the climax of the truth. For example Holy Krishna says in Gita that one

should withdraw himself from the family bonds slowly like a tortoise withdrawing

its limbs (Kurmo ngaaneeva). The tradition of Datta is to cut the family bonds

by the Sword of Knowledge as per Gita (Jnanaasi natmanah).


But Holy Jesus says that one should hate these family bonds to become His

disciple. Cutting the bond is Zero. Existing in the bond is Plus and hating

the bond is Minus. Zero is near to Plus and Minus is very far. So if you cut

the bond it may form again. But if you hate the bond the bond will never be

formed so that the bond with the Lord alone is eternal.


See the preaching of Lord Jesus with impartial attitude and without

conservatism. After all a diamond is diamond whether it is foreign diamond or

Indian diamond. Thus Holy Jesus is the king of all the divine preachers. He is

like the Sun from whom these divine sentences radiate like rays.


Holy Bible speaks about the ever-lasting fire and that the souls have no

rebirth. Hindu scriptures say that the soul has rebirth. Both these can be

convinced and co-related. The condemned souls enter the everlasting fire, which

means that these souls take the births as animals, birds, worms etc, which are

like the fire due to the continuous agony. The word “everlasting” means that

once the soul enters into the cycle of these births the soul will never come

back to the human birth. The rebirth as a human being as told in the Hindu

scriptures can be again co-related with the Holy Bible.


Holy Jesus says that the Kingdom of God is extended into this world. The

meaning of this is that whenever God comes in human form to stay with us

(Immanuel), the disciples of the Lord will be staying in this divine Kingdom on

the throwns equally with the Lord. This means the servants of the Lord will take

rebirth as human beings and will be preaching here and they will be respected

like God.


For Ex: The Holy Pope is given the status of God. The Holy Pope and other such

top most Bishops and pious Fathers who are indulged in the propagation of the

knowledge will get the status of God here itself in this world. Thus, the inner

sense is the same in all the scriptures, which is spoken in different ways. The

ways are different but the real essence is the same.


The aim of human life is to achieve the grace that is the love of God. Even if

you earn more money you are not carrying it after death. Very little money is

sufficient to eat and drink which the animals and the birds are also doing even

without money. If the aim of the money is only eating, drinking and enjoying,

you will be born as animal or bird or worm in the next birth.


If your file is opened in the upper world you will not get definitely the

human birth. When you serve the Lord in this world when He comes in the human

form then only you can get human birth without any enquiry in order to serve the

Lord when the Lord reincarnates. You must recognize the Lord by His knowledge,

because Veda says that knowledge is Brahman.


Only miracles are not the signs since demons also performed miracles. Gita

says that the Lord comes down in human form (Maanusheem tanu masritam). Gita

also says that it is very difficult to worship formless (Avyaktahi). Gita also

says that if one worships the inert statue, he will be born as a stone (Bhutejya

yanti Bhutani).


So you must serve the Lord by doing practical service which consists of 1)

Sacrifice of work 2) Sacrifice of fruit of work (money), which is also a form of

work. The Sacrifice must be to the full extent. When a beggar gives one rupee

that is greater than one lakh given by a multi lakhier because the beggar has

sacrificed what ever he possessed. Holy Jesus appreciated one old lady who

donated whatever she possessed, as the highest divine soul.


posted by: His servant

at the lotus feet of shri datta swami





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Nisargadatta , prakki surya <dattapr2000>




Surya, good am.


________Your guru datta swami, does not understand the Bible, the

HOlY Prophets or Saints, or the Holy Spirit.

i believe i have mentioned that on a previous post. He's very busy

talking hindu talk and taking from what christians say for his

comparisons. He may be some kind of guru but he is not a person who

has turned from all the idols and mythology texts but is fixated on

trying to say that those gods and Jesus's God are one in the same.

Well sorry friend but he would get a lesson if he were to sit with me

and you might get to hear what God has said, through the Holy spirit.



>dear friends


> Divine Message of His Holiness Shri Datta Swami


> The Divine preaching of Holy Jesus is the top most Gospel in the

world and touches the climax of the truth.


________First off, it appears here that he's addressing a largely

christian audience to just get their attention with 'top most

gospel'. a little corny, but lets move on.


For example Holy ____________is debateable_______Krishna says in Gita

that one should withdraw himself from the family bonds slowly like a

tortoise withdrawing its limbs (Kurmo ngaaneeva).



That does not go over well, unless the family is in bondage of carnal



The tradition of Datta is to cut the family bonds by the Sword of

Knowledge as per Gita (Jnanaasi natmanah).



______ " top most gospel " ___what happened to what Jesus said? why are

we hearing from gita.


But Holy Jesus says that one should hate these family bonds to

become His disciple.


Jesus wasn't into disciples like this datta thinks of disciple which

has _____'here you go now, do as i say there newbe.'


Cutting the bond is Zero. Existing in the bond is Plus and hating

the bond is Minus. Zero is near to Plus and Minus is very far. So

if you cut the bond it may form again. But if you hate the bond the

bond will never be formed so that the bond with the Lord alone is



______To many plus's and minuses bonds, like straps doesn't explain




> See the preaching of Lord Jesus with impartial attitude and

without conservatism.



Jesus was partial to love for God and conservative in God's eyes, he

spoke out against the government boys and called them rebellious.


After all a diamond is diamond whether it is foreign diamond or

Indian diamond. Thus Holy Jesus is the king of all the divine

preachers. He is like the Sun from whom these divine sentences

radiate like rays.



_______that's a bunch of pretty words twisted in with eastern guru


'these divine sentences' not to sure he's not trying to admire his

own writings here, calling them 'divine sentences'. He's really

talking third party and not as one with.



> Holy Bible speaks about the ever-lasting fire and that the souls

have no rebirth.



no , not right here. everlasting fire and no rebirth , where did he

get that stuff?



Hindu scriptures say that the soul has rebirth. Both these can be

convinced and co-related. The condemned souls enter the everlasting

fire, which means that these souls take the births as animals, birds,

worms etc, which are like the fire due to the continuous agony.


_______that doesn't fly too well since that is not taught in the

Bible as such, and is not convincing, jus t b/c gita says _____what

happened to 'top most Gospel'?


The word " everlasting " means that once the soul enters into the cycle

of these births the soul will never come back to the human birth.


Where can he quote this from? other than taking the Bible literally.



The rebirth as a human being as told in the Hindu scriptures can be

again co-related with the Holy Bible.


> Holy Jesus says that the Kingdom of God is extended into this

world. The meaning of this is that whenever God comes in human form

to stay with us (Immanuel), the disciples of the Lord will be staying

in this divine Kingdom on the throwns______( interesting typo,)




equally with the Lord. This means the servants of the Lord will take

rebirth as human beings and will be preaching here and they will be

respected like God.



_____________Sounds like were inflamming the position of the sent

sons, as some god, The saints and Holy Prophets don't have that

attachment of being the god worshipped and expecting this respect, as

it sounds here.



> For Ex: The Holy __________not___________Pope is given the status

of God. The Holy Pope and other such top most Bishops and pious

Fathers who are indulged in the propagation of the knowledge will get

the status of God here itself in this world.


______wait a minute, 'holy pope's', not in the Holy Prophets Word,

these are men of the 'cloak of disguise', ie Government false

prophets according to the Word in the Bible.

Datta doesn't know Bible.



>Thus, the inner sense is the same in all the scriptures, which is

spoken in different ways. The ways are different but the real essence

is the same.




________According to what datta is saying 'he doesn't know inner

sense and i can tell he's just putting a liitle 'datta spin' of veda



> The aim of human life is to achieve the grace that is the love of

God. Even if you earn more money you are not carrying it after

death. Very little money is sufficient to eat and drink which the

animals and the birds are also doing even without money. If the aim

of the money is only eating, drinking and enjoying, you will be born

as animal or bird or worm in the next birth.



_______________This won't fly and is too coarse. It's not the 'top

most gospel' teachings. Only, partially correct, in that attachment

to money and it's personal use for thinking that it will bring a

false sense of security yes, but good use of money is not frowned

upon in 'top most gospel', lol

and please no worms.



> If your file is opened in the upper world you will not get

definitely the human birth. When you serve the Lord in this world

when He comes in the human form then only you can get human birth

without any enquiry in order to serve the Lord when the Lord

reincarnates. You must recognize the Lord by His knowledge, because

Veda says that knowledge is Brahman.



____________What happened to top most gospel?

files in upper world is something not too familiar to me, and all

this talk about getting human birth compared to worm birth.?

Now it's more servant and Lord, sounds like a slave and master thing?

You must recognize 'datta' by his not knowledge, lots of hindhu ,

gita talk, not _____'top most gospel'!



> Only miracles are not the signs since demons also performed



_________Wow, some quote from the Bible, but what actually is datta

referring too? What miracles? i'm thinking datta is stuck in

mythology taught by the Bible phd thumpers who teach garbage and

lies, taking out of context the actual expressions by mixing

literalism with figures of speech and symbolism. Clearly datta, does

not know 'top most gospel'


>>Gita says that the Lord comes down in human form (Maanusheem tanu

masritam). Gita also says that it is very difficult to worship

formless (Avyaktahi). Gita also says that if one worships the inert

statue, he will be born as a stone (Bhutejya yanti Bhutani).



_________Gita talks alot but gospel speaks little______gita

interpretations number about 500 variations so which one does datta



> So you must serve the Lord by doing practical service which

consists of 1) Sacrifice of work 2) Sacrifice of fruit of work

(money), which is also a form of work. The Sacrifice must be to the

full extent.


______________Like i said before sounds like slave and master with

all this sacrifice stuff,i sure don't read that in 'top most gospel',

much the oppostite not sacrifice.


That sounds like giving up.

The Holy Prophets, angels, saints don't give up anything but gain

everything and live in prosperity in harmony with all good things and

not as servants or slaves to masters.




>>When a beggar gives one rupee that is greater than one lakh given

by a multi lakhier because the beggar has sacrificed what ever he

possessed. Holy Jesus appreciated one old lady who donated whatever

she possessed, as the highest divine soul.


_______oh he remembered a story from the pulpit preacher,( rupees??)

ok the pulpits use this story to get the congregation to give up

donations into the cofers, at the end of service. Sounds all to corny

for this fella, ie me here.

i think datta needs some real ' top most gospel'





______If i were you surya i would be sure to watch those lotus feet

carefully, and start asking questions about what prophecy said from

the " top most gospel'.

i think he's still looking for lotus feet worshippers at his round




just a little am humour, to keep things in line.





> posted by: His servant

> at the lotus feet of shri datta swami

> www.universal-spirituality.org




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