Guest guest Posted December 2, 2005 Report Share Posted December 2, 2005 Nisargadatta , " adithya_comming " <adithya_comming> wrote: > > Nisargadatta , " whitehorserides " > <green1911@v...> wrote: > > > > Nisargadatta , Adithya K > <adithya_comming> > > wrote: > > > > > > >> Can someone know what his/her next > > > thought will be? > > > > > > With little attention... everyone Can! > > > > > > About 90-99% of all thoughts are mere > > > repetition of old recycled thoughts > > > > > > This is all about this world, and the people in it. > > however for one whose thoughts are aligned with God and His will, > > > There is NOTHING that is > NOT 'aligned' with God's Will! > > > There is nothing that is Not > 'aligned' with God! > > > > There is Nothing that is Not God! WHO TOLD YOU THIS?______________WHO, TELL ME, WHO? IF YOU SAY " GOD " THEM LET ME SEE THIS GOD. I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO SAY BUT YOU HAVE NOT PUT IT DOWN IN WORDS CORRECTLY, AND UNTIL YOU DO, I WILL CONTINUE TO DENY YOUR WORDS. INCLUDING THAT THIS BE GOD'S WILL AND NOT YOURS. > > > > thoughts are never old but always refreshing. > > in your 'mind'? > > Do give us some of your NEW thoughts, sometimes! WHAT IS ORGINAL IS PERFECT AND PURE, AND IS FOUNDED IN PERFECT LOVE, THERE IS NO NEED TO add new ideas TO WHAT IS PERFECT. HOWEVER WHEN THE HOLY IS SPOKEN THEN IT'S ALWAYS ' NEW' AND FRESH B/C IT'S ETERNAL AND IS CONNECTED TO THE ETERNAL SELF, WHEREIN THAT SOUL-SELF DANCES IN THE SOUND OF PERFECTION , BEING PERFECETLY MADE BY THE WHOLE, BUT IS STILL A PART. THIS IS THE ESSENCE OF YOUR THINKING PROBLEM. YOU ARE TRYING TO CONCLUDE YOU ARE A PART OF THE WHOLE THEREFORE WHOLE, AND YOUR EXPERIENCE NEEDS NO OTHER PARTS. THIS IS FALSE, IT IS NOT THE WORDS OF GOD ACCORDING TO THE _________HOLY PROPHETS________These are not my dreamt up words or ideas, everything i'm say can be backed by many others who were considered HOLY. But it appears you refuse their Word and have accepted another. Can you deny that? i have put forth some ? below there you can answer. > > > love and thought of your most intimate love, does not get old, > > Yes... " thoughts " don't get 'old'! > > They don't 'age'! > > They only 'expire'... like, sun revolves around Earth thought! ________FALSE, THOUGHTS DON'T EXPIRE ____YOU nutcase_____. Think about what you just said. The thought has been stored it didn't expire. If your thoughts expired as you say then you would have to relearn everything everytime you approached something to do, like ride a bike, eat, go to the store. IS THAT THAT HARD FOR YOU TO GRASP. the sun goes around the earth is an analogy for an action which is physical , not a thought which is in spirit. That's exactly why the Holy Prophets said concern yourself with that which is eternal not the fleeting temporary pleasures of the carnal. lol YOU SEE, YOU NEED BASIC 101 PHILOSOPHY B/C YOU HAVE GONE WAY OFF. > > > > > > or, > > > > > > are simple 'repletion' of what one has > > > just heard, read or... thought ! > > > > again, the same applies, that is why the Holy Prophets > > All prophets and non-prophets are Holy! > > The man-made 'divisions' like holy and unholy... > > good and bad, right and wrong... > > Christian and not... is the source of > > All Man-Made Sufferings! what makes you think evil and righteous are both HOLY? EXPLAIN HOW THESE TWO ARE IDENTICAL? > > >advocated to > > put God's Word in your mind > > Anything one " puts " in mind... becomes a 'burden'! garbage in garbage out yes, Truth in Truth out. God or Truth is not a burden, read you Bible, Paul gave clear expression on this. > > and stay current in the living Word and > > reslish new and the brilliance of being illuminated from within > > Self is Always Illuminated... God is, your not, and clearly your not. And your not God. > It doesn't require you do something to be > 'illuminating' from Within! > > Light doesn't require help to Shine! The light of the soul is perfect Truth, you are infintessimal soul, as i am, and not the Whole. _____you are not me_____. However, there is spirit in between called mind and intelligence. CAN YOU RECOGNIZE THESE SEPERATIONS? emotion love, is not intellect, a passed experince in the mind is not a present one. an intellectual analysis is not a stored memory, well it could be, but lets say a new assorted thought using intellectual prowness is not an emotion. Therefore reasoning is not emotion. Hence, Soul is not Spirit. - They are both eternal co-equal partners in character make up. but not identical in function. let's say speak of sun and sun rays. When you say the sun is in the house, it's not sun but sun rays or particles. similarily God, the Supreme Soul has divided Himself into particles. So as the sun rays are one with the Sun so are you one with God but you are not God as the ray of sun is not the Sun. clear enough? Therefore if you acceot this , then what is the question of being independent. The sun rays are not present unless Sun is present. God's sons are not heard unless God is present. Therefore it is said , when the son is sent JEREMIAH 44;4 that is the same as " I AM " b/c God has set them up as so. So the Original Light, sends the lessor lights to turn on the other lights, b/c though they have a light inside the switch still needs to turned on. When born in a world of darkness then the light is not shoining unless the Light of the son, who is one with the Father turns it on. Now as it is many in the dark are so dark and enjoying dark, that bright lights are blinding and they prefer to stay in the dark, making all kinds of excuses for not to go out into the light. Yet while others are tired of being in the dark and want to go out into the light and enjoy the sonshine. These are the Words of the Holy Prophets, paraphrased and suited for this day. i cannot take credit, you have no need to say this is my idea, or opinion b/c i can show you where all this has been written before. You will not charge me with plagurism and i will not accept praise nor will any criticism affect me b/c to me both are the same since i know where the come from. This may be too long for you, patience is the criteria for those who love God in Truth will see the Promise He Made, fulfilled. And it's not some concept or illusion or something to get after death but is planted in the hearts of those who LOVE HIM/HER. > > having the Holy Sprirt as your best friend, > > All 'spirits' are Holy! No _______WRONG SOULS ARE HOLY, SPIRIT'S DARKENED , ____REREAD ABOVE. > > The man-made division of holy-unholy is > cause of suffering and exploitation! man-made , yes, man - made, ____however there is a test for understanding whethere one is of man or of God. > > > > lover and confidant. > > You don't become it you always stay seperate, > > Separation is the cause of suffering! yes, for one who is in the darkened world. All loves made in the dark world are temporary, and fleeting based in carnal conceptions. But notice love still requires two subjects. Love in perfection with God is as experienced as seperate but is realized as One for their is perfection in the relationship, b/c there is no failing each other. There is not envy, doubt, distrust, and so on, therefore it is perfected in the soul ie the seat of emotion and experienced throught the spirit in action, word and deed. This is the Word of the Holy Spirit, not my ideas as you and others here seem to think i dream this up, and then label me with 'big ego'. How can i have a big ego if i simply repeat, and take no credit, eh? > > > > > ... > > > > > > > > > Rest of them are called... > > > > > > 'insights'... 'visions'... 'epiphany' > > > > > > and, > > > > > > are sometimes also called... > > > > > > 'the message from God!' ! > > > > > > Here's what is describing man, not one who is illuminated in God. > > All men are illuminated in God! > > God is the Only Reality! > > The false 'divisions' are only made by > cunning [or deluded] egos to exploit, > divide, manipulate, abuse, torture and > ultimately create pain! > > > That has been the 'story' for thousands > of years! > > This is what 'cunning' egos have been doing > for thousand of years! > > ... > > You 'whitehorse' come across as one such > 'ego'! YOU ARE UNFORTUNATELY DELUSIONAL TO EQUATE ALL AS ONE _____SORRY. As you continue in life with this thought, you live in a lie. If your thought process, is so skewed that you don't see seperation but talk about it all the time, then you are truly in need of a straight jacket. lol At the moment the only thing i see for you is much association to get out of the ONLY-LONELY trap of the Self inflicted lies that are eating you up. If you are so borne (french, for blocked) to speak in differences and yet in the mind remain as though all is one SELF then you would not need to be in this communication, unless you still had doubt. So i believe there still is hope even for your SELF inflicted concept of being GOD. or identifying with Him with words and acting as a person in need who claims to have little yet still something. That too implicates you as in duality. You cannot hear me b/c you think i've put myself on a pedestal and you are obsessed with trying to knock me off. But you don't know that i sit on the floor as the floor sweeper trying to clean up the mess that the surreptious ones leave before you. You have accepted these as the " new gods " , b/c the True God has never been given to you. Well hH's always there, but you refuse Him in His original state and listen to others projecting this nothing state. which is to say still something and allows you still some leeway to play out your own personal attachments in the name of God. Can you deny that? Are you living in perfect consciousness? answers , please._________________>-. Therefore if so then you might answer a question i put forth yesterday to Ramana, to describe what is love? He skirted the question, can you define it? or does it even exist? or is all this oneness, including hate and anger and abuse. love as the world is. You've got the floor > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 2, 2005 Report Share Posted December 2, 2005 > > > Are you living in perfect consciousness? > > answers , please._________________>-. > > Therefore if so then you might answer a question i put forth > yesterday to Ramana, to describe what is love? > > He skirted the question, can you define it? > > or does it even exist? or is all this oneness, including hate and > anger and abuse. love as the world is. > > You've got the floor > > > > Beloved Whitehorse, > > May I take the floor for a few moments? > > > If thou knowest the truth of God and Love, > pray tell where shall your compassion Be? Compassion is embroiled sentiment, but pure sentiment. so you know the difference, ana? you as the others are adept at avoiding the questions, therefore you are answers are empty and void. therefore you understanding of God's love is void. You cannot hear being blinded by emptiness, what you see is a big void and as far as the eye can see there's nothing. oh poetess, can you grasp the visualization? > If thou knowest Soul is forever in union (yoked-yoga), dost thou understand the fire of Spirit? Exactly what is that fire of spirit? this i know you tell me? > > If the knowest the fire of Spirit, dost thou not > understand the compassion in Love? Yes, you tell me what it is 'in detail'. > > The words of God seems at first like a hammer or a nail that would crucify one to the cross of > {horizontal (I-not I) and vertical (this-not this)} duality. _______Never, only to those who have attachments, the nails, the cross to Jesus meant nothing, it was His, his love , compassion to give. Can you get down from your empty horse and listen. You are frolicking in the meadows of illusion and your words here prove you. The words of God have never, never, appeared to me as pain. > > Know all is God, and know non-duality, in the flesh of Spirit, The Living Word Of God. Again, now is your chance speak to me this " living word " the essence of love is within therefore speak. now here's the floor_________________. Get on and dance, if you are in step then fine, you will be in rhythum as well to the music. But if you side step and just talk words like just no non duality, or all is God. There is no love in those words because there is no action just thought and ideas. all you say is _____know_____. hear carefully. i may 'know' you, but that is not an act of love, nor implies love. That's the crux of your mayavadi philosophy. You say to know is. Tell me about love? ana > > Peace. Love. Harmony. > > Be an empty mirror, be the compassion of Buddha. You know not the compassion of buddha, what you know is just man changing the teachings of Buddha, new buddha, just like man changing the teachings of Jesus, to fit a personal business agenda. i will wait to hear from you on this matter. peace and love from within whtehorserides. > > Love, > Ana > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 2, 2005 Report Share Posted December 2, 2005 - whitehorserides Nisargadatta Friday, December 02, 2005 5:09 AM Re: Your next thought?___ and questions > > > Are you living in perfect consciousness? > > answers , please._________________>-. > > Therefore if so then you might answer a question i put forth > yesterday to Ramana, to describe what is love? > > He skirted the question, can you define it? > > or does it even exist? or is all this oneness, including hate and > anger and abuse. love as the world is. > > You've got the floor > > > > Beloved Whitehorse, > > May I take the floor for a few moments? > > > If thou knowest the truth of God and Love, > pray tell where shall your compassion Be? Compassion is embroiled sentiment, but pure sentiment. so you know the difference, ana? you as the others are adept at avoiding the questions, therefore you are answers are empty and void. therefore you understanding of God's love is void. You cannot hear being blinded by emptiness, what you see is a big void and as far as the eye can see there's nothing. oh poetess, can you grasp the visualization? > If thou knowest Soul is forever in union (yoked-yoga), dost thou understand the fire of Spirit? Exactly what is that fire of spirit? this i know you tell me? > > If the knowest the fire of Spirit, dost thou not > understand the compassion in Love? Yes, you tell me what it is 'in detail'. > > The words of God seems at first like a hammer or a nail that would crucify one to the cross of > {horizontal (I-not I) and vertical (this-not this)} duality. _______Never, only to those who have attachments, the nails, the cross to Jesus meant nothing, it was His, his love , compassion to give. Can you get down from your empty horse and listen. You are frolicking in the meadows of illusion and your words here prove you. The words of God have never, never, appeared to me as pain. > > Know all is God, and know non-duality, in the flesh of Spirit, The Living Word Of God. Again, now is your chance speak to me this " living word " the essence of love is within therefore speak. now here's the floor_________________. Get on and dance, if you are in step then fine, you will be in rhythum as well to the music. But if you side step and just talk words like just no non duality, or all is God. There is no love in those words because there is no action just thought and ideas. all you say is _____know_____. hear carefully. i may 'know' you, but that is not an act of love, nor implies love. That's the crux of your mayavadi philosophy. You say to know is. Tell me about love? ana > > Peace. Love. Harmony. > > Be an empty mirror, be the compassion of Buddha. You know not the compassion of buddha, what you know is just man changing the teachings of Buddha, new buddha, just like man changing the teachings of Jesus, to fit a personal business agenda. i will wait to hear from you on this matter. peace and love from within whtehorserides. > > Love, > Ana > > Dearest whitehorse, I know the silent meditation of a Great Blue Heron, I know the ceaseless flight of tiny hummingbird inside a Red Hibiscus, I know the flight of a vulture, having been picked clean of marrow, my hollow bones, a flute of God. I know the flight of freedom, on the whistle of an eagle, riding the current of green-earth wind. I know the bleeding heart of a white dove, a rose tinged in scarlet, I offer you in the name of Peace. I know the flight of white horse, empty of his rider, I have fallen into nothing and now you are free. I am the flight of the phoenix, reborn in the spirit of fire, I am Love, I am the return of the seven bird tribes. Do you understand wings, my Beloved white horse? Ana ** If you do not wish to receive individual emails, to change your subscription, sign in with your ID and go to Edit My Groups: /mygroups?edit=1 Under the Message Delivery option, choose " No Email " for the Nisargadatta group and click on Save Changes. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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