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___________The world as it became and you.

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Nisargadatta , " whitehorserides "

<green1911@v...> wrote:




> God, is not alone, as Scripture would have it.There is a very


> clear explanation of the accompanying female character called


> She, who is the the manifested Creation in one sense, for receiving

> the souls or the firmament, as written in the first chapter of

> Genesis, which maintain or sustain the life of the manifested

> universe. Such souls manifested are products of the fertilization


> the universal womb if you wish, and hence a created, or creation

> becomes. That said it's one of many, but one in completeness as


> manifested form.

Now this form called universe is alive and happening, all with

operating parts

> appearing and changing in times of the appropriate cycles.


> Now coming back to earth, the souls are a manifestitation of the

> living or the firmament, but are in the world with opposing views


> the Manifested.





This is God's play or decorum or stage and is set up

> to play out as a movie for the firmament, the Hosts of Heaven, at


> smame time interchanging the actors on the world stage for the

> showtime. There is a projector in the shy called the sun and


> up the stage everyday, ans all the actors come out to play their

> role. And the majority prefer to think the stage is their to


> when all along they do not recognize the Sun nor do the recognize


> sent sons, who appear on stage as cameo appearenc at times but go

> unseen by most of the actors. lol.


> Anyways i'll nip in the bud otherwise it'll be 'as the world turns'

> by whitehorserides, lol. Theres more to come, lol


> ok , so as it is written in the Text of the Bible by the Holy

> Pophets, some of those 'cameo like sons' , (reference Jeremiah 44:4)

> It is repeated many times that the prophesied son shall appear

as 'a thief in the night "


there are many points in the bi'b to confirm who this thief is.




He is proven by the Text, nobody can just claim to be him without all

the coordinates, as well as tests and signs for his personaliy be

exactly as the Bible has recorded it.



This proves God __________________God.


God proves son by using the sons to speak of him.



so all your easstern imaginary ideas and guru's concepts and all your

castles in the sky will collapse when this comes to pass.



Jesus said 'only through him can you approach God "


Do all your guru, swami's and maha murti's beleive this?



no , but yet they say Jesus was guru ______that just lied i guess,


but they don't say that do they, some will say he was a neophyte. but

not OUT LOUD. it scares off the westerners from making BIG BUCKS.


According to the Word of God, which many of you deny b/c of your

attachnments to lust and 'oneness lust' love man ego-trips. Either

you will come on board and sing the song of Moses or you will

continue in your search through deserts for gurudo and onethings.


That's God 's promise.



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