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Divine Message of His Holiness Shri Datta Swami



My dear Christians and Hindus,



The spiritual message of Jesus and Krishna are always one and the

same in every aspect. Jesus always preached for the detachment from the blind

worldly bonds like bonds with family members. He stated that unless one is

prepared to leave parents, children, money and even life for His sake, one

couldn’t be His dearest disciple. He always preached the eradication of egoism.

Whenever a supernatural act was done by Him, He always claimed that it was due

to His Father whose glory is to be propagated. He never owned any supernatural

act. He always preached that His Father only grants the boons and all the

facilities on this earth. Krishna also told the same points in Gita about

detachment (Nirmamah…), removal of egoism (Yadahamkaramasritya…) and sanction of

boons by God only (Mayaiva Vihitan…). These three aspects are very important

steps to achieve the grace of the Lord.


You love your family members and such love gives you some pleasure

in your heart. Therefore, your love is only for your self-satisfaction and such

love is only selfishness. You are over powered by the emotions of love but you

are not analysing by controlling your emotions. If you analyse, you can clearly

understand that your love cannot protect either yourself or your family members.

Your love is only some loss of your precious nervous energy and valuable time.

Except this loss there is no use. By emotion you are becoming weak by losing

energy. Why are you doing such foolish thing again and again? There is no

benefit out of such act and there is only clear loss.


But if you divert your love towards God, He will protect and develop yourself

as well as your family members in this world as well as in the upper world. By

spending the same quantum of nervous energy towards God, you are getting all

unimaginable benefits forever! How wise is this act! By protecting yourself and

your family members, you are proving your love towards yourself and your family

members. This is the true love. The former is only false love, which involves

wastage of energy just out of selfishness. Thus, wise scholars overcome emotions

and analyse any point with calm and energetic brain. Gita says to apply the

brain always to do the analysis and find out the truth before any action

(Buddhow Saranam…).


Most of the people are not understanding this truth. Especially this is very

clear in the case of parents who blindly love their children with the climax of

the emotion spending their maximum precious nervous energy, which is simply

wasted without any use for themselves or for their children. I find, sometimes,

some parents or elders are talking with just born babies! They talk so many

sentences and they no very well that the baby cannot understand even a single

word! They waste their nervous and oral energy for such a long time and they

feel very great about such foolish act! Therefore, try to understand my point

without any excitation and try to implement my advice. You can experiment my

advice just for a month and then see the tremendous change in your



The next item is eradication of egoism. Whenever you are doing

some appreciable act, immediately you disown yourself from such act. You

surrender all the credit to the Lord even before somebody praises about it. If

some body is praising you for such act, you pass on the ownership to the Lord at

once. Otherwise, the wine of egoism will enter your brain and your are

intoxicated with the egoism. You are transformed into a demon shortly. Some

people disown the praise externally but accept the praise in their minds. This

is just like drinking the wine negating it orally. In such case also the

intoxication of egoism is inevitable. You are thinking that you are the owner or

the master of your family.


You feel your self as the king or the ruler and you think that your family is

your kingdom. This is the climax of foolishness and ignorance. You cannot even

rule the organs of your body like heart, kidneys, lungs etc. Even your body is

under the control of the Lord only. How can you control other human beings?

Therefore, you quit your post of headship of your family. From now onwards you

recognise that the Lord is the head of your family. From this moment onwards you

feel that you are just a member of your family like any other family member. You

belong to the category of “Ruled” and you are not at all the ruler. Now your

family and your body are under the control of the divine master.


If anything happens to your body or to your family, do not get disturbed

because the rectification is responsibility of the Lord who is the owner of your

body and the family. The owner only has to worry about any disturbance. You are

not responsible for either the disturbance or its rectification. Let any problem

arise, you keep calm and peaceful. Even if you are disturbed and feel

responsible, you cannot do anything. Suppose you are responding to the problem

and try for its rectification, even then, you feel that you are acting as

instrument or a servant of God to do that work. You must feel that you are

assigned to solve that problem by the order of the Lord. When the problem is

solved you must pass on the entire credit to the Lord only. As I told you, you

can experiment my advice for a month and see the excellent works of the Lord.


You must always feel that the final granting authority is only the

Lord. Except the Lord nobody or nothing or no force is responsible to accomplish

anything. Everybody and everything acts according to His wish. The Lord is not

seen by you. Therefore, you think that somebody is kind enough to help you. The

person who helped you is forced by the Lord to help you. That person is just

carrying on the order of the Lord. Even if you scold him, he will not stop

helping you. Even if you praise him, he will not help you if there is no

sanction from the Lord. A messenger is bringing a signed cheque from the Lord.

The Lord is in the house and you are not seeing Him. You have seen the messenger

and the cheque in his hand. You are thinking that the messenger is very kind in

helping you. You are praising the messenger. The cheque is handed over in the

Bank. The staff are arranging for the payment of the cheque to you. You are

praising the staff thinking that they are very kind to

help you. It is the duty of the staff to arrange for encashment of the cheque.

They will loose their jobs if they are not doing their duties. They are working

for the fear of their jobs only. Therefore, you must recognise that the God is

the signatory and that He is the account holder. You must understand that the

Lord is paying His cash to you. You must analyse the root cause. The root cause

is the cheque. The cheque is valid only when it is signed by the account holder.

Therefore, you must recognise the force that makes the root cause valid and

sanctioning the boons to you. By such deep analysis only, you will find the Lord

as the cause of the cause. Then only you will become grateful to the Lord and

express your gratitude to the correct person who is the Lord alone. Whenever any

favour was granted Jesus used to praise the Lord immediately and expressed His

gratitude to the Lord. You must thank the Lord for whatever is given to you

already. If you are not satisfied with the

existing facilities, you will never be satisfied even if the Lord grants any

number of more facilities. If you already satisfied and feel contented with

whatever is given already, the Lord is further pleased to grant further

facilities. Therefore, to achieve the grace of the Lord, the contentment with

the existing circumstances is essential. Therefore, be always satisfied and be

always cheerful with whatever you have already. This is the basis for achieving

the grace from the Lord in more quantity in the future. You must always express

the gratefulness to the Lord for whatever is already granted to you. You should

not ask for anything more. When thousands of people came to see Jesus, He was

having just four breads in a basket. He did not ask the Lord for more breads. He

raised the basket with His hands and praised the Lord for giving those four

breads. Immediately the four breads were multiplied to thousands. Gita also says

about the necessity of self-satisfaction with the existing

things (Nityatrupto…). He will be rained with infinite grace of the Lord if you

follow my advice. Again I suggest that you experiment this for a month and then

practice in your life.


All this preaching is only the practical philosophy, which

requires firm faith in the preacher. The preacher should be the correct the

person. Only the Lord in human form can be such a correct preacher. If you

believe a false preacher or an ignorant person as the true preacher, results

cannot be seen. If you approach the real water and believe it as the water

really, you can put your finger in it and feel the coldness, which is the

correct result. If you put your finger in fire, you cannot feel the coldness

because it is not water. Similarly the false preacher gives negative results. If

you put your finger in air, which is neither water nor fire, your finger neither

feels the coldness nor is burnt. Similarly an ignorant person acting as a true

preacher can give neither correct result nor the negative result. You will be

wasting your time energy with such an ignorant preacher. Therefore, catching the

right guide (Satguru) is fundamental step. If you mistake the true

guide as some ordinary guy only, you are loosing. Veda says “Ihachet Avedet…)

which means that if you miss the correct preacher in this world in this birth,

you are a permanent looser. All those ignorant people who did not recognise

Jesus and crucified Him were permanent losers. Similarly, all the ignorant

people who cannot recognise Lord Krishna are loosing the spiritual treasure



posted by: His servant

at the lotus feet of shri datta swami



whitehorserides <green1911 wrote:

Nisargadatta , " bigwaaba " <bigwaaba> wrote:

> before Jesus was, I am lololol

at least you remembered something bigwaaba?

to heck with Abraham, lol, it's before jesus.

and what dos that 'I Am' imply for you bw?





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