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jesus the Real and not krishna the fake.

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Nisargadatta , prakki surya <dattapr2000>



> Divine Message of His Holiness Shri Datta Swami



> My dear Christians and Hindus,



> The spiritual message of Jesus and Krishna are always

one and the same in every aspect.


where did you get this from datta, every aspect.


Jesus always preached for the detachment from the blind worldly bonds

like bonds with family members. He stated that unless one is prepared

to leave parents, children, money and even life for His sake, one

couldn't be His dearest disciple.


follow did not imply he wanted disciples, like the conventional

modern day you datta thinks, sorry.


He always preached the eradication of egoism. Whenever a supernatural

act was done by Him,


he did not perform any supernatural act, where did you get this

garbage from, read your Bible with eyes open and not your carnal mind

stuch to literalism.


He always claimed that it was due to His Father whose glory is to be

propagated. He never owned any supernatural act. He always preached

that His Father only grants the boons and all the facilities on this

earth. Krishna also told the same points in Gita about detachment

(Nirmamah…), removal of egoism (Yadahamkaramasritya…) and sanction of

boons by God only (Mayaiva Vihitan…). These three aspects are very

important steps to achieve the grace of the Lord.


presuming here your, boons are blessings and not requests as the root

meaning of the word implies, hence blessing.


> You love your family members and such love gives you

some pleasure in your heart. Therefore, your love is only for your

self-satisfaction and such love is only selfishness. You are over

powered by the emotions of love but you are not analysing by

controlling your emotions. If you analyse, you can clearly understand

that your love cannot protect either yourself or your family members.


If you are talking to regualr folk they will disagree. Nor will yu

get even your point understood if you say all love is selfishness,

b/c a mother or father will not agree. They really love

unconditionally, their children, and that's a given in their mind.

Protection is in the physical body sense, but so what if love is

their so goes the idea that protection is irrelevent.


Your love is only some loss of your precious nervous energy and

valuable time. Except this loss there is no use. By emotion you are

becoming weak by losing energy. Why are you doing such foolish thing

again and again? There is no benefit out of such act and there is

only clear loss.


you would get a strong arguement from any mother on this point. Even

Jesus taught to love the children. Should children be brought up to

think they are not loved? Sounds dumb to me, not Jesus's words.


> But if you divert your love towards God, He will protect and

develop yourself as well as your family members in this world as well

as in the upper world. By spending the same quantum of nervous energy

towards God, you are getting all unimaginable benefits forever!


Love is not a nervous energy, it comes from God , is pure perfect and

calming. And to say to divert your love to God and put your kids on

ignore will cause your kids to put you on ignore as well, and you

will not feel the love and trust coming back . This is bad philsophy,

and not healthy. You must always give your children intimate love,

and attention, not that you don't put God first, but you surely don't

put stutues and pictures up of blue- green pink and yellow God's all

over your house and do all kinds of ritual acts in front of them. The

impression into a childs mind is you are doing something like bowing

down to pictures of blue looking people with peacock feathers.

This Jesus said " " " " " stay away from " " " " " .


How wise is this act! By protecting yourself and your family members,

you are proving your love towards yourself and your family members.

This is the true love.


Not really, ritualism or vain repetition or ramblings of words in

front of statues and pictures that are lifeless only proves your

foolishness. A quantum leep in darkness according to guru Jesus,

there datta fella, and surya.


The former is only false love, which involves wastage of energy just

out of selfishness.


Again, to tell mothers they are wasting their love is foolishness.


Thus, wise scholars overcome emotions and analyse any point with calm

and energetic brain.


Wise sholars are not so wise who choose brains over pure emotion. A

true philosopher, who who knows Gods love internalized, can

understand a so called clod hearted lawyer or physcologist, b/c their

analytical brain is always try to put everybody into a box. They

practice emotional control to whow they are not weak, when in fact

they block true emotions and are even weaker b/c they think

themselves superior in all the wise and are trapped in the egoism ,

BIG TIME of oh i'm so smart.

One who loves God and dispays feelings and emotions in the pure sense

of love is the more prosperous soul. Jesus showed his love and wept

for lazarus, that was of pure love, not weakness. A pure heart, has a

pure mind and can understand the motive of the lawyer or wise one,

who supresses their emotions of love.


Jesus taught to purify your emotions, the soul the seat of love. One

does not need to be an intellect to love nor to get Gods favour, so

wordly wise and intellectualism can be hazardess on the path of love

of God.


Gita says to apply the brain always to do the analysis and find out

the truth before any action (Buddhow Saranam…).


Paul said 'to test the spirits, in his letters. Just don't accept the

smart butts who are around you with all their smooth talk and

intellectualism, ie knowledge of the Old Testament ie Torah. Beware

of wolves in sheeps clothing and smoothe words that are but empty

promises. The truth can easily be covered by intellectualism.



> Most of the people are not understanding this truth. Especially

this is very clear in the case of parents who blindly love their

children with the climax of the emotion spending their maximum

precious nervous energy, which is simply wasted without any use for

themselves or for their children. I find, sometimes, some parents or

elders are talking with just born babies! They talk so many sentences

and they no very well that the baby cannot understand even a single

word! They waste their nervous and oral energy for such a long time

and they feel very great about such foolish act!


You are the fool datta, this is nonesense, what do you think? put the

kid in front of the statue and let the statue feed him. I DON'T THINK


Therefore, try to understand my point without any excitation and try

to implement my advice. You can experiment my advice just for a month

and then see the tremendous change in your circumstances.


Even your explanation is totally ludicrous and without even good

sound logic. You need to step back and out of your self imposed i'm

above and no love gig, just be a disciple. You are over your head,

and in way too deep into vedic hooplah for business purposes and it

isn't God's business, it's datta's.



> The next item is eradication of egoism. Whenever you

are doing some appreciable act, immediately you disown yourself from

such act. You surrender all the credit to the Lord even before

somebody praises about it. If some body is praising you for such act,

you pass on the ownership to the Lord at once. Otherwise, the wine of

egoism will enter your brain and your are intoxicated with the

egoism. You are transformed into a demon shortly. Some people disown

the praise externally but accept the praise in their minds. This is

just like drinking the wine negating it orally. In such case also the

intoxication of egoism is inevitable. You are thinking that you are

the owner or the master of your family.



i hear you talking about youself here. First off it's better to talk

about purifying the ego or soul or self with positve afformations

instead of eradications. First you say eradicate emotion now

eradicate the mind. What you are doing is expaining the statue on the

blue gods right in front of you..

i don't know where you've been in the past 30 years but i'll have you

know many , many ,many, who have gone forward practicing this type of

eradication technique are sadly confused, became very stone clod

hearted and have realized the false teachings of this process and are

trying to get adjusted in some more normal way but are struggling

with it. Eradication in this krishna stuff and twisted bhakti is not

too far from the impersonal mayavadi philosophy but just takes a

little longer to get into the cold hearted stage of the statue

reflection. __________no emotions, no brain just serve and do

austerity and sacrifice




> You feel your self as the king or the ruler and you think that

your family is your kingdom. This is the climax of foolishness and

ignorance. You cannot even rule the organs of your body like heart,

kidneys, lungs etc. Even your body is under the control of the Lord

only. How can you control other human beings? Therefore, you quit

your post of headship of your family. From now onwards you recognise

that the Lord is the head of your family. From this moment onwards

you feel that you are just a member of your family like any other

family member. You belong to the category of " Ruled " and you are not

at all the ruler. Now your family and your body are under the control

of the divine master.


well that's it eh datta, just quit and let God rule. And where did

Jesus teach this? leave all up to God and be a little what? slave to

Ruler, and who is ruler, you. sorry, not what Jesus taught. Though He

said " my FAther in heaven is greater than i " He sid not tell people

to stop loving He taught to purify thought and purify your love and

to live according to God's Word and live in harmony, showing your

love to your brother/sister passionately without transgression.



> If anything happens to your body or to your family, do not get

disturbed because the rectification is responsibility of the Lord who

is the owner of your body and the family. The owner only has to worry

about any disturbance. You are not responsible for either the

disturbance or its rectification. Let any problem arise, you keep

calm and peaceful. Even if you are disturbed and feel responsible,

you cannot do anything. Suppose you are responding to the problem and

try for its rectification, even then, you feel that you are acting as

instrument or a servant of God to do that work.


Here again stuck on servant . slave master thing. God is friend, when

you love your friend He will in turn love you. When you do for God.

God reciprocates, therefore see God in everyone and do unto others as

you would have do unto you.

You don't hear yourself speak as all in this direct cold connect to

God with blinders on, you see not others but some cold statue or

image of god fixated in your mind and you don't see because you are

toxic with the image and nothing bothers you b/c you have become

INSENSITIVE TO OTHERS and you appear as a freak to most but oh so out

there as wow look how enlithtened he is, he's undisturbed by anything.


That sense of dhira is self imposed and cold hearted like the statue.


You must feel that you are assigned to solve that problem by the

order of the Lord. When the problem is solved you must pass on the

entire credit to the Lord only. As I told you, you can experiment my

advice for a month and see the excellent works of the Lord.


You see, here again you must feel (that's obligated not love) to

solve ( again intellect use) by the (direct order) like dictator.

Then you say problem solved( how many times have you heard women

don't want problem solved they just want their husbands to listen)

God wants yo to listen to love datta, not just like everything is

just a matter of fact ___NEXT__. Those words, as I told you,as the

Lord told you is not what Jesus taught. _____ stop putting your

words into the mouth of Jesus , he can speak for himself.



> You must always feel that the final granting

authority is only the Lord. Except the Lord nobody or nothing or no

force is responsible to accomplish anything. Everybody and everything

acts according to His wish.


Always feel or always intellectualize that God is dictator.


The Lord is not seen by you. Therefore, you think that somebody is

kind enough to help you. The person who helped you is forced by the

Lord to help you. That person is just carrying on the order of the

Lord. Even if you scold him, he will not stop helping you. Even if

you praise him, he will not help you if there is no sanction from the

Lord. A messenger is bringing a signed cheque from the Lord. The Lord

is in the house and you are not seeing Him. You have seen the

messenger and the cheque in his hand. You are thinking that the

messenger is very kind in helping you. You are praising the

messenger. The cheque is handed over in the Bank. The staff are

arranging for the payment of the cheque to you. You are praising the

staff thinking that they are very kind to

> help you. It is the duty of the staff to arrange for encashment of

the cheque. They will loose their jobs if they are not doing their

duties. They are working for the fear of their jobs only. Therefore,

you must recognise that the God is the signatory and that He is the

account holder. You must understand that the Lord is paying His cash

to you. You must analyse the root cause. The root cause is the

cheque. The cheque is valid only when it is signed by the account

holder. Therefore, you must recognise the force that makes the root

cause valid and sanctioning the boons to you. By such deep analysis

only, you will find the Lord as the cause of the cause. Then only you

will become grateful to the Lord and express your gratitude to the

correct person who is the Lord alone. Whenever any favour was granted

Jesus used to praise the Lord immediately and expressed His gratitude

to the Lord. You must thank the Lord for whatever is given to you

already. If you are not satisfied with the

> existing facilities, you will never be satisfied even if the Lord

grants any number of more facilities. If you already satisfied and

feel contented with whatever is given already, the Lord is further

pleased to grant further facilities. Therefore, to achieve the grace

of the Lord, the contentment with the existing circumstances is



This is sounding clearly like a former blue god believer and his

trail of madmen. and that would be prabhupada. the idol worshipper.

Those stones have taken may hearts down lonely roads and have

produced even bigger stones.


Therefore, be always satisfied and be always cheerful with whatever

you have already. This is the basis for achieving the grace from the

Lord in more quantity in the future. You must always express the

gratefulness to the Lord for whatever is already granted to you. You

should not ask for anything more. When thousands of people came to

see Jesus, He was having just four breads in a basket. He did not ask

the Lord for more breads. He raised the basket with His hands and

praised the Lord for giving those four breads. Immediately the four

breads were multiplied to thousands.


Well that's your take , you think bread fell from the sky? lol and

there were suddenly the magic feast. You better take a second look.

i guess that all fits all to well with those giant serpents, like

dinasours without offspring or some flying fish story diving through

the universe. You forgot one thing man has a vivid imagination and

can make pretty pictures from symbolisms, like jesus in mid air or

some snake that speaks english and oceans that split apart. i guess

those fables and fairy tales fit right upyor alley for all the hindu

blue god stuff like this little blue baby walked under groud and

lifted up a whole hill to protect the locals from a little rain.


ya right datta, stories have taken your mind into some " " " stone cold

picnic " " " and you are like one of them spuing all this idol stuff and

telling false tales about Jesus to suit your IDOL AGENDA.



well, you're not alone, even the so called christians teach and

underhanded form of mythology but package it a little differently.



Gita also says about the necessity of self-satisfaction with the


> things (Nityatrupto…). He will be rained with infinite grace of

the Lord if you follow my advice. Again I suggest that you experiment

this for a month and then practice in your life.



your pretty stuck on this month thing, how about coming to see me for

a month. Let's get the Jesus story right and you can go back to your

computor and tell all those people that Jesus was quite the quy that

the church teaches but he was more about practicing and teaching a

loving brother/sisterhood with a promise to return and there ain't

not magic pull rabbits out of hats tricks nor any here's a new arm

for you and a new face for you. lol.

so datta, get over yourself and straighten up. Stop i say stop trying

to make Jesus into some idolator. Did you not read his words

obviously not ____________ok there surya, you can even launch this

post to your lotus one's feet. that don't touch ground like he thinks

jesus' floated in mid air. lol


> All this preaching is only the practical philosophy,

which requires firm faith in the preacher. The preacher should be the

correct the person. Only the Lord in human form can be such a correct

preacher. If you believe a false preacher or an ignorant person as

the true preacher, results cannot be seen. If you approach the real

water and believe it as the water really, you can put your finger in

it and feel the coldness, which is the correct result. If you put

your finger in fire, you cannot feel the coldness because it is not

water. Similarly the false preacher gives negative results. If you

put your finger in air, which is neither water nor fire, your finger

neither feels the coldness nor is burnt. Similarly an ignorant person

acting as a true preacher can give neither correct result nor the

negative result. You will be wasting your time energy with such an

ignorant preacher. Therefore, catching the right guide (Satguru) is

fundamental step. If you mistake the true

> guide as some ordinary guy only, you are loosing. Veda

says " Ihachet Avedet…) which means that if you miss the correct

preacher in this world in this birth, you are a permanent looser.


All those ignorant people who did not recognise Jesus and crucified

Him were permanent losers.


not necessarily, That whole crucifiction was God's set up in

collaboration to fulfill His promise. Even though they committed him

to the cross does not imply permanently finished. God is all

merciful ans will even pick up the most wretched of all, those guys

were just intopxicated with power and position it wasn't a so many

thing as you think, it was the ability of a few so called hight

powered goverment PHD boys that used their dictating powers to cause

the act to go through, but that was God's way of setting up the scene

to show the world that it's not the majority but a few that are

unruly and the rest follow due to fear imposed on them through their

fear tactics. " if you follow him we'll kill you too " .


so bottom line datta, if you want to preach krishna blue god stuff

do it, if you want to understand Jesus then find someone who knows,

him not your governmet rubber stamped phd's, please get a life datta.


leave the blue-god stuff alone, prabhupada has allready being here to

admit to his shortcomings. And he has moved on. Is that over your

head? perhaps you followed some other stone guru in the chain but

nevertheless a stone is a stone is a stone.

It's all maya.


i have read elsewhere that you saay the statues are but stones and

only represent God , but all your words are indentical to stone

statue worshippers, therefore the results are the same, i can tell

just by analyzing ( you like that word) with my heart.

Did you hear that datta????????????? my heart.


perhaps that may be a clue for you.


Krishna blue or black with blue hue or rama green a hindhu with olive

hue were not the gods you think they were. They're stories have going

far to far and away


>Similarly, all the ignorant people who cannot recognise Lord Krishna

are loosing the spiritual treasure forever.



not quite forever, you are using words that may appear to be similar

to the Bible for the occasion, but you are wrong there my friend due

to your literal carnal mind, and you literal carnal intellect.


you resolve all your teachings to intellectual service.


whereas Jesus taught compassionate love._____big difference.


Jesus mind was razor sharp, but it was made so by the minds eye

of a child.


and finally

Love the children, and set the example of sinfree life. Unless a

child has been given the good loving embrace of the mother and her

soft caressing words and comfort of love, then that child will not

know how to give love back.

Can you even get a glimpse of what i'm saying or are you still stuck

intellectalizing my words in that computor of yours. lol


i love you datta, but if you publish this stuff in front of me, i

will not let it slide.


capiche bro.

whitehorserides again.




without going back and editing i retain the right to correct anything

misunderstood as well as elaborate for clarity.


peace my friends







> posted by: His servant

> at the lotus feet of shri datta swami

> www.universal-spirituality.org


> whitehorserides <green1911@v...> wrote:

> Nisargadatta , " bigwaaba " <bigwaaba>


> > before Jesus was, I am lololol

> at least you remembered something bigwaaba?

> to heck with Abraham, lol, it's before jesus.

> and what dos that 'I Am' imply for you bw?

> whitehorse



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dear friend


All your statements are baseless. Even straightforward meaning of what Jesus

preached shows the truth. You could not get the concept of the post. Nowhere

Swamiji supported idol worship. Infact He is stressing the worship of Lord in

human form after identifying properly with His divine knowledge. Your

conclusions are not correct.


Lord Jesus cured instaneously many people. those are miracles only and you are

denying them. it is gross misunderstanding. You observe the following statements

of Jesus.


Luke—14:26 to 27 [Mathew: - 11:34 to 38]

“If any one comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and

children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my



Matthew -7: 21

“Not everyone who say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven,

but He who does the will of My Father in Heaven”.


generally the people who accepted the true preaching will be named as cowards

or accepted out of fear. unfortunately you also concluded like that. anyway does

not matter.



Swamiji is a scholar par excellence in the scriptures of world religions

including Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. He is a master of a

variety of spiritual techniques such as yoga, pranayama and mediation. He is a

proficient astrologer. Remarkably, He is a scientist and professor of chemistry

in an engineering college in India.


Commenting a divine preacher is greatest sin. Ofcourse the worth of the

preaching is not realized. In the past, sometimes divine preachers were

humiliated, sometimes beaten and one time even crucified the preacher. The

reason for the repulsion is EGO & JEALOUSY.


As sincere seekers of true knowledge and true path to reach Lord, our

endeavors should be to learn the truth only. If anybody wants to contradict,

he/she should come out with an equal and opposite logic. The attack is on the

logic only, not at all personal and also with true intention of sharing the



at the lotus feet of shri datta swami





whitehorserides <green1911 wrote:

Nisargadatta , prakki surya <dattapr2000>



> Divine Message of His Holiness Shri Datta Swami

> My dear Christians and Hindus,

> The spiritual message of Jesus and Krishna are always one and

the same in every aspect.

where did you get this from datta, every aspect.


Jesus always preached for the detachment from the blind worldly bonds like bonds

with family members. He stated that unless one is prepared to leave parents,

children, money and even life for His sake, one couldn't be His dearest



follow did not imply he wanted disciples, like the conventional modern day you

datta thinks, sorry.


He always preached the eradication of egoism. Whenever a supernatural act was

done by Him,



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Nisargadatta , prakki surya <dattapr2000>



> dear friend


> All your statements are baseless. Even straightforward meaning of

what Jesus preached shows the truth. You could not get the concept of

the post. Nowhere Swamiji supported idol worship. Infact He is

stressing the worship of Lord in human form after identifying

properly with His divine knowledge. Your conclusions are not correct.



surya my friend,

i acknowledged that datta does not accept the statue either in my

post and that he advocated to worship god, but i also said his words

were non different there the result was the same.


" " " " i have read elsewhere that you say the statues are but stones and

only represent God , but all your words are indentical to stone

statue worshippers, therefore the results are the same, i can tell

just by analyzing ( you like that word) with my heart.

Did you hear that datta????????????? my heart. " " " " "


Listen to what you said " God in human form and i did not get the




> Lord Jesus cured instaneously many people. those are miracles

only and you are denying them. it is gross misunderstanding. You

observe the following statements of Jesus.


____________Nothing gross or musunderstod. The healings were of the

spirit. Go tell John ( who was in prison) that the blind are seeing

and the deaf hearing, just as Isaiah said would happen. no miracles.

Makeing the lepers arm whole did not imply he made a new arm. First

off you need to know what a leper is, in context and then you might

understand that the leper was healed through faith in the son and his

arm was made whole. What was the disease of the arm. The leper was a

thief. IN order to be forgiven for sins, other than the JEWS BS

rituals of animal sacrifices, which could not remove sin that the

gentile leper was healed, forgiven for his sin and made whole again.


___________Likewise blind was not a physical thing but 'sprirtually

blind' and those who where dumb to the Words of God were considered

deaf as they were in the OT. So Jesus with his razor sharp ability to

get into the hearts of the stone cold locals, also convinced the

dumb ie 'deaf spiritually to hear and accept God's word, hence

confiriming prophecy.



> Luke—14:26 to 27 [Mathew: - 11:34 to 38]

> " If any one comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother,

wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also,

he cannot be my disciple''.


____________The crowds were piling out after him and he needed to get

them to back off so he gave them a statement that got their

attention, then a couple of analogies. Yet the word 'disciples' was

not as you or datta have as an idea of servant, master. Now doubt he

wasn't looking for more disciples, he maintained his 12 pack and they

were close to him.


> Matthew -7: 21

> " Not everyone who say to Me, `Lord, Lord' shall enter the kingdom

of heaven, but He who does the will of My Father in Heaven " .


_____________That will was not a blue or green god thing. Thou shalt

not put any God's before me. Though shalt to serve idols, false Gods.

Many places throughout the text are references not to serve or

worship hindhu gods and krishna was one of those then. Have you not

read? It's filled with not offering foods to these imaginary gods. So

how can you compare Jesus with that krisna blue.


> generally the people who accepted the true preaching will be

named as cowards or accepted out of fear. unfortunately you also

concluded like that. anyway does not matter.


____________There is no such thing as 'true preaching' (whatever that

is) in the EASTERN DESERTS They all have fallen to varying forms of

NOT GODS. There is nothing baseless about what i write. The entire

Bible is filled with inferences of the hindhu gods.

Can't you imagine that the god krishna was a prominent god 2000 years





> Swamiji is a scholar par excellence in the scriptures of world

religions including Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. He is

a master of a variety of spiritual techniques such as yoga, pranayama

and mediation. He is a proficient astrologer. Remarkably, He is a

scientist and professor of chemistry in an engineering college in




______________i realize you admire his education. But he's no master

of the the Bible PERIOD, HE'S LOST. Undoubtably his intellectualism

is coming across. God is not understood by intellect. He understood

through love. If you do the will of the Father then you will get His

love or blessings and you need not a PHD degree to love.


___________Do you understand that, the leper wasn't educated but was

freed from sin.

When did swamajee get freed from sin? by going to school or by

following rules and regulations? Many can make a show of devotion but

if you are not freed from sin then all is mechanical and your heart

is too.

He may fil a bus of people but if the bus does not have the proper

road map what good is the bus?

Words and smarts and mechanical actions does not get someone the

desired, result of pure love.

understand. want 5 more analogies?


> Commenting a divine preacher is greatest sin. Ofcourse the worth

of the preaching is not realized. In the past, sometimes divine

preachers were humiliated, sometimes beaten and one time even

crucified the preacher. The reason for the repulsion is EGO &




_____________'divine' is questionable, as for Jesus he said you can't

offend me but an offense against the Holy Spirit could cost you.




> As sincere seekers of true knowledge and true path to reach Lord,

our endeavors should be to learn the truth only. If anybody wants to

contradict, he/she should come out with an equal and opposite logic.

The attack is on the logic only, not at all personal and also with

true intention of sharing the knowledge.


______________Sometimes the only good medicine is a double dose. It

takes a rude awakening sometimes especially for all the garbage datta

throws out. Sure he might say some soothing words, but to look at his

face in the dress of all those dressed up characters is a HUGE EGO


and i'm just trying to get you to see that, obviously he's pretty



____________AGAIN, you are obsessed with the idea of knowledge,

attack on logic, i'm constantly attacked for my logic, but logic is

not the objective. It's love which is the heart and to see people

feel the love. mechanical followers without heart cannot share the

same heartfelt love. i don't try to get people to love my logic, i'm

not to trying to impress, love and let God.


__________i want to hear peoples hearts and how God is speaking to

them and how they are enjoying the loving realtionship. Why just have

rules and regulations might as well build an army of robots.


____________God's army experiences love and it's filled with variety.

it's not about sacrifcie it's not austerity. God is a balanced God.


____________You don't give up anything, you admit to your wrong and

rebellious nature, attachment to sin and repent and are forgiven and


If your body is dirty, do you just put clothes over it. no you clean



___________Same principal, unless you clean your heart through

repentence and acceptance by God will you make a place for God to

hang out. you don't put new wine in and old bottle.


_____________What is the process for cleansing in datta preaching.

chanting? meditation? running up and down Goverdana Hill , lol.

touching swami feet? what is it?



> The spiritual message of Jesus and Krishna are always

one and the same in every aspect.


___________--where did you get this from datta, every aspect.


>Jesus always preached for the detachment from the blind worldly bonds

>like bonds with family members. He stated that unless one is prepared

>to leave parents, children, money and even life for His sake, one

>couldn't be His dearest disciple.


Follow did not imply he wanted disciples, like the conventional

modern day that you 'datta' thinks, sorry.


He always preached the eradication of egoism. Whenever a supernatural

act was done by Him,


He did not perform any supernatural act, where did you get this

garbage from, read your Bible with eyes open and not your

_____________________carnal mind stuck to literalism.



peace surya

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