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Of The Self and Bhakti ___and bindi blue.

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Nisargadatta , " bindu " <binduau> wrote:


> In the Mind, each name, each word --- each syllable is like a

> signature --- it is like a seed --- it is the begginng of the

> description of an attribute of an object; but this is non-different

> from the first gleam of the presence of light shining forth as the

> suchness or thingness of that which has attributes.


> How therefore, can this be different from the light of

consciousness -

> - considering the fact that each description -- each seed --- is an

> icon that triggers cognition. Triggering cognition - designating

> attribute - Self is implied as the designator - as cognizant -- as

> aware.


> That which shines forth as that seed or as the combined seeds,


> then be seen as different from light\consciousness.


> Sounds then in the world being designated -- triggers attribution -

> icons of meaning are therefore also light\consciousness.


> All this - all that merely harbingers of consciousness shining


> as that; in this way there can be no overlaying - no hiding - no

> superimposition of light in light on light\consciousness.


> Light, words, thoughts, seeds, symbols, mantra, mtrka all are mere

> glints of light -- signatories of consciousness's shining as

> Conscious Light.


> But due to the superimposition of the Jiva upon the light of

> consciousness a god of form seems to arrise. Yet in the case of the

> knowable god arising in the conscious infinite it can be said that

> he\her\it is merely an icon\archetype for the omnipresent, thusly


> is merely an implied god or Self of the I-ness of godhead.


> Such an implied God is implied by the existence of timeless

> conscience as the one who is conscious (conscious awareness implies

> The Self which in terms of the Sanatan Dharma is the trancendental

> Form of Sri Krishna.)


> That god however or whatever the yogi realizes, if he is realized


> having form, is (in terms of the Sanatan Dharma) the supreme

> personality of Godhead or the Para-Purusha. (that transcendental


> of god being knowable due to the consciousness of the fact of the

> existence of the Para-Purusha or Atman, but impossible of cognition.


> Having understood the above, the form of the realized God will take

> the form of and have that nature of the highest conception that the

> mind of a given being will be capable of cognizing, given his past

> education and experience. In short what he realizes as God will be

> the sum total of his understanding projected as an archetype of his

> own mind\consciousness.


> Of course the above paragraph would seem that the realization of


> Para-Purusha cannot be complete realization as there is the


> to projection by\upon something else\The Self Para-Brahman etc..


> This projection of i-ness all-be-it the supreme and final i-ness of

> very God, must be the requisite for the existence of all Jiva


> there is still duality in the person of the Para-Purusha existing


> the super-soul.


> The existence of the super-soul would then imply the existence of


> Jeeva, which are mere reflections in The Conscious Absolute Self


> the Para-Purusha in Himself.


> An example may be taken from mathematics, whereby the existence of

> The Number ONE implies others (i.e. Infinite Number) and hence the

> term " The Ten Thousand things " of the Buddhists or the countless

> forms of the Lord... the Ten thousand names of God etc.


> Yet to deal with another concept from mathematics---- Zero, we can

> say Zero is still one --- One What? Why One Zero of course ---


> also implies many --- for example emptiness can only be known by

> comparison to fullness -- but nothing (actual nothing or zero is

> comparable to nothing. (nothing cannot be compared to anything) as


> is not even zero. (i.e. it is not empty space as compared to

> fullness.)


> Yet the godhead referred to as Para-Purusha is superimposed upon

> nothingness as an representation or Icon of\for everything that

> exists .. even upto emptiness; but all those are bound by existence


> with existence, Time also.


> Then if that supreme icon is bound by Time\existence the Jeeva must

> also remain bound as it is required (or rather the existence of the

> Jiva is required) such that the Para-Purusha, or Godhead be


> by implication or comparison onto the nothingness of the unbound

> Infinite Conscious Absolute Self. (The Transcendental lord).


> This simply means that any projection of i-ness, whether it is the

> projection of egoity by the jiva, or the subscription to the belief

> in any form of personal God (with Form) as the Final God of the


> Realized Being is a delusion. it also means that the Self existing


> any form of implied super-being, is merely that (An Implied Being)

> and as such is merely a conception of the unknowable God. With this

> conception then, the Jiva comes; i.e. the imposition of the Jiva or

> of the Super-being, brings the existence of the Jiva as a matter of

> course.


> This means that any conception not only of the existence of any

> object upto the whole cosmos.. but also of any God, no matter how

> stupendous, causes the fragmentation of the Absolute ConsciousNESS


> Sakti (which appears in the Conscious Absolute) into diversity.


> Realization is thus impossible except either by utter negation or


> total inclusion.



> Negation would be much harder than inclusion because negation of

> anything would by the very action of negation, cause a vacumm where

> once there existed the thingness of that which was negated.


> the vacumm would be referred to (and is actually the sakti in


> it is but a fragmented glimpse. not unlike the space occupied by an

> object. (i.e.it is nothing more than a piece of conceptualized


> or a fragmented view of the Para-Sakti revealed momentarily by the

> absence of the thingness of that which was negated.


> Just as emptiness is revealed by the the absence of fullness nor


> emptiness be the truth.


> On the other hand Total Acceptance of the nonreality of existence

> conotes or eludes to the fact that negation implies one who


> i.e. there must be one who believes he has this or that in order


> negate or renounce it.


> On the other hand the recognition that nothing comes or goes


> arises or subsides) to require that it be negated, accepted,

> transcended, realized or known or not known by anyone who arose or

> did not arise is the end because it never was. Hence no mind arose,

> no thought arose, no being arose, no cosmos arose, no illusion, no

> maya arose, occurred either. because as an illusion does not exist -


> it is merely a trick of the light of consciousness in itself.


> If all this is The Self, it could not have arisen as all, but a


> seems to grow -- a man is born to die someday; however he does not

> grow and nor does the tree.


> What is at any given moment (what exists at any given moment) if


> could be frozen. must be and can only be the non-arisen Self; no

> matter where in Time it is located.


> An event that occurred once long ago is over, but the evidence of


> having existed remains, for example we were all conceived in some

> way .. thus here we are... We all come from a seed.


> In the same way, all things come out of the space\seed, and


> to reside in it... since nothing can exist that exists except that


> occurred in space. Hence the Cosmos is The bindu and also resides


> itself..


> Om Tat Sat




> Bhakti and Desire


> When a person goes towards the outer reality ........... that


> is turning towards the world and then Sri Hari makes him search in

> the world for HIM... until the jiva (soul) gets exhausted, dies or

> gives up searching and returns to thinking of Sri Hari (or what-


> name you want to call God) in his own heart and worshipping Him

> inside himself... Is that not what prayer is? Dide not Jessus say

> that kingdom of Heaven is within? Do not all Guru's send us inward?


> Death is a complete return inward of the energies that the Jiva or

> Soul pushed outward in order to seek for Hari in the world... When

> the search is at an end all beings return inward either by dying or

> by choosing to do puja for the indwelling Sri Hari in the

> heart.... ... Advaitins call him The Self, Saivites call him Siva,

> Vaisnaiva's call him sri Hari, the christians call him the holy

> spirit or christ, Islam calls him Alah! Needless to say HE is God.


> is Known as Jahweh, Jehovah, Israel, Adonai and countless other




> Many also call Him The I AM.... yet in english I Am means OM.

> TheBible is translated to say that God said: " I AM the alpha and


> omega - (the begining and the end) rather it should say The I AM is

> The Alpha and the Omega (yet this is not correct english grammar


> it is correct none-the-less)... thus all religions are made to seek

> Him outwardly until they have exhausted all means of finding Him

> within existence..... .............The heart may break at the point

> of exhaustion of this outward seeking........ thus making the


> go inward suddenly ... thus a heart attack is something that builds

> up over time due to outward seeking..


> So then the heart attack will open the heart to the inner-god or

> Hari .. or whatever name we may give God. If that man does not then

> begin to seek hari inside, if he does not Love the Self... he will

> soon die.


> All puja's, all bajans, all prayers, all hyms, all glory rises on


> voice of all beings to The Self in All via sound, and thru the


> self it reaches Hari Himself. In this way It is Sri Hari who is

> worshipping Himself in all beings. Do not the scripture say that


> whole of creation arises from Om? Do not the many religions have a

> similar story of God being the Word etc?


> So then we must seek Him in the heart, thru deep love, devotion and

> commitment to The Self who is called OM or I AM....


> Sri Hari gives all beings desire the very moment that a being


> to look outward from hari.... because hari is now looking away from

> himself desire for him in the form of LOVE automatically

> arises....Hence when a being chases after desires... he gets more

> desire and cannot fulfill them

> as chasing them only makes them greater, because hari only wants

> himself.


> So then as Siva Sutra Says: " By NON-CONTEMPLATION OF ME (OF SIVA

> other-wise known as The Self or Sri Hari) YOU ARE BOUND "


> Bound to desire, bound to the wheel of karma, bound to be reborn.



> because the desire for sri hari (His OWN DESIRE for Himself) who

> dwells in every beings inner-most heart, has not been fulfilled..

> Hence Sri Hari will create a new life so that the Jiva (Who is like

> an effigy or reflection of him) can be the means where-by He can

> Realize Himself .... Jai Sri Krishnaaa!


> So then dying or living a man will be subject to desire unless he

> seeks hari diligently, consistently and persistently. refusing to


> after desire

> as desire means he has not found Hari yet... See above i mentioned

> that desire arises due to looking away from Hari...


> But why does it arise due to looking away?


> Well, Since Har is all there is.. he is reality itself...........


> OF what is real, and all of what is not real ........... because


> cannot know the real without comparision to the unreal and one


> know the unreal without comparision to the real....



> in that case consciousness is only possible because Hari is the


> ONE who pre-exists the comparisons else comparison could not be


> Hence he is incomparable and Non-Dual... because duality begins in

> comparison. (it begins IN KNOWLEDGE ITSELF).... Hence Love is


> while knowledge is merely ignorance.


> with love and respect


> bindu



i guess things are really hopping down where you are eh, bindu.?

As are the minds.


You tried, but all to well, to put your own elaborate spin on the

olwe veda stuff, and then got to throw in a couple of words like

wisdom and love at the end of it all.


i can see that " gita got your brain " and you rattle along quite

alot. too much for all the efforts, it sounds like munbo jumbo to

your average westerner, who has never heard all the mukta, jiva, sat

cit stuff. But as usual it's kind of the old college try of saying

look how knowledgable i am and how impressive i sound and oh ya_____

jai haribolo krishna the blue god.


intellectualism and the robotic rituals, dancing cirles of the

krishna stuff will intoxicate any one, and all those little impulses

you talked about will have you on a walkabout going hari hrishna stir

crazy. When you meet regualer people in the world, you will look at

them with that brain conditioned hari brain and go. " look he's 'just'

in maya, and i'm in the hari brain " . and you'll be thinking with

that hari brain, while the regular guy is talking to you.___ You'll

be thinking all you have to do is chant hari bolo and be happy, like



Meanwhile you are so wrapped up in YOUR SELF, he sees you as some

alien that's gone weird and you'll part and you'll think, 'he's in

maya man' did you see him kiss her in public'. i need to get my hand

in my bag man, and keep repeating hari, hari, hari, hairi, hari hari.


and you'll be thinking, 'i'm one with hari'


your one with hari allright, and you'll stay like that, as long as

that rationalization, that whole big explanation you gave that you

have internalized over and over has consumed you and you in your

lifes walkabout, are one with all that hari, jai bluegod taught you.


What you are missing is a key ingrediant and being a former hari

myself, knows very well what your hari gurudo teacher taught you.


Unfortunately, but true you wandered into the eastern deserts in

search of gold only to find fools gold and you are wearing it in your



Jesus said " i suggest you buy the gold tried in the fire, that thou

mayset be rich, and white raiment that thou mayest be clothed, and

that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear, and anoint thine eyes

with the eyesalve of LOVE, that thou mayest see. "


Do you understand this verse?



Where's brahmananda these days, did he join the catholic church, lol?


which branch of the million tree, krishna thing do you come from?


Seems like you've put some time in that stuff atleat 10 -15 years. eh?


i know it's diificult for you to read any Bible, b/c you've been told

it's the abridged version of a dictionary and you have the

dictionary. Yes , but how thick is that dictionary you have?


one mile thick. How many fingers have walked through it?

and the bluegod said, he's the real deal or did your bluegod say he's

only a part of the real deal, which one do you ascribe to? or have

you got your special blend?



And is Jesus your guru? if so, will you listen to him?


important ? here..





look forward to hearing you. you. you.



peace, shalom

peace be within.

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