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Divine discourse of His Holiness Shri Datta swami


There are three types of people. The first type of people are ordinary human

beings who do not start the spiritual journey. They are strongly attracted by

this world and these attractions are the qualities accumulated from millions of

births in the soul. Such people are called as Ayukta (Ayuktah Kamakarena

Phalesaktah—Gita). The second type of people are called as yogis who practice

Yoga and who have not yet completed the training in Yoga. They cannot sacrifice

their fruit of the work to the Lord. They can sacrifice the work, devotion by

mind, discussions with intelligence and any work with senses of their body like

singing songs etc (Kayena Manasa Buddhya—Gita). The third type of people are

called as Yuktas, which means the people who have finished the training in Yoga.

Such people sacrifice the fruit of work also along with the above (Yuktah

Karmaphalam—Gita). The aspects to be achieved by Yoga are the equal reaction to

all types of incidents and the reaction must be only

peaceful undisturbed balance of mind (Sarvatra Samadarsanah, Prasanta

Manasam—Gita). Another aspect is not to think of any worldly matter in leisure

time. Such thinking will lead to loss of energy (Nakinchidapi Chintayet—Gita).

Another aspect is to realise the achievement of grace of God as the highest

profit in the life (Yamlabdhva Naparam—Gita). Another aspect of Yoga is to

maintain constant mind even if a mountain of misery falls on you (Na Duhkhe na

Gurunapi—Gita). Another aspect of Yoga is not to have even a single worldly

desire in mind (Nisspruhah Sarvaakamebhyah—Gita). Another aspect of Yoga is to

control the worldly activities to the possible minimum level because if God’s

grace is there, any worldly affair will succeed even with minimum effort



The Lord criticised both science and arts related to worldly

aspects (Vedavadaratah, Trigunya Vishayah—Gita). The Lord says that both are

waste since you are not touching anything about the Lord (Namyadastiti—Gita).

Such people are attracted to the worldly selfish pleasures only and not to

please the Lord. The dynamism observed in such people is also not appreciated by

the Lord because both walking and running in the wrong direction are useless

(Kriya Visesha Bahulam—Gita). The Lord is giving stress on the devotees to cross

the difference between good and bad faced in the world. You should be showing

the same love and kindness to both good and bad people and also love friends and

enemies in the same way. If you praise a good person and a friend and scold a

bad person and enemy, you have failed in the Yoga. Tomorrow when you reach the

Lord in the human form, He will appear bad and damage you like any. Then you

will scold the Lord also. For example the devotees of Vishnu

criticise Lord Siva, since Lord Siva appears with the qualities of Tamas. This

is very important essence of Gita that one will succeed in the tests of the Lord

in human form only if he raises himself above the three qualities (Satvam, Rajas

and Tamas). Therefore you should not be disturbed by the negative qualities or

positive qualities in the world like insult and honour, enmity and friendship,

loss and benefit, misery and happiness etc (Gunanetanatetyatrin—Gita). Only such

devotee can succeed the tests of the Lord and can please the Lord. This yukta

state, which is the final stage of the Yoga, is called as the real sanyasa. Here

the word sanyasa does not mean the external indications like saffron cloth,

leaving the house etc (Naniragnih—Gita). The sanyasin is that person who has

completely sacrificed everything and everyone for the sake of the service to the

Lord. Such sanyasin or yukta alone can be fully blessed by the Lord and enters

the innermost circle of the Lord



One should not think of leaving the family members and house as the real

spiritual step. You cannot get the grace of the Lord by simply sacrificing your

house and family and claim that you have become the saint. The sacrifice should

not be based on your effort and it should be a spontaneous consequence of the

devotion to the Lord. Gopikas were wandering in Brindavanam leaving their

families and the reason for such detachment was the attachment towards the Lord.

They became mad due to the absence of the Lord and this madness cannot be

compared to the madness of a person obtained by the shock of brain in an

accident. In both cases the madness is same but the reasons are different. When

Lord Krishna was staying with them, they neglected Him and were doing all their

family duties. When the Gopikas were going to Madhura city to sell the butter,

Krishna used to obstruct them. They were requesting Him not to disturb their

duties. But when Krishna left Brindavanam they became mad and left

all the duties. The reason for this difference is that when the human

incarnation is near negligence enters. Only in His absence the devotion reaches

climax and this is human psychology. Human form itself leads to negligence and

if such human form stays constantly near the negligence is doubled. By leaving

the families and by simply wandering in Brindavanam, one will not become a

Gopika. Of course, in the Yogavasishtam it is said that an ordinary human being

should stay far from the attractions and this will help the concentration on the

God initially. But the actual attachment towards the Lord is the only reason for

spiritual development.


I will give an example. A boy is in love with a girl. In the beginning the boy

would leave the house often in order to develop the affair with the girl. But

one day the love reaches the climax and now the boy is prepared to leave the

parents, house and a lot of property to run away with the girl. Now the reason

for leaving the parents and property is love with that girl. Sometimes a boy

having psychological disorder may also leave the house. Both the cases are quite

different. But again one point should be remembered in such sacrifice. Sankara

left His mother because she was fond of Sankara. This bond is a hindrance in the

spiritual effort of Sankara. To avoid this Sankara left His mother. If His

mother was congenial to the spiritual path of Sankara, Sankara would not have

left His mother. Therefore, one should leave the house only when the atmosphere

is opposing your spiritual effort. Even in that case one should try his best to

change the atmosphere by preaching the family

members. Ramanuja left his wife when she continued to obstruct him from his

spiritual path in spite of his repeated spiritual advises.


Ramakrishna Paramahamsa did not leave his wife since she was fully

co-operating with his spiritual effort. Even if the atmosphere is neutral one

should not leave the house and hurt others. Only in the case of extreme

opposition one should leave the house and go away for the association of real

devotees (Nachasanyasanadeva—Gita).


posted by: His servant

at the lotus feet of shri datta swami






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Nisargadatta , prakki surya <dattapr2000>



> Divine discourse of His Holiness Shri Datta swami



get a real life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







> There are three types of people.


according to who?


The first type of people are ordinary human beings who do not start

the spiritual journey. They are strongly attracted by this world and

these attractions are the qualities accumulated from millions of

births in the soul. Such people are called as Ayukta (Ayuktah

Kamakarena Phalesaktah—Gita).

This is crazy to seperate people , so the guy who is 21 years ole is

ordinary until he's 24 and then takes a yoga class and after he

thinks the yoga class was his style quits, so he goes from 1 to 2

back to 1.?


The second type of people are called as yogis who practice Yoga and

who have not yet completed the training in Yoga. They cannot

sacrifice their fruit of the work to the Lord. They can sacrifice the

work, devotion by mind, discussions with intelligence and any work

with senses of their body like singing songs etc (Kayena Manasa



And you say and he says he brings all religins into one. How about

his own greyzone of one. He's a joke, there's nothing from God here.



The third type of people are called as Yuktas, which means the people

who have finished the training in Yoga. Such people sacrifice the

fruit of work also along with the above (Yuktah Karmaphalam—Gita).

The aspects to be achieved by Yoga are the equal reaction to all

types of incidents and the reaction must be only

> peaceful undisturbed balance of mind (Sarvatra Samadarsanah,

Prasanta Manasam—Gita).


Always taking sacrificem alwauys some austerity, that's the problem

with gita. your god is a hitler, stand up go aroun d this tree eat

this leaf and be free all for datta-krishname.


Another aspect is not to think of any worldly matter in leisure time.

Such thinking will lead to loss of energy (Nakinchidapi Chintayet—



no leisure time all work and strick sadhana, think think chant become

a blank.


Another aspect is to realise the achievement of grace of God as the

highest profit in the life (Yamlabdhva Naparam—Gita). Another aspect

of Yoga is to maintain constant mind even if a mountain of misery

falls on you (Na Duhkhe na Gurunapi—Gita). Another aspect of Yoga is

not to have even a single worldly desire in mind (Nisspruhah

Sarvaakamebhyah—Gita). Another aspect of Yoga is to control the

worldly activities to the possible minimum level because if God's

grace is there, any worldly affair will succeed even with minimum

effort (Yuktacheshtasya—Gita).


ya right, mimimum effort now, god's grace, well sure.



> The Lord criticised both science and arts related to worldly

aspects (Vedavadaratah, Trigunya Vishayah—Gita). The Lord says that

both are waste since you are not touching anything about the Lord

(Namyadastiti—Gita). Such people are attracted to the worldly selfish

pleasures only and not to please the Lord.


this the Lord was that little blue guy god after the flood. who had

all the girls chasing him.


The dynamism observed in such people is also not appreciated by the

Lord because both walking and running in the wrong direction are

useless (Kriya Visesha Bahulam—Gita). The Lord is giving stress on

the devotees to cross the difference between good and bad faced in

the world. You should be showing the same love and kindness to both

good and bad people and also love friends and enemies in the same

way. If you praise a good person and a friend and scold a bad person

and enemy, you have failed in the Yoga.


failing in yoga means not in yoga right> so one guy spends 20 years ,

austere and in the devotee dresses and ___scolds___ no bad person

no not good person __bad person___


So Jesus, and Paul and and King David , bad persons , not in yoga,

for getting off on the jewish heads and lawyers, ripping at them with

some choice words.

i thoght datta said Jesus all Good like God._____ya right, datta,


all religions th same as one in your grey mind of yours of Lords.



Tomorrow when you reach the Lord in the human form, He will appear

bad and damage you like any. Then you will scold the Lord also. For

example the devotees of Vishnu

> criticise Lord Siva, since Lord Siva appears with the qualities of

Tamas. This is very important essence of Gita that one will succeed

in the tests of the Lord in human form only if he raises himself

above the three qualities (Satvam, Rajas and Tamas). Therefore you

should not be disturbed by the negative qualities or positive

qualities in the world like insult and honour, enmity and friendship,

loss and benefit, misery and happiness etc (Gunanetanatetyatrin—Gita).


Was that the Siva in the sky in the strata clouds while vishnu was

taking his leisurly back float swim? lol


Only such devotee can succeed the tests of the Lord and can please

the Lord. This yukta state, which is the final stage of the Yoga, is

called as the real sanyasa. Here the word sanyasa does not mean the

external indications like saffron cloth, leaving the house etc

(Naniragnih—Gita). The sanyasin is that person who has completely

sacrificed everything and everyone for the sake of the service to the

Lord. Such sanyasin or yukta alone can be fully blessed by the Lord

and enters the innermost circle of the Lord



ya the innermost circle are you datta on the inside? like sitting

beside the Lord krishna there and besides who in yor right mind can

understand all this weird language here in america. Your universal

propgram is floting down the ganges somewhere along with a bunch of

dead bodies to.



what does this lecture have to do with NISA???????????



> (Brahmabhuyaya—Gita).


> One should not think of leaving the family members and house as

the real spiritual step. You cannot get the grace of the Lord by

simply sacrificing your house and family and claim that you have

become the saint. The sacrifice should not be based on your effort

and it should be a spontaneous consequence of the devotion to the

Lord. Gopikas were wandering in Brindavanam leaving their families

and the reason for such detachment was the attachment towards the

Lord. They became mad due to the absence of the Lord and this madness

cannot be compared to the madness of a person obtained by the shock

of brain in an accident. In both cases the madness is same but the

reasons are different. When Lord Krishna was staying with them, they

neglected Him and were doing all their family duties. When the

Gopikas were going to Madhura city to sell the butter, Krishna used

to obstruct them. They were requesting Him not to disturb their

duties. But when Krishna left Brindavanam they became mad and left

> all the duties. The reason for this difference is that when the

human incarnation is near negligence enters. Only in His absence the

devotion reaches climax and this is human psychology.


why not just play prapupada tapes, your story telling gets too

childish and besides, you are the butter thief. All the girls running

to see little krishna is just story manufactured by hindu writers to

make a fictious story out of some local good loking huk that a dozen

or so girls all chased after because he was ______________>.


Human form itself leads to negligence and if such human form stays

constantly near the negligence is doubled. By leaving the families

and by simply wandering in Brindavanam, one will not become a Gopika.

Of course, in the Yogavasishtam it is said that an ordinary human

being should stay far from the attractions and this will help the

concentration on the God initially. But the actual attachment towards

the Lord is the only reason for spiritual development.


attraction and life chasing down krishna doll statues and his hot

girlfriend radha was the envy of the town. Wasn't it the krishna guy

who liked to rub his feet in her breasts for fun.?


> I will give an example. A boy is in love with a girl. In the

beginning the boy would leave the house often in order to develop the

affair with the girl. But one day the love reaches the climax


love in climax datta.???


and now the boy is prepared to leave the parents, house and a lot of

property to run away with the girl. Now the reason for leaving the

parents and property is love with that girl. Sometimes a boy having

psychological disorder may also leave the house. Both the cases are

quite different. But again one point should be remembered in such

sacrifice. Sankara left His mother because she was fond of Sankara.

This bond is a hindrance in the spiritual effort of Sankara. To avoid

this Sankara left His mother. If His mother was congenial to the

spiritual path of Sankara, Sankara would not have left His mother.

Therefore, one should leave the house only when the atmosphere is

opposing your spiritual effort.


The other day the Jesus eg was quite different, but this stuff on

Nisa site should be caste away in the trash. File Judi.


Even in that case one should try his best to change the atmosphere by

preaching the family

> members. Ramanuja left his wife when she continued to obstruct him

from his spiritual path in spite of his repeated spiritual advises.


> Ramakrishna Paramahamsa did not leave his wife since she was

fully co-operating with his spiritual effort. Even if the atmosphere

is neutral one should not leave the house and hurt others. Only in

the case of extreme opposition one should leave the house and go away

for the association of real devotees (Nachasanyasanadeva—Gita).


one for real devotees, _____well real devotees are a dime a dozen the

come and go and were never real i guess just a waste right.


i have met the gone ones and there hearts are much like the stone

gods they served as devotees.


Jesus and Moses and all the HOLY PROPHET weren't running around like

litte slave devoted ones of stone statues, a matter of face God was

completely angry at the abiminations of these statues and the vain

chanting and all the manipulationa and supression of people in the

names of those idol stone gods and the flying not gods.




BY MEN OF MEN, WELL WRITTEN fiction and your caught up in this crap.

No matter how intelligent and logical it makes you think. It will

destroy your heart.


Now i would bring all the Quotes if you like, but open your Bible in

the OT and listen.










> posted by: His servant

> at the lotus feet of shri datta swami

> www.universal-spirituality.org




> Personals

> Single? There's someone we'd like you to meet.

> Lots of someones, actually. Personals



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