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Trolls & Hur _________ Whitehorse's last run,

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Nisargadatta , " Hur " <hur@n...> wrote:


> Nisargadatta , Pete S <pedsie4@e...> wrote:

> >

> > Sarlo too

> > at the beginning, was reluctant to ban him, but later saw

> > that Frank aim was to disrupt in the name of Christ...

> >


> I think that's the key...to prevent the excessive posting so no one

> tries to dominate the list. An email discussion group is a captive

> audience and members join because of their interest in Maharaj.


> essential to respect this fact.


> It would be pointless to join an old tyme Advaita Vedanta list and


> fun of the Shri Shri Anandas and their devotion to Shankra's

> scriptures. Trust me, in my days I tried it once and got banned


> quickly :) and the game gets old fast.


> Thanks Frank Mr White Horse for waking us but now ...as Austin


> used to say, " Oh, behave. "


good am


on schedule. i presume


Thank you Lord for covering my rest as You always do.

This is an interesting group, but i have been my ususal self

aggressively defending Your Word. As usual every where i go i get

much opposition to everything You've said. There is no doubt that

many seek You, but as You have indicated to me, it's time to persue

other avenues. This has been a very good run for the past six months

while renovating my houses here in canada, but soon there will be new

pastures to run in.


i recognize that many of you here cannot understand why i would

remain here. But if you knew who i was and what i was doing, then you

would understand.

In 1979, things happened in my life that i will not speak of here,

but i ended up in an ashrama for sakes of protecting me from

dangerous outside elements. There i stayed, 4 yrs and became an

intiated brahman of the stone idol type.


When i enterered the place i told them my name was Joe, So they

started calling me, ,bhakta joe. So there i was as joe, faked name.

i was 26 years, with much variety of lifes experince, comparitively

speaking for that age.

As fate should have it, i was being sheltered by the Our God, My

Father that i had always personally known.

Though i was confused in one sense, as to why, the circumstances

were so traumatic, i had to stay. He made them like that. It was


ok, as i saw it.


And as always, whenever, i'm involved with anything i put 110%

effort into it. That has always been my pattern, if i do, I do, and

i do it, to know why He wants me to 'know it'. Therefore to do,

implies to know, or learn it. correct.___ Read that one more time.


ok, what i first learned in the ashrama, was that the people didn't

really care about anything previously done in my past. As soon as i

started to speak, they would soon change the subject. So the practice

proved that it's not important. What's relevent is the here and now,

be humble. Think about now, forget the past, your past sleeps, you

are not that past, so lets talk about krishna. 'ok fine'


i thought, that's interesting, yes this is true, in one sense, all we

do is not any more important in the eyes of God than anyone else and

that He loved all equally. So as usual, i kept up my prayers and

conversation with God, and at selected times He would directly

answer, the question. Not a loud voice, but voice, The Voice. Krishna

or My God? i said well i'm here to find that out? God's voice is

highly distiguishable if you are atune to listening. It's called

knowing , or recognizing the Spirit compared to spirits.


So back to why i came to this point. Know one in the ashram ever

asked me what proof as to who i was, they didn't care about my past

and all that was relative, was going on in the present.


Sound familiar????????


Fake name, no knowlege of where i had come from, no concerns for any

of my personal life, no interest. i could have said anything about my

past. it did not matter. 'ok fine'

And they said " here go wash the dishes, scrub the toilets, and wash

the floors, this is your service " . 'ok fine', whatever. " all service

is to krishna, and any service, is all one service, they are for

cleansing your heart " . 'ok fine'. " This is how you speak, this is how

you dress, this is how you walk, this is how you talk, this is what

you read, this is what you listen to, this is how you sing, now go

do " . 'ok fine'.

Then on my time and my Fathers, i said ' wow these guys are serious,

but what is it You want me to learn here?, i will stay as long as You

wish but if You tell me to leave then i will go, as You know, i only

listen to You. "


So God's answer was " just do, follow " " . i was not there for show,

but to learn, and that i did.


Back to the here and now, Internet Chat.


fake names, no one knows, your background no one really cares, all

you put as personals could all be lies, and no one really cares,

occasional aquaintence, or few click together, but besides that,

still just a " cold encounter of another kind " .


You cannot say this is personal. You can speak all you want, but it's

only taken for what it is. Your words have relatively very little

impact, and you can except for whatever you want. Anyone can argue

against this, but the truth is unless you are in the flesh, it's all

a kind of facade. Faces not seen only words on paper. Therefore this

method is impersonal, it will only last a certain time and move on .

you or me it's inevitable.


But how does it fit in this world? Why is it so popular? Well, the

unusual similarities cross over to the cult life and the unique

discovery of how small or insignificant one really is, in the big

scope of things and yet again significant to the group. There are

many similarities to ahsrama the which are vaguely attractive. and

different kinds of freedoms experienced in the spirit.


And if you don't behave, here's the boot, same as the ashrama.


So are you making friends, acquaintences? There's they mystique of

the unknown you, and whoever really is. There's the attraction of

not knowing all, but yet, still have much in common about one

another. This too, is curiously interesting, but the similarites

again cross over to the ashrama. Why? b/c the attention is not really

you, but the other you, mystery you, or them, or it, or IT, and the

freedoms to walk, talk, or listen, which is different from ashrama

but the cross over is the mystique, the hidden things, agenda, the

covered up stuff, the element of the truths not known or the elusive

Truth that is all One, yet none. And many like the mystique of the

Unknown Truth. There is something attractive about it.

ESPECIALLy here in the impersonal.


What is strange but true is there are millions of christians finding

this impersonalism of interenet interesting.



If you could only stop for a moment and hear what i'm saying.


It's impersonal and yet it's attractive because we keep our personal

freedoms, and identities, either covered or opened. It really turns

out to be nothing more than nothing, or something which is not more

than that. So what, that's what, what? nothing, who cares?


Now people somehow identify with all this less than nothingness.


So what have i learned here? communication is nothing more than all

about nothing, people don't really care, really.


That's a sad day, when people cannot feel the love or interact with

pure emotion and compassion, kindness and caring and sharing in truth.


That's what happens in the ashrama. It's an exercise in an

impersonal, kind of intellectualism, not far from this DATTA do's

expression as well as this Nisa,'s spin on mental negations to the

one or nothing. But what it comes down to, is INDVIDUALISM or self ,

self, Self, the elusive self but in commonality. Then the

intellectual wall insulates, and the heart does not grow fonder but

taller, and you don't notice it. Just like an existing large tree

that grows taller and more resilent to the weather so grows the self

or defense of the self and the resistence to intimacy or revealling

ones intimacy grows. No real experince of compassion, caring,

kindness, sharing, hence not really ______love.


Now comes my POINT.


JESUS taught " become like a child, for it is the children who will

inherit the kingdom of God. "

____ " children, what do you mean children, Jesus? We are allready

aged adults " .

Jesus, " It's the child's heart that you must develop " !


How can we do that? when our hearts have grown cold due to all the

lies, cheats, and untrustworthy and less than truthful people we have

live among, these past 40 years.


Jesus. " exactly my point, children play without inhibitions, motive

or desire to cheat, for all they see is the love of the present and

the interactive relationships of the here and know. They live like

there are no cares, no fears b/c they have home, food and comforts

besides all the love and attention from mother and father. " + + +.


Well, that sounds ok bu, how can that be applied to day, since i'm so

involved and implicated in a pattern that obligates me to provide. i

have responsibilites, as an adult, how can i become child_like in

this world, as we know it? If i put down my wall , i'll get trampled

on. "


Jesus, " yes, this is so, that's why Our Father promised all those

who sincerely seek Him, a community of Truth. He made this promise

over 3000 years ago, when He recognized all the ashrama stuff and all

the manipulative personalities proposing, heaven, eternal life and

salvation using all the gods and NOT gods, stone gods, nothing gods,

that He would in the future bring together from all the varying lost

souls of those different gods, and redeem them to live in the heavens

as purposed by Him. God's promise will not be broken. "


But god's are everywhere, what makes your god right?


Jesus, " god's may be everywhere, but God the Father still remains as

One indivisable, whole, complete and in Word, that I Am. Man has

made millions of gods in their imagination and everybody to his own

god. How can you have harmony when you haved divided Me up,

spiritually, literally cut me up in pieces, using parts of Me and not

Me as Whole. Some of you say, live like this, worship this stone,

others say no stone, just breath Me, others vainly repeat my name ,

like broken record. You have made me to satisfy all your own ideas

and personal whims and you are believing in man's conceptions and

traditions and not Mine, your words, not MIne. So as i sent you my

sons rising early, as Jeremiah told you 44:4 but you have preferred

to serve all these other gods 44:5 instead of me so I God, will watch

over you for evil 44:27 and not for your good works but your sin life.

But I promise I will bring a remnant of you back from all your gods,

idol gods and not gods 44:28.


Why jesus, why does your God speak right and our eastern guru's wrong?


" Well you have taken wood which is good for warmth and shelter, and

you have made a wood god of me, which is not Me. I cannot be burned,

but the wood you can burn, and all the ideas of me can burn with it.

You dance and sing and say prayers to me with all kinds of names and

offer all your foods and flesh, but I don't hear you. Sing all you

want, I will cast you into the deserts, lands of famine, war,

pestilence and there you will come up in wombs that i'll provide for

you and there you shall live, b/c this is your desire.

I have created you eternal souls, Ezekiel 18:4 but if you reject MY

Will, Word then you give Me no choice, but to send you among the

dead, to live as a vagabond one life after the next. You rejected My

good sons and that I Am who I sent to you. First Moses, then David

and others who followed and King DAvid who was promised to return

again and did, as Jesus, as that I AM.


" But the churches teach nothng, just some faith thing and we have

found gurudo's much more interesting and pleasing to us. "


Comforter, " such is the case b/c those who say they represent Moses

and Jesus lie, precisely why I've had to send the comforter, one who

is covered, preserved and as Jeremiah, Moses and Ezekiel promised.

Only he knows his name b/c he must stay under My directin as I tell

him, he will go for he is sent by Me to speak to you My word or that

I AM first spoken by Moses.

As written by John, my right hand, and recorded in the Book of

Revealtion 14:3,15:3. That I AM, the song of Moses will he repeat.


ok well that's enough, i ve heard enough for a week, next.


Comforter, " Yes i understand, your time is short, and the kingdom is

at hand, use time wisely, that's all you have, and hear from God,

that I AM, and you too will be given the keys to the kingdom, as i

have them, they are yours too, as many copies are necessary can and

will be made " .




This is a friendly post provided to you by God as spoken and Promised

in the Holy Spirit. Though i may quote the Word from a book called

Bible, this is not religion, this is simply Truth as it was recorded.

i have liberally added nor subtracted, words to try and make the Gods

Word a mystery, but God does remain a Mystery and is only understood

who purely with 110 % effort desire to Know Him. God does not see

what you give him but what your holding back. That's why it's

imperitve to pray to God to remove all SIN DESIRE, which you are not

getting from your not god gurudo's. Unless you cleanse the sprirt

from carnal thought , desires conceptions , perceptions, God sees

those hidden little desires that you keep to yourself behind the many

masks of internet, not gods and personal hidden flesh gods.


The process is perfect, God's I Am is Perfect That is His Word.


Trust in God and let go. But the only way to God is through the

representative, just like first secretary, then president. The

secretary must just be the messenger and cannot hold back for her/his

own personal whims, or self imposd importance. Must be completely

transparent as if not there, so the call or request goes strainght to

the ear of president, or God.


This your impersonalist says is not necessary, Therefore it's

attractive, putting everyone on equal footing, but it is imperfect in

that the equal footing does not have respect for the other

feet.Susequently, develops it's own conception of the impersonal One.

Then the conclusion becomes just words to expain away an equality of

not words, just being. Then that becomes all improvisation again,

becasue the conclusive of all shapes and sizes fall or melt or come

to end which is the no end, to the impersonalist, or the NOT God,

Just the Is.


But go figure , in this state therecan never ever, be complete

harmony, therefore, no one set Truth, all truths are one. So how can

you imagine peace, or bring together peace under this philosophy.


Organized confusion, with a head that says here is democracy and your

freedoms of religions, all religions or ideas of God are NOT. And we

are therefore get to work and serve us, give us your time and we will

give you your freedoms.


Now can you see how the impersonalists, nihilists,___atheists,

subsequently capitolists, ___promoting socialism is the answer for

everybodys whim of god.


This was seen and predicted to be the demise and decadence and word

disorder as you see it today. And it's sritten just like this by the

Holy Prophets.


You just have not had the opportunity for someone to open the Words

b/c the authoritiesare liars and cheats like the stone gods, idol and

not gods.


So what is next or what or can do you do?


You need me, to come to your area of choice and speak, on these

points. Not b/c i'm important, but b/c you are. This is your calling,

the increased desire to know Truth sincerely has reached God, Our

Fathers ears, and now He has indicated to go forth now.

He has preparred the secretary to be transparent. He has taken the

secretary from one like you, therefore the secretary is acccountable,

and his similarity and familiarity, to the same conditions as one

like everybody else, except, he's the first raised from the dead.

His garments were dipped in blood,( ie he was also experienced in sin

life) Rev 19:13 and his name is the Word of God,that I AM.

God say to Moses " tell them I AM sent you " and Moses was the

deliverer of the Word of God.

NOw you understand,

I AM , the beginning and end, i come in the volume of the Book, it's

written about me. " These are the words of the son of God who is the

Word of God, who is the I AM, the sme as is in Rev 19: 13 , which is

he who comes on the 'white horse' out of the heavens, which is

correlated to Rev 11:19 and is the mouth of Moses coming down from

the mount of Sinai as written in Exodus 19:11 and forthcoming speaks

the Word, Will of God in chaper 20.

Therefore, I AM the beginning Exodus 19:11 and end Rev 19:11.


Now you know who i am, green1911, which is confirmed by my birth

being 19:11 World, or 11:19 USA. Now these are not the only numbers

which confirn who i am as I AM. But are i am here for you know to

take advantage of in the flesh, in Word and Deed. i'm clean and have



Now take advantage of the offer, and invite me to your area.


This is the beginning and i will fill you in on all the symbolisms

and manners by which Revelation goes forth, the final chapter as it

was promised to us, by Our loving Father.


i'm one just like you, and here to share in the Truth and to see

prophecy is fulfilled.


So either send me on email, or open more discussion, but, by your

response i will be obliged to act, for i am your servant.


your friend in Him/Her


francis, the whitehorse rider


dec 08,05

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Thursday, December 08, 2005 5:33 AM

Re: Trolls & Hur _________ Whitehorse's last run,



Nisargadatta , " Hur " <hur@n...> wrote:


> Nisargadatta , Pete S <pedsie4@e...> wrote:

> >

> > Sarlo too

> > at the beginning, was reluctant to ban him, but later saw

> > that Frank aim was to disrupt in the name of Christ...

> >


> I think that's the key...to prevent the excessive posting so no one

> tries to dominate the list. An email discussion group is a captive

> audience and members join because of their interest in Maharaj.


> essential to respect this fact.


> It would be pointless to join an old tyme Advaita Vedanta list and


> fun of the Shri Shri Anandas and their devotion to Shankra's

> scriptures. Trust me, in my days I tried it once and got banned


> quickly :) and the game gets old fast.


> Thanks Frank Mr White Horse for waking us but now ...as Austin


> used to say, " Oh, behave. "


good am


on schedule. i presume


Thank you Lord for covering my rest as You always do.

This is an interesting group, but i have been my ususal self

aggressively defending Your Word. As usual every where i go i get

much opposition to everything You've said. There is no doubt that

many seek You, but as You have indicated to me, it's time to persue

other avenues. This has been a very good run for the past six months

while renovating my houses here in canada, but soon there will be new

pastures to run in.


i recognize that many of you here cannot understand why i would

remain here. But if you knew who i was and what i was doing, then you

would understand.

In 1979, things happened in my life that i will not speak of here,

but i ended up in an ashrama for sakes of protecting me from

dangerous outside elements. There i stayed, 4 yrs and became an

intiated brahman of the stone idol type.


When i enterered the place i told them my name was Joe, So they

started calling me, ,bhakta joe. So there i was as joe, faked name.

i was 26 years, with much variety of lifes experince, comparitively

speaking for that age.

As fate should have it, i was being sheltered by the Our God, My

Father that i had always personally known.

Though i was confused in one sense, as to why, the circumstances

were so traumatic, i had to stay. He made them like that. It was


ok, as i saw it.


And as always, whenever, i'm involved with anything i put 110%

effort into it. That has always been my pattern, if i do, I do, and

i do it, to know why He wants me to 'know it'. Therefore to do,

implies to know, or learn it. correct.___ Read that one more time.


ok, what i first learned in the ashrama, was that the people didn't

really care about anything previously done in my past. As soon as i

started to speak, they would soon change the subject. So the practice

proved that it's not important. What's relevent is the here and now,

be humble. Think about now, forget the past, your past sleeps, you

are not that past, so lets talk about krishna. 'ok fine'


i thought, that's interesting, yes this is true, in one sense, all we

do is not any more important in the eyes of God than anyone else and

that He loved all equally. So as usual, i kept up my prayers and

conversation with God, and at selected times He would directly

answer, the question. Not a loud voice, but voice, The Voice. Krishna

or My God? i said well i'm here to find that out? God's voice is

highly distiguishable if you are atune to listening. It's called

knowing , or recognizing the Spirit compared to spirits.


So back to why i came to this point. Know one in the ashram ever

asked me what proof as to who i was, they didn't care about my past

and all that was relative, was going on in the present.


Sound familiar????????


Fake name, no knowlege of where i had come from, no concerns for any

of my personal life, no interest. i could have said anything about my

past. it did not matter. 'ok fine'

And they said " here go wash the dishes, scrub the toilets, and wash

the floors, this is your service " . 'ok fine', whatever. " all service

is to krishna, and any service, is all one service, they are for

cleansing your heart " . 'ok fine'. " This is how you speak, this is how

you dress, this is how you walk, this is how you talk, this is what

you read, this is what you listen to, this is how you sing, now go

do " . 'ok fine'.

Then on my time and my Fathers, i said ' wow these guys are serious,

but what is it You want me to learn here?, i will stay as long as You

wish but if You tell me to leave then i will go, as You know, i only

listen to You. "


So God's answer was " just do, follow " " . i was not there for show,

but to learn, and that i did.


Back to the here and now, Internet Chat.


fake names, no one knows, your background no one really cares, all

you put as personals could all be lies, and no one really cares,

occasional aquaintence, or few click together, but besides that,

still just a " cold encounter of another kind " .


You cannot say this is personal. You can speak all you want, but it's

only taken for what it is. Your words have relatively very little

impact, and you can except for whatever you want. Anyone can argue

against this, but the truth is unless you are in the flesh, it's all

a kind of facade. Faces not seen only words on paper. Therefore this

method is impersonal, it will only last a certain time and move on .

you or me it's inevitable.


But how does it fit in this world? Why is it so popular? Well, the

unusual similarities cross over to the cult life and the unique

discovery of how small or insignificant one really is, in the big

scope of things and yet again significant to the group. There are

many similarities to ahsrama the which are vaguely attractive. and

different kinds of freedoms experienced in the spirit.


And if you don't behave, here's the boot, same as the ashrama.


So are you making friends, acquaintences? There's they mystique of

the unknown you, and whoever really is. There's the attraction of

not knowing all, but yet, still have much in common about one

another. This too, is curiously interesting, but the similarites

again cross over to the ashrama. Why? b/c the attention is not really

you, but the other you, mystery you, or them, or it, or IT, and the

freedoms to walk, talk, or listen, which is different from ashrama

but the cross over is the mystique, the hidden things, agenda, the

covered up stuff, the element of the truths not known or the elusive

Truth that is all One, yet none. And many like the mystique of the

Unknown Truth. There is something attractive about it.

ESPECIALLy here in the impersonal.


What is strange but true is there are millions of christians finding

this impersonalism of interenet interesting.



If you could only stop for a moment and hear what i'm saying.


It's impersonal and yet it's attractive because we keep our personal

freedoms, and identities, either covered or opened. It really turns

out to be nothing more than nothing, or something which is not more

than that. So what, that's what, what? nothing, who cares?


Now people somehow identify with all this less than nothingness.


So what have i learned here? communication is nothing more than all

about nothing, people don't really care, really.


That's a sad day, when people cannot feel the love or interact with

pure emotion and compassion, kindness and caring and sharing in truth.


That's what happens in the ashrama. It's an exercise in an

impersonal, kind of intellectualism, not far from this DATTA do's

expression as well as this Nisa,'s spin on mental negations to the

one or nothing. But what it comes down to, is INDVIDUALISM or self ,

self, Self, the elusive self but in commonality. Then the

intellectual wall insulates, and the heart does not grow fonder but

taller, and you don't notice it. Just like an existing large tree

that grows taller and more resilent to the weather so grows the self

or defense of the self and the resistence to intimacy or revealling

ones intimacy grows. No real experince of compassion, caring,

kindness, sharing, hence not really ______love.


Now comes my POINT.


JESUS taught " become like a child, for it is the children who will

inherit the kingdom of God. "

____ " children, what do you mean children, Jesus? We are allready

aged adults " .

Jesus, " It's the child's heart that you must develop " !


How can we do that? when our hearts have grown cold due to all the

lies, cheats, and untrustworthy and less than truthful people we have

live among, these past 40 years.


Jesus. " exactly my point, children play without inhibitions, motive

or desire to cheat, for all they see is the love of the present and

the interactive relationships of the here and know. They live like

there are no cares, no fears b/c they have home, food and comforts

besides all the love and attention from mother and father. " + + +.


Well, that sounds ok bu, how can that be applied to day, since i'm so

involved and implicated in a pattern that obligates me to provide. i

have responsibilites, as an adult, how can i become child_like in

this world, as we know it? If i put down my wall , i'll get trampled

on. "


Jesus, " yes, this is so, that's why Our Father promised all those

who sincerely seek Him, a community of Truth. He made this promise

over 3000 years ago, when He recognized all the ashrama stuff and all

the manipulative personalities proposing, heaven, eternal life and

salvation using all the gods and NOT gods, stone gods, nothing gods,

that He would in the future bring together from all the varying lost

souls of those different gods, and redeem them to live in the heavens

as purposed by Him. God's promise will not be broken. "


But god's are everywhere, what makes your god right?


Jesus, " god's may be everywhere, but God the Father still remains as

One indivisable, whole, complete and in Word, that I Am. Man has

made millions of gods in their imagination and everybody to his own

god. How can you have harmony when you haved divided Me up,

spiritually, literally cut me up in pieces, using parts of Me and not

Me as Whole. Some of you say, live like this, worship this stone,

others say no stone, just breath Me, others vainly repeat my name ,

like broken record. You have made me to satisfy all your own ideas

and personal whims and you are believing in man's conceptions and

traditions and not Mine, your words, not MIne. So as i sent you my

sons rising early, as Jeremiah told you 44:4 but you have preferred

to serve all these other gods 44:5 instead of me so I God, will watch

over you for evil 44:27 and not for your good works but your sin life.

But I promise I will bring a remnant of you back from all your gods,

idol gods and not gods 44:28.


Why jesus, why does your God speak right and our eastern guru's wrong?


" Well you have taken wood which is good for warmth and shelter, and

you have made a wood god of me, which is not Me. I cannot be burned,

but the wood you can burn, and all the ideas of me can burn with it.

You dance and sing and say prayers to me with all kinds of names and

offer all your foods and flesh, but I don't hear you. Sing all you

want, I will cast you into the deserts, lands of famine, war,

pestilence and there you will come up in wombs that i'll provide for

you and there you shall live, b/c this is your desire.

I have created you eternal souls, Ezekiel 18:4 but if you reject MY

Will, Word then you give Me no choice, but to send you among the

dead, to live as a vagabond one life after the next. You rejected My

good sons and that I Am who I sent to you. First Moses, then David

and others who followed and King DAvid who was promised to return

again and did, as Jesus, as that I AM.


" But the churches teach nothng, just some faith thing and we have

found gurudo's much more interesting and pleasing to us. "


Comforter, " such is the case b/c those who say they represent Moses

and Jesus lie, precisely why I've had to send the comforter, one who

is covered, preserved and as Jeremiah, Moses and Ezekiel promised.

Only he knows his name b/c he must stay under My directin as I tell

him, he will go for he is sent by Me to speak to you My word or that

I AM first spoken by Moses.

As written by John, my right hand, and recorded in the Book of

Revealtion 14:3,15:3. That I AM, the song of Moses will he repeat.


ok well that's enough, i ve heard enough for a week, next.


Comforter, " Yes i understand, your time is short, and the kingdom is

at hand, use time wisely, that's all you have, and hear from God,

that I AM, and you too will be given the keys to the kingdom, as i

have them, they are yours too, as many copies are necessary can and

will be made " .




This is a friendly post provided to you by God as spoken and Promised

in the Holy Spirit. Though i may quote the Word from a book called

Bible, this is not religion, this is simply Truth as it was recorded.

i have liberally added nor subtracted, words to try and make the Gods

Word a mystery, but God does remain a Mystery and is only understood

who purely with 110 % effort desire to Know Him. God does not see

what you give him but what your holding back. That's why it's

imperitve to pray to God to remove all SIN DESIRE, which you are not

getting from your not god gurudo's. Unless you cleanse the sprirt

from carnal thought , desires conceptions , perceptions, God sees

those hidden little desires that you keep to yourself behind the many

masks of internet, not gods and personal hidden flesh gods.


The process is perfect, God's I Am is Perfect That is His Word.


Trust in God and let go. But the only way to God is through the

representative, just like first secretary, then president. The

secretary must just be the messenger and cannot hold back for her/his

own personal whims, or self imposd importance. Must be completely

transparent as if not there, so the call or request goes strainght to

the ear of president, or God.


This your impersonalist says is not necessary, Therefore it's

attractive, putting everyone on equal footing, but it is imperfect in

that the equal footing does not have respect for the other

feet.Susequently, develops it's own conception of the impersonal One.

Then the conclusion becomes just words to expain away an equality of

not words, just being. Then that becomes all improvisation again,

becasue the conclusive of all shapes and sizes fall or melt or come

to end which is the no end, to the impersonalist, or the NOT God,

Just the Is.


But go figure , in this state therecan never ever, be complete

harmony, therefore, no one set Truth, all truths are one. So how can

you imagine peace, or bring together peace under this philosophy.


Organized confusion, with a head that says here is democracy and your

freedoms of religions, all religions or ideas of God are NOT. And we

are therefore get to work and serve us, give us your time and we will

give you your freedoms.


Now can you see how the impersonalists, nihilists,___atheists,

subsequently capitolists, ___promoting socialism is the answer for

everybodys whim of god.


This was seen and predicted to be the demise and decadence and word

disorder as you see it today. And it's sritten just like this by the

Holy Prophets.


You just have not had the opportunity for someone to open the Words

b/c the authoritiesare liars and cheats like the stone gods, idol and

not gods.


So what is next or what or can do you do?


You need me, to come to your area of choice and speak, on these

points. Not b/c i'm important, but b/c you are. This is your calling,

the increased desire to know Truth sincerely has reached God, Our

Fathers ears, and now He has indicated to go forth now.

He has preparred the secretary to be transparent. He has taken the

secretary from one like you, therefore the secretary is acccountable,

and his similarity and familiarity, to the same conditions as one

like everybody else, except, he's the first raised from the dead.

His garments were dipped in blood,( ie he was also experienced in sin

life) Rev 19:13 and his name is the Word of God,that I AM.

God say to Moses " tell them I AM sent you " and Moses was the

deliverer of the Word of God.

NOw you understand,

I AM , the beginning and end, i come in the volume of the Book, it's

written about me. " These are the words of the son of God who is the

Word of God, who is the I AM, the sme as is in Rev 19: 13 , which is

he who comes on the 'white horse' out of the heavens, which is

correlated to Rev 11:19 and is the mouth of Moses coming down from

the mount of Sinai as written in Exodus 19:11 and forthcoming speaks

the Word, Will of God in chaper 20.

Therefore, I AM the beginning Exodus 19:11 and end Rev 19:11.


Now you know who i am, green1911, which is confirmed by my birth

being 19:11 World, or 11:19 USA. Now these are not the only numbers

which confirn who i am as I AM. But are i am here for you know to

take advantage of in the flesh, in Word and Deed. i'm clean and have



Now take advantage of the offer, and invite me to your area.


This is the beginning and i will fill you in on all the symbolisms

and manners by which Revelation goes forth, the final chapter as it

was promised to us, by Our loving Father.


i'm one just like you, and here to share in the Truth and to see

prophecy is fulfilled.


So either send me on email, or open more discussion, but, by your

response i will be obliged to act, for i am your servant.


your friend in Him/Her


francis, the whitehorse rider


dec 08,05




My precious Francis,


There is ever only one invitation from God:


It is this:


Remember me. I Am That I Am.


Remember " the other " and feed him/her in whatever appropriate skillful means

it is. Hunger thirst of body and/or soul.


Jesus gave to 'commandments'. Love God above all. Love each other as I have

loved you.--paraphrased.


The Alpha and Omega. I and Thou. Oneness without a Second. Here. Now.


White horse, your life has taken you to this perfect moment. What does it

mean for you and what shall you have it mean for 'us'?


Ever only Love,














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well, so let'say something about " In 1979, things happened in my

life that i will not speak of here, but i ended up in an ashrama for

sakes of protecting me from dangerous outside elements " .

speak about those outside elements, it seem you have been given

enough freedom of speech on this list! c'mon!

in frienship



Nisargadatta , " whitehorserides "

<green1911@v...> wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " Hur " <hur@n...> wrote:

> >

> > Nisargadatta , Pete S <pedsie4@e...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Sarlo too

> > > at the beginning, was reluctant to ban him, but later saw

> > > that Frank aim was to disrupt in the name of Christ...

> > >

> >

> > I think that's the key...to prevent the excessive posting so no


> > tries to dominate the list. An email discussion group is a


> > audience and members join because of their interest in Maharaj.

> It's

> > essential to respect this fact.

> >

> > It would be pointless to join an old tyme Advaita Vedanta list


> make

> > fun of the Shri Shri Anandas and their devotion to Shankra's

> > scriptures. Trust me, in my days I tried it once and got banned

> very

> > quickly :) and the game gets old fast.

> >

> > Thanks Frank Mr White Horse for waking us but now ...as Austin

> Powers

> > used to say, " Oh, behave. "

> >

> good am


> on schedule. i presume


> Thank you Lord for covering my rest as You always do.

> This is an interesting group, but i have been my ususal self

> aggressively defending Your Word. As usual every where i go i get

> much opposition to everything You've said. There is no doubt that

> many seek You, but as You have indicated to me, it's time to


> other avenues. This has been a very good run for the past six


> while renovating my houses here in canada, but soon there will be


> pastures to run in.


> i recognize that many of you here cannot understand why i would

> remain here. But if you knew who i was and what i was doing, then


> would understand.

> In 1979, things happened in my life that i will not speak of here,

> but i ended up in an ashrama for sakes of protecting me from

> dangerous outside elements. There i stayed, 4 yrs and became an

> intiated brahman of the stone idol type.


> When i enterered the place i told them my name was Joe, So they

> started calling me, ,bhakta joe. So there i was as joe, faked


> i was 26 years, with much variety of lifes experince,


> speaking for that age.

> As fate should have it, i was being sheltered by the Our God, My

> Father that i had always personally known.

> Though i was confused in one sense, as to why, the circumstances

> were so traumatic, i had to stay. He made them like that. It was

> purposed.

> ok, as i saw it.


> And as always, whenever, i'm involved with anything i put 110%

> effort into it. That has always been my pattern, if i do, I do,


> i do it, to know why He wants me to 'know it'. Therefore to do,

> implies to know, or learn it. correct.___ Read that one more time.


> ok, what i first learned in the ashrama, was that the people didn't

> really care about anything previously done in my past. As soon as i

> started to speak, they would soon change the subject. So the


> proved that it's not important. What's relevent is the here and


> be humble. Think about now, forget the past, your past sleeps, you

> are not that past, so lets talk about krishna. 'ok fine'


> i thought, that's interesting, yes this is true, in one sense, all


> do is not any more important in the eyes of God than anyone else


> that He loved all equally. So as usual, i kept up my prayers and

> conversation with God, and at selected times He would directly

> answer, the question. Not a loud voice, but voice, The Voice.


> or My God? i said well i'm here to find that out? God's voice is

> highly distiguishable if you are atune to listening. It's called

> knowing , or recognizing the Spirit compared to spirits.


> So back to why i came to this point. Know one in the ashram ever

> asked me what proof as to who i was, they didn't care about my


> and all that was relative, was going on in the present.


> Sound familiar????????


> Fake name, no knowlege of where i had come from, no concerns for


> of my personal life, no interest. i could have said anything about


> past. it did not matter. 'ok fine'

> And they said " here go wash the dishes, scrub the toilets, and wash

> the floors, this is your service " . 'ok fine', whatever. " all


> is to krishna, and any service, is all one service, they are for

> cleansing your heart " . 'ok fine'. " This is how you speak, this is


> you dress, this is how you walk, this is how you talk, this is what

> you read, this is what you listen to, this is how you sing, now go

> do " . 'ok fine'.

> Then on my time and my Fathers, i said ' wow these guys are


> but what is it You want me to learn here?, i will stay as long as


> wish but if You tell me to leave then i will go, as You know, i


> listen to You. "


> So God's answer was " just do, follow " " . i was not there for show,

> but to learn, and that i did.


> Back to the here and now, Internet Chat.


> fake names, no one knows, your background no one really cares, all

> you put as personals could all be lies, and no one really cares,

> occasional aquaintence, or few click together, but besides that,

> still just a " cold encounter of another kind " .


> You cannot say this is personal. You can speak all you want, but


> only taken for what it is. Your words have relatively very little

> impact, and you can except for whatever you want. Anyone can argue

> against this, but the truth is unless you are in the flesh, it's


> a kind of facade. Faces not seen only words on paper. Therefore


> method is impersonal, it will only last a certain time and move

on .

> you or me it's inevitable.


> But how does it fit in this world? Why is it so popular? Well, the

> unusual similarities cross over to the cult life and the unique

> discovery of how small or insignificant one really is, in the big

> scope of things and yet again significant to the group. There are

> many similarities to ahsrama the which are vaguely attractive.


> different kinds of freedoms experienced in the spirit.


> And if you don't behave, here's the boot, same as the ashrama.


> So are you making friends, acquaintences? There's they mystique of

> the unknown you, and whoever really is. There's the attraction of

> not knowing all, but yet, still have much in common about one

> another. This too, is curiously interesting, but the similarites

> again cross over to the ashrama. Why? b/c the attention is not


> you, but the other you, mystery you, or them, or it, or IT, and the

> freedoms to walk, talk, or listen, which is different from ashrama

> but the cross over is the mystique, the hidden things, agenda, the

> covered up stuff, the element of the truths not known or the


> Truth that is all One, yet none. And many like the mystique of the

> Unknown Truth. There is something attractive about it.

> ESPECIALLy here in the impersonal.


> What is strange but true is there are millions of christians


> this impersonalism of interenet interesting.



> If you could only stop for a moment and hear what i'm saying.


> It's impersonal and yet it's attractive because we keep our


> freedoms, and identities, either covered or opened. It really turns

> out to be nothing more than nothing, or something which is not more

> than that. So what, that's what, what? nothing, who cares?


> Now people somehow identify with all this less than nothingness.


> So what have i learned here? communication is nothing more than


> about nothing, people don't really care, really.


> That's a sad day, when people cannot feel the love or interact with

> pure emotion and compassion, kindness and caring and sharing in



> That's what happens in the ashrama. It's an exercise in an

> impersonal, kind of intellectualism, not far from this DATTA do's

> expression as well as this Nisa,'s spin on mental negations to the

> one or nothing. But what it comes down to, is INDVIDUALISM or

self ,

> self, Self, the elusive self but in commonality. Then the

> intellectual wall insulates, and the heart does not grow fonder but

> taller, and you don't notice it. Just like an existing large tree

> that grows taller and more resilent to the weather so grows the


> or defense of the self and the resistence to intimacy or


> ones intimacy grows. No real experince of compassion, caring,

> kindness, sharing, hence not really ______love.


> Now comes my POINT.


> JESUS taught " become like a child, for it is the children who will

> inherit the kingdom of God. "

> ____ " children, what do you mean children, Jesus? We are allready

> aged adults " .

> Jesus, " It's the child's heart that you must develop " !


> How can we do that? when our hearts have grown cold due to all the

> lies, cheats, and untrustworthy and less than truthful people we


> live among, these past 40 years.


> Jesus. " exactly my point, children play without inhibitions,


> or desire to cheat, for all they see is the love of the present and

> the interactive relationships of the here and know. They live like

> there are no cares, no fears b/c they have home, food and comforts

> besides all the love and attention from mother and father. " + + +.


> Well, that sounds ok bu, how can that be applied to day, since i'm


> involved and implicated in a pattern that obligates me to provide.


> have responsibilites, as an adult, how can i become child_like in

> this world, as we know it? If i put down my wall , i'll get


> on. "


> Jesus, " yes, this is so, that's why Our Father promised all those

> who sincerely seek Him, a community of Truth. He made this


> over 3000 years ago, when He recognized all the ashrama stuff and


> the manipulative personalities proposing, heaven, eternal life and

> salvation using all the gods and NOT gods, stone gods, nothing


> that He would in the future bring together from all the varying


> souls of those different gods, and redeem them to live in the


> as purposed by Him. God's promise will not be broken. "


> But god's are everywhere, what makes your god right?


> Jesus, " god's may be everywhere, but God the Father still remains


> One indivisable, whole, complete and in Word, that I Am. Man has

> made millions of gods in their imagination and everybody to his own

> god. How can you have harmony when you haved divided Me up,

> spiritually, literally cut me up in pieces, using parts of Me and


> Me as Whole. Some of you say, live like this, worship this stone,

> others say no stone, just breath Me, others vainly repeat my name ,

> like broken record. You have made me to satisfy all your own ideas

> and personal whims and you are believing in man's conceptions and

> traditions and not Mine, your words, not MIne. So as i sent you my

> sons rising early, as Jeremiah told you 44:4 but you have preferred

> to serve all these other gods 44:5 instead of me so I God, will


> over you for evil 44:27 and not for your good works but your sin


> But I promise I will bring a remnant of you back from all your


> idol gods and not gods 44:28.


> Why jesus, why does your God speak right and our eastern guru's



> " Well you have taken wood which is good for warmth and shelter, and

> you have made a wood god of me, which is not Me. I cannot be


> but the wood you can burn, and all the ideas of me can burn with


> You dance and sing and say prayers to me with all kinds of names


> offer all your foods and flesh, but I don't hear you. Sing all you

> want, I will cast you into the deserts, lands of famine, war,

> pestilence and there you will come up in wombs that i'll provide


> you and there you shall live, b/c this is your desire.

> I have created you eternal souls, Ezekiel 18:4 but if you reject MY

> Will, Word then you give Me no choice, but to send you among the

> dead, to live as a vagabond one life after the next. You rejected


> good sons and that I Am who I sent to you. First Moses, then David

> and others who followed and King DAvid who was promised to return

> again and did, as Jesus, as that I AM.


> " But the churches teach nothng, just some faith thing and we have

> found gurudo's much more interesting and pleasing to us. "


> Comforter, " such is the case b/c those who say they represent Moses

> and Jesus lie, precisely why I've had to send the comforter, one


> is covered, preserved and as Jeremiah, Moses and Ezekiel promised.

> Only he knows his name b/c he must stay under My directin as I tell

> him, he will go for he is sent by Me to speak to you My word or


> I AM first spoken by Moses.

> As written by John, my right hand, and recorded in the Book of

> Revealtion 14:3,15:3. That I AM, the song of Moses will he repeat.


> ok well that's enough, i ve heard enough for a week, next.


> Comforter, " Yes i understand, your time is short, and the kingdom


> at hand, use time wisely, that's all you have, and hear from God,

> that I AM, and you too will be given the keys to the kingdom, as i

> have them, they are yours too, as many copies are necessary can and

> will be made " .


> ________


> This is a friendly post provided to you by God as spoken and


> in the Holy Spirit. Though i may quote the Word from a book called

> Bible, this is not religion, this is simply Truth as it was


> i have liberally added nor subtracted, words to try and make the


> Word a mystery, but God does remain a Mystery and is only


> who purely with 110 % effort desire to Know Him. God does not see

> what you give him but what your holding back. That's why it's

> imperitve to pray to God to remove all SIN DESIRE, which you are


> getting from your not god gurudo's. Unless you cleanse the sprirt

> from carnal thought , desires conceptions , perceptions, God sees

> those hidden little desires that you keep to yourself behind the


> masks of internet, not gods and personal hidden flesh gods.


> The process is perfect, God's I Am is Perfect That is His Word.


> Trust in God and let go. But the only way to God is through the

> representative, just like first secretary, then president. The

> secretary must just be the messenger and cannot hold back for


> own personal whims, or self imposd importance. Must be completely

> transparent as if not there, so the call or request goes strainght


> the ear of president, or God.


> This your impersonalist says is not necessary, Therefore it's

> attractive, putting everyone on equal footing, but it is imperfect


> that the equal footing does not have respect for the other

> feet.Susequently, develops it's own conception of the impersonal


> Then the conclusion becomes just words to expain away an equality


> not words, just being. Then that becomes all improvisation again,

> becasue the conclusive of all shapes and sizes fall or melt or


> to end which is the no end, to the impersonalist, or the NOT God,

> Just the Is.


> But go figure , in this state therecan never ever, be complete

> harmony, therefore, no one set Truth, all truths are one. So how


> you imagine peace, or bring together peace under this philosophy.


> Organized confusion, with a head that says here is democracy and


> freedoms of religions, all religions or ideas of God are NOT. And


> are therefore get to work and serve us, give us your time and we


> give you your freedoms.


> Now can you see how the impersonalists, nihilists,___atheists,

> subsequently capitolists, ___promoting socialism is the answer for

> everybodys whim of god.


> This was seen and predicted to be the demise and decadence and word

> disorder as you see it today. And it's sritten just like this by


> Holy Prophets.


> You just have not had the opportunity for someone to open the Words

> b/c the authoritiesare liars and cheats like the stone gods, idol


> not gods.


> So what is next or what or can do you do?


> You need me, to come to your area of choice and speak, on these

> points. Not b/c i'm important, but b/c you are. This is your


> the increased desire to know Truth sincerely has reached God, Our

> Fathers ears, and now He has indicated to go forth now.

> He has preparred the secretary to be transparent. He has taken the

> secretary from one like you, therefore the secretary is


> and his similarity and familiarity, to the same conditions as one

> like everybody else, except, he's the first raised from the dead.

> His garments were dipped in blood,( ie he was also experienced in


> life) Rev 19:13 and his name is the Word of God,that I AM.

> God say to Moses " tell them I AM sent you " and Moses was the

> deliverer of the Word of God.

> NOw you understand,

> I AM , the beginning and end, i come in the volume of the Book,


> written about me. " These are the words of the son of God who is the

> Word of God, who is the I AM, the sme as is in Rev 19: 13 , which


> he who comes on the 'white horse' out of the heavens, which is

> correlated to Rev 11:19 and is the mouth of Moses coming down from

> the mount of Sinai as written in Exodus 19:11 and forthcoming


> the Word, Will of God in chaper 20.

> Therefore, I AM the beginning Exodus 19:11 and end Rev 19:11.


> Now you know who i am, green1911, which is confirmed by my birth

> being 19:11 World, or 11:19 USA. Now these are not the only numbers

> which confirn who i am as I AM. But are i am here for you know to

> take advantage of in the flesh, in Word and Deed. i'm clean and


> been.


> Now take advantage of the offer, and invite me to your area.


> This is the beginning and i will fill you in on all the


> and manners by which Revelation goes forth, the final chapter as it

> was promised to us, by Our loving Father.


> i'm one just like you, and here to share in the Truth and to see

> prophecy is fulfilled.


> So either send me on email, or open more discussion, but, by your

> response i will be obliged to act, for i am your servant.


> your friend in Him/Her


> francis, the whitehorse rider


> dec 08,05


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