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The Santa Fraud

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For your consideration and enjoyment.




If you are a Christian at Christmas time it is one thing, and if you are not,

it is another.

Christmas is rather an odd holiday, because it is simultaneously both a

secular and a religious holiday. But whether it is secular or religious,

Christmas has a great affect on young people.

The secular part of Christmas affects young people by encouraging them to

believe there is a white male person who watches them all year and is

calculating the virtue of their every move. I can call this a paranoid fantasy.

Little kids are gullible. If you tell them something exists and true, they

accept it, because you are their main authority and definer of the world.

Perhaps some adults continue to believe that there is a Santa Claus who

decides whether they are " naughty or nice, " lives at the north pole and

oversees a great workshop making toys and gifts for people, but I think that


aren’t many.

There are those who are culturally surrounded with the Santa Claus

story, but who have the wisdom of not inflicting this fantasy on their children.

Bit there are millions of people who allow their lives to be permeated with the

Santa Claus story, and this is a problem both for the religious people, and

for the non-religious people, and I mean for both adults and children.

The adults who support the secular myth of Santa Claus are pulling a

fraud on their children, a purposeful lie, a fake, a con, a deception. Perhaps

they think it is harmless, irrelevant, and doesn’t harm anyone, but I


I think it IS harmful and painful as is any deception. Do we say, " they

are just kids, so they will get over it? " That it doesn’t matter, or do you

say, " I used to believe in Santa Claus and it didn’t hurt me - but didn’t



Perhaps you have just forgotten the confusion and the sense of betrayal

you felt as you were ridiculed by the older kids who knew the Santa Claus

story wasn’t true. Or perhaps it just didn’t matter much as you grew older


discovered that you have been the victim of a joke, a put on, a myth.

Maybe you weren’t aware that millions of kids have to go through the same

dilemma, all over the Christian nations. That you, as a kid, had to endure

the same disappointment and betrayal as millions of others; that the fraud was

nation-wide or even world-wide in its scope. Did you perhaps give some

thought to the question of why adults would fool you this way? What was their

purpose, their intention?

I can understand why non-Christian secularist would do this.

They see the religious Christians going through their holiday and feel left

out. After all, in a nation like the U.S.A., where about 80% claim to be

Christians, the affects of the holiday seem to be everywhere, and because it is


gift-giving holiday, many who are not Christians still want to join in the


For Christians though, I wonder why they want to participate in the

secular, Santa Claus part of Christmas. Perhaps it‘s a strange back and forth


of thing. As the secularists invented the Santa Claus part of Christmas, the

religious people were envious and want to join in their fun, just as the

secularists wanted to join with the Christians in their holiday festivities.

But my main concern is the story told to children, that Santa Claus

exists and is real, and that they must discover eventually that the adults have

lied to them, and that there is no Santa Claus.

This may be done by adults as an act of power, of their pre-eminent

control of children’s lives and minds. They do it because they can do it, and

since so many do it, they deceive themselves into thinking it is just a harmless


Let’s consider another " harmless " custom, and that is child circumcision.

Nobody ((males) seems to remember the moment they

felt the pain of the knife cutting, but they scream, wiggle and cry, so

although forgotten, the memory probably still resides deep in the memory of men,

and women as well in some countries.

In both situations, the adults are inflicting their definitions of

reality upon the helpless children, their power, and adult view of the world


children do not perceive.

Those that circumcise say the same thing those who inflict the Santa

Claus myth, " no harm done. " But at some point, a child might ask their parents,

" why did you do this to me? " And demand an answer that makes sense to them.

But, most likely, there will be no confrontation, and the children, as they

grow into adults will do the same to their children, and in this way, the

religious beliefs, cultural patterns and societal norms continue year after year


each society.

Meanwhile, the religious Christian, year after year, goes through the

same play, the same patterns of prayer, the same biblical passages over and over

and this is called a tradition. But in Christianity, it is a tradition that

is supposed to end with the return of Jesus, the Christ, and then they will get

their reward, their Christmas present of everlasting life. At least, some of

them, although they all think surely, they will go to heaven to be with their

god when they die.

Is it possible that they are as much victims of a hoax, a fraud as the

children who believe in Santa Claus? And just as the children who accept the

existence of Santa Claus and even persist as they are ridiculed by older

children, the adult believer is in exactly the same position, of insisting


is true and exists even though it is not true, and does not exist, just like

Santa Claus.

Some children will argue and insist that Santa Claus exists and is real

and they do not want to give up the illusion, the pretense that Santa is real,

not knowing they were the victims of a fraud, a hoax, perpetrated by adult

society. Aren’t they like all believers who accept as true and existing, the

endless parade of gods, goddesses, demons and devils that permeate our adult


There are those who have stepped outside of the myths that bind us; those

rare few who escape the chains that fasten us to our many stories and myths

we accept as truth, and often, they suffer the isolation and rejection that

comes from trying to show others they are deceived by the ministers, priests and

the religious leaders that are committed to keeping them as slaves and

victims of the popular mythology.

Just as some parents will get angry if you tell the children there is no

Santa Claus, if they want to continue their fraud, the ministers and preachers

will also get angry if you try to tell their captives that what they believe

in is false, a deception, a lie and a myth.

In conclusion, if you don’t accept that Santa Claus is real, please don’

t inflict this untruth on your children. It will be hard to explain away the

endless Santa pictures, the Santa in department stores, and the Santas ringing

bells on the streets, the movies and all that Christmas stuff. It will be

hard to tell and convince them that Santa isn’t real and that all those other

people are deluded, mistaken or just crazy. But that is your job as a

responsible parent around Christmas time.



Copyright L. Epston 12.5.05





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Nisargadatta , epston@a... wrote:


> 12/12/05


> For your consideration and enjoyment.




> If you are a Christian at Christmas time it is one thing, and if

you are not,

> it is another.


All is one larry, remember or is your memory allready shortened? LOL


> Christmas is rather an odd holiday, because it is

simultaneously both a

> secular and a religious holiday. But whether it is secular or


> Christmas has a great affect on young people.


Effecting emotions, are you feeling larry, tisk tisk.


Santa clause might be a rapist , lookout!!!!!!!!!!!



> The secular part of Christmas affects young people by

encouraging them to

> believe there is a white male person who watches them all year and


> calculating the virtue of their every move. I can call this a

paranoid fantasy.


Call it as you wish , first off it ain't no 'white male', that's your

first incorrect premise, it's jolly ole santa. HOHOHO!!!!!



> Little kids are gullible. If you tell them something exists and

true, they

> accept it, because you are their main authority and definer of the



And the Jewish heads tell their own that Hitler was a rapist, but

what do you care? right.

And that some day some time even King david might return but hell

have to be from eastern parkway drive or something?


> Perhaps some adults continue to believe that there is a Santa

Claus who

> decides whether they are " naughty or nice, " lives at the north pole


> oversees a great workshop making toys and gifts for people, but I

think that there

> aren’t many.


perhaps_____________--hummmm??????? not,



> There are those who are culturally surrounded with the Santa


> story, but who have the wisdom of not inflicting this fantasy on

their children.


the jews are the curlturally in tune ones larry, perhaps you should

join them?


> Bit there are millions of people who allow their lives to be

permeated with the

> Santa Claus story, and this is a problem both for the religious

people, and

> for the non-religious people, and I mean for both adults and



no , you mean for the jews and non jews, right. the goys


> The adults who support the secular myth of Santa Claus are

pulling a

> fraud on their children, a purposeful lie, a fake, a con, a



So what else is new larry, try lashing out at the government , you

might redirect your energy at them for their frauds, like promising

freedom and liberty and justice for all. and, and and. freedom of

which santa to believe in.


> Perhaps

> they think it is harmless, irrelevant, and doesn’t harm anyone,

but I disagree.

> I think it IS harmful and painful as is any deception. Do we

say, " they

> are just kids, so they will get over it? " That it doesn’t

matter, or do you

> say, " I used to believe in Santa Claus and it didn’t hurt me -

but didn’t it?


That's right larry , it didn't hurt me b/c it was fantasy and all

children love love, fantasy, ever wonder why dults like a good shot

of heroin, or exctasy?



> Perhaps you have just forgotten the confusion and the sense of


> you felt as you were ridiculed by the older kids who knew the Santa


> story wasn’t true. Or perhaps it just didn’t matter much as

you grew older and

> discovered that you have been the victim of a joke, a put on, a



Growing up is a challenge ,any way you look at it , i see you harping

on this santa thing as if it were a new revelation, this excercise

mught be good toned down and directed towards college kids.




> Maybe you weren’t aware that millions of kids have to go

through the same

> dilemma, all over the Christian nations. That you, as a kid, had

to endure

> the same disappointment and betrayal as millions of others; that

the fraud was

> nation-wide or even world-wide in its scope. Did you perhaps give


> thought to the question of why adults would fool you this way?


daaah, try government 101, capitolism and follywood and all the big

NY firms and the garment industry, mtv, radio and the Paramount

capitlists, that are thriving off this pagan ritual, larry ep.


> What was their

> purpose, their intention?

> I can understand why non-Christian secularist would do this.

> They see the religious Christians going through their holiday and

feel left

> out. After all, in a nation like the U.S.A., where about 80%

claim to be

> Christians, the affects of the holiday seem to be everywhere, and

because it is a

> gift-giving holiday, many who are not Christians still want to join

in the

> fun.


Well for a guy that wants to make a big deal out of the santa fraud,

you sure have alot of emotion going on in this segment there fella.

positive and loving. i agree, i know you point larry, but seems like

you could walse to a more mature tune on the Niz channel.



> For Christians though, I wonder why they want to participate in


> secular, Santa Claus part of Christmas. Perhaps it‘s a strange

back and forth kind

> of thing. As the secularists invented the Santa Claus part of

Christmas, the

> religious people were envious and want to join in their fun, just

as the

> secularists wanted to join with the Christians in their holiday



you have an unusual way of using 'religious people', like your one

and you feel (ie emotions, frustrated ) like left out. Were your

parents non christians larry???? lol


> But my main concern is the story told to children, that Santa


> exists and is real, and that they must discover eventually that the

adults have

> lied to them, and that there is no Santa Claus.



Don't make santa your main concern, he'll come and go just like the

fish story of ___yum kipper___like kipper is a good fish to eat! lol


> This may be done by adults as an act of power, of their pre-


> control of children’s lives and minds. They do it because they

can do it, and

> since so many do it, they deceive themselves into thinking it is

just a harmless

> custom.


brainwashing is in all forms, and it's the democratic, secular,

capitolists pandemic!!!!


> Let’s consider another " harmless " custom, and that is child


> Nobody ((males) seems to remember the moment they

> felt the pain of the knife cutting, but they scream, wiggle and

cry, so

> although forgotten, the memory probably still resides deep in the

memory of men,

> and women as well in some countries.

> In both situations, the adults are inflicting their definitions


> reality upon the helpless children, their power, and adult view of

the world that

> children do not perceive.

> Those that circumcise say the same thing those who inflict the


> Claus myth, " no harm done. " But at some point, a child might ask

their parents,

> " why did you do this to me? " And demand an answer that makes sense

to them.

> But, most likely, there will be no confrontation, and the children,

as they

> grow into adults will do the same to their children, and in this

way, the

> religious beliefs, cultural patterns and societal norms continue

year after year in

> each society.


Go figure eh? how literalism of the Torah turned circumcism of the

heart into circumcism of the penis foreskin. And who intituted that

ritual? ___i think that's another santa clause story, Torah style. lol

Remember how magical Moses parted the sea, another Hashem myth eh?


> Meanwhile, the religious Christian, year after year, goes

through the

> same play, the same patterns of prayer, the same biblical passages

over and over

> and this is called a tradition. But in Christianity, it is a

tradition that

> is supposed to end with the return of Jesus, the Christ, and then

they will get

> their reward, their Christmas present of everlasting life. At

least, some of

> them, although they all think surely, they will go to heaven to be

with their

> god when they die.


Stick with me and take this up with the pagan christian phd boys,

these nondualists are into mental masterbation, not santa larry.



> Is it possible that they are as much victims of a hoax, a fraud

as the

> children who believe in Santa Claus? And just as the children who

accept the

> existence of Santa Claus and even persist as they are ridiculed by


> children, the adult believer is in exactly the same position, of

insisting something

> is true and exists even though it is not true, and does not exist,

just like

> Santa Claus.


Well th Jesus savior thing is a fraud , yes, The way it's promised on

the christian channel. Why don't you come over and talk with me , i

can tell you have a bone to pick, i knid of like your headyness, just

need to round the corners abit and you'll be allright.

JC won't hurt you, neither will santabecause.



> Some children will argue and insist that Santa Claus exists and

is real

> and they do not want to give up the illusion, the pretense that

Santa is real,

> not knowing they were the victims of a fraud, a hoax, perpetrated

by adult

> society. Aren’t they like all believers who accept as true and

existing, the

> endless parade of gods, goddesses, demons and devils that permeate

our adult

> societies?

Exactly, as is written by the Holy Prophets even the Niz agrees get

rid of all these man made gods and goddesses and just remove all

those nasty traditions of men circumcism, animal sacrifices, yum

kipper, fish and santa storis, blue-god and all the not god stories

and just love God, yes that is the message of the Holy Spirit.



> There are those who have stepped outside of the myths that bind

us; those

> rare few who escape the chains that fasten us to our many stories

and myths

> we accept as truth, and often, they suffer the isolation and

rejection that

> comes from trying to show others they are deceived by the

ministers, priests and

> the religious leaders that are committed to keeping them as slaves


> victims of the popular mythology.


yes , rare but more these days , scattered and the King David as

promised by God is hanging out and working his game of Love and all

will come see the remnant hooking up. patience larry, come and talk

with me. You show good promise and energy and i'm serious here.


> Just as some parents will get angry if you tell the children

there is no

> Santa Claus, if they want to continue their fraud, the ministers

and preachers

> will also get angry if you try to tell their captives that what

they believe

> in is false, a deception, a lie and a myth.


That's why i get booted from all their forums, and churches. They

don't have solomon's porch anymore they use faith guards and laws

against tresspassing to enforce the rules and kick me out.

so this is my platform, i come in the air, the clouds, the

cyberjungle, lol.


> In conclusion, if you don’t accept that Santa Claus is real,

please don’

> t inflict this untruth on your children. It will be hard to explain

away the

> endless Santa pictures, the Santa in department stores, and the

Santas ringing

> bells on the streets, the movies and all that Christmas stuff. It

will be

> hard to tell and convince them that Santa isn’t real and that all

those other

> people are deluded, mistaken or just crazy.


Ya but larry , all those tax dollars, revenue larry for the Gov boys

and all their side kick lobbyists for all those liberal entrepreneurs

explointing the allmight dollar.

imagine all the retailers out of business, santa must go on he keeps

the ecomony flurishing larry, wake up my friend smell__camp david. LOL

___________without the KING.



> But that is your job as a

> responsible parent around Christmas time.


christ mass birthday or you know, of " Mary's litle lamb " , c'mon

larry , he only comes around once ayear to save all the retail stores.

besides if there was no santa, there might not be america as you see

it today and just another 3rd world country.

have you efer thought of that, no jesus fraud no america ????????


whitehores rides again.



> Copyright L. Epston 12.5.05

> www.epston.com


copyright, love is free larry, protecting something ???? LOLOLOLOL










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