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Meditation and drugs . . .

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[Without ever taking drugs] I am

beginning to suspect meditation and

drugs work in somewhat similar way on

the brain!






People have reported to experience

many of the similar things under the

influence of some drugs that many

meditators experience during

meditations and... that 'siddhas'

effortlessly and naturally experience

all the time!



These experiences include - uncaused

joy, elation, and love... euphoria...,

feeling of 'no body', feeling of 'no

gravity', floating away, Weightless [or

very light] body, feeling of being

'like space'... no sense of boundary,

time or space, no sense of pain or

ache... feeling 'out of body'!






One difference is that under the

influence of drugs some parts of brains

are 'forcibly' 'put to sleep' for some

time and can not wake up even if the

physical survival of the organism was

at stake!



Whereas, in case of meditation they

are only allowed to be at rest! The

watcher, the presence can activate and

engage them fully anytime it feels

their need.



Other difference is the health

damaging effect of the drugs on the

brain which is not the case with







Both drugs and mediation tend to

'alter' the brain as the parts that are

'used' more tend to develop and part

that are used rarely start becoming

naturally 'dormant'!



More the exposure... more 'stable' and

'long lasting' these 'changes' become!

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> Both drugs and mediation tend to

> 'alter' the brain as the parts that are

> 'used' more tend to develop and part

> that are used rarely start becoming

> naturally 'dormant'!



> More the exposure... more 'stable' and

> 'long lasting' these 'changes' become!




Scientists studying emotional behavior

in animals discovered that when a baby

find itself in its mother's embrace -

the animal brain releases a hormone

that works somewhat similar to morphine

i.e. it is both soothing and relaxing

as well as addictive!



A mother hug and touch... literally...

soothes the ache and pain!


And, this is

among the many ways that the nature

work to reward the activities that it

sees furthering its cause... feeling of

'feeling good' in sexual orgasm is

another such example as the nature

encourages and rewards physical union

between sexes!






While neuroscience is still very much

in its infancy... scientists have been

amazed by the degree of evolved design

and complexity that the human brain

operates on. Among other thing they

have found brain being able to

continually form new pathways and

structure, to be able to dissolve

old/expired/unused part into cerebellum

liquid and to form new parts from the

cerebellum liquid. They have discovered

that one part of the brain can instruct

and control the other parts and these

parts... can switch roles.






Brain/body releases hormones and

transmits signals... some of which feel

very pleasant, claming, peaceful and

soothing as they work ease or remove

pain and put body and brain at rest.



Whereas, other hormones and signals

seem hot and disturbing as they work to

keep body awake, alert and not allow it

to relax rest or be at ease and fall

sleep! Physical survival of the

organism is one of the primary tasks

that the brain is interested in and as

long as there is any perception of

threat it works by creating and

transmitting signals that feel like

pain, ache and doesn't let body/brain

to relax and be at ease. These signal

work to define the boundary of 'self'

as rigidly as possible to ensure the

defense of that 'enclosed' entity...

the Body!



Whether these threats are real or

imaginary doesn't matter to brain. And,

as our civilization is built around

exploiting and utilizing these 'fear'

'signals' most humans live their entire

life ruled by IT - and, by its

resultant Pain!

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The brain regulates and controls the

body, secretes hormones and sends

various signals while us [the known,

conscious sense of 'me the doer']

remains mostly unconscious of it. Thus,

we mostly only see the 'after effect'

of what has happened and rarely get to

consciously control or 'cause' its




Yet, it is also true that for a large

part normal human beings are capable

for generating these signals and thus

'causing' the resultant 'state'

consciously. Examples will include

hearing of the great loss of " my " money

in the stock market and the resultant

emotional pain first [and physical pain

later] that it causes. In a way

[though, we might be unaware of its

real 'effect'], we are instructing

brain to generate certain kind of

signals as I attempt to... 'experience'




Many tribes [and even the 'civilized'

world] perform rituals where they

consciously 'remember' the atrocities

performed on them by the 'enemies'

before they go to war! This in a way is

a conscious attempt to instruct brain

to generate the signal for ... Rage!



As we start to become more and more

conscious... not only we start to

become more readily aware of these

signals and their effects - we also

start getting more conscious control

over them!



In some cases as such as Swami Rama

<http://www.neilslade.com/Papers/Rama.html >,

people have demonstrated conscious

control of many brain/body functions

which were previously thought beyond

conscious human control. One of the

functions that Rama demonstrated to

control and generate while staying

fully awake and conscious was the

generation of theta waves that brain

generates during deep sleep and deeply



One could assume that Rama was/is not

the only one capable of brain control

of such degree as Rama himself claimed

to have learnt it from his guru.





While not every meditator controls or

needs to control the functions of brain

to such extent. Conscious mediation is

a conscious practice to teach brain to

function in new ways. It is a practice

to teach brain to remain clam,

peaceful, relaxed... yet, fully

Conscious, Alert and Present!





While drugs work by 'forcibly' putting

some parts of the brain to sleep and

thus eliminating pain [as well as

eliminating full consciousness] - the

meditation experiences Conscious Alert

Presence Free Of Pain!


'Freedom from Pain' part for both

drugs and mediation remain quite

similar - yet - the consciousness IN

which that 'freedom' happens is Vastly


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> Conscious mediation is

> a conscious practice to teach brain to

> function in new ways. It is a practice

> to teach brain to remain clam,

> peaceful, relaxed... yet, fully

> Conscious, Alert and Present!





Zen Meditation is practicing the art of

Conscious Alert Presence... without

needing 'pain signals' to stay awake!


Once mind fully learns it... the large

part of human pain becomes necessary as

what [is seen as] 'needs' to happen...

happens without needing any Pain!





" No me " is the art of taking ... " me "

.... out of human experiences such as

taking " me " and " mine " out of stock

losses. It is the art of learning that

events can be easily understood,

analyzed as well as solved without

investing sense of " me " in them such as

an efficient paid consultant working on

to 'analyze' and 'solve' a client's

loss in stock market.


Once learn fully... this too stops

much of the psychological pain and the

consciousness learns to work

efficiently without needing to invest a

'personal' sense in events and things.





" Who Am I? " is the art of seeing and

realizing the Real Me and knowing that

the Real Me is Never threatened [or is

enhanced by] by anything that happens

in the world and thus, whatever happens

doesn't really happen to... " me " !


Once seen clearly... sense of " me " 'in

things and events' naturally drops in

this case and so does the Pain.




Surrender and trust is the practice to

leave everything to the higher powers -

to the one that circulates the blood,

divides cells, beats the heart -

breathes - without needing instructions

from us. Even the sleep happens with

the same attitude - as we leave

everything to it.


Once fully done... brain sees no need

'not to relax' or send pain signals as

it is told that all the problems and

threats will be solved without needing

any pain and work on the entity's part.




Seeing all things as passing,

temporary [or seeing the world itself

as maya] is realizing that the things

often change by themselves thus

fretting [and pain and arduous effort]

about them is not necessary.


This too stops instructing brain to

generate pain signals in most cases.





Acceptance... is the art of learning

that that 'what is' doesn't really

change by my mental 'reaction' to it!


What [i see as] 'needs to be done'

can be quite [and even more]

efficiently done without me reacting

against... 'What Already Is' and thus,

any pain that in generate here is

unnecessary [and even purely harmful]!



Once it becomes a conscious 'way of

life' and 'consciousness' becomes

predominant the mind learns to do what

it feels 'needs be done' without

needing any mental pain!

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love is the best drug



Nisargadatta , " adithya_comming "

<adithya_comming> wrote:


> [..]


> > Conscious mediation is

> > a conscious practice to teach brain to

> > function in new ways. It is a practice

> > to teach brain to remain clam,

> > peaceful, relaxed... yet, fully

> > Conscious, Alert and Present!

> >

> >



> Zen Meditation is practicing the art of

> Conscious Alert Presence... without

> needing 'pain signals' to stay awake!


> Once mind fully learns it... the large

> part of human pain becomes necessary as

> what [is seen as] 'needs' to happen...

> happens without needing any Pain!



> ...


> " No me " is the art of taking ... " me "

> ... out of human experiences such as

> taking " me " and " mine " out of stock

> losses. It is the art of learning that

> events can be easily understood,

> analyzed as well as solved without

> investing sense of " me " in them such as

> an efficient paid consultant working on

> to 'analyze' and 'solve' a client's

> loss in stock market.


> Once learn fully... this too stops

> much of the psychological pain and the

> consciousness learns to work

> efficiently without needing to invest a

> 'personal' sense in events and things.



> ...


> " Who Am I? " is the art of seeing and

> realizing the Real Me and knowing that

> the Real Me is Never threatened [or is

> enhanced by] by anything that happens

> in the world and thus, whatever happens

> doesn't really happen to... " me " !


> Once seen clearly... sense of " me " 'in

> things and events' naturally drops in

> this case and so does the Pain.


> ...


> Surrender and trust is the practice to

> leave everything to the higher powers -

> to the one that circulates the blood,

> divides cells, beats the heart -

> breathes - without needing instructions

> from us. Even the sleep happens with

> the same attitude - as we leave

> everything to it.


> Once fully done... brain sees no need

> 'not to relax' or send pain signals as

> it is told that all the problems and

> threats will be solved without needing

> any pain and work on the entity's part.


> ...


> Seeing all things as passing,

> temporary [or seeing the world itself

> as maya] is realizing that the things

> often change by themselves thus

> fretting [and pain and arduous effort]

> about them is not necessary.


> This too stops instructing brain to

> generate pain signals in most cases.



> ...


> Acceptance... is the art of learning

> that that 'what is' doesn't really

> change by my mental 'reaction' to it!


> What [i see as] 'needs to be done'

> can be quite [and even more]

> efficiently done without me reacting

> against... 'What Already Is' and thus,

> any pain that in generate here is

> unnecessary [and even purely harmful]!



> Once it becomes a conscious 'way of

> life' and 'consciousness' becomes

> predominant the mind learns to do what

> it feels 'needs be done' without

> needing any mental pain!


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