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Coming to the Self

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More of this terrible egotistical garbage. This is how the innocent are

captured, by this oppresive kind of discourse. It's all much more simple and

direct that this.

This kind of thinking is an abomination to the inner life of man.


Larry Epston




In a message dated 12/30/2005 10:29:38 AM Pacific Standard Time,

dattapr2000 writes:


> Divine Message of His Holiness Shri Datta Swami


> I am the knowledge, love and bliss

> Vedas call Me Parabrahman

> Knowledge, love and bliss concentrated

> Multiplied by infinity is Myself.


> My power is called Maya,

> Which is inexplicable for you

> I keep this secret of Maya with Me only

> Otherwise, human beings will catch My hair


> and on and on and on.





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Divine Message of His Holiness Shri Datta Swami


I am the knowledge, love and bliss

Vedas call Me Parabrahman

Knowledge, love and bliss concentrated

Multiplied by infinity is Myself.


My power is called Maya,

Which is inexplicable for you

I keep this secret of Maya with Me only

Otherwise, human beings will catch My hair


To keep the soul always at My feet

I do not disclose the secret of Maya

By this, the soul always surrenders to Me

Otherwise, he will claim himself as the Lord.


Through Maya only I created this world

I enjoy by seeing this everlasting cinema

For enjoyment I created ignorance

Which covers Me and I forget Myself


I am not sleeping and not caught by dream

I am dreaming in the day opening My eyes

The ignorance is at My will to stay or not

Unlike the ignorance of a night dreamer


My awareness is not your awareness

If it is so, when you weep I should weep

All should also weep at the same time

Your awareness is negligible part of Mine.


All the souls put together along with this world

Form a pinhead drop in Me, almost nil

I am the mightiest ocean of knowledge, love and bliss

Which are the characteristics of consciousness


Even all the souls weep together at a time

I cannot be touched, all those being negligible

Awareness of awareness is consciousness, no doubt

You are seeing only the qualitative similarity


Drop and ocean are qualitatively water, may be

Can the drop become the ocean by this equality?

Water is Brahman but ocean is Eswara

You are already Brahman but not Eswara


Sankara touched this qualitative aspect only

To attract Bhuddists who were atheists then,

He told “Oh drop! You are already water”

But the drop thought that is was ocean


Bhuddist was fooled like this by Sankara

He has to accept his existence and If He is Brahman

Qualitative realization was brought like this

That is the beginning stage, which should be so


Slowly when he analyzes the qualitative aspect

And goes into quantitative angle, truth is seen

He realizes that He is only water and not ocean

Then he surrenders to ocean to become devotee


Knowledge by analysis leads to devotion

Devotion needs the ocean to be present before eyes

For this purpose the ocean enters a human body drop

Through His power of Maya, called human incarnation.


“Anoraneeyan mahato maheeyan” Veda says so

This means that the ocean has entered the drop

In the same time it is ocean and also the drop

That is the human incarnation, which is God and man.


This human incarnation is called Parabrahman

Which is greater than Brahman, soul, and Eswara

Brahman is water, Eswara is ocean and drop is soul

All these are quite logical terms to grasp.


Parabrahman is greater than all these

The word “Para” means “greater” actually

It is greater than the drop, ocean and water

Since it is the ocean hiding in a drop by Maya


You can not face Eswara directly at any cost

By that force, you will disappear along with this world

You can face Parabrahman, which is the ocean

That speaks with you hidden in a drop like you


posted by: His servant

at the lotus feet of shri datta swami




ADHHUB wrote:


In a message dated 12/28/2005 1:37:26 PM Pacific Standard Time,

Nisargadatta writes:



Re: [Nisargadatta Coming to the Self


In a message dated 12/28/2005 1:25:37 AM Pacific Standard Time,

binduau writes:


> We are asked to seek the

> unity which the word Ananta (or infinity) denotes via coming to

> realize the truth of The Oneness of The Self.


The problem is " seeking " which implies there is something to be found.

There is nothing to be found, nothing to seek, realizing this is the end of


Are you " coming " to know that? It has already arrrived, it has never left.



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In a message dated 12/30/2005 12:41:53 PM Pacific Standard Time,

Nisargadatta writes:



Re: Coming to the Self


More of this terrible egotistical garbage. This is how the innocent are

captured, by this oppresive kind of discourse. It's all much more simple


direct that this.

This kind of thinking is an abomination to the inner life of man.


Larry Epston





Is it possible that all belief systems serve those believers, either by

bringing understanding or as an exploration of one's own self created

limitations, as a reflection in a mirror? Perfection can be a difficult concept


accept, but acceptance is the key to understanding and understanding is the key









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In a message dated 12/30/2005 5:48:19 PM Pacific Standard Time,

ADHHUB writes:


> epston

> Re: Coming to the Self


> More of this terrible egotistical garbage. This is how the innocent are

> captured, by this oppresive kind of discourse. It's all much more simple

> and

> direct that this.

> This kind of thinking is an abomination to the inner life of man.


> Larry Epston





> Is it possible that all belief systems serve those believers, either by

> bringing understanding or as an exploration of one's own self created

> limitations, as a reflection in a mirror? Perfection can be a difficult

> concept to

> accept, but acceptance is the key to understanding and understanding is the

> key to

> acceptance.


> Phil


> No! I don't think so.

> You seem to want to find the good in all.

> If you get back far enough, the earth looks like a blue ball.

> But up close, there is suffering.

> If you accept certain things, you will perish.

> Others, you will live, and live more abundantly.

> Choose wisely, or else.


> Larry





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In a message dated 12/31/2005 12:36:55 AM Pacific Standard Time,

Nisargadatta writes:



Re: Coming to the Self


In a message dated 12/30/2005 5:48:19 PM Pacific Standard Time,

ADHHUB writes:


> epston

> Re: Coming to the Self


> More of this terrible egotistical garbage. This is how the innocent are

> captured, by this oppresive kind of discourse. It's all much more simple

> and

> direct that this.

> This kind of thinking is an abomination to the inner life of man.


> Larry Epston





> Is it possible that all belief systems serve those believers, either by

> bringing understanding or as an exploration of one's own self created

> limitations, as a reflection in a mirror? Perfection can be a difficult

> concept to

> accept, but acceptance is the key to understanding and understanding is


> key to

> acceptance.


> Phil


> No! I don't think so.

> You seem to want to find the good in all.

> If you get back far enough, the earth looks like a blue ball.

> But up close, there is suffering.

> If you accept certain things, you will perish.

> Others, you will live, and live more abundantly.

> Choose wisely, or else.


> Larry







Yes, there is suffering. This comes from struggle, which is resistance,

which is the failure to accept. You see suffering in the world, I see


even in that suffering.


I get the subtle impression sometimes that you're not really all that open

to new ideas, Larry. Hehe.







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In a message dated 12/31/2005 1:57:21 AM Pacific Standard Time,

ADHHUB writes:


> Yes, there is suffering. This comes from struggle, which is resistance,

> which is the failure to accept. You see suffering in the world, I see

> perfection

> even in that suffering.


> Phil



So do I, Phil, I see perfection in this suffering. But you see sufferingin

this perfection, and I see perfection in this suffering in perfection, and you

see suffering in this perfection of the suffering of the perfection, and










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In a message dated 12/31/2005 1:57:21 AM Pacific Standard Time,

ADHHUB writes:


> I get the subtle impression sometimes that you're not really all that open


> to new ideas, Larry. Hehe.


> Phil


I'm still expressing the new ideas that came from my last old ideas. I'll

have to fully express these old new ideas before I can go on to express my new

new ideas about the new ideas I had from my old ideas which are still my new

ideas. Right?






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epston wrote:

More of this terrible egotistical garbage. This is how the innocent are

captured, by this oppresive kind of discourse. It's all much more simple and

direct that this.This kind of thinking is an abomination to the inner life of



Larry Epston




Look here at the threats, at the intimidation, at the fear he tries to plant

in your mind. Guard yourself against this terrible teaching that has infected

so many human lifes

for so many years.

This reincarnation boloney has given rise to the oppressive and cruel system

of caste in India. What a pollution of the human life who is caught in this

nasty, repulsive web of deceit coated in honey.


p.s. I am not a blind horse, jerk!



In a message dated 12/31/2005 4:36:42 AM Pacific Standard Time,

dattapr2000 writes:


> Oh! Blind horse ! – Hear the Guru |

> You don’t see the way – But you are running with vigor ||

> How many wives – How many husbands – How many Sons and How many daughters

> ---- You had for the past millions of births!

> Don’t be trapped by the sweet words and sweet love of these family members

> |

> They are your real enemies in your Sadhana--You have stolen their money in

> the previous birth and they have come now to get it from you with interest ||

> They have come not only to collect their loans – but also to revenge upon

> you--By spoiling your Sadhana ||

> Your energy and time are limited – they cannot save you when the death

> attacks you |

> They will leave you after their revenge--They have come to you for food and

> shelter – Help them as per your duty |

> But be brief with them without wasting time and energy ||

> Hear Me, See Me, Speak about Me and Think about Me only |

> Your senses caught by these bonds will not allow you to come to Me-----The

> blind bull ran and ran through out the night and was in the field only----It

> was dissociated from the guide – Therefore catch the Guru at once ||


> Holy Jesus told in the Bible that if one does not hate his family members

> he cannot become His disciple. I am explaining the reason of His statement.

> Your family attracts you by love and becomes an obstacle for your love on the

> Lord. Guru is very important in Sadhana. Nobody is more than Guru (Na

> Guroradhikam, Guru Saakshat Para Brahma). You must not limit the service by

> serving the Guru personally only. You must digest His preaching. Can you


> the examination if you have paid the fees regularly to the teacher. But

> today the Guru is concentrating on the fees but not on the student.


> posted by: His servant

> at the lotus feet of shri datta swami

> www.universal-spirituality.org










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Divine Message of His Holiness Shri Datta Swami


Q) Can’t we reach the goal through spiritual effort without Guru? What is the

difference between Sadhana and Upasana?

A) Sadhana means attaining the grace of the Lord in human form by serving Him.

Upasana is attaining something, which is very much near and similar to the Lord.

In Upasana you cannot serve the Lord. Upa means near. Asana means attainment.

In Upasana you can understand the nature of the Lord through a model (Prateeka),

which has some similarity with the Lord. Veda says that the Sun or the mind

etc., should be meditated as the Lord (Adityam Brahmeti Upaseeta, Tam Mana Iti

Upaseeta). The Sun removes the darkness as the Lord removes the ignorance. The

mind creates several forms in dream as the Lord creates several forms in the

world. The Sun and the mind are only the models to understand the Lord. When

you meditate upon the Sun and the mind you can only understand the nature of the

Lord. But you cannot serve the Lord. Hanuman meditated upon the Sun and

understood the nature of the Lord. Then He met Lord Rama and served Him.

Therefore Sadhana is greater than Upasana.


Upasana is the beginning stage and Sadhana is the final stage. Sadhana

(Spiritual effort) without Guru is like a blind bull running in the field

through out the night and was unable to reach the village since the farmer

guide is not associated with it. Guru means He who removes the ignorance and

shows the right path. Without Guru you will be wasting lot of energy and lot of

time without reaching the goal. If you recognize the Lord in human form and

serve Him like Hanuman and Gopikas you can attain the highest fruit. All this

is known only through the preaching of the Guru. If you are serving the statues

you will end in misery only like Tyagaraja. The blind bull spends all its

energy through out the night without any use. Had it been in the hand of a

guide it could have reached the village in ten minutes by spending very little

energy in walking. (Swami sang the following song spontaneously here).


Oh! Blind horse ! – Hear the Guru |

You don’t see the way – But you are running with vigor ||

How many wives – How many husbands – How many Sons and How many daughters ----

You had for the past millions of births!

Don’t be trapped by the sweet words and sweet love of these family members |

They are your real enemies in your Sadhana--You have stolen their money in the

previous birth and they have come now to get it from you with interest ||

They have come not only to collect their loans – but also to revenge upon

you--By spoiling your Sadhana ||

Your energy and time are limited – they cannot save you when the death attacks

you |

They will leave you after their revenge--They have come to you for food and

shelter – Help them as per your duty |

But be brief with them without wasting time and energy ||

Hear Me, See Me, Speak about Me and Think about Me only |

Your senses caught by these bonds will not allow you to come to Me-----The

blind bull ran and ran through out the night and was in the field only----It was

dissociated from the guide – Therefore catch the Guru at once ||


Holy Jesus told in the Bible that if one does not hate his family members he

cannot become His disciple. I am explaining the reason of His statement. Your

family attracts you by love and becomes an obstacle for your love on the Lord.

Guru is very important in Sadhana. Nobody is more than Guru (Na Guroradhikam,

Guru Saakshat Para Brahma). You must not limit the service by serving the Guru

personally only. You must digest His preaching. Can you pass the examination

if you have paid the fees regularly to the teacher. But today the Guru is

concentrating on the fees but not on the student.


posted by: His servant

at the lotus feet of shri datta swami




epston wrote:

More of this terrible egotistical garbage. This is how the innocent are

captured, by this oppresive kind of discourse. It's all much more simple and

direct that this.This kind of thinking is an abomination to the inner life of



Larry Epsto



for Good - Make a difference this year.



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Saturday, December 31, 2005 8:08 AM

Re: Coming to the Self



In a message dated 12/31/2005 1:57:21 AM Pacific Standard Time,

ADHHUB writes:


> I get the subtle impression sometimes that you're not really all that open


> to new ideas, Larry. Hehe.


> Phil


I'm still expressing the new ideas that came from my last old ideas. I'll

have to fully express these old new ideas before I can go on to express my new

new ideas about the new ideas I had from my old ideas which are still my new

ideas. Right?














in brain pickings

and droppings

of the same old





postage guaranteed




hi guys, having fun yet?







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In a message dated 12/31/2005 6:30:48 AM Pacific Standard Time,

Nisargadatta writes:



Re: Coming to the Self


In a message dated 12/31/2005 1:57:21 AM Pacific Standard Time,

ADHHUB writes:


> Yes, there is suffering. This comes from struggle, which is resistance,

> which is the failure to accept. You see suffering in the world, I see

> perfection

> even in that suffering.


> Phil



So do I, Phil, I see perfection in this suffering. But you see sufferingin

this perfection, and I see perfection in this suffering in perfection, and


see suffering in this perfection of the suffering of the perfection, and









I read a wonderful book once called " Enlightenment is losing your mind " . I

dare say, Larry, you're almost home! :)







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In a message dated 12/31/2005 6:30:48 AM Pacific Standard Time,

Nisargadatta writes:



Re: Coming to the Self


In a message dated 12/31/2005 1:57:21 AM Pacific Standard Time,

ADHHUB writes:


> I get the subtle impression sometimes that you're not really all that open



> to new ideas, Larry. Hehe.


> Phil


I'm still expressing the new ideas that came from my last old ideas. I'll

have to fully express these old new ideas before I can go on to express my


new ideas about the new ideas I had from my old ideas which are still my new

ideas. Right?















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In a message dated 12/31/2005 6:30:48 AM Pacific Standard Time,

Nisargadatta writes:


" Anna Ruiz " <nli10u

Re: Coming to the Self






Saturday, December 31, 2005 8:08 AM

Re: Coming to the Self



In a message dated 12/31/2005 1:57:21 AM Pacific Standard Time,

ADHHUB writes:


> I get the subtle impression sometimes that you're not really all that open



> to new ideas, Larry. Hehe.


> Phil


I'm still expressing the new ideas that came from my last old ideas. I'll

have to fully express these old new ideas before I can go on to express my


new ideas about the new ideas I had from my old ideas which are still my new

ideas. Right?














in brain pickings

and droppings

of the same old





postage guaranteed




hi guys, having fun yet?





Ya know, there's, like, a really, really, subtle thing about perfection that

lots of folks tend to miss..............It's perfect just as it is! Hehe.







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