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Ancient Mayan 2012 Is 2006 Of The Blue Star ...

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for millions of us, connected, awakened-children,

2006 is the forecast Mayan year 2012 of concordance ...


the question is ... is this the year that the BILLIONS of us

will recognize, move to, arise to! too?


the Exodus2006 article, below, I found at:




was always wondering what was going on there with that

" retreat into the Ethiopian mountains - near to the town of Axum -

where the Ark of the Covenant is kept. "


under, within, GrandMother Sun ...


and her song!



Millennium Twain





Rav Kaduri Warns: Natural Disasters Awaiting the World


Note - The Hebrew year 5766 starts on the 4th October 2005 and ends on the 16th

September 2006


Arutz Shiva - IsraelNationalNews.com


Rabbi Kaduri Warns Against Future Natural Disasters and Calls for Aliyah


Kabbalist Urges Jews to Israel Ahead of Upcoming Disasters


By Baruch Gordon


Israel's leading known Kabbalistic Elder Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri called upon

worldwide Jewry

Tuesday night to return to Israel to be spared from natural disasters which

threaten to

strike the world.


In a class between between the Mincha (afternoon) and Maariv (evening) prayers

at his

Jerusalem yeshiva seminary, Rabbi Kaduri issued the following call:

" This declaration I find fitting to issue for all of the Jews of the world to

hear. It is

incumbent upon them to return to the Land of Israel due to terrible natural

disasters which

threaten the world. "


" In the future, the Holy One, Blessed be He, will bring about great disasters in


countries of the world to sweeten the judgements of the Land of Israel. "


" I am ordering the publication of this declartion as a warning, so that Jews in

the countries

of the world will be aware of the impending danger and will come to the Land of

Israel for

the buliding of the Temple and revelation of our righteous Mashiach (Messiah). "


Rabbi Kaduri also stated that the upcoming year would be a year of " secret and

revelation "

in the world. The Jewish year 5766 begins in less than three weeks, with the

holiday of

Rosh Hashana.


The Rabbi explained that the numerical Hebrew abbreviation for 5766, tav, shin,


vav gives insight into the nature of the upcoming year. " This will be a year of

secret (or

sod, from the letter samech) and revelation (or v'giliu from the letter vav.


Arutz Sheva Israel National Radio show host Yehoshua Meiri first publicized the


on his late Tuesday night Hebrew radio show. Meiri typed out the words of Rabbi


delcarion and presented the document to the Kabbalistic elder who signed it.


Associates of Rabbi Kaduri were dispatched to communicate the Rabbi's call to


Minister Ariel Sharon before Sharon's departure to the United States the same



Meiri says he will publicize the signed declaration after Prime Minister Sharon

delivers a

speech in which he is expected to call upon the Jews of the Diaspora to make


(immigrate) to Israel.


During a visit with Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (the late Lubavitcher Rebbe


blessed memory) in 1990, Rabbi Kaduri was told by the Rebbe that he would live

to see

the coming of the Mashiach.








In a special announcement transmitted to the Prime Minister through a special

intermediary, the elder Kabbalist warned world Jewry to come to Israel


In a lecture given yesterday (Tuesday 9/13/05) the elder Kabbalist Rabbi

Yitzchak Kaduri,

called on world Jewry to come to Israel because of natural disasters that will

take place in

the near future. In the announcement Rav Kaduri says:


" I hereby find that it is necessary to pass this call to the ears of world

Jewry, that they

should come to the Land of Israel for the reason of the great dangers awaiting

the world

from the side of nature.


" In the future the Holy One, blessed be He, will bring great disasters in the

countries of the

world in order to sweeten the judgements of the Land of Israel.


" I instruct that this warning announcement be distributed in order that the Jews

in the

countries around the world be will know the real danger and will come to the

Land of

Israel, to the building of the Bais Hamikdash and to the revelation of

Moshiach. "


The words of Rav Kaduri, which were first made public on the show " Matchilim

MiBereishit "

on Arutz-7, were said in a kabbalah lecture which the elder kabbalist gave to

his students

between afternoon and evening prayers.


The Rav also revealed that the initials (rashei teivot) of the coming Hebrew

year 5766 are

" it will be a year of secret and revelation " ( " tehiyeh shnat sod v'gilui " ).


Rav Kaduri had his announcement brought to the Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, via

a special

intermediary before the Prime Minister departed for the United States and he

requested of

him to call to Jews to come to Israel.


source: http://www.nfc.co.il/archive/001-D-80800-00.html?tag=1-08-15


You might remember that Rav Kaduri, shlita, also foresaw the tsunami two weeks

before it





Disaster, Redemption and the Tsunami

17:46 Dec 30, '04 / 18 Tevet 5765


At least one Kabbalist sage predicted " natural calamities " over two weeks ago.

He and

others call for an increase in acts of kindness, as they try to place the events

in universal



The venerated Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri, considered Israel's leading Kabbalist

rabbi, was

quoted in the Yediot Acharonot newspaper on Dec. 12 as saying:


" We are now in the fourth year of what could be the seven-year Redemption


according to the calculation of the Vilna Gaon. [However.] in the coming three


uncertainty about the future will hang over our heads, unless we work and strive

that the

Messiah be revealed. The Messiah is already [here] in Israel. Whatever people

are sure will

not happen, is liable to happen, and whatever we are certain will happen may


us. But in the end, there will be peace throughout the world. The world is


mehadinim (lit., becoming sweet from/of strict justice), great tragedies in the

world are

foreseen, that's the thing of the Jews going to the East. [emphasis added] But

our enemies

will not prevail over us in the Land of Israel, 'fear and trembling will fall

upon them,' in the

[merit of the] power of Torah. "


Rabbi Kaduri said this week, " What can save the world from calamities is real


by Jews, who must increase acts of kindness towards one another... The cry of

the many

poor in Israel and the expulsion of Jews from their homes shakes the world...

It's not for

naught that this place was hit, where many of our compatriots went to look for


worldly lusts. "


Rabbi Kaduri has told his students that the current government will be the last

one of the

" old era, " and that the new government will already have leadership of the

Messianic era.


Another sage, Rabbi Chaim Kanevsky of Bnei Brak, was quoted in Yediot in the

same article

as saying that we are verily in the period of the beginning of the Redemption

period, and

that the Messiah could be revealed at any moment. He called for further outreach

" in order

to prevent calamities and to bring mercy from the Creator. All Jews must come to

the Land

of Israel. " The Rabbi also called to establish Torah schools in every area, and

that " Torah

study will prevent calamities – from earthquakes to other natural disasters. "


The Kipa website, a Hebrew-language forum for religious youth, features a

response by

Rabbi Uziel Eliyahu, Chief Rabbi of the Misgav Regional Council in the Galilee

regarding a

Jewish approach to the calamitous events. " First of all, " Rabbi Eliyahu wrote,

" we should

pray and ask G-d to remove His wrath from the word, send a complete recovery to


injured, and help and protect everyone in the world, causing sorrow to depart. "


Rabbi Eliyahu added that what is happening now was decreed on Rosh HaShanah [the

Jewish New Year]: " It was a Divine decree that was issued regarding 'who will be

killed by

water, and who by fire...' " Our job now, he wrote, is to " pray to G-d, to try

harder in

studying Torah and fulfilling the Torah and doing acts of kindness and charity.

This is an

hour of reckoning for the entire world!!! "


Rabbi Eliyahu emphasized that G-d has complete control of nature, and that the


People live " amidst great faith, despite questions that remain open. No question

mark can

break our strength of great and perfect faith in G-d... This does not prevent us


asking and searching for answers and [logical] explanations, but it all takes

place on the

solid ground of great faith in G-d... The Bible (Zechariah 14) mentions that in

the future,

when the Messiah comes, the Mt. of Olives will be split in two... The Messiah

can come at

any minute, even as you read these lines... "

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