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The glory of Shirdi Sai issue 2-2006

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Fourth Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 2 / 2006



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From the Satsanghs of Saibanisaji




Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.


160. The person who treats the life as a battle and in that battle when he

gives the equal stand for happiness sorrow, profit, loss and marches ahead, no

sin will be attached to him.


161. Naturally desires attract and unfulfilled ones will lead to anger.

Once angered, wisdom is lost and downfall starts by itself. Why invite such a



162. Ravana and Duryodhana never listened to the good words of elders and

engaged themselves and implemented unilateral decisions and history has shown

them their due place


163. If you want to be a successful person, avoid long sleeping hours,

laziness, fear, anger and postponement of actions.


164. People say that there is no permanent enmity and friendship in

politics, but a person in the spiritual field will feel that there are no

enemies or friends. Every one is a divine soul.


165. You should know that every learned person is not your well wisher.

In the similar way, your well wisher may not be a learned person.


166. Hasty actions are the root cause for the mistakes in the life. So

think twice before taking any action.


167. Insulting the weak and poor person in the society may give you

momentary happiness. But never forget one day that person may become a giant

and swallow you.


168. It is a fact that mighty elephant can be tied with a rope made with

tiny grass bundles and small ants together can kill a poisonous snake. So

understand Unity is the strength.


169. Normally a person will commit mistakes while in power, in his youth,

in richness, and having no sound mind. At a time if all these four qualities

are with any one person - Imagine the fate of that person and society!


To be continued…



January 1919: Nana Saheb Nimonkar (Shankarrao Raghunath Deshpande an

elderly cousin of Shama) passed away at Pune.


January 20, 1941: Damu Anna (Damodar Savalaram Rasane) of Ahmednagar

passed away (aged 89 years).


January 1, 1946: Sri B.V.Deo passed away (Composer of Chapter 53rd of

Shri Sai Satcharitra in Marathi language).


January 14, 1980: H.H.Radhakrishna Swamiji passed away at Bangalore. (Aged

74 years)


January 1991: Size of “Shri Sai Leela Magazine " enlarged and converted in

to a Bi-monthly magazine.







The family of Sai devotees is well aware of how the title of HEMADRI

PANTH was conferred on Shri. ANNA SAHEB DHABOLKAR. It was done by no less than

a person -our SAMARDHA SADUGURU- LORD SAINATH himself. Quite a good number of

visitors to our site were eager to know and questioned me as to how I got

addressed to the word 'SAIBANISA'. This experience is intended for those of

such readers.


I am born to Smt. Ravada Venkata Ramanamma and Shri.Ravada Vennkata Rao

couple and was named Ravada Gopala Rao. We are Bharadwajasa Ghotriks. Shiridi

Sai was instrumental in drawing me to His lotus feet and gave a new birth and

direction to me in the World of spiritualism in the year 1989.Days progressed

and it was later in the year 1995, I decided and fully offered myself to him in

'SARVASSYA SARANA GATHI'. I cannot exactly recall the date but it happened to

be a Thursday. I went to SAI temple situated near my house and prayed before

him to take me as his slave. Half an hour prayer to him has not yielded any

result. I went in to deep meditation and after passage of some more time, I

could feel some body standing near my proximity and whispering to me in TELUGU

Language i.e. my mother tongue, as follows: " ' Open your eyes - NA BADHYATHALU

NIRVARTHINCHE SANYASI When I opened my eyes I could gaze the beholding gentle

smile of SAI in his idol opposite me.


My thinking process started working and I was eager to confirm the

contents. The best way out from the present predicament was to seek advice from

Sai himself. I took two papers, scribbled on them in one paper as - SLAVE and

in second paper as - SAI.BA.NI.SA. . I folded them exactly in identical fashion

and placed them at his lotus feet. Once again I prayed and requested him to

name me as he pleases and appropriate.


Saying so I closed my eyes and picked up one of the two papers to be

delivered with his final judgment. The inscriptions were 'SAIBANISA'- literally

meaning a person who obeys Sai's instructions and implements them. This is the

genesis of my being addressed as SAIBANISA on a Thursday in his very presence.

From that day onwards, it has been my earnest and endless desire to live and

serve the family of Sai devotees as SAIBANISA.

For this to happen I need the continued blessings of Sai and his








These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SAIBANISA From our

beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that this feature will

help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled from his personal Diary and

presented to SAIBANDHUS.


Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.




Yesterday was ‘Sivaratri’. As usual I sought Baba’s blessings and slept.

Sai gave me a visual-

I set out with a pen and book in my hands dressed up in pure white under

garments. I came across a hoarding with inscription, directing for a place

called ‘ATMAKUR’. As I was walking, a bus moved past me. The book and pen fell

down my hands leaving papers fluttered all around and pen crushed under the

wheels. I leave the book on the road and moved in the direction towards



I concluded to know about ‘ATMA’, (Soul); one need not go with a pen and

book. One has to go all alone leaving attachments behind.


The search for the God begins where the materialistic ends.




I prayed Lord Sainath to detail me more on spiritual power.


SAI said the art of forgetting the past difficulties is spiritual power.


Future is born out of the past.




I was shown with important happenings in my life concerning our


“We subject ourselves to solace by thinking that we can give birth to our

children but not their destiny, but Samardha Sadhguru takes the responsibility

to shape the future of HIS devotees and their children”.


Samardha Sadhguru can only change the destiny.




Today I prayed Lord Sainath to help me in visiting Ajmer Darga and Lord

Ganesh in Ranathambore.

“The quest and search for a proper Guru and a deserving disciple is equal

and opposite. Go ahead and prepare for the journey”.


Ultimate place of rest is where you find peace.


To be continued…..



(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

" Shashi " : shashi_31


22. Atma – Jnana


Purification of the mind leads to Atma – Jnana. By attaining Atma Jnana,

we will get salvation. Search for the Atman. Those who see all the living

beings (Sarva Bhoota) in ‘Atma’ and ‘Atma’ in all beings will not have hatred.

Atman is devoid of either birth or death, nor beginning, nor ending nor does it

have body. Though the body changes ‘Atman’ does not change. Body decays out but

not the Atman. Atma is devoid of bondage (Bandha) or salvation (Moksha), sin

(Papa) or Punya, Nama or Roopa. Atma is devoid of vagrancy, mobility, passion

(Raga), dispassion (Vairagya), old age, death and hunger. Those who acquire

knowledge about Atma are not blemished by Karmas of sins. We are doing Karma on

the incitement of ‘Atma’ only. All this is the work of Atma’s Omnipresence. We

must always think about ‘I am Atman’ and Brahma. Atma is indestructible and

infinite. It is absolute knowledge.


Atma is the nectar of knowledge, which is beyond all senses. We must know

that Atma is eternal by itself and an identity. Atma is not known to him who

says that he knows it. That is because Atma is Sadvasthu. Atma has neither

birth, death, nor body. Nothing exists prior neither to it nor after it. Atma

is Brahman. This Universe is not Universe, but Atman, in essence.


Baba says: “You are not you – I am not ‘I’. All this is Atman. Atman is

the only thing (Sadvasthu). Atma does not have Sabdha, Sparsa, Rasa, Roopa and

Gandha. All this is completely identical with ‘Atman’.


The essence of this Universe is Atman. Atman is all pervading equally-

Atman involves only in meditation and mind. Baba says: “Heart is unique. To get

Atma –Jnana, meditation is necessary. That pacifies and carries the mind into

Samadhi. If the mind is thus concentrated, the goal is achieved.”


To be continued…..








Sai In Ramayan: By Sri SAIBANISA Gopal Rao Ravada


Power of Interpretation of the language of the creatures

Kekaya Maharaj had the rare power of understanding the language of

animals and creatures. He could understand the language of the ants Jumbanaka

and could interpret it to his wife.


Similarly, Baba could also understand the language of other creatures.

Once when Baba was sitting in the Dwarakamai, a lizard tick-ticked. One devotee

asked Baba whether this tick-ticking signified anything. Baba said that the

lizard was overjoyed as her sister from Aurangabad was coming to see her.

Immediately a gentleman from Aurangabad came on horseback to see Baba. He took

out a big bag of grams to feed his hungry horse. A lizard jumped out of the bag

and climbed the wall and went strutting towards her sister. Baba’s prophecy of

the meeting of the two lizards proved the omniscience – the all-knowing nature

of Baba.


All are equal in the eyes of GOD

On the first day of Vanavas, Ram reached the bank of the Ganga. Guha, the

chieftain of the tribes who dwelt on the banks of Ganga welcomed Ram and

offered Him lavish food. Ram moved by Guha’s hospitality happily ate the food

lovingly offered by Guha. Ram did not discriminate Guha on the basis of His

caste or creed.

Same way when Baba was wandering in the jungle in quest of His Guru, a

Vanjari offers Him food. Baba moved by the Vanjari’s extraordinary love,

accepted the food offered by Vanjari and happily ate the loaf of bread.


Kshatriya Dharma:

Ram is a Kshatriya and it is the duty of a Kshatriya to protect anyone

who takes refuge in him. He has protected Sugriva and then Vibeeshana who took

refuge in Him. This is Kshatriya Dharma. This also illustrates the doctrine

that Lord accepts all who seek absolute surrender at His feet.


Sainath also followed this dharma. He protected anyone who surrendered to

Him regardless of his or her merits or demerits. During His lifetime Baba never

revealed his caste to anyone. But Baba has indirectly told 33rd in chapter of

the Sai Sat Charita in the Jamner Miracle that He was a Hindu Kshatriya.


When Mainatai, the daughter of Nana Chandorkar was suffering from labour

pain, Nana cried to Baba for help. Baba asked Ramgirbuva, who was going to his

native place, to stop at Jamner and give a packet of Udi and Aarthi song to

Nana Chandorkar. When Ramgirbuva refused to go saying he did not have enough

money, Baba said that He would take care of everything. Ramgirbuva reached

Jamner and there a tonga was waiting for him with the tongawala to take him to

Jamner. The tongawala was none other that Sai himself. On the way, the tongawala

(Sai) offered food to Ramgirbuva. Ramgirbuva suspected the tongawala to be a

Non Hindu and was unwilling to take the food. Here Baba (tongawala) says that

He was a Hindu, a Kshatriya of Garhwal. From this incident I personally feel

that Baba is also a Kshatriya like Ram. He has gone one more step and promised

to take care of the devotees who surrender to Him not only in this birth but

also in births to come.


SRI SHIRDI SAIBABA-and- Makarasankranthi—S.S-28


On one Makar-Sankranti day, Megha wanted to besmear the body of Baba

with sandal-paste and bathe Him with Ganges water. Baba was first

unwilling to undergo this operation, but at his repeated requests,

He consented. Megha had to traverse a distance of eight koss (going

and returning) to bring the sacred water from the Gomati river. He

brought the water, made all preparations for the bath at noon and

asked Baba to get ready for the same. Then Baba again asked him to

be freed from his bath saying that, as a Fakir He had nothing to do

(or gain) with Ganges water; but Megha did not listen. He knew that

Shiva is pleased with a bath of Ganges water and that he must give

his Shiva (Baba) that bath on that auspicious day. Baba then

consented, came down and sat on a pat (wooden board) and protruding

his head said - " Oh Megha, do at least this favour; head is the most

important organ of the body, so pour the water over that only-it is

equivalent to the full or whole bath. " " Alright " said Megha and

lifting the water pot up, began to pour it on the head but in doing

this he was so much overwhelmed with love that he cried out 'Har

Gange' and emptied the pot on the whole body. He kept the pot aside

and began to look at Baba, but to his surprise and amazement he

found that Baba's head was only drenched but the body quite dry.




Makarasankranthi—13-01-2006 to15-01-2006


Makara literally means 'Capricorn' and Sankranti is the day

when the sun passes from one sign of the zodiac to the next. The Sankranti of

any month is considered auspicious as it signifies afresh start. However Makara

Sankranti is celebrated in the month of Magha when the sun passes through the

winter solstice, from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn.


According to Hindu mythology, one 'human' year of 365 days is equivalent

to one day and night of the gods. Saur Varsh (solar year) is the period of

during which the earth completes one circle of the sun. This going in circular

from round the sun is called as Kranti Chakr (zodiac). Dividing this into

twelve months makes twelve rashis (signs of zodiac). These have been named

according to twelve constellations. The movement of one zodiac sign into

another is called Sankranti. Earth in Northern direction (Uttarayana) is called

Makara Sankranti and Southern as Kark Sankranti (Dakshinayana). The movement of

the sun from the northern tip to the southern tip during Shravan to Posh (July

to December) is Dakshinayana and from Magh to Aasadd (January to June) from

southern tip to northern tip is Uttarayana. The days are longer during

uttarayana and are brighter. The opposite happens during dakshinayan.

According to Hindu scriptures, uttarayana period is gods day and

Dakshinayan their night. Makara Sankranti marks the beginning of the day of the

gods, which is equivalent to six solar months and is believed to be the

auspicious part of the year. The previous six months, considered the night and

therefore symbolic of darkness and evil, are inauspicious. Thus Makara

Sankranti is the morning of the gods. On Makara Sankranti to receive the

offerings, the gods and deities come to earth


Makara Sankranti is believed to be the time when Surya rides his chariot,

drawn by seven horses, from the southern skies to the north. For the pastoral

people therefore, it is of prime importance for it signifies the end of the

winter and the 'turning back' of the sun to the north. This festival has been

celebrated for thousands of years. Initially, this was probably a festival

celebrated in the cold climate, when people prayed for the warmth of the sun.

Today, Makara Sankranti is celebrated throughout India as a harvest festival.

It is a way of giving thanks to the elements of nature that help man. This is

the period when the winter recedes, paving the way for the summer. It is the

time the farmers bring home their harvest. In the coast al regions, it is a

harvest festival dedicated to Indra.

In Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, it is celebrated as a three-day harvest

festival Pongal. In Assam, the festival is celebrated as Bhogali Bihu, and in

Punjab it is called Lohri. In North India, a ritual bath in the river is

important on this day. In fact, bathing is considered mandatory on this day,

Khichiri is eaten and given away as charity, and some call the festival

Khichiri Sankranti. People also distribute rice and lentils to the poor and

needy. In Maharashtra, a special dish called tilgul, or laddoos made of jaggery

and Sesame seed, the chief crop of the season.

A big fair is held at the confluence of the Ganga, the Yamuna and the

Sarasvati rivers at Triveni in Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh) on this occasion. Being

the month of Magha, this fair is also called Magha Mela. Apart from Triveni,

ritual bathing also takes place at many places like Haridvar and Garh

Mukteshwar in Uttar Pradesh, and Patna in Bihar. Since it is also the season to

fly kites, the evening sky is awash with colorful kites of all shapes and

sizes. Several kite competitions are held in various localities.





New Hindu Temple in Florida is Consecrated




SOUTHWEST RANCHES, FLORIDA, December 12, 2005: Another milestone for

Hindus in America took place in December with the opening of the South Florida

10,000-square-foot Hindu Temple in Southwest Ranches. Nine Deities were

ceremoniously installed with elaborate pujas. One thousand Hindus attended the

event. The temple is expected to serve 70,000 Hindus in the South Florida area.

Rajendra Gupta, one of the temple's founding members, said, " Organizers spent

nearly a decade raising almost $5 million to build the ornate temple, which was

partly designed by silpies, or stone craftsmen, from India. The temple will be

open daily for Hindus to perform pujas, or worship rituals. " Eleven-year-old

Faren Rajkumar sums up the event, " I think it's beautiful, a once-in-a-lifetime

thing. I'm proud to be a part of this. "

Compiled by SaiSevak SrinivasaRao Kasturi

Saidarbar – Hyderabad.



12-01-1863 to 04-7-1902


Swami Vivekananda (Narendranath Dutta) was born in Shimla Pally, Kolkata,

West Bengal, India on 12 January 1863 as the son of Viswanath Dutta and

Bhuvaneswari Devi. Even as he was young, he showed a precocious mind and keen

memory. He practiced meditation from a very early age. While at school, he was

a leader among his group of friends. Even when he was young, he questioned the

validity of superstitious customs and discrimination based on caste and



In 1879, Narendra entered the Presidency College, Calcutta for higher

studies. There started to arise questions about God and the presence of God in

young Narendra's mind. This made him associate with the Brahmo Samaj, an

important religious movement of the time, led by Keshab Chandra Sen. But the

Samaj's congregational prayers and devotional songs could not satisfy

Narendra's zeal to realise God. He would ask leaders of Brahma Samaj whether

they have seen God. He never got a satisfying answer.


Narendra met Ramakrishna for the first time in November 1881. He asked

Ramakrishna the same old question, whether he had seen God. The instantaneous

answer from Ramakrishna was, " Yes, I have seen God, just as I see you here,

only in a more clear sense. " Narendra was astounded and puzzled. He could feel

the man's words were honest and uttered from depths of experience. He started

visiting Ramakrishna frequently.


Though Narendra could not accept Ramakrishna and his visions, he could

not neglect him. It had always been in Narendra's nature to test something

thoroughly before he could accept it. He tested Ramakrishna to the maximum, but

the master was patient, forgiving, humorous and full of love. He never asked

Narendra to abandon reason, and he faced all of Narendra's arguments and

examinations with infinite patience. In time, Narendra accepted Ramakrishna,

and while he accepted, his acceptance was whole-hearted. While Ramakrishna

predominantly taught duality and Bhakti to his other disciples, he taught

Narendra the Advaita Vedanta, the philosophy of non-dualism.


During the course of five years of his training under Ramakrishna,

Narendra was transformed from a restless, puzzled, impatient youth to a mature

man who was ready to renounce everything for the sake of God-realization. Soon,

Ramakrishna's end came in the form of throat cancer in August 1886.


On July 1890, Vivekananda set out for a long journey, without knowing

where the journey would take him. The journey that followed took him to the

length and breadth of the Indian subcontinent. During these days, Vivekananda

assumed various names like Swami Satchidananda, etc., it is said that he was

given the name Vivekananda by Maharaja of Khetri for his discrimination of

things, good and bad.


During these wandering days, Vivekananda stayed on king's palaces, as

well as the huts of the poor. He came in close contact with the culture of

different regions of India and various classes of people in India. Vivekananda

observed the imbalance in society and tyranny in the name of caste. He realized

the need for a national rejuvenation if India was to survive at all. He reached

Kanyakumari, the southernmost tip of the Indian subcontinent in 24 December

1892. There, his devotees claim that he swam across the sea and started

meditating on a lone rock. He thus meditated for three days and said later that

he meditated about the past, present and future of India. The rock went on to

become the Vivekananda memorial at Kanyakumari. Vivekananda went to Madras and

spoke about his plans for India and Hinduism to the young men of Madras. They

were impressed by the monk and urged him to go to the United States and

represent Hinduism in the World Parliament of Religions.

Thus, helped by his friends at Madras, Raja of Ramnad and Maharajas of Mysore

and Khetri, Vivekananda set out on his journey to the USA.



Vivekananda perhaps, is best remembered as the man who " stole the show "

at the 1893 World Parliament of Religions in Chicago, Illinois, where he earned

wild applause for beginning his address with the famous words, " Sisters and

brothers of America. " Vivekananda's arrival in the USA has been identified by

many to mark the beginning of western interest in Hinduism not as merely an

exotic eastern oddity, but as a vital religious and philosophical tradition

that might actually have something important to teach the West. Within a few

years of the Parliament, he had started Vedantic centres in New York City, New

York and London, lectured at major universities and generally kindled western

interest in Hinduism. After four years of constant touring, lecturing and

retreats in the West, he came back to India in the year 1897.


Admirers and devotees claim that he was overwhelmed by the reception he

received on his return. In India, he delivered a series of lectures, and this

set of lectures known as " Lectures from Colombo to Almora " is considered to

have uplifted the morale of the then downtrodden Indian society. He founded the

Ramakrishna Mission. This institution is now one of the largest monastic orders

of Hindu society in India.

He once again toured the west from January 1899 to December 1900.


He was 39 when he passed away in Mahasamadhi on July 4, 1902 at Belur

Math near Kolkata.



From the files of Saidarbar:



I would like to share the experience of my Brother's fiancé (Ms.Uma

Keerthivasan) being an Ardent Lord Sai devotee.


Three years ago when we were in Godavarikhani and when I was in my

Graduation, My younger sister Bharathi was a great Devotee of Sai and she

painted a SAI Image and kept it in POOJA room. My sister believed on SAI very

much and used to pray Sai daily and she got a seat in MCA She asked me too to

follow SAI and asked me to do " Sai's one week PARAYANAM " and Said that I would

M.B.A seat. I was very lazy and I said that I can't do fasting and also I don't

believe in this.

My mother forced me and started that " Sai's one week PARAYANAM " That book

contains all the stories of SAIBABA and how he helped POOR, DISABLED. Hope you

must have read that book. " Sai's one week PARAYANAM " should start on Thursday

and should end on next Thursday, In this entire week we have eat only once and

Sleep on the floor and on the final day of this POOJA we have remain in fasting

and have the food after offering the food to most wanted Beggar or poor person

or a Person who cannot afford to have Food.


It is written in the book if we give food to a person suffering from

Leprosy or a Handicapped or a very hungry beggar, BABA will be very happy and

he will come to our house in the some or the other form. So on the final

Thursday I was fasting and was waiting for a Beggar so that I can give food,

but in that place Sighting a beggar was very rare and nobody came that day. I

was waiting near the gate till 3 PM. then my mother told me to give the food or

Servant as she was also poor, but I didn't agree I said she was poor but she

can afford to buy vegetables and prepare lunch and have it. I wanted a

Handicapped person I was very determined and made up my mind that I was end

this fasting till I find a suitable person. Mummy was forcing since my elder

brother who was very close to me was waiting was my lunch at last mother told

to keep some food aside for a poor beggar and have my lunch.


I told that I will a last glance and went to the gate and found a Very

old lady was passing by and she was handicapped and she was the right person. I

called her and said that today I did Sai Baba's Pooja and asked her to have the

Lunch in our house. She was very happy and she said that she did not have food

from past few days my sons are very bad and they don't take care of me & they

have sent me out. and she was moving her handicapped hand so that I can notice.

Mummy asked from which place she is coming and belong to and she told that our

native place is GodavariKhani which is also our Native place. We felt so pity

on her and my second brother asked her to come daily to our house and have the

lunch here itself.


We gave her prasadam, rice, poori and everything we prepared. She ate

only prasadam and said that I will take the rest in the evening, I told her I

will give you food for evening also, and have the food here itself. She said NO

NO I ATE PRASADAM AND STOMACH IS FULL. She thanked us so much for giving food

and she went off. First we came inside and my brother said we will find Address

So that we can send food, we came outside only in the matter 15 to 20 seconds

gap, but we could not see her. From our gate we can see people coming and going

for almost Half Kilometer. She was very weak and it has taken her almost 1 Min

to come from previous house to our house but we could not trace her we tried a

lot even by coming outside. Then we thought it was SAIBABA who came to our

house in the form of an OLD LADY and I was very happy. From that time I started

worshipping Sai Baba and I got a M.B.A seat.


By Uma Keerthivasan, Hyderabad.


(This experience was received by Saidarbar during the year 1998)-Editor.




Tue, 17 Jan 2006 07:51:05 -0800 (PST)


Sai Ram. Let us continue with the Spiritual gems from the last issue.


" Then Shama began to tell the following story. "


Sai Ram. That story is indeed enlightening. Briefly the story is like

this: One old lady comes to Shirdi to see Baba and begins fasting with a

determination to get an Upadesh of a Mantra. Shama waited and then interceded

on her behalf with Baba to call her and give her a suitable upadesh and make

her give up her fast. Baba called her and gave her a beautiful discourse of His

own discipleship with His Guru and

gave her a wonderful analogy (nyaya) of a tortoise and her children. The

tortoise gives birth by laying eggs which hatch and later she neither gives

them milk or any other food. The baby turtles thrive by meditating

(remembering) upon their mother. Baba asks the old lady and through her all

other devotees to always remember Him, wherever they are.


Just as Shama finished that story, the bells started ringing in

Dwarakamai to signify that the noon Arathi was in progress and both Shama and

Hemadpant rush there. Shama pushes through the crowd and makes Hemadpant sit

very near Baba. Baba also wants to hear all that Shama and Hemdapant discussed

and leans closer to hear Hemadpant over the din. Hemadpant explains to Baba

that he felt blessed through that story and his restlessness of mind has

subsided. Baba tells him that His methods of instruction are unique (that is

they are uniquely tailored to suit the individual and the occasion).


Sai Ram. Through this chapter and the story, Baba gives all of us a very

valuable lesson in discipleship. One important difference between the tortoise

nyaya and the other two nyayas (the markata kisora nyaya and the marjala kisora

nyaya) is the

absence of any physical intimacy between the God/Guru and the

devotee/disciple in the former. Let me explain. The monkey and its baby, and

also the cat and the kitten need physical nearness. The kachhapa (tortoise) on

the other hand is not near its babies at all. But the relationship is no less

strong. Baba alludes to this when He told:


" My Guru never expected any other thing from Me. He never neglected Me,

but protected Me at all times. I lived with him, and was sometimes away from

him; still

I never felt the want or absence of his love. He always protected Me by

his glance, just as the tortoise feeds her young ones, whether they are near

her or away from her on the other side of the river bank, by her loving looks.

Oh mother, My Guru never

taught Me any Mantra, then how shall I blow any Mantra in your ears? "


Sai Ram. Another example of such a physically distant but spiritually

near relationship can be found in the story of a man whom Baba sends to

Machindragarh for meditation. Baba materialises there in front of Him. There

are a few more instances.


Sai Ram. Baba seems to be deprecating the practice of giving Mantra

Deeksha to His disciples by the above. But He gave a mantra to another lady,

Mrs. Khaparde.

And always remembering His name, Sai is a very potent mantra.


Sai Ram. We will continue with this chapter. Recently I had a few

instances of Guru's grace which I will share with you the reader at the

appropriate time. Sai Ram.


Author, Editor, Proof-Reader and Book Reviewer



To be continued…..




Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.


Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with children

and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting Saidarbar should be

entertained with good stories. For the last 2 years I have told you about Lord

Krishna's Leelas and Lord Rama Story. Now I want to tell the stories what heard

in my child hood.





Once, a proud peacock lived in a forest by the side of a lake. Every day

he would go to the lake. There he would open his beautiful, colorful feathers

and preen them with his beak and beautified himself. Then he would see his

reflection in the lake water and admire his own beauty. One day, a white crane

came to live by the lake. The peacock thought, “Oh! A new visitor is here to

stay. I must go and introduce my self to him. After all, he must know that a

beautiful peacock is his neighbor.” So, the peacock walked with a pompous gait

to the lake side. The crane was busy catching fish for lunch. The peacock began

his daily ritual. He went near the water and spread out his gorgeous feathers

for display. Then he preened them with his beak, beautified himself and looked

into the water. He felt very proud at his colorful reflection. Then, with

pride, he turned his head towards the crane and addressed him, “Hello, Mr.

Crane! So you are my new neighbor. Welcome to the

forest.” “Thank you so much, Mr. Peacock,” the crane said.


Then the peacock continued, “Mr. Crane, I was wondering how you feel with

the plain with white feathers. They are so simple to look at and do not add to

your appearance at all.” The Crane smiled at the peacock. He flew in the air

and landed by the peacock’s side. Then the crane said, “Feathers and wings are

given to us so that we can fly. No doubt, your feathers are very beautiful but,

they are of no use because you can not fly with them for long. I would rather

have simple and useful wings than showy and useless ones like yours.” At this

moment, the peacock got speechless. He went a way ashamed without a word. After

that day, he never preened his feathers to show off to others.




" Sankaraiah Dubagunta " sainama




Lord Sainath ordered Sri S Subba Rao pleader, Gooty, Andhra Pradesh

through a dream vision to do Dattatreya Nama Japa. Sri Rao narrated this in Sai

Sudha of April' 1944 issue as follows:


" On or about the end of the 1st week of Feb'1944, I heard a voice in my

sleeping moments saying " Make incessant nama japam of Dattatreya " . I got up

from the bed and thought that Baba has armed me with a weapon to ward off the

calamity that is about to befall. I seriously resolved to make namajapam of

Dattatreya as directed by Baba, but owing to my preoccupation with other

worldly matters I could not do Namajapam. Next day Baba appeared as a judge in

my dream and was very angry with me for my act of omission to do Namajapam. I

got up and could not then understand because of Baba's indignation. I again

slept and dreamt having seen gingelly seeds and having eaten them in large

quantities. This is really a very bad dream and indicates death according to

the Science of dreams. I got up in the morning and was sorry for the bad dream.

I got a letter from my son at an Engineering College, Guindy that he was laid

up in the in patient sick ward of Guindy hospital, suffering

from a severe attack of asthma and in a precarious condition.


This letter on the subsequent day, reminded me of Baba's precaution on

the previous night directing me to do Nama japam. I went before Baba's picture

in my house, repented for my folly and made a serious namajapam of Datta. Three

days after that I received a letter from my sick son at Guiindy that he was

getting better by Baba's grace and that he would go over to Gooty in spite of

his serious and awful weakness. I ran up to Madras to put him in a nursing home

but the Doctor in charge advised for a change. I accompanied him to Gooty from

Madras by day train inspite of his dreadful weakness entirely relying on Baba's

Udhi and doing Datta Namajapam even in train. We reached Gooty and he began to

recover without any further medication. Even now I am doing Nama japam for his

complete recovery. "


Dear readers, the above narration reveals Baba's motherly care of His

children. Baba's suggested to all to do Namajapa for warding off evils. Why

Baba did not suggest Sai Nama instead of Datta Nama? Was there any connection

between Datta and devotee? Did Baba feel the antidote for the problem which the

devotee was facing Datta Nama? To speak frankly, a Sai only can understand

Sai's language. Perhaps Baba wanted devotee world to know that He is Datta and

there's no difference between Datta and Himself. Did not Baba give Darshan to a

devotee in Dwarakamai as a three headed Datta? Did He not redeem devotee's from

vows to Datta? Above all in the evening aarthi we pray " Na datta guru Sai mama

javari kadhihi ruso " - well demonstrated.







On 12/25/05


I wish you all the best in 2006 for you & your family and all the Sai

Activities that are being taken up by Saidarbar. We enjoy reading the news

letter. It is a great inspiration.

Subrahmanyam Kappagantula



On 12/26/05,


With the blessings of Lord Sainath and great Sai Bandhus like you we are

doing well. We sincerely pray and wish you, Saidarbar members a very Happy,

Prosperous and eventful New Year 2006. We pray that Samartha Sainath make

each effort of yours a success in spreading His Awareness to nook and corner of

the Mother earth.


With warm regards



" Vimla Primlani " prmlani3

Sun, 25 Dec 2005 10:33:16 +0000 (GMT)


My husband and I congratulate you on the completion of 7 years of opening

of Sai Darbar. May the blessings of Sai Baba be showered more on you, so that


Darbar continues to provide all the devotees with wonderful information

and knowledge. Good luck!!1

Arjan & Vimla Primlai

Fremont, CA, USA




Please visit:


Please visit for Sai Aartis in Telugu:



Please visit for Sai Aaratis Audio:





Please contact: saidarbar & saidarbar




Sreekanth Devarakonda devarakonda


Active member of Saidarbarmovement & Renowned Telugu film singer Usha

(two-time Nandi award winner) will be performing for the Roshni Telugu Light

Music Show conducted by the Sankara eye foundation. She will be in Hayward, CA

on the 21st January, 2006 for the program. Sai devotees interested to meet her

may contact her on singerusha during her 2 day trip.





1/6/2006 21:24:21 -0800


For activities of Saidarbar Orlando, Florida USA Please contact:




1/6/2006 06:08:34 -0800

January 2006 Shirdi Sai Satsangh for Saidarbar Laurel, MD USA


Jai Sai Ram.


Saidarbar Laurel, MD USA wishes everybody a Happy and Prosperous New



With the blessings of Shirdi Sai Baba, the first satsangh for Year 2006

was celebrated treading into the New Year on Jan 5th at the residence of Shri

Krishnamurthy and Smt Madhavi Mukku. The chapter chosen by Baba himself from

Sai Sathcharithra was Chapter-4, the first Advent of Sai in Shirdi for us to do

parayana. By this Baba showed us the way on how the year is going to be by

indicating how he stepped his holy feet in the soil of Shirdi.


Once again it was the children who were brought into the limelight.

Saidarbar Laurel makes it to a point that children are involved in the

satsanghs. This gives them more exposure to our culture and spiritual aspects

while we live away from India. The Bhajan was started by young lad Chi. Gaurav

(Son of Shri Devanand and Smt. Geetha Luthria) who sang the beautiful Bhajan,

signifying God and Bharat varsh. Followed by Saraswathi sloka recitation by

another young lad Chi. Advait (Son of Shri Kamal and Smt. Paroo Chauhan).


This was followed by bhajans from other devotees and Sai nama Japa. Shej

Arathi was performed and dinner was served.

For Activities of Saidarbar Laurel, MD USA: Contact



Saidarbar Chennai: saidarbarchennai

For Activities of Saidarbar Chennai

Contact saidarbarchennai

Chennai Saidarbar Team.

" Ramesh and Anitha " kandra


For Further details visit:



Shirdi Sai Baba " technical

Saidarbar Wallingford-PA- USA:

For further details please visit



" Shanthi Ramakrishnan”: shanthi

Sai Darbar Portland OR USA

For Further details please contact shanthi


A.S.Rao, - raoas

For Activities of Sai Darbar Kitwe, Zambia

Please contact: raoas


Anil Zutshi: zutshi_anil_k

For activities of Saidarbar Danbaru-Canitcut-USA

Please contact: zutshi,zutshi


Satish Achanta: vskachanta

For activities of Saidarbar Woodland Hills-CA-USA-

Please contact: vskachanta


Ravi Subramanyam: sai_ravi

For activities of Saidarbar Livermore-CA-USA

Please contact: sai_ravi


Suresh Vaghela: suresh,suresh

For activities of Saidarbar-London

Please contact: suresh,suresh


Hariharan Iyer: hariharan_r_iyer

12/22/2005 08:15:56 -0800


Sai Activities in NJ

Shirdi Sai Dham, Inc regularly conducts Sai bhajans followed by Aarti and

Prasad on every 1st Saturday of each month at Durga Mandir, Kendall Park, New

Jersey from 3 pm to 5 pm (Winter Hours). All are requested to kindly come and

receive Baba's blessings. For more information visit www.shirdisaidham.org or

email us at shirdisaidham

Thanks and May Baba bless all your initiatives.



" Raja " rajamm

12/1/2005 12:35:25 +0800


Sai Sansthan, Singapore

Weekly Satsanghs on all Saturdays

Venue: Sri Vadapathira Kaliamman Temple, 555 Serangoon Road

Singapore 218174

Time Program

6.30 pm Start of the Bhajan Session. Playing of Sai Baba's mantra CD

7.00 pm Reading of Sai Satcharitra

7.30 pm Sai Baba Bhajan - Singing / CD

8.00 pm Sai Baba's Aarti

8.15 pm Distribution of prasadam

More details on www.saisansthana.com


" The Shirdi Sai Mandir, Toronto " : events

The Shirdi SAI Mandir, Scarborough, Toronto, Canada

The Shirdi Sai Mandir located at 2721 Markham Road, Scarborough, ON

M1X 1L5 (Intersection of Markham and Nashdene) is open Monday to Friday from

6.30 p.m to 8.30 p.m and Saturday to Sunday from 10.30 a.m to 8.30 p.m. Dhoop

aarti - 7.30 p.m everyday. Bhajans - Saturday, from 5.00 p.m onwards.

For other temple activities and information please visit


or send an email to info


Suhas Godkhindi


" Atlanta Sai Temple News " : webmaster

Dear Devotees,

Continuing our tradition of celebrating Sai Vrath on every second

Saturday. Pooja will be performed from 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM, Please bring your

friends and family to witness this pooja and receive Baba's blessings!


Atlanta Sai Temple

700 James Burgess Road, Suwanee, GA 30024


" Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center " : sai

For Further details Visit: Web Page:


Email: hamaresai


" Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW " USA:


Baba Pada Puja & Abhishekam

This event repeats on the first Saturday of every


Event Location: 2109 W. Parker Road, Plano, Texas

It will be followed by Vishnu Sahasranamam at 11:00am.

Please email your questions, comments or suggestions

about the web site

to: admin



" Om Sai Mandir " saisandesh

Sai Sandesh's present issue and archives can be read at:




" S Chopra " saileela99

Thu, 05 Jan 2006 17:14:06 IST


SHIRDI SAI BABA SANSTHAN, CANADA invites all to join every Thursday for

Satsang at 7:00PM at the following two locations


1. Sai Dwarkamai, 147 Winston Castle Dr. Markham ON L6C 2N4 email:



2. Gur Mandir, 207 Queens Plate Drive, Etobicoke Ontario, M9W 6Z7,

Canada email: saileela99


Shammi Chopra



Om Sairam!

Mandir Pathrika is now in its third Year of

publication. We request all devotees to contribute

articles to Mandir Pathrika.

Articles can be any information on Saibaba, Jalaram

bapa or devotee Experiences, suggestions etc.

Please email your articles to


You can view all previous issues by opening the

following link.









Voora srinivas: voora


Sri Shirdi Sai Florida Center

4707 S. Pleasant Grove Road

Inverness, FL 34452

For further details contact voora




Books in English:




Author: Smt. Bharam Mani Umamaheswara Rao

Published by: Sri Sai Publications

Flat No.12, Sai Towers

4th Line, Brindavan Gardens


Phone: 0863--2351381


Books in Telugu by Late Sri Bapatla Hanumantha Rao


1. Emi Ninnu Upekhintuna – Part I

Price: Rs.80/-

2. Emi Ninnu Upekhintuna – Part II

Price: Rs.98/-

3. Sri Sai Anusaranam

Price: Rs.116/-

4. Sri Sai Karuna

Price: Rs.62/-

Published by: Sri Sai Hanuma Sai Kuteeram Trust

Sri Sai Nilayam, CEERUVU (Post)

Bapatla Mandal, Guntur (Dist)

A.P – 522 113

Phone No: 08643 250 165


Please Note:

Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book

World) to spread the word about their books may send

ONE new copy of the book to Saidarbar, for details


webmaster , saidarbar &


Acknowledgement of receipt of books will be done by

E-mail only.

Book(s) sent to Saidarbar will be retained by

Saidarbar and cannot be returned.


E- Books from Saidarbar:



You can obtain your copy at



You can obtain your copy at




Contact for further details: Sai Sevak-Vijay Agarwal:






We will be happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to cities out side Hyderabad,

India on prior intimation. For further details please contact





Things impressed me from this Magazine:


People say that there is no permanent enmity and friendship in politics,

but a person in the spiritual field will feel that there are no enemies or

friends. Every one is a divine soul.


It is a fact that mighty elephant can be tied with a rope made with tiny

grass bundles and small ants together can kill a poisonous snake. So understand

Unity is the strength.


The human mind is a very receptive instrument. If you place it in evil

company, it will acquire evil tendencies. If you place it in holy company, it

will acquire divine traits.


The sage is very silent. He speaks a few words. These words produce a

tremendous impression. They give a new life and joy to all who understand him

and his message. In his presence alone all the doubts of the aspirants are

cleared, though he remains mute.


The company of saints generates love for God. The love for God brings




Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place, essays,

articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai " – they may be address

their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster


We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of Shiridi

Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the articles instructs,

not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish them as a matter of routine



You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative by

submitting e-mail ID in the main page of http://www.saidarbar.org



Also read the old issues from:



If you are subscribing this E-magazine for your friend or a relative, we

request that the person concerned may be notified about receiving the same.


Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the articles



This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi


P.S. In case you do not like to receive " The Glory of Shirdi Sai " , Kindly

reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action.




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