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The Glory of Shirdi Sai issue 3-2006

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Fourth Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 3 / 2006



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From the Satsanghs of Saibanisaji




Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.


170. To avoid the unrest in the country, a good Government with good leader is

required. Electing such leader is also a Yagna. So everybody should perform the

Yagna properly.


171. The society should have fear or bhakti towards God. Then only society

will prosper.


172. A minister with Ahankara (pride), rich person with Greed, and highly

intellectual person surrendered to the vices are a burden to the society.


173. A Lion is powerful in the jungle. If he sits in his cave without hunting

it can’t survive. In the same way, an intellectual person idling at home cannot



174. The friendship with bad persons will be like long shadows of morning and

evening which represents your false image. But the friendship with good ones is

like shadow of the noon which represents your true image.


175. The friend in need, the bravery of warrior in the war, the wife’s role in

poverty, and moral support of relatives in troubles are time tested.


176. You should be fair and frank when you are dealing with the matters

connected with money, food, enemies, dance and music.


177. A wise person will take future steps in the life after keenly observing

other’s steps.


178. Secrecy is of value so long as it remains a secret.


179. Tying a stick to dog’s tail will not lead to straightening it. Similarly

good words spoken to a bad person will not bring any change in him.


To be continued…




February 25, 1912: Madhavrao Deshpande (Shama) left Shirdi to attend Kakasaheb

Dixit's thread ceremony at Nagpur and Nanasaheb Chandorkar's son's wedding at



February 14, 1914: Mr.B.V.Deo was charged by Baba for stealing His rags and

after lot of abusing and scolding was favored with instructions to read

Dhyaneswari regularly every day as per Deo's desire.







In the 51st chapter of Sai Satcharitra, details about PHALA- SRUTI, reward for

reading the Holy Book i.e. SAI SATCHARIRA, with devotion is given. It is said

that miseries disappear for those people who read it with full faith and love

towards SAI. It is also said that completion of PARAYAN in seven days time and

worshipping him there after, all the hurdles disappear and even material desires

are fulfilled. It is my routine practice to read one chapter from SATCHARITRA

every day. Every time on completion of reading 51 chapters, I experienced a

state of mental bliss and some thing or other happening to increase my faith

further. This is one such typical and memorable experience of mine. This will be

the last episode in the series titled - EXPERIENCES OF SAI BANISA WITH SHIRDI



I was deputed to South Korea on official assignment and the same was mentioned

in my first experience already covered. One of the incidents that happened in

SOUTH KOREA is described here. It was on 15-05-1991, after the day's routine I

completed the reading of the 51st chapter in the city of Changwaan and set out

to Mr. Lee’s residence as he was hosting that night's dinner. After Dinner, Mr.

Lee has come out to drop us at our Hotel in his car. It was around half past

nine in the night, I was not contented with the day's routine as nothing

specific worth the earlier happenings has taken place after completing reading

of 51st chapter this time. My thinking process was nagging me that, perhaps I

could not read Satcharitra with the expected devotion or SAI is not accepting my

prayers from South Korea. Why has he not heeded and responded to my prayers from

a foreign land was the most pre-occupied question in my mind.


All of a sudden as if to make matters light, Mr. Lee came forward, with a

proposal and offered to take us to LORD BUDDHA'S TEMPLE located on the hilltop

and was seeking our formal permission. I took it as an invitation from LORD

SAINATH and readily gave my consent with out any second thought or hesitation.

The temple was to close by 10:00 Hrs. in the night. Seeing in me a sudden change

and more enthusiastic, he raced the car at a speed of 100 km / Hr., uphill

towards the temple in an attempt to reach before it's closure. Approximately it

took half an hour for the drive and we were there by 10.15PM fortunately for us

that day, the temple has, not yet closed. I felt as if 'LAMA ' of the temple was

in wait only for us standing at the main entrance to the temple. Mr. Lee

introduced me and other colleague of mine Shri. Sreenivasa Rao to LAMA- the

chief priest. He recognized both of us as Indians and traditionally welcomed us.

Later on he offered us green Tea. LAMA blessed all the three

of us in the presence of LORD BUDDHA and presented us three chains to one each

containing a silver dollar. My imagination stretched beyond and I could see SAI

in LAMA who was donned in white robes.


My eyes got wet and with full devotion I prostrated before him. He helped me

up, hugged and embraced me with utmost affection. I felt as if his eyes were

questioning me whether I felt happy or not at that particular moment. The silver

Dollar, which I consider as a gift from BABA in Lama's form and a precious

possession is preserved in my prayer room forever.






These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SAIBANISA From our

beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that this feature will

help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled from his personal Diary and

presented to SAIBANDHUS.


Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.



(On camp at Kota)


Yesterday, I fulfilled the desire of my visit to Ajmer and Ranathambore and

was on way back. I offered my thanks to HIM. I had a dream in the night that

terrified me a lot-

The tragic end of mine comes to me. A senior colleague of ours was about to

light the pyre. A saint resembling Sai dropped two copper coins on the pyre and

I got up from the pyre and gathering around was whispering about the event. I

reached Hyderabad and attended office. I felt as if everyone was a friend of


I welcomed the change and could see Sai’s corrective actions glaringly.

Shraddha (faith) and Saburi (patience) will solve most of our problems.




Today my thoughts centered round SAI devotees and people engaged in the spread

of Sai philosophy. I prayed on Baba to render proper guidance to all. Sai



-Not to run after everyone boasting to be a Sai devotee and adhere only to Sai

Satcharita by Hemadpanth.


-Not to discuss Sai philosophy in friends circle as it is to be talked only in

the company of like-minded people.


-Utilize God’s grace only for the benefit of society without any interior

selfish motives.


Sense the mindset of the people before you speak.




Yesterday, I was thinking about the life cycle and importance attached to GURU

in the whole process before going to bed. I had a dream that went like this-


I board a bus with two manuscripts Sri Bhagavad-Gita and Sri Bhagavtham kept

inside a small handbag. On the way, I get down the bus to have a cup of tea. The

bus starts off at the specified time, leaving me in the middle. How should I

catch the bus was the need of the hour as I was standing helpless. I spotted a

person clad in full white dress and with white beard, approaching on a motor

bicycle. He offers me lift with an assurance to leave me at the destined place,

safe at the right time. I hesitantly took the pillion seat. He carried me to the

place without my getting tired even though the road was quite rough.

Samardha Sadhguru Sai alone can ensure such safe passage to the Destination.


To be continued…..



(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

" Shashi " : shashi_31


22. Atma – Jnana

Atman or Brahma is one. But the hearts it occupies are different. It is one

and the same. Atman that runs through all the hearts. As per pain and pleasure,

these are not the functions of Atman, but only of the hearts. To make the heart,

a heart, is the function of the Atman.


Sri Sai Baba advocated Atma – Tatwa as ‘Sat-Chit- Ananda’ involved in the

body-mind complex. The involved Atman is called ‘Jiva’. The pure heart, the

Divine spirit in the body, the real self is ever, as it immutable. The

individual soul is internal. The creation of soul is only secondary. Birth and

death are only to the body and not to the soul. What originates is its

connection with its gross and subtle bodies which are unreal. The soul is pure

intelligence which is never lost under any circumstances. The soul is really

Brahman and its identity with Brahman is known in meditation only. Soul springs

from Brahman like sparks from the fire. In the stage of bondage, it is atomic,

but this is not its true nature.”


Baba always says: “Human birth is wasted if Atma is not realized. Freedom from

Samsara cannot be obtained without self realization.


The form of one’s Atman be distinctly visualized by one, in the same manner as

one’s image is seen in the mirror. One should enquire into the Self by the Self.

One should enter into Self. Self is hidden. Self is the goal for the Self.

Therefore, attain Self-mastery by the Self, like a trader who protects his



The supreme subject is subtle, that which existed in the past, present, and

future, that forms the basis of this world of names and forms. That which is the

Paramatma constitutes the Atma for this body. Being deathless, it is the Truth.

That becomes the resting place for the individual soul during the state of

Susupti and death.


Atma is the subtler than the subtlest. That God-hood is known as Atman. The

Supreme one is our real nature. We are neither the doer nor the enjoyer nor the

giver. We are the Pure Consciousness embodied in the form of Supreme-Self.


To be continued…..








Sai In Ramayan: By Sri SAIBANISA Gopal Rao Ravada


The best of bhaktas honored

When Ravana kidnapped Sita, Jatayu, king of eagles, attacked Ravana. In the

encounter, Ravana unsheathed his sword and cut both the wings of Jatayu. Ram saw

the bleeding Jatayu on his way and Jatayu after conveying to Ram that Ravana had

taken Sita to Lanka, died in Ram’s arms. Ram’s sorrow knew no bounds. He

embraced Jatayu and lamented loudly. Though Ram knew Jatayu only for a very

short time, Jatayu won the heart of Ram by exhibiting true love and devotion to

Ram. Ram, who could not to perform the last rites for His own father, performed

the last rites for this eagle father, honored Jatayu and gave him Moksha.


Same is the case of Megha in Sai Sat Charita. Megha was an illiterate Brahmin,

and an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva. He served Baba only for a very short time.

When he first came to Shirdi, he refused to bow before Baba whom he thought was

a Muslim. Baba read his thought and drove him away. But Megha, who had realized

Baba’s divinity, came again and again to Baba and became one of his closest

devotees. He started worshipping Baba with bilva leaves and Ganga water just as

he worshipped Lord Shiva. When Megha died, Baba was grief stricken and he wept

like a close relative. He followed the funeral procession, covered his body with

flowers and served a funeral dinner on his behalf. When He performed the last

rites of Megha tears flowed from Baba’s eyes and like an ordinary mortal. Baba

showed himself overcome with grief and sorrow. Krishna performed last rites of

his disciple Astavakra. Ram performed the last rites of Jatayu and Sairam

performed the last rites of Megha.


Epitome of love and devotion:

In Ramayana, Ram on his way to Lanka, visited the ashram a tribal woman Baktha

Sabari, on the banks of Pampa. Sabari was very old and she was leading a saintly

life. She was waiting for the arrival of Ram and for the bliss of His darshan.

She received Ram and Lakshman and offered them fruits that she had collected

from the forest. Out of her great desire to give nothing but the best among her

collection of fruits to Ram, Sabari checked the ripeness of the fruits that she

collected for Sri Ram by tasting each fruit and gave only those fruits that she

thought was ripe, to Sri Ram. Ram understood her true affection and so without

the slightest hesitation accepted Sabari’s offerings and ate them happily.


Similarly, in the year 1914, on a Ram Navami day, a poor old woman came to

take darshan of Sai Ram. She brought three rotis to offer to Sairam. But there

was a huge crowd and she could not go near Sai. She was very hungry as she had

traveled all through the day by foot to meet Sai and so she started eating the

rotis which she had brought to offer for Sai. Sai knew it and he called Shama

and asked him to bring the old lady from the crowd. When the old lady came near,

Sai snatched the remaining half roti that she had in her hand and ate it. Such

was the greatness of Sai. He expects only pure love and is ready to accept

anything that is offered to Him with pure love and devotion.


A lie to benefit Mankind

When Ram was going to the forest, King Dasaratha ordered minister Sumantha to

bring back Ram. Dasaratha told Sumantha that as a king Ram had to obey his

orders and return immediately to Ayodhya to ascend the throne. But to Ram no

pleasure was higher than honoring his father’s pledge (pitruvakiya paripalana).

Ram also knew that He was going to the forest to kill Ravana .So He told Sumanta

to tell a lie that Ram did not hear him as the crowd was shouting wildly. Ram

told a lie for the first and last time in his life to fulfill his father’s word

and to uphold dharma.

Baba has told in Sat Charita, “I never tell lies” but Baba has told a lie, to

teach the world, the importance of Vishnu Sahasranama. Shama was a very intimate

devotee of Baba and Baba wanted to favor him by giving him a copy of Vishnu

Sahasranama. A Ramadasi had the habit of reciting Vishnu Sahasranama at the

Dwarakamayi daily. Baba once told the Ramadasi that He was suffering from

intense stomach pain and asked him to get a particular drug for him. When the

Ramdasi went out, Baba took the Vishnusahasranama, which the Ramdasi was,

reading and gave it to Shama and asked him to read it. At the same time, He

convinced the Ramadasi saying that He wanted everyone to read Vishnu

Sahasranama. to save them from the miseries of worldly existence. Sai told this

lie for the benefit of His devotees. Such is the efficacy of Vishnu Sahasranam.

Baba has once told me in meditation, “When you are traveling in the boat of

Samsar on the ocean of worldly troubles, when ever you have a problem, hoist

the flag of Vishnu Sahasranam on your boat and it will save you”.





Hindu temple coming up in north England


http://www.newkerala.com/news.php?action=fullnews & id=90381


20 Jan 2006


In the latest example of exquisitely carved

Hindu temples in Britain, a team of four marble masons from India

has arrived to build a temple in Middlesbrough in north England.


There are several Hindu temples in towns across Britain - many of them

featuring idols and stonework brought from India or executed here by

experts brought in from India.


The most popular of such temples is the Swaminarayana temple in Neasden,

London, and the Jain temple in Leicester.


Talks by Swami Nirmalananda On Yoga Sutras




CALIFORNIA, January 18, 2006: Swami Nirmalananda Giri is the head of Atma

Jyoti Ashram in Borrego Springs, California, USA. A prolific author and gifted

speaker, he has given a series of satsangs at the ashram over the past year on

the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. These satsangs, as well as other talks, have now

been posted on the ashram's website at " source " as free streaming audio in

Quicktime format.



World's Tallest Murugan Statue Unveiled At Batu Caves, Malaysia




KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, January 30, 2006: About 30,000 Hindu devotees and

visitors came to witness the official unveiling of the country's tallest Lord

Murugan statue on Sunday and the garlanding of the golden statue today. Temple

officials were now hoping to get the 42.7m statue, located at the Sri

Subramaniar Temple at the foot of Batu Caves, into the Guinness Book of World

Records as the tallest Lord Murugan statue in the world. Hundreds of balloons

floated into the air and a shower of flowers fell from a hovering helicopter as

Works Minister Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu officially launched the opening ceremony

about 6.15pm on Sunday. As darkness fell, a spectacular 20-minute display of

fireworks lit the US$667,000 statue made of 1,550 cubic metres of concrete

(that's 8. 2 million pounds!), 250 tons of steel bars and 300 liters of gold

paint brought in from Thailand. Fifteen Indian sculptors had worked on the

project for three years.




Saidarbar– Hyderabad.



From Sai Satcharita -chapter 28


Megha began to look upon Sai Baba as an incarnation of Shiva In order to

worship Shiva, bela leaves are required and Megha used to go miles and miles

every day to bring them and worship his Shiva (Baba).


Megha worshipped Baba in two places; in the Dwarakamai he worshipped Baba in

person and in the Wada, Baba's big picture, given by Nanasaheb Chandorkar. This

he did for 12 months. Then in order to appreciate his devotion and confirm his

faith, Baba gave him a vision. Early one morning when Megha was still lying down

on his bed with eyes closed but internally awake, he saw clearly Baba's Form.

Baba knowing him to be awake threw Akshata (rice-grains marked red with Kumkum)

and said, " Megha, draw a Trident " and disappeared. Hearing Baba's words, he

eagerly opened his eyes but did not see Baba, but saw only rice grains spread

here and there. He then went to Baba, told Him about the vision and asked

permission to draw Trident. Baba said - " Did you not hear My words asking you to

draw Trident? It was no vision but direct order and My words are always pregnant

with meaning and never hollow.


Megha returned to the Wada, and drew a red Trident on the wall near Baba's

picture. Next day a Ramadasi Bhakta came from Poona, saluted Baba and offered

Him Pindi (an image of Shiva). At this time Megha also turned up there. Baba

said to him - " See, Shankar has come, protect (i.e., worship) Him now. " Megha

was surprised to see Pindi following Trident immediately.


Maha Shivaratthri-Sunday 26 February--2006





Information about JyotirLingas.


What is jyothirlinga?


Worship of shivalinga is considered the prime worship for the devotees of Lord

Shiva. This jyoti swarUpa of God exist in all the shivalinga forms, there are

prominent abodes across Indian subcontinent, where it is in a splendid form.

These are renowned as 12 jyotirlingas. These are held at much great esteem since

the ancient pre-historic times. Puranas talk in many sections as well as in

detail about the glory of these abodes. Devotees have been getting pulled

towards these kshetras due to the highly benevolent divine presence in these

abodes, since ancient times.

The 12 jyothirlinga temples


Mahadev, the Lord incorporates in Himself, the aura and the holiness of all

the twelve JyotirLingas. The grandeur of these places is unique. Devotees line

up in great numbers to take a look and get a Darshan of all the JyotirLingas.


Location of the jothirlinga temples


Those of us who go to these temples of Shubhankar Shankar- Jyoti-Sivasthan,

receive the holy blessings of the Lord, and come back happy, peaceful and

blessed. This in indeed depends on one’s devotion and experience too.


1. Somnatha located at Prabhas Patan in Saurashtra in Gujarat.

2. Mallikarjun in Srisailam (Andhra Pradesh).

3. Mahakaleshwar in Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh)

4. Omkareshwar in Shivpuri (Madhya. Pradesh)

5. Vaidyanath in Parali (Maharastra)

6. Nageshwar near Dwarka in Gujarat

7. Kedareswar in Kedarnath -- Himalayas.

8. Tryambakeswar in Nasik (Maharastra)

9. Rameshwar in Setubandanam (Tamilnadu)

10. Bhimashankar in Dakini (Maharastra)

11. Visweswar in Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh)

12. Ghrishneswar in Devasrovar (Maharastra)


Those who chant the Dwadasa JyotirLinga Stotram or prayer will attain

salvation and enlightenment and be released from this cycle of human existence

with all its travails. By worshipping the Lingas, people of all castes, creeds

and colour would be freed from all difficulties. By eating the holy offering

made to these Lingas (Naivedyam) one would be rid of all the sins instantly.


As a matter of fact, we do the Darshan of the JyoritLingas as a part of our

daily life. Sun, Fire and Light etc., are indeed a part of that great Light. “Om

tatsavituvarenye” these magical words of the Gayatri mantra or chant invoke this

Supreme light only. By chanting this powerful Mantra, humans can obtain divine

power to their life-light or Atmajyothi. The aura of the Sun rays and the

various benefits that can be derived there from is indeed a difficult task to

describe. This gorgeous life-light is the only thing that is responsible for the

activity in the universe. We salute this life force.


“Agni” or fire is a great light. For all the activities on the earth, “Fire”

is the pivot.

Deepajyoti or light and its greatness, is known to all of us, and we offer our

prayers. Let us celebrate the glory of light. Light is offered a place of pride

at welcome celebrations and on all auspicious occasions.


This light removes the darkness from the lives of one and all. Darkness means

ignorance and it is destroyed by this light. The natured light of God makes all

our wishes come true, when we take a Darshan of it.


Thus, by taking a Darshan of these twelve JyotirLingas, the auspicious air

surrounding them and the holy pilgrimage, will bring happiness, peace and

satisfaction to all.


To be continued-------



From the files of Saidarbar:


AUGUST 27, 1998


Just couple of months ago, we were waiting for the birth of our first baby.

Sumedha, my wife, had completed 37 weeks of pregnancy. It was the night of 19

July (Sunday) when she suddenly started feeling strong labor pains. Pains were

so strong that she was hardly able to talk or communicate well. I took her to

the hospital immediately, and soon her doctor and nurses were working with her.

When the nurse checked her dilation, it was hardly one centimeter. This made

everyone much worried because such a small dilation would lead to a long and

very painful labor period. My wife was crying badly. Doctor immediately decided

to give epidural (a strong pain medicine given through spinal chord) to her. In

such a panic, I remembered SAI BABA and asked for His help. I always keep a

photo of BABA in my purse. I took that out and showed that to my wife.

Immediately after that moment, I saw one of the biggest miracles of my life by

SAI KRIPA. My wife's dilation, which was just one centimeter five

minutes ago, suddenly became ten centimeter, which is just appropriate for

delivery. Everyone in the room just jumped out of surprise. And, in next 5-10

minutes, the baby was out without any problem. So, SAI BABA helped her by giving

her relief from the severe labor pain, and she was too happy after giving birth

to a cute girl. Doctor and nurses, all accepted that they have never seen such a

miracle in their lives. It was the shortest labor period they had ever observed

for a first time pregnancy, just 30-35 minutes. And, we both knew that this all

happened because of SAI KRIPA.


I came to know BABA in 1994, and since then, I have felt that He listens to

His followers and helps them in whatever way. I have personally felt His

blessings hundreds of times. I remember one more miracle, which happened in 1995

to me when I came to New York for a new job. The day I landed in New York, I

fell seriously ill and became very weak in just 2-3 days. At that time of

distress, I prayed to SAI BABA and asked for His help. I also asked my BABA to

take me back to Delhi to my family, although it was next to impossible because

my employer had paid for my air tickets and was not ready to send me back to

India. I prayed my BABA to take me back in next 24 hours, and said that I will

go to Shirdi to thank Him. And, then this miracle came from nowhere. Suddenly,

overnight everything was changed. My employer decided to send me back that too

on his expense and within 24 hours I was flying back to India. This was probably

the first miracle of my BABA that I felt. And, when I went to

Shirdi to say thanks to BABA, that place looked so familiar to me as if I have

some kind of relation with it. And, I know there is a relation. BABA ne bhi

kabhi kaha tha - Jo mujhe jis bhav se pukarega main usi bhav se sununga. JAI SAI



Ravi Kant Shukla, Santa Clara, CA


(This experience was received by Saidarbar during the year 1998)-Editor.







Tue, 31 Jan 2006 21:29:38 -0800 (PST)


Sai Ram. Let us continue with the spiriuital gems from the chapter.


" Hemadpant said all that they talked about was very pleasant, and that

specially the story of the old lady was most wonderful and that on hearing it,

he thought that His Leela was inexplicable, and under the guise of that story,

He really blessed him. Baba then said - " Wonderful is the story. How were you

blessed? I would like to know everything in detail from you, so tell Me all

about it. " " Sai Ram. It is wonderful indeed! Baba knew everything; spoken or

unspoken that goes on in His devotee's mind. Still, He asked like a common man

since He wanted Hemadpant to speak out the bliss of his experience for the

benefit of devotees like us.


" Then Hemadpant related in full the story which he had heard a little while

before, and which had made a lasting impression on his mind. Hearing this Baba

was much pleased and asked him - " Did the story strike you and did you catch its

significance? " He replied - " Yes, Baba the restless-ness of my mind has vanished

and I have got true peace and rest, and come to know the true path. " Sai Ram.

Baba asked a very pointed question to Hemadpant. Hearing a story is important

but understanding the significance of the story is crucial.


" Then Baba spoke as follows: - " My method is quite unique. Remember well, this

one story, and it will be very useful. To get the knowledge (realization) of the

Self, Dhyana (meditation) is neces-sary. If you practice it continuously, the

Vrittis (thoughts) will be pacified. Being quite desireless, you should meditate

on the Lord, Who is in all the creatures, and when the mind is concentrated, the

goal will be achieved. Meditate always on My formless nature, which is knowledge

incarnate, consciousness and bliss. If you cannot do this, meditate on My Form

from top to toe as you see here night and day. As you go on doing this, your

Vrittis will concentrate on one point and the distinction between the Dhyata

(meditator), Dhyana (act of meditation), Dhyeya (this meditated upon) will be

lost and the meditator will be one with the Consciousness and be merged in the

Brahman. The (mother) tortoise is on one bank of the river, and her young ones

are on the other side. She gives neither milk,

nor warmth to them. Her mere glance gives them nutrition. The young ones do

nothing, but remember (meditate upon) their mother. The tortoise glance is, to

the young ones, a down-pour of nectar, the only source of sustenance and

happiness. Similar is the relation, between the Guru and disciples. "


Sai Ram. In these few sentences Baba gave a condensed and concentrated form of

the same message that He gave in detail in the earlier chapter to the gentleman

who wanted quick Brahma Jnan. Just as Bhagawan spoke through Sri Krishna in His

Gita, Baba's body was the instrument in this Sai Gita! Sai always maintained and

amply demonstrated that He was not bound by His body. His true nature is Sat,

Chit and Ananda. Since it is difficult for most of us to meditate on the

formless nature of God, the worship of Form is prescribed. And when the Vrittis

subside, the meditator, the act of meditation and the object of meditation

become one. This is the essence of Sri Vishnu Sahasra Nama (Vishnu is Yagna,

Yagna Pati etc.), and Sri Laitha Sahasranama too! (The Divine Mother is

addressed as Dhayana, Dhyatru Dhyeya Roopa). And meditation is remembering one's

true nature, which is beyond the conscious mind. Super consciousness is the

state of one's true self.


" When Baba uttered these last words, the chorus of the Arati songs stopped and

all cried out loudly in one voice: " Victory be to our Sadguru Sai Maharaj, Who

is Existence, Knowledge and Bliss. " Dear readers, let us imagine, that we are at

this time, standing amongst the crowd in the Dwarakamai; and let us join them in

this Jayajayakar. "


Sai Ram. Let us also join in the chorus of jay jay to Sainath Maharaj!


" After the Arati ceremony was over, Prasad was distributed. Bapusaheb Jog

advanced as usual, and after saluting Baba, gave into His hand a handful of

sugar-candy. Baba pushed all this quantity into the hands of Hemadpant and said

to him, " If you take this story to heart and remember it well, your state will

be sweet as the sugar-candy, all your desires will be fulfilled and you will be

happy. " Hemadpant bowed before Baba and implored, " Do favor me like this, bless

and protect me always. " Baba replied - " Hear this story, meditate on it and

assimilate its spirit. Then you will always remember and meditate on the Lord,

Who will manifest Himself to you. "


Sai Ram. Meditation and similar shadhanas are needed to understand the deeper

meaning of several messages and stories. Such stories help in purifying the mind

and removing the vasanas so that the mind is always connected (remembering is

becoming a part of the whole and thus reconnecting) with the Divine. At the

appropriate time, the Lord will manifest Himself to the sadhaka in a form which

is pleasing to the sadhaka. Bhagawan gave such a manifestation to Sri Arjuna -

first in the Universal Form and then with His Four Hands form). Sai Ram.


Dear readers! Hemadpant got Prasad of sugar-candy then; and we now get the

Prasad of sugar-candy or nectar of this story. Let us drink it to out heart's

content, meditate on it, and assimilate it, and be strong and happy by Baba's

grace. Sai Ram. Yes, we are indeed fortunate in having this sea of stories,

each with so many spiritual gems.


We will continue with this chapter. Sai Ram.



Author, Editor, Proof-Reader and Book Reviewer



To be continued…..




Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.


Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with children and

used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting Saidarbar should be

entertained with good stories. For the last 2 years I have told you about Lord

Krishna's Leelas and Lord Rama Story. Now I want to tell the stories what heard

in my child hood.


The Seven Weavers and the Field of Flax


Seven weavers once started on a moonlight journey. They had not gone very far

from their home when they lost the road. After trying to find their way, they

came to a field of flax, which they took to be a river, as the field was in

flower, and they fancied the blue color of the flower to be that of water.


They stripped themselves and began swimming. After hard labor, they got

across. To make certain that no one was drowned, they took the precaution of

counting themselves before resuming their journey; but they discovered that one

of them was missing, as each forgot to count himself.


Grieved at the loss of one of their company, they had not the heart to pursue

their journey, but returned home.






Sai Eshwari: saiers_1999

1/16/2006 20:35:18 -0800

The Power of Nama Japa



The Lord Himself has settled the nature of His worship for every age. Bhakti

Marga is Kali Yuga's simplest and safest way for Realization of soul for all.

Though the scriptures relate that there will be a decline in dharma in this Kali

yuga, man can take heart from the fact that it is in this age that the method

for Realizing God is easy. Chanting of His Holy name is the prescribed sadhana

for the present age, which gives immense pleasure & peace to attain Moksha in

one's life. Easy to adopt by anyone it does not have any restriction in the

manner, time or place for its recitation. There are different methods in which

the Divine names can be handled, Nama Japa, Nama Sankeertana, Bhajans and

Recitation of Sthotras, being some of the popular methods followed according to

one's preference. " Nama Japa " means constantly chanting the name of one's

beloved God or Guru with respect and devotion to invoke God's blessings and free

one from material (worldly) attachments to move towards

Spiritual Realization. The Holy name is the Divine medicine to save us from the

chronic disease of worldliness. Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh had said that

Namasmaran is the 'Namopathy', the best of all Naturopathy, Homeopathy and

Allopathy medicines in curing the physical and mental ailments. He gave the

gospel 'DIN' that means 'Do It Now.'


The power of Nama Japa is well known to all. In the epilogue to the great

Vishnu Sahasra Nama, Parvathi asks Lord Shiva: How do the wise chant the

thousand names in brief? And Lord Shiva responds with the well-known couplet

" Sri Rama Rama Rameti, Rame Raame Manorame " Rama Nama, he says, is singularly

equal to the thousand names. Scriptures say that the celestial Narada Muni once

asked Srimannaryana " Which is your permanent abode?” To this Sri Vishnu replied

" Naham Vasami Vaikunte, NahiYogi Hridaye, Yatra Mad Bhakta Gayanthe Tatra

Thistami Narada! " which means " Oh Narada, I am not in Vaikunta, nor in the

hearts of yogis, you will feel my presence where my devotees sing my name with

love and affection " . Lord Sainath was very fond of Nama Smaran and Nama

Sankeertan. He always uttered 'Sab Ka Malik Ek' and in His presence made others

sing God's name continuously day and night for seven days. This is called Nama

Sapthaha. In 1913 during the Sri Rama Navami Festival, Sai asked

Radhakrishna Aayee to do Nama Sapthaha. Once He asked Shri Das Ganu Maharaj to

do Nama Sapthaha and blessed him. Baba in His immortal Sri Sai Satcharitha

stated thus “The simple remembrance of my name as 'Sai, Sai' will do away with

sins of speech and hearing. " (Chap 3) " If you always say 'Sai Sai' I shall take

you over the seven seas, believe in these words and you will be certainly

benefited. " (Chap 13).


When Arjuna asked Lord Krishna, " Oh Lord, how can I perceive when I am

engaged in worldly activities? " To this Lord Krishna replied, " Oh Arjuna, you

can always do my Namajapam by which you will remain in my pure consciousness " .

(Bhagvadgita). Meerabai turned ecstatic when she discovered the potency of Rama

nama. It was like coming upon a treasure - " Payoji maine Ram ratan dhan

paayo! " This treasure, she says, none can rob, it does not reduce if you draw

from it, in fact, it grows at a compound rate! It is said " God Realization will

not spring out of one's heart, if the seed of the name is not sown in the proper

soil of a saintly and devoted heart, carefully sifted by the process of

renunciation, watered by the tears of Love and Repentance and guarded always by

good, moral character. " - Sai Ananda. The practice of chanting the Name of

God is recommended by all religions. If one believes in God, he must necessarily

believe the word of God as well. Listening to the glory of

God (Sravanam) is also as important as chanting His names. At the same time it

is important to coordinate thought with chant. If the mind wanders while lips

utter the Name, the exercise is futile.


In Baba's words “Leave off all your cleverness and always remember Sai, Sai.

If you did that all your shackles would be removed and you would be free. " (Chap

10) Friends, constant remembrance of Sai is possible only through Nama Japa as

there are no restrictions. Let us do the Japa feeling God's presence in

everything and everywhere. Let us draw closer and nearer to Him while repeating

His name. Let us think He is shining in the chambers of our heart and witnessing

the repetition of the Mantra, as He is the witness of our mind!


Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai




Mon, 23 Jan 2006 07:26:02 -0800 (PST)


“The glory of Shirdi Sai issue 2-2006” is good.

Thanks a lot.




1/25/2006 12:14:17 -0700


The site http://www.saidarbar.org is so wonderful and the pictures of SAI are

extraordinary. Hats of to all the people involved in taking the pain to

construct this site




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Please contact: saidarbar & saidarbar



How Holy Company Transforms


* The human mind is a very receptive instrument. If you place it in evil

company, it will acquire evil tendencies. If you place it in holy company, it

will acquire divine traits.

* Bright ideals infuse an urge to grow into their likeness. Evil examples

also have a similar effect if the mind is not guarded.

* If you go to a sage, there will automatically come a feeling of purity

and peace within you.

* Just as cold, fear and darkness depart from one who approaches fire, so

does weakness, worldliness and ignorance depart from him who keeps himself near

to the saints.

* Saints at once purify those who go near them, whereas Ganga purges the

sins of only those whom its water comes in contact with in ablution.

* Saints cleanse the sinners at once at the very sight of them.

* The sight of a sage is delightful. To live with him is always peaceful.

To converse with him is blissful.

* The moment the mind thinks of sage, immediately all evil desires, base

passions are brushed aside.

* At the time of thinking of saintly personages, the mind gets moulded

into the shape of the qualities of which it thinks, and thereby becomes pure.

* Meditation on the lives of saints is equal to holy company. Study of

their teachings is equal to holy company.

* To think of the lives of saints, to live in their company, to have the

good fortune of receiving their blessings, is to draw forth upon yourselves a

shower of purity, inspiration and divine consciousness.

* The very company of sages and saints has a tremendous transforming

effect on the lives of true seekers. It lifts them up to the heights of

sublimity, purity and spirituality. It does not fail to affect even the rank


* By association with saints even for a short time, the aspirants acquire

strong faith in the Lord.

* The sage is very silent. He speaks a few words. These words produce a

tremendous impression. They give a new life and joy to all who understand him

and his message. In his presence alone all the doubts of the aspirants are

cleared, though he remains mute.

* The company of saints generates love for God. The love for God brings


* One moment of company with the holy builds a ship to cross this ocean of



How to Benefit from the Company of Saints


* Jivanmuktas or the liberated sages are ever ready to help those who are

still climbing to reach the peak of wisdom. This is their work in this world. It

is the duty of the aspirants to seek their aid and have a receptive attitude.

* To benefit from the company of saints, you have to prepare yourself

first. Do not go with any preconceived notion or prejudice. Go with an open,

receptive mind. Go without expectations. Approach them humbly, respectfully.

Assimilate what appeals to you. If some of their teachings do not appeal to you,

do not form a hasty opinion. If you do not like them, you need not take them to

head. What may be suitable to another may not be suitable to you. Yet, with

regard to broad fundamentals, there can be no difference of opinion.

* One should possess the right desire to cross the ocean of Samsara and to

attain Knowledge of Brahman through Satsanga.

* When you go before a sage, do not ask him questions out of mere

inquisitiveness. Sit in his presence humbly. Observe him. Listen to him without

prejudice. Ask him only such questions about which you really need


* Ask him only pertinent questions. Do not draw him into politics or

public bricketings.

* Meditate in the presence of a sage. You will get inner light which will

clear your doubts.

* An intelligent man only will understand and realize the Truth in the

company of a sage.



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Books in English:



Author: Smt. Bharam Mani Umamaheswara Rao

Published by: Sri Sai Publications

Flat No.12, Sai Towers

4th Line, Brindavan Gardens


Phone: 0863--2351381


Books in Telugu by Late Sri Bapatla Hanumantha Rao


1. Emi Ninnu Upekhintuna – Part I

Price: Rs.80/-

2. Emi Ninnu Upekhintuna – Part II

Price: Rs.98/-

3. Sri Sai Anusaranam

Price: Rs.116/-

4. Sri Sai Karuna

Price: Rs.62/-

Published by: Sri Sai Hanuma Sai Kuteeram Trust

Sri Sai Nilayam, CEERUVU (Post)

Bapatla Mandal, Guntur (Dist)

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Things impressed me from this Magazine:

A wise person will take future steps in the life after keenly observing

other’s steps.


Secrecy is of value so long as it remains a secret.


Tying a stick to dog’s tail will not lead to straightening it. Similarly good

words spoken to a bad person will not bring any change in him.


Baba always says: “Human birth is wasted if Atma is not realized. Freedom from

Samsara cannot be obtained without self realization.


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articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai " – they may be address

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