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I have a question - You have No Choice...

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The 'bodymind' needs you to identify

with it, in order o function... is a long-

standing delusion!


The 'bodymind' needs constant direction

from you... is a long-standing delusion!


For most part, it is a 'self

sustaining' system... it breathes, it

grows, it digests, it fights bacteria,

it pumps blood, it makes blood... all

without needing constant directions

from you!


It also " feels " right and wrong, kind

and unkind, pleasant and unpleasant,

hurtful and soothing without needing

your constant directions or *identification*!




To think that it needs your constant

directions to feel the way it does

is... a Delusion and it adds to the

suffering and ignorance that might

already be there!


In reality, it feels the way it feels

irrespective of whether you want it or





In the above 9/11 example,


it might feel bad, sad, gloomy,

heartbroken, moved, shaken, horrified,

afraid, enraged, angry, and vengeful on

witnessing planes crashing into

buildings and causing Death!


But, to think that these 'emotions'

happened because of *your*

directions... is a Delusion!


They happened on their 'own'! Or, you

can say your bodymind is conditioned to

'feel' that way given those inputs! It

doesn't need any directions from *you*

to do That! By 'dreaming' that it

*felt* this way because of *you* is a

delusion that causes suffering and

confusion and in fact, it diminishes

your capacity to see Clearly and Act

Rightly !




Think about any event that made you

you feel bad no matter who *BAD*

the even itself was...


What is the 'purpose' of... *feeling



What you can do by *feeling bad* that

you can not perform *without* feeling



Do you need to *feel bad* in order to

solve a problem, feed the hungry, to

take care of a disease, to pull someone

out of a rubble, to band-aid an

injured, to fight fire?


Does your *feeling bad* make you more

*efficient* in doing so?


In reality, your *feeling bad* might

serve no real purpose that creating a

'manufactured' suffering for yourself

not really helping anybody else!


You can be very well seating at home,

feeling all gloomy, sad, heartbroken,

worried and not doing ANYTHING at all

to really help the situation! You might

be simply feeling bad yourself,

creating suffering for yourself and

spreading suffering to others via your

speech and contact!


Your *feeling bad* serves no useful

purpose in that case! So why is it

there? Did you consciously create it?


Once you full realize that you can do

*whatever* you find necessary or useful

with feeling bad... would you ever

*consciously* *feel bad* Again? What for?




If 'bodymind' really operated based on

your directions and decisions why would

you EVER " choose " to feel bad, sad or

Pathetic... no matter what the event?




A situation is what it is...


You might ACT to make it the way you

feel appropriate, you might respond the

way see fit, you might help, you might

assist, you might soothe...


but, none of that require you to *feel



In fact, by feeling bad, in many

cases, you lose your *objectivity* and

clear seeing and end up doing thing

that are not really *helpful* or

*reacting* many times more than

necessary and furthering the cycle of



In many other cases, you *excess*

grief, fear, worry, stress simply makes

you *incapacitated* and you are NOT

ABLE to help the situation that you

think needs your help!




It is not that, by staying as you are,

by realizing yourself apart from

bodymind and its emotions... you lose

your capacity to ACT, soothe or help...


In fact, you are able to help only

when you are able to maintain some

distance between *what is wise and

needed* and what an 'unconscious'

bodymind might feel!


Only by *un-identifying*, you gain this

distance and this clear seeing

independent of attachments!


Those who gain *total* un-identification,

are the only who can see with TOTAL

Clarity! Those are the only one who

can act for *total good*! Those who

are *blinded* by identification

with how body feels simply keep

perpetuating the cycles of violence,

suffering and Blame!


Only by Clear Seeing... you step out

of this Vicious Cycle!


Only by *un-identifying* that which feels

without your *conscious* guidance – you

can gain Clear Seeing!







Once you are able to constantly

abide in that formless essence beyond

'conditioned' bodymind don't lose your

capacity to know right/wrong,

kind/unkind, Light supportive versus

Negative... or your capacity to act...


In fact, then, for the first time, you

gain Clear Seeing and the ability of

TOTAL Right Action!


The action that is Conscious, the

action that is Wise, the Action that is

guided by Clear, total and Detached



The action that is Not an *attachment

driven* BLIND, Unconscious Reaction!






















Nisargadatta , " Arvind " <adithya_comming



> >>Group,

> >>I am a big fan of Nisargadatta but there is one


> of

> his teaching I haven't understood completely. According to him

> realizing the self is to be in a state where you have no memmory of

> anything or feel anything at all. According to him it is only the

> mind-

> body which is capable of experiencing anything. He often compared


> state of self realization to being like Bombay or New York for that

> matter. The terror strikes in N.Y struck terror in the hearts of


> Yorkers but not New York. Whatever happens in N.Y does not affect


> York per se only the people who live there. So what's the point I


> trying to make? The point I am trying to make is that N.Y minus


> people is as dead as a dodo. So what's the point in striving for a

> state in which one is as good as dead. Will some one enlighten me.


> >>alec



> Remain as you are...


> Let the 'bodymind' do what it finds

> appropriate!



> ...


> Even when try " to be " something else,

> still in reality, you only remain... as

> you are!


> By 'pretending', by 'dreaming' to be

> something else [the bodymind], you

> merely create unnecessary suffering and

> delusion!


> The 'bodymind' can still do what it

> finds appropriate without " you " having

> to identify that... it is *you* that

> feels hurt, heartbroken, dismayed, or

> pathetic! Without identifying that is

> *you*... who feels like 'needing' to do

> something!


> The 'bodymind' can still do what it

> finds appropriate without... " you "

> feeling like the 'doer'!


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