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Brain - 'use it or lose it?'

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> I have been able to *treat* and

> control all of it simply by becoming

> *normal* - by thinking, day-dreaming,

> imagining, worrying, stressing that I

> *normally* used to do!


> Strange, but True...



> ...


> If you visit following site, you might

> see that none of the above are

> particularly difficult to understand:


> http://www.epilepsy.com.au/epilepsy_exp

> lained2.asp#3


> It seems, somehow my brain has started

> working in the ways that are not normal

> and it has been partially shutting down

> and resuming different regions and I

> have been able to experience these

> partial 'shutdowns' [or 'suspensions']!


> Frontal lobe

> --------------


> It is responsible for concentration,

> memory, decision making, judgement,

> emotional response, impulse control,

> language, voluntary movement.


> It is also responsible for how we know

> what we are doing within our

> environment (consciousness).


> Thus, when frontal lobe gets suspended

> for a while, I experience a condition

> similar to epilepsy in which I seem to

> have had no awareness and have no later

> memory or recollection.


> Parietal lobe

> ----------------


> It is responsible for touch, temperature and pain

> perception (sensation), awareness of

> body and where it is in space.


> This has been suspended most of the

> times thus giving me feeling of having

> *no body* or feeling like SPACE or

> Infinite, Void or nothing as I have had

> no awareness of *where it is in space*!


> This 'condition' is also experienced

> under many drugs as well as by many

> meditators during meditations!


> Temporal lobe

> --------------------


> It is responsible for hearing ability,

> memory, interpreting language, some

> visual perceptions, behavior.


> So, when this has been partially

> suspended, I have felt very silent

> internally but I also have not

> understood what someone has been talking!


> Interestingly, I seem to be able to

> produce it on *will* [i think most of

> us can] i.e. I seem to able to *totally

> tune out* whatever I hear without

> losing any awareness and without having

> to think *something else*! In fact,

> *thinking* is the only thing that seems

> to keep this 'capacity' engaged.

> Anytime, you focus completely on

> 'listening' alone, you will discover

> that you *heard* but, you didn't

> *interpret* it in the language terms.

> Later, when required, you can run what

> you heard in your mind again and

> interpret and understand it!




Those working with body have observed

that parts that get used regularly -

develop more strength!


parts that get used less get weaker!


Parts that get exposed to sudden high

pressure beyond their current 'stamina'

- break but, part that slowly get

exposed to increasing pressure - learn

to endure and build more strength and

stamina! Muscle and stamina building

uses these principles to slowly build

muscled and develop strength by

exposing these parts to increasing

loads and thus building strength,

stamina and endurance!


It has been known for long that brain

when exposed to sudden great dose of

grief or anxiety can get insane or mad!


The scans of brains of long time

meditators have revealed that with

practice not only they were able to

focus and 'stay present' much more than

what is *usual* in fact, their brain

even changed in *structure* to enable

increased focus and sustained Awareness!


Perhaps, the same *use it or... lose

it* phenomenon that happens at the

level of body, takes place at the level

of brain too!


The parts of the brain that get

*exercised* regularly and

systematically sharpen; develop more

strength, stamina and endurance whereas

parts that remain unused for a while

start getting weaker!




The exercise of FOCUS, Concentration

and Attention might *exercise* the

capacity of frontal lobe thus, making

it stronger!


Whereas, total surrender, " letting

go " , " no me " ...


or, 'let it be', 'just be', 'be at

ease', 'surrender of *will*', 'not my

will...but, thy will be done'... might

stop using it [the part responsible for

the *conscious will*] and thus, make it



With continued practice of such *not

using* of *conscious will* one might

even *literally* " lose his mind " !






The same phenomenon might apply to

other part of the brain too!







Listening can happen without

*thinking* but, interpretation of the

language surely requires both

*thinking* as well as *memory*!


This habit of thinking becomes so all

pervasive that you start *thinking* and

interpreting even that which might

require none of it - such as sound of a

bird, mountain stream or... just Silence!


As you 're-learn' to capacity to

listen without *thinking*, the capacity

to stay *Silent* within while listening

to external sound... first it happens

only with *natural* non-human, non-

language sounds. But, later, you can

also apply it to human speech... when

internal silence is preferred!


But, as you do so... your brain is

learning to 'listen without



And, soon it might happen even without

your decision to so!


Someone might speak... and, it might

pass just like the sound of a mountain

stream or passing airplane - no

meaning, no interpretation required!

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