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Energy Is..

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Various facts from sceintific observation, combined with theory,

suggest the following conclusions:


a. That if the history of the stellar universe were traced back far

enough in time we would find a stage wherein there were no stars,but

only a more or less homogenous matter and radiation spread uniformily

throughout space.


b. That if we could follow the life of the systems of stars far

enough into the future, we would come to a time when most matter, if

not all, would be reduced or transformed into radiation extending

throughout space.


c. That the two notions of conservation of mass and of energy must be

united into the conception of a persistent Energy which may appear in

the forms of ponderable mass or of field energy, the latter including

that which is termed radiant energy.


These conceptions leave us with but one " invariant, " i.e., Energy

which may appear at certain times as ponderable matter, and at others

as transformed into the state of radiant energy.




Energy is.


Before ponderable matter was,Energy is.


Though ponderable matter seems to exist,


Energy is.


When ponderable matter vanishes,


yet remaining through all unaffected, Energy is.


Outside of Energy nothing is.


Within the bosom of


Energy lies


the power of awareness that projects ponderable matter.


When ponderable matter is projected


the power of awareness as subject is presupposed,


yet Energy


remains unchanged.


When ponderable matter is born, then,


likewise, consciousness of radiant energy arises.


Cnosciousness of ponderable matter is the Universe.


Consciousness of radiant energy is Nirvana.


Within Energy lie


both ponderable matter and radiant energy,


yet for Energy these two are the same


Within Energy


lies the seed of Time


When awareness cognizes Time


knowledge of Timelessness is born.


To be aware of Time is to be aware of


ponderable matter, and to be aware of ponderable matter


is to be aware of Time


To realize Timelessness is to attain Nirvana


But for Energy


there is no difference between


Time and Timelessness


Within Energy


lies the seed of world-containing Space


When awareness cognizes the


world-containing Space then knowledge of


the Spatial Void is born.


To be aware of the world-containing Space


is to be aware of the Universe of ponderable matter


To realize the Spatial Void


is to awaken to Nirvanic Consciousness


But for Energy


there is no difference between the world containing


Space and the Spatial Void


Within Energy


lies the seed of Law


When consciousness of ponderable matter is born


The Law is invoked as a Force


tending ever toward Equilibrium


Consciousness of the field of tensions


is the Universe


Consciousness of Equilibrium is Nirvana


But for Energy


There is neither tension nor equilibrium


The state of tensions is the state of




Ever becoming is endless-dying


So the state of ponderable matter


is a state of ever-renewing promises


that pass into death at the moment of fulfillment.


Thus when consciousness is attached to


ponderable matter the agony of birth and death never ceases.


In the state of Equilibrium


where birth cancels death


the deatless Bliss of Nirvana is realized.


But Energy


is neither agony nor bliss.


Out of the Great Void


which is Energy


the Universe is creatively projected.


The Universe as experienced is the


created negation that ever resists.


The creative act is bliss


the resistance, unending pain.


Endless resistance is the


Universe of experience; the agony of crucifixion.


Ceaseless creativeness is Nirvana,


the Bliss beyond human conceiving.


But for Energy


there is neither creativeness nor resistance.


Ever-becoming and ever-ceasing to be


are endless action.


When ever becoming cancels the


ever-ceasing-to-be then Rest is realized.


Ceaseless action is the Universe.


Unending Rest is Nirvana


But Energy


is neither Action nor Rest.


When consciousness is attached to ponderable matter


it is restricted through forms imposed by


the world-containing Space, by Time and by Law.


When consciousness is disengaged from


ponderable matter, Liberation from the forms of the


world-containing Space, of Time, and of Law


is attained.


Attachment to ponderable matter is


consciousness bound within the Universe.


Liberation from such attachment is


the State of unlimited Nirvanic Freedom.


But Energy


is neither bondage nor freedom.




may be symbolized by a SPACE that is


unaffected by the presence or absence of ponderable matter,


for which there is neither Time nor Timelessness;


neither a world-containing Space nor a Spatial Void;


neither Tension nor Equilibrium;


neither Resistance nor Creativeness;


neither Agony nor Bliss; neither Action nor Rest;


and neither Restriction nor Freedom.


As the GREAT SPACE is not to be


identified with the Universe


so neither is It to be identified with any self.


The GREAT SPACE is not God,


but the comprehender of all Gods,


as well as all lesser creatures.


The GREAT SPACE, or Energy, is the


Sole Reality upon which all ponderable matter,


and all selves depend and derive their existence.


The GREAT SPACE comprehends both the


Path of ponderable matter and the Path of Nirvana.


Besides the GREAT SPACE


there is none other.





The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News

Number 768 March 9, 2006 by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein, and

Davide Castelvecchi



Vacuum---the very name suggests emptiness and nothingness---is

actually a realm rife with potentiality, courtesy of the laws of

quantum electrodynamics (QED). According to QED, additional (albeit

virtual) particles can be created in the vacuum, allowing

light-light interactions. Physicists from Umea University (Sweden)

and the Rutherford Appleton Lab (UK) hope to explore the vacuum by

aiming three powerful laser streams at each other. The laser light

is not aimed at any material target and is not trying to initiate

any nuclear fusion. Instead the three beams will merge to produce a

fourth stream with a wavelength shorter than any of the input

beams. This idea of mixing beams has been broached before but the

earlier proposals had the beams all in a single plane. The

Swedish-British proposal (contact Mattias Marklund, 46-90-786-7717,

mattias.marklund), by contrast, foresees a fully

three-dimensional wave mixing process. The actual experiment is

planned to be carried out over the next year at the Rutherford

Appleton Lab. By carefully polarizing the incoming light beams, the

number of photons in the output beam can be controlled, providing

valuable information about the interactions that took place in the

vacuum. What is this " four-wave mixing " good for? For studying QED

itself, but also for testing theories that propose the existence of

minor departures from Lorentz invariance, which is the proposition

(essential to special relativity) that there is no preferred frame

of reference. Light-light interactions might also be used to

explore various hypotheses related to dark energy. (Lundstrom et

al., Physical Review Letters, 3 March 2006)


neat huh?.........bob

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