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This choice, induced by consideration of pure Compassion, is

everywhere in literature, so far as I know, designated as utter

Renunciation, and there is nothing said relative to any alleviating

compensation. I have for some time suspected a blind here, for the

Law of Equilibrium is universal in Its scope. Thus there can be no

exception in the matter of Compensation even on the higher Levels

where still, in some sense, differentiation remains. And there

certainly is differentiation so long as it is possible to speak of

Nirmanakayas * in the plural number. What, then, is this superior


The answer to the foregoing question is at last clear. Nirvana is

complete Satisfaction and the highest possible object of desire,

except that purely selfless Desire aroused by Compassion. Because the

characteristically human thought is of such a nature that desire, in

some sense, is absolutely essential to define an object for it, it is

impossible to place before mankind any Goal of aspiration higher than

that of selfless Compassion. Further, it is only the very best among

men, in the moral or spiritual sense, who are capable of being

aroused to emulation of the Compassionate Ones. Hence, the few words

written on this subject are dedicated to the Few. Compassion is the

absolutely final word of human goodness; in fact, It is a sort of God-

like goodness. There is nothing beyond that mere man can imagine as

either desirable or worthy of emulation. Beyond this the Sages have

been silent.

But now We will speak further.^

He, who can turn his back upon the utmost limit of individual desire,

comes within the sweep of a Current of Consciousness wholly beyond

the action or lead of Desire. Human vocabularies afford no terms for

representing what governs or leads to movement or transformation

Here. But beyond the Great Renunciation is a Compensation that places

Man where He is Lord, even over the first Nirvana. It emplants Him on

a Level that is beyond Rest as well as beyond action; beyond

Formlessness as well as beyond Form; and this is the High

Indifference. He who abides on the Plane of the High Indifference may

enter Rest or Action at will, but He remains essentially superior to

both, since from that Level both these are derived. There is a

Completeness, superior to that of Satisfaction, from which

Satisfaction may be employed as an instrument and not merely stand as

a final Goal. So Rest can be blended with action and the Balance

remain unbroken. But the High Indifference unites much more, for in

It are blended, at once, all qualities, all dualities. It is the End

and the Beginning and all between. It is the physical as well as that

beyond the physical; It is Form as well as the Formless; It spreads

over and through all, not excluding time and space. It is the Desire

and the desire fulfilled, at this moment and forever. It transcends

all Renunciation, even the highest. Thus, the balancing Compensation

is fulfilled. Here, Knowing and Being are at once the same.

Literally, Here is the utter Fullness, beyond the highest reach of

the imagination.

How long I continued in the state of the High Indifference I do not

know. I was long awake that night—well beyond the midnight hour—and

the state continued to deepen. Throughout the whole period the

relative consciousness remained present as a witness. The

personality, with the physical form, seemed to shrink toward a point-

like insignificance. The T spread out indefinitely like space,

enveloping and piercing through all form, so far as my personal

consciousness took note. So far as my thought could reach, there were

no limits. I was quite indifferent whether the body passed into the

state commonly called death or continued to live. Either outcome was

equally unimportant. The evils, strifes, tragedies, and problems of

this world shrank to an insignificance that was actually amusing. I

saw that human catastrophes, even the most terrific, were relatively

all less than 'tempests in a teapot.' There did not seem to be any

need sufficiently important to require the service of Compassion.

But, on the other hand, there was absolutely no reason why one should

not choose to be active among and for men. From the standpoint of

that State it seemed utterly impossible to choose any course that was

a mistake, or one that was better than another. There was no reason

for choosing to continue to live in the physical sense, but likewise

there was no good reason for choosing to abandon the body. The State

was too completely non-relative and too utterly absolute for any kind

of particular choice to have any significance. So, in the subject-

object sense, I was quite free to choose as I saw fit. I chose to

continue with the job, but from the standpoint of High Indifference

there was neither merit nor demerit in this. For There, both wrong-

ness and Tightness, as well as all other dualities, are completely

absorbed in the non-relative.

I moved about in a kind of Space that was not other than Myself, and

found Myself surrounded by pure Divinity, even on the physical level

when I moved there. There is a sense in which God is physical

Presence as well as metaphysical. But this Presence is everywhere and

everything, and, at the same time, the negation of all this. Again,

neither I nor God were There; only BEING remained. I vanished and the

object of consciousness vanished, in the highest, as well as

inferior, senses. I was no more and God was no more, but only the

ETERNAL which sustains all Gods and all Selves.

Is it any wonder that SILENCE is the usual answer to the question:

What is the High Indifference?


* The embodiments of Those who have made the Great Renunciation.

Note these words. They came with that strange Authority of which I

have spoken. With them there was the cool, tingling and electric

thrill up the spine. At such moments I dare to speak far beyond

myself, in the personal sense, with a deep Knowing that it is

authorized. Right here is one of the Mysteries of the Inner






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