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The Brain Tuner

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I found the essay below by C Calder very

close to my own insights. I found most

of his other articles very interesting as well,

his site certainly is worth a visit. I thought,

brain tuner is a more appropiate name than

brain jockey since a tuner is something which

selects a wavelength.


Calder seems to be an ex-follower of Osho

who still considers him to have been at the

same time enlightened and deeply flawed.

I wonder if Sarlo knows him, and what he






ps: thanks to Clyde for the link.








Q.  What is a brain jockey?


A.  A brain jockey is a yogi without all the unscientific beliefs and

excess cultural baggage of Hinduism and Buddhism.  A brain jockey

utilizes intense self-observation to know himself before he dies.

 Brain jockeys practice authentic meditation methods for years in order

to literally rewire their brains to make them more conscious.


Q.  What does a brain jockey believe?


A.   A brain jockey does not cling to philosophical and religious

beliefs.  He observes that human beings have existence on two levels.

 On one level of observation he sees that we exist as temporary

individuals, just infinitesimally small parts of the universe.  Brain

jockeys accept that the individual is mortal, without trying to cover

up our vulnerability and impermanence with religious myths.  From the

greater perspective, the brain jockey also factually observes that we

are also the whole universe.  The Big Bang Theory aside, that universe

is basically immortal.


Q.  Who is the leader of the brain jockeys?


A.  Brain jockeys have no leader, no heroes, and do not follow any

individual or cult.


Q.  How much does it cost to become a brain jockey?


A.  It's free!  A brain jockey only spends his own time and patient

effort to meditate. 


Q.  Isn't " brain jockey " a silly name?


A.  Yes!  A brain jockey maintains a sense of humor because he knows

that life is short, and entertainment is the only purpose of life.  If

you are not being entertained, there is no point in being here.


Q.  Will meditation make me wiser, healthier, and give me supernatural



A.   Meditation will not make you smarter and has little to do with

intelligence.  Phony gurus over-sell meditation in order to increase

their profits.  If you have no profit motive in meditation you can tell

the truth about its limitations.  Meditation will not solve all the

world's problems, will not improve your health dramatically, and will

not make you all-seeing and all-knowing.  Meditation will not give you

the power to walk on water, but it may make you feel as though you are

walking in the clouds.  Instead of taking illegal drugs to get high,

meditation is cheaper, safer, and healthier.


Q.  Should everyone meditate?


A.  No.  Meditation is not for everyone.  If meditation does not

spontaneously interest you then do not force yourself.  The stars will

not fall out of the sky just because you decide to live a life without

formal meditation practice.  There are other positive things you can do

to improve your life.  For example, jogging and swimming are excellent

physical exercises which will reduce stress, make you more relaxed, and

improve your health.  Meditation is only something you do because you

want to gain the indescribable experiences it brings.  Meditation is

one of the few things that improves with age.  Your looks and your sex

life are not going to get better as you grow older.  Your power of

meditation will continually improve with age if you practice regularly

with intensity.  If you just give meditation lip service, without

regular practice, you will gain nothing.


     Our ultimate destiny as individuals is fixed, no matter what we

do.  Death is just around the corner for all human animals, and there

is nothing you can gain from meditation that will not be lost by your

death.  It's all in the brain, and when your brain dies, your

meditation  will come to an abrupt and permanent end.  There is no

coming back.  Meditation may make you more relaxed, sleep better, and

reduce your level of fear and tension, but it will not solve all of

your personal, financial, and political problems, or turn you into a

saint.  Those who pose as saints, super-heroes, and reincarnations of

famous historic figures are either sincerely self-deluded or cunning



     Gurus who sell quick meditation methods, encounter groups,

seminars, and PBS specials are just taking advantage of the innocent.

 The very synapses in your brain must be rewired to reconnect in new

ways to gain progress in meditation (see scans prove meditation alters

the brain).  This organic transformation takes a long time and there is

no way around patient practice.  All authentic meditation methods can

be done alone, at home, at no financial cost to you



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