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Brain Study 12: References and Referents(t or d)..were done!

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The Whole Brain Atlas - Harvard


Tel-Aviv University


Washington University


Evolution (Biosciences) This WWW Virtual Library page offers links to

genetics and the theory of evolution.


Human Behavior and Evolution Society Title Page




Basic Neural Processes Tutorials and Basic Neural Processes Tutorials


John Krantz at Hanover College has provided students with tutorials

on neural functioning and the action potential, an excellent

introduction to information processing in the nervous system. He has

even provided a quiz: Neuron Structure Quiz.


A variety of methods, such as Xray, CAT, MRI, and PET, for imaging

the body and the brain are now available. Many of these can be

explored through the WWW. A fabulous listing of relevant sites is

available at the Centre of Medical Imaging Research, University of




Here's a list of leads to further elucidate the idea and it's




Alzheimer's Association

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

American Academy of Neurology Public information, Registry, Rating

scales, Clinical trials

AAN Neuromuscular Diseases

American Academy of Pediatrics

American Association for the Advancement of Science

GrantsNet joint with HHMI


American Association of Anatomists

American Heart Association

American Medical Association

American Paralysis Association

American Physiological Society (APS)


American Psychological Association(and PsychNET)

American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)

American Society for Cell Biology(ASCB)

American Society for Investigative Pathology (ASIP)

American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics


Amherst College Neuroscience Program

Annual Reviews Including Annual Review of Neuroscience

Arizona State University

Neural Computation Laboratory

Aston University (UK)

Neural Computing Research Group

Australian National University

Division of Neuroscience, John Curtin School of Medical Research


Axon Instruments, Inc. Data acquisition and analysis instruments and

software for neurobiology

Baylor College of Medicine

Computational Neurobiology Lab

Beckman Instruments, Inc. Information service

Biochemical Society (UK)

Biochemical Journal (full text) from Portland Press

Biophysical Society

2000 Annual Meeting New Orleans, Louisiana 12-16 February 2000

Boston University

Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems

Center for Adaptive Systems

Molecular Neurobiology Lab

NeuroMuscular Research Center

Bowman Gray School of Medicine

Laboratory of Neuroinformatics

Connections of the Brain

Brandeis University

Center for Complex Systems Volen Center

Cognitive Science Department

Marder Lab

Neuroscience Department

Brown University

Cognitive science links

Neuroscience Graduate Program

Bryn Mawr College


California Institute of Technology (CalTech)

Biology Department with links to the GENESIS simulator package.

Computation & Neural Systems (CNS)

Goal-Directed Magnetic Resonance Brain Micro-Imaging (part of the

Human Brain Project)

Molecular Neuroscience Program

Neurobiology of Birdsong site

Cambridge University Press

Carnegie Mellon University

Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition

Center for Neural Processes in Cognition (joint with Univ. of

Pittsburgh, q.v.)

Case Western Reserve University

Dept. of Neuroscience

NIMH Psychoactive Drug Screening Program

NIMH Psychoactive Drug Ki database

Cell Press



Cerebral Cortex Journal table of contents.

CERN (European Laboratory For Particle Physics)

Artificial Neural Networks in High Energy Physics

Charles A. Dana Foundation

Current Opinion in Neurobiology via BioMedNet

Cleveland Clinic Department of Neurological Surgery

CNS*2000 2000 Meeting; Brugge/Bruges Belgium; 16-20 July 2000

Cognitive Neuroscience Society

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (Journal TOCs and more)

Book List

Learning & Memory


Columbia University

Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center (College of Physicians and


Brain Tumor Center (Neurological Institute)

Cerebrovascular Center (Neurological Institute)

Center for Neurobiology and Behavior

Cornell University

Neurobiology and Behavior

Cornell University Medical College

Aardvark: a sample Web poster as seen at the Society for

Neuroscience; also includes instructions for obtaining necessary

Adobe Acrobat Reader software

APLYSIA Database Project

Cortical Neurophysiology Database Project

Department of Neurology and Neuroscience


Department of Physiology and Biophysics

Tri-Institutional and New York Medical Pages

Drexel University

Computer Vision Center for Vertebrate Brain Mapping

Duke University

Department of Neurobiology

NEURON simulation program

Dystonia Information

Ecole Normale Supérieure

P. Ascher lab

Groupe de Bioinformatique

Edinburgh University

A brief history of the basal ganglia

Elsevier Science the publishers

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)

Graduate Programs in the Biological/Biomedical Sciences Warning:

sketchy list !

Meetings and Conferences from the Office of Scientific Meetings

Flinders University of South Australia

Centre for Neuroscience

Florida Atlantic University

Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences

Florida State University



General Electric

Three dimensional medical reconstructions including images of brain

and cerebral circulation

Georgia State University


Harvard University

Biolabs and the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology,


Markus Meister Lab

Harvard Medical School & Affiliated Hospitals

Center for Imaging and Pharmaceutical Research (Cerebrovascular


Neurobiology (Cortex WWW server)

Neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital

Center for Morphometric Analysis

Epilepsy Unit

Neurology Web-Forum -- a discussion forum on neurological diseases

Parkinsons Web

Neurosurgical Service at Massachusetts General Hospital

Acoustic Neuroma Association

American Brain Tumor Association

Neurogenetics Unit

Positron Emission Tomography Lab (PET)

Trigeminal Neuralgia Association

Von Hippel-Lindau Family Alliance

The Whole Brain Atlas

Haskins Laboratories (Yale and U.Conn.)

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Otto Loewi Center for Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology

Helsinki University of Technology

Virtual slides: Information Processing in the Human Brain by Magnetic


Howard Hughes Medical Institute

GrantsNet joint with AAAS

Indiana University

Center for Research on Concepts and Cognition

Neuroscience Program

International Association for the Study of Pain

International Neural Network Society (INNS)

Italian Society for Neurosciences

Japanese Neural Network Society

Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University

Neurosensory Institute (Dept. of Neurosurgery)

Johns Hopkins University

Kennedy Krieger Institute -- Behavioral neurogenetics and

neuroimaging research

Brainimage Program


Peripheral Nerve Laboratory

Dept. of Neuroscience

Journal of Biological Chemistry

Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation

Journal of Neurophysiology

Journal of Neuroscience

Journal of Therapeutic Botulinum Neurotoxin (On-line journal)

Karolinska Institute

Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology

2000 Nobel Prizes

Korean Neurological Association

Han NeuroNet

Loyola University

Brainstem Neuroanatomy Images

Dept. of Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Anatomy

Louisiana State University

LSUMC Neuroscience

Macalester College


The Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, MA

Marshall University Neuroscience

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences

MIT Press and Bradford Books

Mind Activation Project (MIT-Tokyo Mind/Brain)

Max-Planck-Institute for Biological Cybernetics (Tubingen)

The Friedrich Miescher Laboratory

The Fly Lab

Max-Planck-Institut für medizinische Forschung(Heidelberg)

Abteilung Zellphysiologie

Max-Planck-Institute of Neurobiology (Munich/Martinsried)

McGill University - Montreal Neurological Institute

McConnell Brain Imaging Centre

McMaster University

Center for Neural Systems

Medical Research Council (UK)

Medical College of Georgia

Dept. of Neurology

Medical College of Pennsylvania - Hahnemann University


Medical College of Wisconsin

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Biophysics)

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Center for Cancer and Allied Diseases

(MSKCC) - see also Cornell Univ. Med. Col.

Molecular Neuro-Oncology Lab (H. Furneaux lab)

Neuro-Oncology(George C. Cotzias Laboratory of Neuro-Oncology; J.

Posner lab)

Miami University (Ohio)

Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory

Michigan State University

Comparative Mammalian Brain Collection (joint with Univ. of Wisconsin)

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

Mount Sinai School of Medicine


Muscular Dystrophy Research Foundation (South Africa)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (US)

NASA Ames Biocomputation Center

National Academy of Sciences US National Academy of Sciences,

National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National

Research Council

National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)

National Institutes of Health (US)

Grants and Contracts

NIH grant application (PHS-398) forms (Unofficial; MS Word and Excel

for Mac from John Livesey)

NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts (Maintained by NYU Medical Center)

NIH Image FTP site for Wayne Rasband's Macintosh pixel-based image

and palette processing and analysis software

National Institute of Aging

Laboratory of Neurosciences

National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH)

Neuroinformatics: The Human Brain Project

Scripps Legacy Human Brain Project Server

Neuroimaging Technologies Project

National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke

Intramural Program

National Library of Medicine (US)

The Visible Human Project


Gallery of Images

Cognitive Science Branch

National Science Foundation (US)


Network: Computation in Neural Systems

Neural Computation

NeuroArg La Pagina Argentina Sobre Neurocientias (en Espanol)


New York University (NYU)

Center for Neural Science

Neuroanesthesia Manual

Neurological Surgery

NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts

Nihon University

Stereotaxic MRI Brain Images of Japanese Monkey

NIPS (Neural Information Processing Systems 1999 Meeting: Denver, CO

and past meetings)

Northeastern Ohio Universities

Neurobiology Department

Northwestern University

Neuroscience Institute

Office of Naval Research U.S. Navy

Pacific Northwest Lab

Neural Networks at PNL

Network: Computation in Neural Science

The Perspectives Network: Acquired Brain Injury

Philipps-Universität Marburg (DE)

AG Neurophysik

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Biomedical Supercomputing

Live fMRI demo

PSL Consulting

Neurology Conferences & Meetings

Psychiatry Conferences & Meetings

Purdue University

Neuroscience Program

Team Dopamine (joint with Univ. of North Carolina)

Queen's University (Ontario, CDN)

Visual and Auditory Neurosciences

R & D Systems Cytokines, etc.


Bio-Mimetic Control Research Center

Rockefeller University

RU Calendar of Events (Now includes Special lectures, theses and

cookie seminars)

Rostov State University Neural Network Modeling

Ruhr-Universitat Bochum

Institut fur Neuroinformatik

Rutgers University

Behavioral and Neural Sciences

Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Computational Neurobiology Laboratory

UCSD Dept. of Neuroscience's NeuroWeb

NeuroWeb Posters A virtual poster session

Science (also see AAAS)

Science's Next wave

The Scientist Published by the Institute for Scientific Information

Scripps Research Institute

Human Brain Project

Department of Neuropharmacology

Sigma Chemical Co.

Silicon Graphics Workstations and software for imaging

Society for Neuroscience

Journal of Neuroscience

1999 Annual Meeting 23 - 28 October 1999 in Miami Beach

Stanford University

Center for Narcolepsy

Cognitive and Psychological Sciences on the Internet

Journal of Biological Chemistry

State University of New York (SUNY)

Department of Neurology

Sun Microsystems Workstations and software

Sutter Instruments Instruments for neuroscience research

Tel-Aviv University

Adams Super Center for Brain Studies

Tufts University

Department of Neuroscience

Tulane University

Neuroanatomy Study Slides

United Nations

UNESCO World Science

University of Alabama - Birmingham


Physiology and Biophysics

University of Antwerp

Theoretical Neurobiology

University of Arizona

Division of Neurobiology

FlyBrain -- an insect neuroscience database

University of Birmingham (UK)

Clinical Neurosciences

University of Bremen

Institut für Theoretische Neurophysik

University of British Columbia

CORD Collaboration On Repair Discoveries

Graduate Program in Neuroscience

3-D Laser Confocal Microscopy

Neuro-Immunology Laboratories from the Division of Neurology

University of California Berkeley

W.J. Freeman Lab

University of California Davis

Center for Neuroscience

Cognitive Neuroscience Society

Neuromuscular Diseases

University of California Irvine (UCI)

Institute for Brain Aging and Dementia(Alzheimer's Disease Server)

University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)

Blood-Brain Barrier Homepage

Brain Information Service

BIS Sleep Home Page

UCLA Laboratory of Neuro Imaging

Rat Brain Atlas

University of California San Diego (UCSD)

Dept. of Neuroscience's NeuroWeb

NeuroWeb Posters A virtual poster session

San Diego Sleep and Rhythms RATMAN for circadian rhythm analysis and

ACQS5 for EEG sleep staging

Stomatogastric Ganglion

University of California San Francisco (UCSF)

Ernest Gallo Clinic & Research Center

Keck Foundation Center for Integrative Neuroscience and Sloan Center

for Theoretical Neurobiology

Visible Embryo Project

University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC)

Perceptual Science Laboratory

University of Connecticut

Department of Physiology & Neurobiology

Graduate Study in Neuroscience (U.Conn. Health Center)

University of Copenhagen

Division of Neurophysiology (Medical Physiology)

University of Edinburgh

Centre for Cognitive Science

Centre for Neural Systems

Centre for Neuroscience

University of Florida

Computational Neuroengineering Lab

University Hospital of Geneva (HUG Geneve, CH)

Digital Imaging Unit (UIN)

Radiology, PET and Medical Imaging WWW Servers

University of Hamburg

Hamburg Voxel-Man Images (see also Anglicised Voxel-Man

University of Illinois

Chicago (UIC)

Department of Neurosurgery

Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

Neuroscience Program

Theoretical Biophysics Group Beckman Institute: Neurosci. and Struct.


Urbana Atlas of Pathology

University of Iowa

Radiology Dept.

Brain Aneurysms 3-D Visualization

The Virtual Hospital

University of Kentucky

Alzheimer's Disease Review from the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging

University of Kiel

Biochemisches Institut: Neurobiology

Université Laval

Computer Vision and Systems Lab (aussi en Francais)

University of London

Birkbeck College

Neurotrophic Factors

Guy's Hospital (United Medical and Dental Schools)

Molecular Neuropharmacology Lab.

King's College

Center for Neural Networks

University College London


Institute of Ophthalmology

UCL Ph.D. Programme in Neuroscience

Université de Lyon (Université Claude Bernard - Lyon)

Jouvet Lab

University of Manitoba

Spinal Cord Research Centre

University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey

Program in Physiology and Neurobiology

University of Melbourne

Brain 3D Reconstruction

Alzheimer Web Department of Pathology

Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology

University of Miami

Aplysia Research Facility

Neuroscience Program

University of Michigan

Center for Neural Communication Technology

Neuroscience Internet Resource Guide

University of Minnesota

Computational Biology

Department of Neuroscience

Program in Computational Neuroscience

Université de Montréal

Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Instituto de Fisiologia Celular

University of Newcastle

Neural Systems Group

University of New Mexico


New Mexico Institute of Neuroimaging

University of North Carolina

Division of Neurosurgery

Team Dopamine (joint with Purdue Univ.)

University of Oregon

Zebrafish Server

University of Oslo

Dept. of Anatomy Neurodegeneration Research Group

University of Ottawa

Dept. of Anatomy and Neurobiology

University of Oxford


Voxel-Man (Oxford)(see also >Hamburg version

McDonnell-Pew Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience

MRC Research Centre in Brain and Behaviour

Oxford University Press

Computational Intelligence Library

Radcliffe Infirmary

Oxford Eye-Movement Centre

University of Pennsylvania

Department of Neurology

Neuroengineering Research Laboratory

University of Pittsburgh

American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine (Electromyography)

Center for Neural Processes in Cognition (joint with Carnegie Mellon

Univ., q.v.)

Dept. of Neurobiology (Medical Center)

Dept. of Neuroscience

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

Neurological Surgery

Laboratory for Computational Neuroscience

University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Grupo Multidisciplinar de Desenvolvimento e Ritmos Biológicos

Chronobiology and Neuroscience

University of Scranton

Sheep Brain Dissection Guide

University of Southampton


University of Southern California

Biological Sciences

Neurobiology Program

USC Brain Project (including Neural Simulation Language)

Neurosciences at USC

University of Tennessee (Memphis)

Center for Neuroscience

Developmental Neurogenetics

University of Texas


Neural Net Lab.

Houston-Health Sciences Center

M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

Brain Images


Department of Neuro-Oncology

Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy

Neuroscience Research Center

San Antonio HSC

BrainMap Browser

Southwestern Medical Center (Dallas)

Department of Neurology

The Caenorhabditis elegans Server at the Avery Lab

University of Toronto

Bloorview Epilepsy Research Program

Program in Neuroscience

University of Utah

WebPath: Internet Pathology Laboratory - Neuropathology

Webvision: Neural Organization of Vertebrate Retina

University of Vermont College of Medicine

Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology

Department of Neurology

University of Virginia

Neurovisualization Lab.

University of Washington

Department of Biological Structure

Digital Anatomist Program

Patella server

Structural information framework for brain mapping

Bloedel Hearing Research Center

HippoWeb Virtual posters: neurobiology of the hippocampus

International Association for the Study of Pain

Graduate Program in Neurobiology and Behavior

Department of Neurological Surgery

Neurosciences at UW by W.H. Calvin; see also his eclectic Bookmark


Department of Physiology and Biophysics

Neurotrophin, an informal electronic journal on neurotrophic factors

Department of Psychology

Regional Primate Research Center

Department of Zoology

Graubard CrabLab

University of Western Ontario

Dept. of Clinical Neurological Sciences

Graduate Program in Neuroscience



University of Wisconsin - Madison

Department of Neurophysiology

Center for Neuroscience

Comparative Mammalian Brain Collection (joint with Michigan State


Department of Neurology

University of Zurich

Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Institute of Neuroinformatics

Vestibulo-Oculomotor Lab.

Uppsala University

Dept. of Developmental Neuroscience

Virginia Commonwealth Univ

Life Sciences at VCU and Medical College of Virginia

Complex Dynamical Systems & Neurocomputing

Washington College (Maryland) Behavioral Neuroscience

Washington University (St.Louis)

Mallickrodt Institute of Radiology Neuroimaging

Department of Neurology

Wesleyan University Program in Neuroscience (Connecticut)

Yale University

Department of Biology

Center for Medical Informatics

SenseLab -- part of the Human Brain Project

Neuroengineering and Neuroscience Center (Formerly CTAN)

Department of Psychology

Section of Neurobiology

Yamagata University School of Medicine

Dept. of Surgical Neurology (Neurosurgery)

Yeshiva University

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Comprehensive Epilepsy Management Center





The WWWVL:Neuroscience acknowledges the following as advisors,

colleagues, or exemplars: N.A. Busis, W.H. Calvin, E.P. Gardner, K.



WWWVL: Neuroscience Maintainer:

Daniel Gardner


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