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Re : My self-torturing devices . . .

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I myself am [or, was] *able* to

*torture* myself using many *devices*!


When I was in my early teens, it was about

how my father *shouldn't* expect too

much from me, how he should have left

me alone and how... I *should have*

studied more!***


Thinking this neither changed my

father's expectations nor did it really

*improve* my study habits! However,

using these devices I was able to

*torture* myself many times!



When I grew little older, it was about

how my girlfriend should have been more

faithful to me! Again, thinking that

didn't change my girlfriend that much

but, I was certainly successful in

*torturing* *myself*!****



Many times, it was also things that

might be considered *laughable* [as I

had NOTHING to do with them and had

absolutely NO control over them]!

These included...


India should not have been

attacked so many times,

Indian temples and universities shouldn't

have been burnt and destroyed in attacks,

Indians should not have been raped, tortured,

killed by attackers as well as...


India *should not lose* in sports!


Laughable as they might be... they

were quite *effective* in creating Pain!




Even now, I have at my disposal many

such *self torturing device* that I can use

to *inflict* pain on myself and by *extension*

on others too! These include:


------- People should be truthful,

honest and fair! [When in reality,

people are ONLY how they Are!]


------- Honest, truthful and noble

people should be rewarded and respected

and cherished!


------- Monitory rewards should be in

proportion to people's positive impact,

productivity and contribution towards

the betterment of the society!


------- Cheaters, frauds, liars, manipulators,

dishonest people and cruel attackers should

have less power and money!


------- People should be honest, fair,

factual, truthful, impartial and honest

when expressing their opinions!




Closer home... though, I am married to

an extremely beautiful woman [who

also has great smile and a

charming outgoing personality], who is

a wonderful cook, loves me dearly, has

body like an angel and f* like a queen

and pretty much fulfills any s* fantasy

that I could think have [as long as it

doesn't involves other women]


But, I am also conditioned [trained] to

expect my wife

to be *respectful*, responsible, well

organized, disciplined, should respect

my boundaries and give me space and

some freedom, should emotionally be in

control and to make real effective

effort to maintain and run the house!

Based on *training*, my wife is



Based on my training [and

my 'conditioned' thinking] my wife is

extremely possessive, very controlling,

and jealous, is very lazy, never

hesitate before fighting with me, is

not at all organized or responsible and

does as little as she can possibly get

away with!


[based on my own training

and *valuation*, I too am lazy,

unorganized, undisciplined,

inconsistent and often unpredictable!]



All these give me ample opportunities

to *torture* myself and sometimes also

invite my family to *join in*!


For example:


------ My wife should not sleep more

than 10 hours a day!


Whereas, if I think little rationally

about it... it might be quite natural

and *logical* for her to want to sleep

as long as she can and expect me to

take care of whatever needed to be

taken care of!


This might indeed bring

her greater comfort and from her *perspective*,

she might indeed be doing what she feels

is *good* for her [and, her *perspective* is

pretty much only she can really HAVE!]!


Is not it really logical for her to think and know what

*she likes*, what gives her pleasure,

what gives her happiness and worry

*less* [or, not at all] for what I

think? Isn't that natural for me



Really, is there any reason... she

should care at all for me?


Isn't it logical for me to focus only what *I*

*should* do rather than *thinking* for

my wife and worry about what *she

should be doing*?




To my surprise, I have noticed that

when I FULLY FOCUS only on *what I

should be doing*...


-------- I feel 'empowered'!


------- I feel at *home*!


------- I feel at *peace*, at *ease*!


------- I feel naturally *loving*, compassionate

, kind, accepting and joyous...



and, the greatest surprise, my wife

generally responds to it in a very

positive way without me making any

extra effort to *change* her or even to

*inform* her that I have changed my




Whereas, ONTOH... when I keep think

about *what she should be doing*... I

feel frustrated, angry [as I seem to

lack real POWER], irritated and

generally, I only succeed in creating

arguments, fights, heated

discussions... no real change on the

either side!






So, why would I ever do the second

[focus and think about what *she should

be doing*] rather than ONLY focus on

thinking and doing... *what I should be



My understanding is that it is due to

the following reasons:


----- Habits have Great Power!


----- I am [we are] conditioned to

think and behave certain way and his

'conditioning' has taken place over thy



------ Habits [conditioning] takes

time to form and habits [conditioning]

takes time to dissolve!


---order to dissolve a habit,

watchfulness, vigilance and practice is



------- Whenever the *guards*

[Presence, Consciousness, Awareness]

are down, *habits* [conditioning] runs

the life!


------- For most situations, in order

to *live* a life, only breaking a habit

is not enough... a new *good* habit

should be put in place to deal with

*situations* as it is really not

possible to be able to always give full

attention to everything [especially,

because we are often required to do

many things *at once*]!




Further, I am [we are] *trained* to

think in terms of *comparison* and

being *I am RIGHT v/s she/he is WRONG* [in place of

being free v/s bound or peaceful versus

'at war'] and, as a result, I [we] are

conditioned to derive *pleasure* from


that other person is *wrong* and is not

doing what he/she *should* be doing!

And, we do it even when doing so means

*loss of peace* to ourselves [after

all, this is how *addiction* works...

we do it even when in reality, they

*harm* us...]








***When, I think rationally about it,

it was quite natural and right for my

father to think that way. He thought he

had made some drastic mistakes that he

was sure he wouldn't allow his son to



For him, that was Far More

important than what I, a 10 year old

child might have wanted or preferred.

Further, as with any human being, it

wasn't even possible for him to know

what really went on *inside me* just as

it was not really possible for me to

know what went on *inside him*!




****When I think rationally about my

girlfriend, it was perhaps, only logical and natural

for her to want company of other boys! Some

of them were even better looking, richer

and more resourceful [which might translate

to greater *FUN*] than myself! And, in fact...

I too desired other girls and sometimes even

went ahead to act on it!


I was only thinking from *my perspective* and

she was only thinking from *her perspective*...


yet, it was painful only when I tried thinking

for *herself*...



















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******However, in my observation, even

deeper than these two and consequently

harder to *realize*, *acknowledge* and

break is our unconscious *belief* that

if didn't find something very BAD,

hurtful and WRONG and didn't continue

to think that someone *should not have

done it*...


I wouldn't be able to *change* it [or

*punish* the perpetrator as might be

the case]!



Further, this belief in blindly based

on an *imagination* that by persisting

to keep calling it *BAD*, I am somehow

able to *PUNISH* the perpetrator [and

do what I think is *needed*]... when,

in reality, I might be only really

punishing myself!


To expose the *insanity* of this

*habit*, please consider my example of

my finding attacks on India and

consequent rape and torture of children

by attackers BAD and HURTFUL...


Each time, I was able to fully create

and *feel* the *badness* that I thought

those attackers had inflicted... it was

ONLY *I* who suffered... those

attackers were long dead and it made

absolutely no difference to them!



If we examine SUCH behavior from some

distance, it might be seen as:


------- *I* should keep on torturing

*myself* because you did something to me!


------- *I* believe that the ONLY way

I can take an action that I feel is

right [which might include my effort to

put you behind bars] is... if I keep

*hurting* *myself*!


------- I believe that unless I keep

*hurting*... I can not *punish* you!


------- I believe that by *hurting

myself*... I am *punishing you*!


-------- I have been taught that

certain things that happened are BAD

and it is natural to feel bad when such

things happen! Therefore, I am

obviously *RIGHT* if I keep *hurting*!


-------- I believe that unless I keep

holding resentment against something

that happened... I can NOT do the

*RIGHT* thing that I need to do in

order to respond to it!


-------- If you do something that I

have been *taught* are *bad* and

*hurtful*... I *MUST* feel bad and hurt!


-------- If you do something that I

have been taught is supposed to create

*suffering*... I *must* suffer!


-------- If don't keep resenting

something [and as a result, I don't

suffer, don't feel anymore pain]... it

means I *agree* with what you did!


-------- How can I *feel good* if you

did something that I know is *bad*! It

is Impossible [i am not even going to

*really* try! You did this, so, I

suffer... I am NOT going to even

question if I really *need* to suffer!]!



If we examine closely, we might find

that most of these are erroneous yet

lot of our *repeated* pain is based on

these unconscious unexamined beliefs!










> To my surprise, I have noticed that

> when I FULLY FOCUS only on *what I

> should be doing*...


> -------- I feel 'empowered'!


> ------- I feel at *home*!


> ------- I feel at *peace*, at *ease*!


> ------- I feel naturally *loving*, compassionate

> , kind, accepting and joyous...



> and, the greatest surprise, my wife

> generally responds to it in a very

> positive way without me making any

> extra effort to *change* her or even to

> *inform* her that I have changed my

> *attitude*!



> Whereas, ONTOH... when I keep think

> about *what she should be doing*... I

> feel frustrated, angry [as I seem to

> lack real POWER], irritated and

> generally, I only succeed in creating

> arguments, fights, heated

> discussions... no real change on the

> either side!



> ...



> So, why would I ever do the second

> [focus and think about what *she should

> be doing*] rather than ONLY focus on

> thinking and doing... *what I should be

> doing*?


> My understanding is that it is due to

> the following reasons:


> ----- Habits have Great Power!


> ----- I am [we are] conditioned to

> think and behave certain way and his

> 'conditioning' has taken place over thy

> years!


> ------ Habits [conditioning] takes

> time to form and habits [conditioning]

> takes time to dissolve!


> ---order to dissolve a habit,

> watchfulness, vigilance and practice is

> required.


> ------- Whenever the *guards*

> [Presence, Consciousness, Awareness]

> are down, *habits* [conditioning] runs

> the life!


> ------- For most situations, in order

> to *live* a life, only breaking a habit

> is not enough... a new *good* habit

> should be put in place to deal with

> *situations* as it is really not

> possible to be able to always give full

> attention to everything [especially,

> because we are often required to do

> many things *at once*]!




> Further, I am [we are] *trained* to

> think in terms of *comparison* and

> being *I am RIGHT v/s she/he is WRONG* [in place of

> being free v/s bound or peaceful versus

> 'at war'] and, as a result, I [we] are

> conditioned to derive *pleasure* from

> thinking/imagining/knowing/learning

> that other person is *wrong* and is not

> doing what he/she *should* be doing!

> And, we do it even when doing so means

> *loss of peace* to ourselves [after

> all, this is how *addiction* works...

> we do it even when in reality, they

> *harm* us...]



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....and, possibly most Unconscious of

them all...


You did something to *HURT* me...

therefore, I *MUST* Hurt!


IOW... I am going to *help you* in

*hurting* myself because, this is what

you really wanted!


I am going to make

sure, that I *hurt* even though... you

may not have really succeeded in

*hurting* myself... *on your own*!






Nisargadatta , " Arvind " <adithya_comming



> ******However, in my observation, even

> deeper than these two and consequently

> harder to *realize*, *acknowledge* and

> break is our unconscious *belief* that

> if didn't find something very BAD,

> hurtful and WRONG and didn't continue

> to think that someone *should not have

> done it*...


> I wouldn't be able to *change* it [or

> *punish* the perpetrator as might be

> the case]!



> Further, this belief in blindly based

> on an *imagination* that by persisting

> to keep calling it *BAD*, I am somehow

> able to *PUNISH* the perpetrator [and

> do what I think is *needed*]... when,

> in reality, I might be only really

> punishing myself!


> To expose the *insanity* of this

> *habit*, please consider my example of

> my finding attacks on India and

> consequent rape and torture of children

> by attackers BAD and HURTFUL...


> Each time, I was able to fully create

> and *feel* the *badness* that I thought

> those attackers had inflicted... it was

> ONLY *I* who suffered... those

> attackers were long dead and it made

> absolutely no difference to them!



> If we examine SUCH behavior from some

> distance, it might be seen as:


> ------- *I* should keep on torturing

> *myself* because you did something to me!


> ------- *I* believe that the ONLY way

> I can take an action that I feel is

> right [which might include my effort to

> put you behind bars] is... if I keep

> *hurting* *myself*!


> ------- I believe that unless I keep

> *hurting*... I can not *punish* you!


> ------- I believe that by *hurting

> myself*... I am *punishing you*!


> -------- I have been taught that

> certain things that happened are BAD

> and it is natural to feel bad when such

> things happen! Therefore, I am

> obviously *RIGHT* if I keep *hurting*!


> -------- I believe that unless I keep

> holding resentment against something

> that happened... I can NOT do the

> *RIGHT* thing that I need to do in

> order to respond to it!


> -------- If you do something that I

> have been *taught* are *bad* and

> *hurtful*... I *MUST* feel bad and hurt!


> -------- If you do something that I

> have been taught is supposed to create

> *suffering*... I *must* suffer!


> -------- If don't keep resenting

> something [and as a result, I don't

> suffer, don't feel anymore pain]... it

> means I *agree* with what you did!


> -------- How can I *feel good* if you

> did something that I know is *bad*! It

> is Impossible [i am not even going to

> *really* try! You did this, so, I

> suffer... I am NOT going to even

> question if I really *need* to suffer!]!



> If we examine closely, we might find

> that most of these are erroneous yet

> lot of our *repeated* pain is based on

> these unconscious unexamined beliefs!




> [NNB]



> [...]


> >

> > To my surprise, I have noticed that

> > when I FULLY FOCUS only on *what I

> > should be doing*...

> >

> > -------- I feel 'empowered'!

> >

> > ------- I feel at *home*!

> >

> > ------- I feel at *peace*, at *ease*!

> >

> > ------- I feel naturally *loving*, compassionate

> > , kind, accepting and joyous...

> >

> >

> > and, the greatest surprise, my wife

> > generally responds to it in a very

> > positive way without me making any

> > extra effort to *change* her or even to

> > *inform* her that I have changed my

> > *attitude*!

> >

> >

> > Whereas, ONTOH... when I keep think

> > about *what she should be doing*... I

> > feel frustrated, angry [as I seem to

> > lack real POWER], irritated and

> > generally, I only succeed in creating

> > arguments, fights, heated

> > discussions... no real change on the

> > either side!

> >

> >

> > ...

> >

> >

> > So, why would I ever do the second

> > [focus and think about what *she should

> > be doing*] rather than ONLY focus on

> > thinking and doing... *what I should be

> > doing*?

> >

> > My understanding is that it is due to

> > the following reasons:

> >

> > ----- Habits have Great Power!

> >

> > ----- I am [we are] conditioned to

> > think and behave certain way and his

> > 'conditioning' has taken place over thy

> > years!

> >

> > ------ Habits [conditioning] takes

> > time to form and habits [conditioning]

> > takes time to dissolve!

> >

> > ---order to dissolve a habit,

> > watchfulness, vigilance and practice is

> > required.

> >

> > ------- Whenever the *guards*

> > [Presence, Consciousness, Awareness]

> > are down, *habits* [conditioning] runs

> > the life!

> >

> > ------- For most situations, in order

> > to *live* a life, only breaking a habit

> > is not enough... a new *good* habit

> > should be put in place to deal with

> > *situations* as it is really not

> > possible to be able to always give full

> > attention to everything [especially,

> > because we are often required to do

> > many things *at once*]!

> >

> >

> >

> > Further, I am [we are] *trained* to

> > think in terms of *comparison* and

> > being *I am RIGHT v/s she/he is WRONG* [in place of

> > being free v/s bound or peaceful versus

> > 'at war'] and, as a result, I [we] are

> > conditioned to derive *pleasure* from

> > thinking/imagining/knowing/learning

> > that other person is *wrong* and is not

> > doing what he/she *should* be doing!

> > And, we do it even when doing so means

> > *loss of peace* to ourselves [after

> > all, this is how *addiction* works...

> > we do it even when in reality, they

> > *harm* us...]


> [...]


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Nisargadatta , " Arvind " <adithya_comming



> ...and, possibly most Unconscious of

> them all...


> You did something to *HURT* me...

> therefore, I *MUST* Hurt!


> IOW... I am going to *help you* in

> *hurting* myself because, this is what

> you really wanted!


> I am going to make

> sure, that I *hurt* even though... you

> may not have really succeeded in

> *hurting* myself... *on your own*!



> [NNB]



> Nisargadatta , " Arvind " <adithya_comming@>

> wrote:

> >

> > ******However, in my observation, even

> > deeper than these two and consequently

> > harder to *realize*, *acknowledge* and

> > break is our unconscious *belief* that

> > if didn't find something very BAD,

> > hurtful and WRONG and didn't continue

> > to think that someone *should not have

> > done it*...

> >

> > I wouldn't be able to *change* it [or

> > *punish* the perpetrator as might be

> > the case]!

> >

> >

> > Further, this belief in blindly based

> > on an *imagination* that by persisting

> > to keep calling it *BAD*, I am somehow

> > able to *PUNISH* the perpetrator [and

> > do what I think is *needed*]... when,

> > in reality, I might be only really

> > punishing myself!

> >

> > To expose the *insanity* of this

> > *habit*, please consider my example of

> > my finding attacks on India and

> > consequent rape and torture of children

> > by attackers BAD and HURTFUL...

> >

> > Each time, I was able to fully create

> > and *feel* the *badness* that I thought

> > those attackers had inflicted... it was

> > ONLY *I* who suffered... those

> > attackers were long dead and it made

> > absolutely no difference to them!

> >

> >

> > If we examine SUCH behavior from some

> > distance, it might be seen as:

> >

> > ------- *I* should keep on torturing

> > *myself* because you did something to me!

> >

> > ------- *I* believe that the ONLY way

> > I can take an action that I feel is

> > right [which might include my effort to

> > put you behind bars] is... if I keep

> > *hurting* *myself*!

> >

> > ------- I believe that unless I keep

> > *hurting*... I can not *punish* you!

> >

> > ------- I believe that by *hurting

> > myself*... I am *punishing you*!

> >

> > -------- I have been taught that

> > certain things that happened are BAD

> > and it is natural to feel bad when such

> > things happen! Therefore, I am

> > obviously *RIGHT* if I keep *hurting*!

> >

> > -------- I believe that unless I keep

> > holding resentment against something

> > that happened... I can NOT do the

> > *RIGHT* thing that I need to do in

> > order to respond to it!

> >

> > -------- If you do something that I

> > have been *taught* are *bad* and

> > *hurtful*... I *MUST* feel bad and hurt!

> >

> > -------- If you do something that I

> > have been taught is supposed to create

> > *suffering*... I *must* suffer!

> >

> > -------- If don't keep resenting

> > something [and as a result, I don't

> > suffer, don't feel anymore pain]... it

> > means I *agree* with what you did!

> >

> > -------- How can I *feel good* if you

> > did something that I know is *bad*! It

> > is Impossible [i am not even going to

> > *really* try! You did this, so, I

> > suffer... I am NOT going to even

> > question if I really *need* to suffer!]!

> >

> >

> > If we examine closely, we might find

> > that most of these are erroneous yet

> > lot of our *repeated* pain is based on

> > these unconscious unexamined beliefs!

> >

> >

> >

> > [NNB]

> >

> >

> > [...]

> >

> > >

> > > To my surprise, I have noticed that

> > > when I FULLY FOCUS only on *what I

> > > should be doing*...

> > >

> > > -------- I feel 'empowered'!

> > >

> > > ------- I feel at *home*!

> > >

> > > ------- I feel at *peace*, at *ease*!

> > >

> > > ------- I feel naturally *loving*, compassionate

> > > , kind, accepting and joyous...

> > >

> > >

> > > and, the greatest surprise, my wife

> > > generally responds to it in a very

> > > positive way without me making any

> > > extra effort to *change* her or even to

> > > *inform* her that I have changed my

> > > *attitude*!

> > >

> > >

> > > Whereas, ONTOH... when I keep think

> > > about *what she should be doing*... I

> > > feel frustrated, angry [as I seem to

> > > lack real POWER], irritated and

> > > generally, I only succeed in creating

> > > arguments, fights, heated

> > > discussions... no real change on the

> > > either side!

> > >

> > >

> > > ...

> > >

> > >

> > > So, why would I ever do the second

> > > [focus and think about what *she should

> > > be doing*] rather than ONLY focus on

> > > thinking and doing... *what I should be

> > > doing*?

> > >

> > > My understanding is that it is due to

> > > the following reasons:

> > >

> > > ----- Habits have Great Power!

> > >

> > > ----- I am [we are] conditioned to

> > > think and behave certain way and his

> > > 'conditioning' has taken place over thy

> > > years!

> > >

> > > ------ Habits [conditioning] takes

> > > time to form and habits [conditioning]

> > > takes time to dissolve!

> > >

> > > ---order to dissolve a habit,

> > > watchfulness, vigilance and practice is

> > > required.

> > >

> > > ------- Whenever the *guards*

> > > [Presence, Consciousness, Awareness]

> > > are down, *habits* [conditioning] runs

> > > the life!

> > >

> > > ------- For most situations, in order

> > > to *live* a life, only breaking a habit

> > > is not enough... a new *good* habit

> > > should be put in place to deal with

> > > *situations* as it is really not

> > > possible to be able to always give full

> > > attention to everything [especially,

> > > because we are often required to do

> > > many things *at once*]!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Further, I am [we are] *trained* to

> > > think in terms of *comparison* and

> > > being *I am RIGHT v/s she/he is WRONG* [in place of

> > > being free v/s bound or peaceful versus

> > > 'at war'] and, as a result, I [we] are

> > > conditioned to derive *pleasure* from

> > > thinking/imagining/knowing/learning

> > > that other person is *wrong* and is not

> > > doing what he/she *should* be doing!

> > > And, we do it even when doing so means

> > > *loss of peace* to ourselves [after

> > > all, this is how *addiction* works...

> > > we do it even when in reality, they

> > > *harm* us...]

> >

> > [...]

> >

> Arvind..quit torturing yourself. It's interesting but the circles

go round and round. In any and all physical systems, and in some

philosophical systems too.


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