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Spirituality and Religion

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Spirituality and Religion. Being and Becoming.




It has been said, and it is certainly difficult to argue with these days, that

Spirituality and Religions (book Religion) are not the same thing and invariably

not even connected any more; and this seems to be becoming more true as

religions become more fundamentalist and thoughtless - to say nothing of

aggressive and socially dangerous and divisive in a very overcrowded world with

a capitalistic monitory greedy self orientated philosophy.




But what is all spirituality and metaphysics based upon? At root it is, or

should one say was, based upon peoples cognitive experience of a conscious

reunion within a transcendent realm of perfection beyond time and space; and

such a thing has been experienced by a percentage of each generation probably

since human beings lived in caves. Needless to say that some people KNOW this

by direct first hand experience whilst others who do not simply believe in what

they hear - and no problem with that as such - proving that the latter do not

invent things and alter the assertions of those who have known it.




Take just one religion, Christianity for example. The chief figure in that

symbolic story waxes lyrical about a heaven, a transcendent realm, and yet where

in that book religion (priestcraft not spirituality) does he mention what it is

like, what it looks like, what it feels like to be in it; and where does he

describe the experiential journey to it? Nowhere. And according to which one

can only know it when one is dead and gone from here. And yet it sells many

millions of books and attracts about a billion customers, and it sure keeps the

church wealthy and provides a livelihood for many.




And yet despite this there are people in every generation who experience this

reunion in transcendent realm of perfection beyond the experience of time and

space and can describe what it looks like, what it reveals, what it is like

being in it; and they can describe the experiential journey to it - and yet

society ignores them and writes them off as mad or loonies. And moreover, these

people came back after that experience and live it on earth here and now.

Spirituality is for the living. Fine, the implication is that one goes back

there after death - by why negate the living, this world, and the here and now -

and making a far better world for the kids of tomorrow? All these wondrous and

life enhancing experiences are wasted if one does nothing with it and even

thinks of the recipients of such experience as mad and lying.




No, in this day and age it is no longer religion which is needed, it is

spiritual experience and then doing something with it here and now. Will it ever

happen on this world in any large measure? It does not seem likely now. At best

it might. But not yet.




Thus, what advice could those who have known it give to those who have not?

Easy, study the outer world and everything we find out there, and make good use

of what you learn; but also study your SELF, the human mind and consciousness -

for that is where it comes from. If you would know that divine and transcendent

realm of perfection, then first know your self, for you are not only IN it, but

that is where the essence of man, mind and consciousness comes from in the first

place. IT is not 'in' you, it is INWARDS. And when you are IN IT, then just

like this world it is out there and all around you. When you know the true

transcendent aspect of your SELF, then you will know that divine eternality and

going back from whence one came is that REUNION of being. YOU ARE the connection

between that transcendent Paradise and this Earth.




But will priestcraft and Churchianity (the devils pulpit) allow people to know

that - like hell they will, for there is too much to lose - a fat profit and a

livelihood. Now prove me wrong ! Do not believe in spirituality or the essence

of Man - KNOW IT. Know your self at it deepest root of BEING - and the BECOMING

is done on this world, not in death.




My god almighty will these people ever grow up and get real? I doubt it.




Unfortunately in this day and age one has to say that religion is the worst

thing ever to happen to spirituality and the human mind - let alone truth and

this world. But prove me wrong - and spirituality is not about books and it is

not about believing, it is about life; and the proof is in the finding it by

direct living experience.




Know your Self and the divine reality, for they are two parts of the same thing

- Eternity. Ipso Facto. The mind of Man is ever tied to cross of time and

eternity - BY EXPERIENCE. And we (mind) are the meeting ground of many

dimensions, inner and outer. And thus it IS; and thus it is proved to us on the

inside of our being; and by living it whilst on earth. Your 'prize' was in the

beginning, not in the end.




Dick Richardson


Depth Psychology and Metaphysics.






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Nisargadatta , " Dick Richardson " <rwr



> Spirituality and Religion. Being and Becoming.




> It has been said, and it is certainly difficult to argue with these

days, that Spirituality and Religions (book Religion) are not the

same thing and invariably not even connected any more; and this seems

to be becoming more true as religions become more fundamentalist and

thoughtless - to say nothing of aggressive and socially dangerous and

divisive in a very overcrowded world with a capitalistic monitory

greedy self orientated philosophy.




> But what is all spirituality and metaphysics based upon? At root

it is, or should one say was, based upon peoples cognitive experience

of a conscious reunion within a transcendent realm of perfection

beyond time and space; and such a thing has been experienced by a

percentage of each generation probably since human beings lived in

caves. Needless to say that some people KNOW this by direct first

hand experience whilst others who do not simply believe in what they

hear - and no problem with that as such - proving that the latter do

not invent things and alter the assertions of those who have known it.




> Take just one religion, Christianity for example. The chief figure

in that symbolic story waxes lyrical about a heaven, a transcendent

realm, and yet where in that book religion (priestcraft not

spirituality) does he mention what it is like, what it looks like,

what it feels like to be in it; and where does he describe the

experiential journey to it? Nowhere. And according to which one can

only know it when one is dead and gone from here. And yet it sells

many millions of books and attracts about a billion customers, and it

sure keeps the church wealthy and provides a livelihood for many.




> And yet despite this there are people in every generation who

experience this reunion in transcendent realm of perfection beyond

the experience of time and space and can describe what it looks like,

what it reveals, what it is like being in it; and they can describe

the experiential journey to it - and yet society ignores them and

writes them off as mad or loonies. And moreover, these people came

back after that experience and live it on earth here and now.

Spirituality is for the living. Fine, the implication is that one

goes back there after death - by why negate the living, this world,

and the here and now - and making a far better world for the kids of

tomorrow? All these wondrous and life enhancing experiences are

wasted if one does nothing with it and even thinks of the recipients

of such experience as mad and lying.




> No, in this day and age it is no longer religion which is needed,

it is spiritual experience and then doing something with it here and

now. Will it ever happen on this world in any large measure? It does

not seem likely now. At best it might. But not yet.




> Thus, what advice could those who have known it give to those who

have not? Easy, study the outer world and everything we find out

there, and make good use of what you learn; but also study your SELF,

the human mind and consciousness - for that is where it comes from.

If you would know that divine and transcendent realm of perfection,

then first know your self, for you are not only IN it, but that is

where the essence of man, mind and consciousness comes from in the

first place. IT is not 'in' you, it is INWARDS. And when you are IN

IT, then just like this world it is out there and all around you.

When you know the true transcendent aspect of your SELF, then you

will know that divine eternality and going back from whence one came

is that REUNION of being. YOU ARE the connection between that

transcendent Paradise and this Earth.




> But will priestcraft and Churchianity (the devils pulpit) allow

people to know that - like hell they will, for there is too much to

lose - a fat profit and a livelihood. Now prove me wrong ! Do not

believe in spirituality or the essence of Man - KNOW IT. Know your

self at it deepest root of BEING - and the BECOMING is done on this

world, not in death.




> My god almighty will these people ever grow up and get real? I

doubt it.




> Unfortunately in this day and age one has to say that religion is

the worst thing ever to happen to spirituality and the human mind -

let alone truth and this world. But prove me wrong - and spirituality

is not about books and it is not about believing, it is about life;

and the proof is in the finding it by direct living experience.




> Know your Self and the divine reality, for they are two parts of

the same thing - Eternity. Ipso Facto. The mind of Man is ever tied

to cross of time and eternity - BY EXPERIENCE. And we (mind) are the

meeting ground of many dimensions, inner and outer. And thus it IS;

and thus it is proved to us on the inside of our being; and by living

it whilst on earth. Your 'prize' was in the beginning, not in the





> Dick Richardson


> Depth Psychology and Metaphysics.


> http://www.psychognosis.net



It's interesting to note as well that Jesus was forever and a day

saying the same thing. It is not what a man puts inside him that will

defile, but rather that which he projects that will defile.....a case

study in saying the religion of his lineage was lost in dietary

taboos that even if followed explicitly, would lead to nowhere and

for nothing. These taboos were formalism not the spiritual. The

ritual performances at the temple of Pharisee and Philistine also

seen as nothing more than pap, that was it's own reward by

demonstrating to any who watched the supposed piety and good works of

whoever was performing same, but in themselves these rituals were

empty of any meaning or substance. The money men who ran the show and

temple plays were also not tolerated very well by the pracical

Nazarene as he violently displayed his displeasure at thier ways.

Tearing down the Glories that were the Judaic Temple, was an even

neater suggestion he made so that the true spiritual temple of each

and every man,woman,child that were of the same pith and plenty as

himself might forthwith see the granduer of the temple they were of

themselves, and that, that could be accomlished in the three day

symbolism of the time and quite actually in the twinking of an eye.

The religion about the man Jesus is not, and never can be, the

spirituality of the 'Christ' he was, and said all man were as

well. " Truth " , as Jesus and Socrates and many more knew and know, is

not a commodity very well suffered by the powers that be in religion

or politics ,both really being variations on a singular theme of

misunderstanding or sin (in it's true meaning of 'missing the mark'

of what our true aim should be).Often times in the pursuit of that

Truth and Wisdom and Glory, a cross must be borne, a poison pill

swallowed, a body crucified...but all apparent loss and suffering on

the obverse side is utter Shining and Exultation. The many will

always follow the easier path. Paying tribute to Ceaser or Temple and

thereby thrusting off any personal responsibilty for self. Raise your

hand to Ceaser or Hitler or to the Flag and never your own true self;

give alms to the Church Politic and Stone Glory , and not the poor or

needy; Claim citizenship in formality of Church or State and they

feel and believe a belonging and redemption. It is not the wide path

of the busy commerce and motion of the many,that the true Secret of

Immortality, Truth and Self will ever be found. The Kingdom of Jesus

and Buddha and Lao tsu and Crazy Horse and the many many knowing ones

who are not two, is right here closer than the light within your eye

and beating motion of your heart. It is a metaphysik only for the

orphans. Those who are home have no need of

metaphysics,philosophy,psychology or quantum physics. You can find

them asleep in the pews in the churches...they are very comfortable

indeed in their fathers home, and have no need to act as strangers

with formalities of social or religious nature. When in their true

Cathedral, they're part of the family and when home can just dump

whatever is bothering them or whatever they are carrying without

need, right there on the floor and nobody will say anything to them

except " Come, relax, have something to eat and refresh yourself my

dear child of misfortune..it will be alright and any manner of thing

will be alright..it already is and forever shall be. Take heart and

Rejoice..you are Home! "


an epiphany of an everyman







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