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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 17-2006 from Saidarbar.

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Fourth Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 17 / 2006

16- 08 -2006


Srikrishna Janamashtami Special


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The first & only magazine in 3d Page turning format.












NEW DELHI, INDIA, August 4, 2006: A debate arose in Delhi about the

proper day to celebrate Janamashtami. The national general secretary

of the Sanatan Dharam Sammelan, Shri R.N. Vats chaired the meeting of

the Sammelan which discussed the matter and said many Sanskrit

scholars and astrologers had attended when this decision was made that

16-8-2006 was the correct date.


From Saisatcharita chapter 43 & 44


On Wednesday evening (16-10-1918) Baba's body was taken in procession

and brought to the Wada and was interred there with due formalities in

the garbha, i.e., the central portion reserved for Murlidhar

(Srikrishna). In fact Baba became the Murlidhar (Srikrishna) and the

Wada became a temple and a holy shrine, where so many devotees went

and are going now to find rest and peace.


Sai is Srikrishna Enjoy Audio in TELUGU language





Krishna Janamashtami


Janma literally means 'birth' and ashtami means the 'eighth day'. The

eighth day of the dark fortnight in the month of Bhadrapad is

celebrated as Krishna Janmashtami. It commemorates the birth of

Krishna, born to annihilate Kansa, the evil king of Mathura.


According to the Puranas, Kansa was an evil king of Mathura who had

overthrown his father and imprisoned him. His atrocities drove the

gods to Vishnu who promised to take his eighth incarnation in the

human world. He was then born as Krishna in the 28th year of the

Dwapara Yuga. Vishnu took his eighth incarnation of Krishna to kill

the evil king Kansa. As per the legend related to Krishna's birth,

Kansa had a cousin called Devaki, whom he loved dearly. In due course,

Kansa arranged a suitable match for her and married her with great

pomp and show. However, an oracle foretold Kansa that Devaki's eighth

child would be responsible for his death. Enraged, Kansa was about to

slice off her head when her husband Vasudeva intervened.


He begged Kansa not to kill Devaki and in return promised to give him

all their children at birth. Kansa agreed, but imprisoned the couple

to ensure this. In time, he killed six of their children by throwing

them against a stone slab outside the prison. The seventh child

however was transferred to the womb of Rohini; another of Vasudeva's

wives, and Kansa believed that Devaki had suffered a miscarriage. When

she was pregnant with the eighth child, Kansa increased security at

the prison and ordered the guards to bring the newborn to him the

moment he was born.


At midnight on the eighth day in the month of Shravana, on a dark,

rainy and windy night, just before the child was born, the guards all

fell into a deep slumber and the locks on the prison door opened.

Devaki and Vasudeva too were freed of their binds and Krishna was

born. A voice from the heavens instructed Vasudeva to carry Krishna

across the Yamuna River to a village called Gokul. There, he should go

to the home of his sister Yashoda and her husband Nanda and replace

Krishna with their newborn daughter. Vasudeva put his son in a basket

and went quickly towards the Yamuna. When he reached the shores, he

found the water level rising. He put the basket on his head and began

towards the Yamuna. The water level rose but every time it touched the

baby's toes, it receded. Suddenly, a cobra sprang out of the water.

Vasudeva froze but the snake stopped to spread its hood over the

basket. It was Sesha Naga protecting Krishna from the rain. Vasudeva

realized his son was no ordinary baby. He hurried to Gokul, exchanged

the children and returned to the prison.


As soon as he entered, the locks shut and the guards awoke. Hearing

the baby cry, they informed Kansa who rushed to the prison. He was

about to smash the little girl against the stone slab, when she

slipped out of his hands. As she rose towards the sky, she warned him

that the one responsible for his death was safe.


When Krishna grew up, he killed his evil uncle and restored the throne

to his grandfather. The image of Krishna is ceremonially bathed in a

mixture of curds, milk, honey, dry fruit and basil or tulasi leaves.

This mixture is then distributed as prasad to all devotees. The idol

is dressed in new clothes and offered food, sweets, fruit and

clarified butter. Priests chant mantras from religious scriptures. The

temple too reverberates with devotional songs in praise of the god.


Interesting games commemorate this event. One of the most popular is

the breaking of the dahi handi or 'pot of curd'. A terracotta pot

containing milk, butter and curd is hung high up across a street.

Groups of men form a pyramid to try and break this pot. The group that

succeeds is named the winner, and the community treats its leader with

respect. This game is believed to have been especially dear to Krishna

and his friends.





















Compiled by:

Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.




The body of a man has been compared to a fig which looks very pleasing

but which when broken into two, will be found to contain innumerable

tiny worms, the very sight of which will be revolting. The life that

throbs inside is likened to curry leaves which grow very quickly and

in large numbers.


The life cycle continues and a man is caused to be re-born based on

his deeds- good or wicked. Life is transient yet people plan

elaborately presuming that they may live long but not knowing when the

end will come. It may be instantaneous and without notice. It may be

of a long duration too.


Scriptures point out that man is reborn because of his sins. Hence to

avoid bondage, he has to take steps which will ensure that he will

never reappear in the world. How to get rid of sins is a big question.

One is to own them and ask for God's pardon. Another is to hold to

God's feet tight and seek His guidance to escape the rigors of life.


God who resides in the heart of every human being, has placed at his

disposal all resources, it is incumbent on him to avoid pitfalls but

proceed safely on the road to redemption, realizing the impermanence

of the body, of wealth and of youth.


Dust as it was and to dust it returns and the gross body disintegrates

by being burnt or buried. Hence the opportunities available during his

life should be fully utilized to serve God and carry out only pious

duties so that his next birth will be prosperous and peaceful.

Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

To be continued…





Shravan 1912: Gurusthan Padukas were installed under the neem tree in

Shirdi on Pournima day


Shravan 1914: H.H.Shri.Vasudevananda Saraswathi (Tembe Swami) left for

His heavenly abode at Gardueshwar on the banks of river Narmada in

Gujarat at the age of 80 years.


Shravan 1941: Shri.Narayana Maharaj of Kedgaon left the mortal coils

at the age of 56 years at Bangalore.





These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SaiBaNiSa Ji

From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that

this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled

from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.


Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.




Yesterday, I was thinking about the negative aptitude of my family

members towards me. I requested Baba to show me a way out of this

situation. Sai presented with a visual run like this-


I was engaged in worshiping Sai and a group of crows were seen

hitting on my head with their beaks and I was suffering in pain. In

the mean while, some more crows were trying entering my house. The

crows inside my house collectively have driven away the intruders. I

realized that Gruhasthasrama is associated with minor problems and

irritants, but still the real strength and protection comes from

living together.


Healthy society sustains on the concept of family living.




I was deeply frustrated with the current events in the family. I

prayed SAI to give me the courage to face the odds. Sai presented with

a message saying that-


There is no point in always remembering the past events that took

place during the marriage of my daughter, that too after a lapse of

two years. Sai advised me to maintain cool and calm, as things would

settle down by themselves.


Time is the only heal for all wounds.




Yesterday, Baba has advised me to live in the present while forgetting

the past. This appeared to be a difficult proposition for a normal

person like me. So I prayed Baba and asked HIM to demonstrate the art

of forgetting the past in real life. I was shown with a prince of

yester years coming out of his dilapidated fortress with the same

dignity, confidence and costumes. He undertook a stroll in the lawns

opposite with all the composure and pomp .I could get the answer.


Sooner or later, past events will be referred to as-`once upon a time'.




I was mentally very much upset; feeling depressed and lacked the

desire to live even. As usual I looked towards my master to give me

the courage to tide over the situation. I had a visual display.

It was the China war during the year 1962 fought on the Snowy mountain

terrain. I was then on the Indian Army side, lost track and reached a

small village and took shelter in a Lama's house (Buddhist's). I found

few more officers of different faiths stranded like me. The love of

Lama made us more courageous and generated the will to face any

eventualities that we might come across. Next moment, we were soon

surrounded by the enemy forces, but we all fought with determination

and successfully driven them away. Then there was a break. I bowed

before Baba's photograph and lo! I saw the same Lama smiling at me.


I concluded that I should overcome the difficult periods with the help

rendered by the right- minded friends and overcome the inward forces

working against me.


Temporary setbacks should not stretch to end up in more worries.


To be continued…..



(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

" Shashi " : shashi_31


24. Elucidation of Real Nature (Prakruti)


All our acts are due to our own nature. Nature is the mother of any

act. The Gunas of our own nature combine with indriyas and issue out

action. That is to say that actions are associated with one's nature,

but not with Atma. A desireless person is not caught in the snare of

nature and leads life without desire as a witness. He leads life as an

unattached single minded jnani and as a witness. He leads a life as an

unattached single minded gets his Divine vision distorted. A divine

person will have a detached outlook in his actions. To attain this

state, one has to transcend his Gunas. Though we have a body, we have

to discard the idea that we are the body. Then, though the body does

actions as per the Gunas of Nature, the actions do not bind us. In

this way, possessing Divine knowledge, be detached from our bodily

activities. If we get attached to the powerful Gunas of nature, we

become ignorant and develop attraction to the fruits of our acts. So

we must be away from this. Due to ignorance, one will get attached to

nature's actions and get caught in them. So we must first understand

the Gunas of nature well and keep them in correct path. Nature is

composed of three Gunas-Satwa-Rajas and Tamas. Due to various changes

in these, varieties of natural tendencies arise. If we get immersed in

these, we get merged with them and reap the results. Natural

tendencies are impermanent and these issue out into various actions.


Body and its natural tendencies are interdependent. The various

activities of Indriyas are the results of their nature of a being are





'Karya karana kartitve Hetuh Prakritiruchate [b.G. B/20]


Purushaha sukha dukhananam Bhoktrutive heturchate'


To be continued…..







The four goals of life


Another major aspect of Hindu dharma that is common to practically all

Hindus is that of purushartha, the " four goals of life " . They are

kama, artha, dharma and moksha. It is said that all humans seek kama

(pleasure, physical or emotional) and artha (power, fame and wealth),

but soon, with maturity, should learn to govern these legitimate

desires within a higher, pragmatic framework of dharma, or moral

harmony in all. Of course, the only goal that is truly infinite, whose

attainment results in absolute happiness, is moksha, or liberation,

(a.k.a. Mukti, Samadhi, Nirvana, etc.) from Samsara, the cycle of

life, death, and existential duality.


The four stages of life


The human life is also seen as four Ashramas ( " phases " or " stages " ).

They are Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha and Sanyasa. The first

quarter of one's life, brahmacharya (literally " grazing in Brahma " ) is

spent in celibate, sober and pure contemplation of life's secrets

under a Guru, building up body and mind for the responsibilities of

life. Grihasta is the householder's stage, alternatively known as

samsara, in which one marries and satisfies kama and artha within a

married life and professional career. Vanaprastha is gradual

detachment from the material world, ostensibly giving over duties to

one's sons and daughters, spending more time in contemplation of the

truth, and making holy pilgrimages. Finally, in sanyasa, the

individual goes off into seclusion, often envisioned as the forest, to

find God through Yogic meditation and peacefully shed the body for the

next life.




CHILE, August 12, 2006: The " Centro Cultural y Templo Hindu " in Punta

Arenas, Chile, is located at 53.10 degrees south of the Equator. It is

a building of 800 sq meters financed by the Sindhi community. When

inaugurated in 2002 it displaced the Wellington, New Zealand, Kurinji

Kumaran temple (at 41.17 S) as being the southernmost Hindu temple in

the world! The Sri Ganesha Mandir in Anchorage at 61.13 N holds the

distinction of being the northernmost temple followed by Oslo's Norges

Hindu Kultur Senter and Sollentuna, Sweden's Hanuman Mandir.



LIVERMORE, CALIIFORNIA, August 7, 2006: Western culture's fascination

with Hinduism has made it easier to connect second-generation Indians

to their heritage and part of that connection is spiritual. To help

strengthen those bonds, groups such as the California chapter of the

Shri Yoga Vedanta Ashrama, a nonprofit organization based in India,

have launched yoga and meditation camps across the world. Yoga is just

one aspect of India's rich tradition and culture, says Avinash Arora,

a member of the Ashram. The Ashram sponsors four camps in the United

States, most of them on the East Coast. At the Hindu Community and

Cultural Center at the Livermore Shiva-Vishnu Temple the group held

its first camp in California. The camps teach yoga and meditation and

include presentations and discussions on Indian festivals and customs.

The group is hosting a two-day camp at the Sunnyvale Hindu Temple

later this month.




PELABUHAN RATU, INDONESIA, August 6, 2006: Here is a little taste of

the Island of Gods. Priests in white, colorful offerings and vigorous

dancers created a Balinese ambience on Java's southern coast last

week, as the local Hindu community carried out the Pakelem ceremony at

Pelabuhan Ratu. Hundreds of Hindus from Greater Jakarta, West Java,

Banten and Bali took part in the Drowning Ceremony, a Hindu ritual to

serve offerings to the Balinese version of Poseidon, the god of the

sea, Baruna.




BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS, August 5, 2006: More than 100 Midwest youth are

spending time studying Hindu values and practices while canoeing,

doing arts and crafts and generally having fun at the Hindu Heritage

Camp at Lake Bloomington's' East Bay Camp.





Location of Kashi Vishvanath Jyothirlinga

Where the Varana and Asi rivers join the Ganges, a beautiful city was

built there in the ancient times. It was named Varanasi. Varanasi, a

prime place of pilgrimage, a tribe called kasha used to live.

Therefore, Varanasi was also known as Kashi. Near Kashi, Ganga flows

in the shape of a bow. Hence it acquired special importance. A king

called Deivodas expanded this area.


Varanasi is located in Uttar Pradesh, in the Gangetic plains.



Purana of kashi vishwanath jyotirlinga


Nirvikar cahitanya and Sanatan Brahma have assumed the form of Saguna

Vishwarupa from the initial Nirgun Roopa or form. The Shiva Shakti

roopa became the Purusha (man) and Stree (the woman) again. Prakriti

and Purusha (Nature and man) (Shiva-Shakti) were once ordained by

Shiva to do tapas in the universe in order to create the best being.

He specified the best place for this purpose. When a prayer was held,

Nirgun Shiva, with His own powers and aura, created a wonderful city

called Panchakoshi. Vishnu, who resided there, spent a lot of time

praying to Shiva after which several water springs originated there.

Vishnu was amazed at this wonderous event, and even as he tilled his

head, a gemstone fell from his ear. Because of this place, it was also

called Manikarnika.


The entire Panch Koshi area of Manikarnika waters were then gathered

into the Trident by Shiva. Then from the navel of Vishnu was born a

lotus flower with Brahma in it. Brahma was ordained by Shiva to create

a world, at which Brahma created this wonderful world. It had fifty

crore Yojanas of area and fourteen lokas. In order to save the lives

of these who are bound by their own actions or karma. Shiva kept

panchakoshi city away from the entire universe. In this city, Shiva

Himself established the saviour Muktidayak JyotirLinga, which He can

never leave. Shiva removed this very Kashi from His Trident and set it

in this mortal world. It was not to be destroyed when Brahma's day

ends, but during Pralay i.e., final destruction of the world, Shiva

saved it by keeping it safe in his trident. So the kashi is called

avimukta kshetra. In Kashi, the Avimukteshwar Linga is there forever.

Those who can never hope for salvation, attain Moksha here.


This holiest city of Panchakoshi, with its capacity to destroy every

conceivable sin, is the vehicle of a special Moksha by the name

" Samyugha " . That is the reason why this city which is ruled by Brahma,

Vishnu and Mahesha, is the place, where even divines want to die.

Sarwaguna from inside and Tamoguna from outside, are the qualities of

Rudra here. When prayed to, Vishwanatha Bahagavan Sri Shankar made

this abode and resided there with Parvati.


Glory of Kashi


Kashi city is the place for Moksha and Ganga. Those who live here

attain Mukti or Salvation, even without having to travel to any place

of pilgrimage. Any one, be it a man, woman, young, old, Sahava, pure

or impure, Prasuta, Aprasuta, Swadesh, Andaja, Udibhaja, of whatever

caste, all attain Moksha. There is not an iota of doubt in this.

Whatever a person may be doing, eat, sleep or anything else, if he

departs from this world from Avimukteshwar, he definitely attains

Moksha. Any small act of goodness or Punyakarya, takes away all the

sins. Good as well as bad people are born on this earth. But by living

in Kashi, both attain Moksha. Later, several people came forward to

build this temple. A king by the name Banar developed this city of

pilgrimage. About one and half thousand beautiful temples were built

here. The tower of the Vishweshwara temple is a hundred feet high.


It ius said that Dandapani and Kalabhairav guard this city. They stay

there forever. On the Ganga banks eighty four bathing ghats are

located. There are also several teerthkundas. They have been there

right from the times of Vedas.

To be continued…..



L.V.S. Satyanarayana " : lvs_satya

Wed, 2 Aug 2006 16:02:29 +0300




According to the directions of our Guruji, I would like to share a

small moment with you. It was 31/07/2006 night 23:15hrs and I was

taking rounds on the part of my regular job. I used to have

Namasmarana(Chanting) during my walk. A divine message was addressed

me to have a variety chanting other than regular namasmarana of " Om

sri samardha sadgurusainadhayanamaha " . I was blinking how can I bring

a variety to this chanting, " Baba Please give me the phrase of variety

chanting so that I will do it same " I replied in my heart. After

making few steps forward a phrase generated in my mind which is well

known to the people with a little difference....


Sai Rama Sai Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Sai Krishna Sai Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare


He is Srigurudatta, he is Srihari, he is Rama, he is Krishna, HE is







Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.


Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. For the last two

years I have told you about Lord Krishna's Leelas and Lord Rama Story.

Now I want to tell the stories what heard in my child hood.




In a dense forest lived a great sage named Bhrigu Rishi. He lived a

secluded life in a small shelter where he spent his days in prayer. A

small mouse also lived near the shelter and over the years became a

very pious and an ardent disciple of the sage. Whenever Bhrigu sat

deep in meditation or sang hymns in praise of God, the mouse would

also sit near him and meditate. His only problem was that being a

mouse, he was always in fear of his life from cats, dogs and vultures

and this fear was biggest obstacle.


Bhrigu Rishi had been observing the mouse over the years and knew

about his fear. Having pity on him, he decided to end this problem,

once for all, by transforming the mouse in to a lion. He could then

move boldly and meditate with peace.

The sage was a hermit with extraordinary powers, acquired over the

years through his prayers and meditation. He could achieve or be

blessed with whatever he desired by praying to God.


He started his meditation and when he reached the level of

supernatural he prayed, " Oh God! The mouse is one of your ardent

devotees, but his prayers are disturbed because he lives in fear all

the time. I pray that you change him into a lion so that he can

overcome this fear " .


The almighty granted him this wish and the mouse became a lion. The

surprising result of this was that his outlook was also transformed to

the attributes of the jungle king. He would roam over the forest

freely and all the other animals would bow and greet him fearfully. He

has hailed as their leader.


Only the sage knows of his original state of mouse and this reality

made him treat him still like a mouse. This was resented by the 'mouse

turned lion' because it would affect his dignity. Once the other

animals know of it they would then ridicule and disrespect him. He

decided to kill the sage, his benefactor, so that the secret was not

revealed to others. After being mentally prepared to do the killing,

he rushed off to the hermitage. Bhrigu Rishi had extraordinary powers

and the moment he saw the lion rushing at him, he read his mind. This

ungratefulness made him very angry and he transfixed lion with his stare.


As the lion stood trembling before the sage, he got reverted back to

his original physical state of a mouse. If the 'mouse turned lion' had

not forgotten his earlier days and thought ill of his benefactor, he

would not have been reverted back to mouse again.


Lesson: " Never be ungrateful to your benefactor. A person, who becomes

rich or powerful and forgets his earlier periods of misery, is

destined to stumble in life, again and again.


Bye children meet you in the next issue





Sai ka laadla saikalaadla

8/1/2006 09:29:50 -0700


Three Questions


Once a king wanted to know answers to three questions about which he

had been contemplating for a long time. One day the king raised these

questions in his Court Hall. The questions were: Where is God? In what

direction does He cast His look? What does He do? None could answer

these questions. The King then summoned with due honor a sage to his

court. He asked the sage to answer these questions.


The Sage replied: " Like butter in the milk God is everywhere " . To

answer the second question the sage asked for a lamp. He lit the lamp

and asked the King: " In which direction does this lamp shed its

light? " The lamp sheds its light in all the directions " replied the

king. The sage said " Likewise God is Effulgence itself and His vision

is not directed to a particular place or person. He is all seeing " .

The king asked: " What does He do? " The sage said: " Since I am in a way

instructing you in spiritual matters, I am in the position of a

preceptor, you a disciple. So we have to exchange our places. Are you

prepared for this? " The king agreed and came down from his elevated

position and sat on the seat in which the sage sat. The sage said with

a twinkle in his eyes: " This is what God does. He brings down the

mighty and elevates the humble. He can make the poor rich and the rich

poor. He can do anything. He is all pervading. He is all seeing and

Omnipotent. " The king was very

much pleased with these answers. He expressed his gratitude to the

sage and honored him in a fitting manner.


Like the king in the story, every one of us should try to understand

the true characteristics of God: God is Omnipresent, Omniscient, and



Bow To Sri Sai - Peace Be To All

May Baba Be Always With You


Sai Ka Laadla





Jul 30, 2006 10:30 PM



WOW! What an Adbhutham experience!

It's so nice to hear in Telugu voice and it's very informative

discourses. At last we Telugu devotees can hear about our Baba and

Saibanisa uncle online.




This e book idea is Amogham as it is so easy to turn the pages. My

heart felt congratulations to all who put tons of effort into this.

May Baba shower on all of us His Choicest Blessings always!!!


" Krishna akkulu " saisanthan

Wed, 2 Aug 2006 03:27:58 +0100 (BST)


I started listening the discourse CD s. I was very excited to listen

them. I remembered the days I heard the discourse of Saibanisaji in

2003 in USA


Thanks a lot for your service. Great work. You compiled the subject

very nicely.





Shirdi Sai Mandir Webmaster webmaster

8/9/2006 20:48:13 -0700


Namaskar. Jai Sai Ram.


Shirdi Sai Mandir, Toronto, Canada

The Shirdi Sai Mandir located at 2721 Markham Road, Toronto, Ontario,

M1X 1L5 (Intersection of Markham and Nashdene) is open through out the

day on Saturday, Sunday & holidays and in the morning and evenings on

all weekdays. Baba's Kakad Aarti, Abhishek Puja, Madhyan Aarti, Dhoop

Aarti, Satcharita Reading & Shej Aarti are performed everyday.

Bhajans & Sai Naam Sankirtan in evening on Thursday & Saturday. For

daily schedule, temple activities & events information please visit

Mandir's website: www.theshirdisaimandir.com or send an email to

info or call 647-444-4724.

Thank you.

Tarun Jain



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Please contact: saidarbar & saidarbar




Sai Baba - His Divine Glimpses

V. B. Kher

Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd

A-59, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase 2,

New Delhi 110020

Tel: 011 26387070 / 26386165




Shri Sai Baba

V. B. Kher Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd

A-59, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase 2,

New Delhi 110020

Tel: 011 26387070 / 26386165

Email: info


Sai Baba of Shirdi - A Unique Saint

M. V. Kamath & V. B. Kher

Jaico Publishing House,121 Mahatma Gandhi Road, Mumbai- 400 023


Sai Sneh Vikas Mehta, Siddharth Publications, 10 DSIDC Scheme-II

Okhla Industrial Area Phase -II

New Delhi - 110 020

Ph: 011-26838658


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Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book World) to spread the

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Saisevak Smt Rajeswari Kasturi has compiled the 3d Page turning E-Book

titled " From the Satsanghs of Saibanisaji " . On the eve of Gurupurnima day

(11-7-2006) Saidarbar SCHWENKS VILL-PA-USA has uploaded the book on

the NET and is available at site address

http://www.ettitudemedia.com Interested Sai devotees may down load

this FREE E-Book and offer their valuable comments.


The eBook contains audio and video clips and is FREE for all.


Saidarbar members would like to convey hearty thanks to Saibandhu

Murali Koneru of Australia who has uploaded Saibanisa's discourses

audio C.Ds in their web site






Things impressed me from this Magazine:


Dust as it was and to dust it returns and the gross body disintegrates

by being burnt or buried. Hence the opportunities available during his

life should be fully utilized to serve God and carry out only pious

duties so that his next birth will be prosperous and peaceful.



Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai " – they

may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster


We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of

Shiridi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the

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Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi



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