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Truth/Sky Questions/ Anna Responses

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Nisargadatta , " anabebe57 " <kailashana wrote:



> > In the deepest sense, in the deepest truth of our being, once

> > we have experienced seeing the falseness of ourselves and lived

> > through the dark night of the soul, we understand what life is.

> >

> > We have become its truth, and with that knowing, we have no choice

> > but to live as though we mattered. How? By touching one another as

> > deeply and as lovingly as possible. With these words from our

> heart.

> >

> > With words that speak of love.

> >

> >

> > Anna

> >

> >





> Mystification, Anna?






> And when you're angry, Anna?


> And when you're feeling malicious, Anna?


> And when you're feeling greed, lust or fear, Anna?


> What do you, Anna, do?


> Just tune out?


> Or express it?



> Too hollow, Anna.



> And if that is love,


> What's the difference


> Between before and after


> this dramatic change


> you speak of?




> " Before enlightenment,


> fetch water, chop wood,


> after enlightenment,


> fetch water, chop wood " ?



> Too hollow, Anna.



> And since you're beyond


> dialog, Anna:



> Love is not beyond dialog.



> Beyond dialog is only




> Mystification.




> And mystification is a form of




> Deception



> (anger, vengeance, alienation)




> I invite you to get real and show


> what love is: not the ego you


> so proudly proclaim.



> For me, love is warm


> not remote,


> gentle,


> not explosive


> and exhibitionistic.




> Dearest Sky,







Dearest Anna,








> I almost missed this post.


> You think I have not offered dialog Sky? Am I not the moon to the

> sun and stars to your sky? You are the clouds reflecting on my

> water.








Very loving, Anna. But I'm somewhat dumbstruck, pleasantly confused:

many is the time I and others have asked you very direct and simple

questions which you have simply ignored or not answered. For example,

" have you considered publishing a book of your poetry? "


I'm not saying that you haven't entered into dialog at all. I'm just

saying that you seem to avoid simple and unaffected dialog. So, as

far as your allusions to the sky and moon, well, as poetic as these

are, I'd call them more imaginary than direct: relatively speaking,

ordinarily speaking.


You might respond that there's no difference, or that one is somehow

more authentic than the other. I'm saying, what's wrong with the

fullness of both? Neglecting the prosaic tends to mystify.

Neglecting the poetic tends to bore.







> I ask you: What do you want from me sky?










I don't want anything from you, Anna, but what I'm very directly

asking you for. No need to mine, search between the lines. I'm being

very straight forward: I'm just commenting on something you wrote

about love and facing the dark night of the soul. And how these

allusions seem to relate to you, from my point of view.












> My marrow? I'm already just about picked clean by the

> buzzards of Hinckley. But whatever is left, I give you.











That seems rather morose. And who is Hinckley? Am I to feel ruthless

and cruel to demand too much from one who has given so much? Please,

don't suffer on my account. For me, this site is just a celebration

of abundance, not merely of death, but the whole specturm, including

the quotidian. Yes death is to be celebrated, too. But please don't

cast me as yet another buzzard.
















> The human emotions are always lurking, almost as if in memory, as if

> chance and circumstance navigate under the peaceful stars and find a

> shore that I break my craft upon; but yes, these old friends of

> mine: anger, frustration, pity, fatigue, frustration, a feeling of

> alienation by wanting more, vengeance, though, you'd have to ask the

> ones who know if they felt I was; so yes, I just invite them in for

> a tea, now that I know they hold no power over me. Strange

> bedfellows all. I don't wallow in the praise and adulation or the

> blame or the shame. I don't wallow, let anger fester to become

> rage, I've never been greedy but you'd have to ask those who know

> me. I've seen fear in myself, but am I fearful when I face it?






I'm just saying that sometimes you seem to post too many comments and

remarks, or affect through neglect, negative sentiments, that just

seem to have a gratuitously spiteful effect. And it doesn't seem, to

me, to demonstrate a commitment to living fully in love. Of course,

one, I, can always appear to be projecting. But that's my personal

impression, for what it's worth.











> There's always self-perception, and what the 'other'such as SKY

> thinks and feels about " Anna " . Sometimes they meet, sometimes the

> paths diverge, at times parallel, and often crash and burn into one

> another.








Yes, and honest, sincere, unaffected dialog can bring a heretofore

unappreciated opportunity for clarity and understanding, as opposed to

mystification and occlusion.














> Where does sky meet the earth but in the horizon...








In a mystical sense, yes. But, as I say, there is also the unadorned,

yet not unwelcome, prosaic and ordinary, the quotidian, yet authentic,

disclosing, open, sincere, sharing. (Sharing, not " giving,

sacrificing, self-immolating, dramatic, intense, overwhelmed and

overwhelming. " )













> Anna




















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Nisargadatta , " skywhilds " <skywords wrote:


> Nisargadatta , " anabebe57 " kailashana@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > > In the deepest sense, in the deepest truth of our being, once

> > > we have experienced seeing the falseness of ourselves and lived

> > > through the dark night of the soul, we understand what life is.

> > >

> > > We have become its truth, and with that knowing, we have no choice

> > > but to live as though we mattered. How? By touching one another as

> > > deeply and as lovingly as possible. With these words from our

> > heart.

> > >

> > > With words that speak of love.

> > >

> > >

> > > Anna

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Mystification, Anna?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > And when you're angry, Anna?

> >

> > And when you're feeling malicious, Anna?

> >

> > And when you're feeling greed, lust or fear, Anna?

> >

> > What do you, Anna, do?

> >

> > Just tune out?

> >

> > Or express it?

> >

> >

> > Too hollow, Anna.

> >

> >

> > And if that is love,

> >

> > What's the difference

> >

> > Between before and after

> >

> > this dramatic change

> >

> > you speak of?

> >

> >

> >

> > " Before enlightenment,

> >

> > fetch water, chop wood,

> >

> > after enlightenment,

> >

> > fetch water, chop wood " ?

> >

> >

> > Too hollow, Anna.

> >

> >

> > And since you're beyond

> >

> > dialog, Anna:

> >

> >

> > Love is not beyond dialog.

> >

> >

> > Beyond dialog is only

> >

> >

> >

> > Mystification.

> >

> >

> >

> > And mystification is a form of

> >

> >

> >

> > Deception

> >

> >

> > (anger, vengeance, alienation)

> >

> >

> >

> > I invite you to get real and show

> >

> > what love is: not the ego you

> >

> > so proudly proclaim.

> >

> >

> > For me, love is warm

> >

> > not remote,

> >

> > gentle,

> >

> > not explosive

> >

> > and exhibitionistic.

> >

> >

> >

> > Dearest Sky,

Dearest Anna,


> > I almost missed this post.

> >

> > You think I have not offered dialog Sky? Am I not the moon to the

> > sun and stars to your sky? You are the clouds reflecting on my

> > water.


Very loving, Anna. But I'm somewhat dumbstruck, pleasantly confused:

> many is the time I and others have asked you very direct and simple

> questions which you have simply ignored or not answered. For example,

> " have you considered publishing a book of your poetry? "




I honestly don't remember that question posed here. I have a small

already with 3 poets " LOVE WHISPERS " and am gathering work together for 2

other books.


I emailed all groups, including Niz when it came out last year.




> I'm not saying that you haven't entered into dialog at all. I'm just

> saying that you seem to avoid simple and unaffected dialog. So, as

> far as your allusions to the sky and moon, well, as poetic as these

> are, I'd call them more imaginary than direct: relatively speaking,

> ordinarily speaking.


Forgive me, but I very simply and unaffected quite often, perhaps you

have missed my posts. And most heart to heart dialogue, waxes on a

poetic exchange, more often than not.




> You might respond that there's no difference, or that one is somehow

> more authentic than the other. I'm saying, what's wrong with the

> fullness of both? Neglecting the prosaic tends to mystify.

> Neglecting the poetic tends to bore.


Sky, I see the profance in the sacred and the sacred in the profane. I

have always spoken in/as/to/of both.












> >

> > I ask you: What do you want from me sky?




I don't want anything from you, Anna, but what I'm very directly

> asking you for. No need to mine, search between the lines. I'm being

> very straight forward: I'm just commenting on something you wrote

> about love and facing the dark night of the soul. And how these

> allusions seem to relate to you, from my point of view.




Am I giving you what you want from me? I also know that one can give

one's heart and soul and still not have be enough, Sky. Surely you have

experienced that.


Love is all there is AND the truth that that is not known in all hearts.

If that were the case, there would be no hate or war. Nothing to prove

and disprove.


And the truth of living life in the year 2006. It is difficult. It is

hard. It is seemingly an endless battle with life, exactly as it is.

Oh, yes. Is yours different? Do you have a family? Do you have to make

a 'living'? Do you have health problems? Do you have 10001 issuses

that arise from being human?


The dark night of the soul comes every time I fall into forgetfulness

that THIS is IS the Way It Is.










> > My marrow? I'm already just about picked clean by the

> > buzzards of Hinckley. But whatever is left, I give you.





That seems rather morose. And who is Hinckley? Am I to feel ruthless

> and cruel to demand too much from one who has given so much? Please,

> don't suffer on my account. For me, this site is just a celebration

> of abundance, not merely of death, but the whole specturm, including

> the quotidian. Yes death is to be celebrated, too. But please don't

> cast me as yet another buzzard.


Hinckley is a city. I suffer on my own account. Thank you very much.

You needn't wear the coat of many colours. We're all buzzards. We pick

on oneanother to get what we either want or don't want. Go figure.

Egalitarian. It has always been so.


Life has been made expendable by living.










> > The human emotions are always lurking, almost as if in memory, as if

> > chance and circumstance navigate under the peaceful stars and find a

> > shore that I break my craft upon; but yes, these old friends of

> > mine: anger, frustration, pity, fatigue, frustration, a feeling of

> > alienation by wanting more, vengeance, though, you'd have to ask the

> > ones who know if they felt I was; so yes, I just invite them in for

> > a tea, now that I know they hold no power over me. Strange

> > bedfellows all. I don't wallow in the praise and adulation or the

> > blame or the shame. I don't wallow, let anger fester to become

> > rage, I've never been greedy but you'd have to ask those who know

> > me. I've seen fear in myself, but am I fearful when I face it?






> I'm just saying that sometimes you seem to post too many comments and

> remarks, or affect through neglect, negative sentiments, that just

> seem to have a gratuitously spiteful effect. And it doesn't seem, to

> me, to demonstrate a commitment to living fully in love. Of course,

> one, I, can always appear to be projecting. But that's my personal

> impression, for what it's worth.




Please offer me evidence of that. And why what I have written gives you

that opinion. My posts are infrequent more often than not.


My committment is to be truthful to myself, and make no mistake Sky, I

have spent a lifetime to find and be my own truth. If it doesn't

resonate with you, and we can't be Lovers, at least let us be friends

and kind to one another. This is what I can offer. (I think you know

from whence I speak.)


The first poem I wrote Sky...



A Taste Of Ashes Forgive me My Life, For not understanding you soon

enough-- not looking to you and you alone as my Savior Unnamed Tombs

have spoken this Truth This emptiness of Existence that exists not There

And for this I have given my Life-- This Part I have not Lived... In

dreams of Dreams In memories of Memories in words of Words I thought

were Mine... Yet Love still speaks to me of You-- --this wretched

Ache--Longing to be Touched To hold even gentler still as My Prayer-- In

bowing Gratitude for You as you Know Me.. Now Here, Now Passing A

Shadow of Self, Selfless Long Last This Ecstasy An Astonishment A

Fragility in Balance --Before-- A Taste of Ashes on This Sorrowful









> > There's always self-perception, and what the 'other'such as SKY

> > thinks and feels about " Anna " . Sometimes they meet, sometimes the

> > paths diverge, at times parallel, and often crash and burn into one

> > another.







> Yes, and honest, sincere, unaffected dialog can bring a heretofore

> unappreciated opportunity for clarity and understanding, as opposed to

> mystification and occlusion.


In the end Sky, it's all about interpretations. Yours and mine.
















> > Where does sky meet the earth but in the horizon...


In a mystical sense, yes. But, as I say, there is also the unadorned,

> yet not unwelcome, prosaic and ordinary, the quotidian, yet authentic,

> disclosing, open, sincere, sharing. (Sharing, not " giving,

> sacrificing, self-immolating, dramatic, intense, overwhelmed and

> overwhelming. " )




In the moment I write, and you read my words or you write and I read

your words, we have met. We can not 'see' one another, we can not

'touch' one another, we can not 'fragrance' once another, we not 'hear'

one another, but we can sense through our words how we feel.


In the end, it's all about how we feel, if we have closed our hearts or

if we have an open mind and open heart.


Love is the door to feelings that goes beyone self to the self-less

where we meet each other in recognition. Yes?













> > Anna

> >



















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> > Very loving, Anna. But I'm somewhat dumbstruck, pleasantly confused:

> > many is the time I and others have asked you very direct and simple

> > questions which you have simply ignored or not answered. For example,

> > " have you considered publishing a book of your poetry? "




> I honestly don't remember that question posed here. I have a small

> already with 3 poets " LOVE WHISPERS " and am gathering work together for 2

> other books.


> I emailed all groups, including Niz when it came out last year.










Well, Anna, I must say, you've acquitted yourself completely, from my

point of view, through these dialogs. But I remember inviting you

several times to enter into dialog, and you didn't. I may have asked

you once or twice and I know someone else did, maybe it was Noel, if

you'd published. But, as I say, you're absolved, from my point of view.











> >

> > I'm not saying that you haven't entered into dialog at all. I'm just

> > saying that you seem to avoid simple and unaffected dialog. So, as

> > far as your allusions to the sky and moon, well, as poetic as these

> > are, I'd call them more imaginary than direct: relatively speaking,

> > ordinarily speaking.


> Forgive me, but I very simply and unaffected quite often, perhaps you

> have missed my posts. And most heart to heart dialogue, waxes on a

> poetic exchange, more often than not.



> >

> > You might respond that there's no difference, or that one is somehow

> > more authentic than the other. I'm saying, what's wrong with the

> > fullness of both? Neglecting the prosaic tends to mystify.

> > Neglecting the poetic tends to bore.


> Sky, I see the profane in the sacred and the sacred in the profane. I

> have always spoken in/as/to/of both.


> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > I ask you: What do you want from me sky?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > I don't want anything from you, Anna, but what I'm very directly

> > asking you for. No need to mine, search between the lines. I'm being

> > very straight forward: I'm just commenting on something you wrote

> > about love and facing the dark night of the soul. And how these

> > allusions seem to relate to you, from my point of view.




> Am I giving you what you want from me? I also know that one can give

> one's heart and soul and still not have be enough, Sky. Surely you have

> experienced that.










Well, I guess that if I want anything from anyone, including you,

Anna, it is to be heard. I just wrote, " I don't want anything from

you, Anna, " and yet you just wrote, " Am I giving you what you want

from me? " And I most certainly am not asking you to give me your

heart and soul! This is very interesting, Anna. Seems that there is

an addiction to intensity, here. So, if I want anything from you,

it's for you to merely ask your own self, " am I addicted to

intensity? " And if you do, indeed, come up with an answer, you might

want to let me know. Or you might not. But please, stop with this

exaggerating vis a vis me, if you want to do anything " for me " at all.


Still, I very much appreciate that you seem to have gone out of your

way to answer my questions. Thank you.













> Love is all there is AND the truth that that is not known in all hearts.

> If that were the case, there would be no hate or war. Nothing to prove

> and disprove.















I wouldn't go that far, myself. I think war is about, ultimately,

food. We're fighting for oil, right now, because oil is our lifeline

to food, believe it or not. No oil, no fertilizer, not to mention a

whole spectrum of oil/food related requisites, such as the gas needed

to transport food, which takes more energy than the farming of the

food itself. I know there are alternatives to oil. But just talking

about what IS, right now, not what could be.













> And the truth of living life in the year 2006. It is difficult. It is

> hard. It is seemingly an endless battle with life, exactly as it is.

> Oh, yes. Is yours different? Do you have a family? Do you have to make

> a 'living'? Do you have health problems? Do you have 10001 missuses

> that arise from being human?







No. Honestly, my life is about is easy and care free as it gets. I

must say, that since I've begun to kick my addiction to hatred, I've

become quite unencumbered. My heart ache has disappeared:

incredibly. (It only returns when I find myself indulging in some

form or another of loathing. But it stops, more or less immediately,

when I stop the loathing. But it IS surgical. I really have to be

quite sensitive to recognize just what is loathing and what is not.

Very fascinating!)















> The dark night of the soul comes every time I fall into forgetfulness

> that THIS is IS the Way It Is.




































> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > My marrow? I'm already just about picked clean by the

> > > buzzards of Hinckley. But whatever is left, I give you.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > That seems rather morose. And who is Hinckley? Am I to feel ruthless

> > and cruel to demand too much from one who has given so much? Please,

> > don't suffer on my account. For me, this site is just a celebration

> > of abundance, not merely of death, but the whole spectrum, including

> > the quotidian. Yes death is to be celebrated, too. But please don't

> > cast me as yet another buzzard.


> Hinckley is a city. I suffer on my own account. Thank you very much.

> You needn't wear the coat of many colours. We're all buzzards. We pick

> on one another to get what we either want or don't want. Go figure.

> Egalitarian. It has always been so.


> Life has been made expendable by living.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



















> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > The human emotions are always lurking, almost as if in memory, as if

> > > chance and circumstance navigate under the peaceful stars and find a

> > > shore that I break my craft upon; but yes, these old friends of

> > > mine: anger, frustration, pity, fatigue, frustration, a feeling of

> > > alienation by wanting more, vengeance, though, you'd have to ask the

> > > ones who know if they felt I was; so yes, I just invite them in for

> > > a tea, now that I know they hold no power over me. Strange

> > > bedfellows all. I don't wallow in the praise and adulation or the

> > > blame or the shame. I don't wallow, let anger fester to become

> > > rage, I've never been greedy but you'd have to ask those who know

> > > me. I've seen fear in myself, but am I fearful when I face it?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > I'm just saying that sometimes you seem to post too many comments and

> > remarks, or affect through neglect, negative sentiments, that just

> > seem to have a gratuitously spiteful effect. And it doesn't seem, to

> > me, to demonstrate a commitment to living fully in love. Of course,

> > one, I, can always appear to be projecting. But that's my personal

> > impression, for what it's worth.




> Please offer me evidence of that. And why what I have written gives you

> that opinion. My posts are infrequent more often than not.










When someone suggested that I was a fool at your feet, you responded

with a smiley face.
















> My commitment is to be truthful to myself, and make no mistake Sky, I

> have spent a lifetime to find and be my own truth. If it doesn't

> resonate with you, and we can't be Lovers, at least let us be friends

> and kind to one another. This is what I can offer. (I think you know

> from whence I speak.)













Sounds great! But for us to be lovers, Anna, I'm just not ready for

such hyperbole. Now, I'm asking you, why be so shocking, if not as an

addiction to intensity? Isn't that what poetry is, to a great extent?













> The first poem I wrote Sky...



> A Taste Of Ashes Forgive me My Life, For not understanding you soon

> enough-- not looking to you and you alone as my Savior Unnamed Tombs

> have spoken this Truth This emptiness of Existence that exists not There

> And for this I have given my Life-- This Part I have not Lived... In

> dreams of Dreams In memories of Memories in words of Words I thought

> were Mine... Yet Love still speaks to me of You-- --this wretched

> Ache--Longing to be Touched To hold even gentler still as My Prayer-- In

> bowing Gratitude for You as you Know Me.. Now Here, Now Passing A

> Shadow of Self, Selfless Long Last This Ecstasy An Astonishment A

> Fragility in Balance --Before-- A Taste of Ashes on This Sorrowful

> Tongue




> >

> >

> >













Beautiful. Really. Nevertheless, also, no need for " this wretched

Ache, " it now seems to me, with abstinence from loathing.


















> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > There's always self-perception, and what the 'other'such as SKY

> > > thinks and feels about " Anna " . Sometimes they meet, sometimes the

> > > paths diverge, at times parallel, and often crash and burn into one

> > > another.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> > Yes, and honest, sincere, unaffected dialog can bring a heretofore

> > unappreciated opportunity for clarity and understanding, as opposed to

> > mystification and occlusion.


> In the end Sky, it's all about interpretations. Yours and mine.




> >

















In the end, there is not end.

















> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > Where does sky meet the earth but in the horizon...

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > In a mystical sense, yes. But, as I say, there is also the unadorned,

> > yet not unwelcome, prosaic and ordinary, the quotidian, yet authentic,

> > disclosing, open, sincere, sharing. (Sharing, not " giving,

> > sacrificing, self-immolating, dramatic, intense, overwhelmed and

> > overwhelming. " )




> In the moment I write, and you read my words or you write and I read

> your words, we have met. We can not 'see' one another, we can not

> 'touch' one another, we can not 'fragrance' once another, we not 'hear'

> one another, but we can sense through our words how we feel.



























> In the end, it's all about how we feel, if we have closed our hearts or

> if we have an open mind and open heart.


























> Love is the door to feelings that goes beyond self to the self-less

> where we meet each other in recognition. Yes?










no problem!























> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > Anna

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Sky

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<Snipped some dialogue>


> > > I'm not saying that you haven't entered into dialog at all.

I'm just

> > > saying that you seem to avoid simple and unaffected dialog.

So, as

> > > far as your allusions to the sky and moon, well, as poetic as


> > > are, I'd call them more imaginary than direct: relatively


> > > ordinarily speaking.

> >

> > Forgive me, but I very simply and unaffected quite often,

perhaps you

> > have missed my posts. And most heart to heart dialogue, waxes

on a

> > poetic exchange, more often than not.

> >

> >

> > >

> > > You might respond that there's no difference, or that one is


> > > more authentic than the other. I'm saying, what's wrong with


> > > fullness of both? Neglecting the prosaic tends to mystify.

> > > Neglecting the poetic tends to bore.

> >

> > Sky, I see the profane in the sacred and the sacred in the

profane. I

> > have always spoken in/as/to/of both.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > > I ask you: What do you want from me sky?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I don't want anything from you, Anna, but what I'm very


> > > asking you for. No need to mine, search between the lines. I'm


> > > very straight forward: I'm just commenting on something you


> > > about love and facing the dark night of the soul. And how these

> > > allusions seem to relate to you, from my point of view.

> >

> >

> >

> > Am I giving you what you want from me? I also know that one can


> > one's heart and soul and still not have be enough, Sky. Surely

you have

> > experienced that.




Well, I guess that if I want anything from anyone, including you,

> Anna, it is to be heard. I just wrote, " I don't want anything from

> you, Anna, " and yet you just wrote, " Am I giving you what you want

> from me? " And I most certainly am not asking you to give me your

> heart and soul! This is very interesting, Anna. Seems that there


> an addiction to intensity, here. So, if I want anything from you,

> it's for you to merely ask your own self, " am I addicted to

> intensity? " And if you do, indeed, come up with an answer, you


> want to let me know. Or you might not. But please, stop with this

> exaggerating vis a vis me, if you want to do anything " for me " at



> Still, I very much appreciate that you seem to have gone out of


> way to answer my questions. Thank you.




Dialogue my dear Sky, at this level IS INTENSITY. It begs clarity

and resonance.






> > Love is all there is AND the truth that that is not known in all


> > If that were the case, there would be no hate or war. Nothing

to prove

> > and disprove.









I wouldn't go that far, myself. I think war is about, ultimately,

> food. We're fighting for oil, right now, because oil is our


> to food, believe it or not. No oil, no fertilizer, not to mention


> whole spectrum of oil/food related requisites, such as the gas


> to transport food, which takes more energy than the farming of the

> food itself. I know there are alternatives to oil. But just


> about what IS, right now, not what could be.



It is dinnertime in hell, and attached to the inhabitant is a long

ladle, everytime they try to sip the soup, not a drop remains in the



It is dinnertime in heaven each inhabitant feeds one another.


Something like that as the story goes.







> > And the truth of living life in the year 2006. It is

difficult. It is

> > hard. It is seemingly an endless battle with life, exactly as

it is.

> > Oh, yes. Is yours different? Do you have a family? Do you have

to make

> > a 'living'? Do you have health problems? Do you have 10001


> > that arise from being human?

No. Honestly, my life is about is easy and care free as it gets.


> must say, that since I've begun to kick my addiction to hatred,


> become quite unencumbered. My heart ache has disappeared:

> incredibly. (It only returns when I find myself indulging in some

> form or another of loathing. But it stops, more or less


> when I stop the loathing. But it IS surgical. I really have to be

> quite sensitive to recognize just what is loathing and what is


> Very fascinating!)



Fear and loathing are joined at the hip. However, distinguishing

the parameters of being human and what a human can tolerate is in my

honest imagination, a worthy effort. I cannot see human beings

dying in every way shape and form just to preserve the status quo.


As long as my life is of ease and carefree, well that's enough. Is

that compassion? If I know you well enough Sky, your sensitivity

would presume that when one experiences joy and bliss, by it's very

definition of its nature, we want to share it. Hence dialogues and











> > The dark night of the soul comes every time I fall into


> > that THIS is IS the Way It Is.

> >

> >

> >

> >




















> >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > > My marrow? I'm already just about picked clean by the

> > > > buzzards of Hinckley. But whatever is left, I give you.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > That seems rather morose. And who is Hinckley? Am I to feel


> > > and cruel to demand too much from one who has given so much?


> > > don't suffer on my account. For me, this site is just a


> > > of abundance, not merely of death, but the whole spectrum,


> > > the quotidian. Yes death is to be celebrated, too. But please


> > > cast me as yet another buzzard.

> >

> > Hinckley is a city. I suffer on my own account. Thank you very


> > You needn't wear the coat of many colours. We're all buzzards.

We pick

> > on one another to get what we either want or don't want. Go


> > Egalitarian. It has always been so.

> >

> > Life has been made expendable by living.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >






Indeed!!!! ;-)





> >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > > The human emotions are always lurking, almost as if in

memory, as if

> > > > chance and circumstance navigate under the peaceful stars

and find a

> > > > shore that I break my craft upon; but yes, these old friends


> > > > mine: anger, frustration, pity, fatigue, frustration, a

feeling of

> > > > alienation by wanting more, vengeance, though, you'd have to

ask the

> > > > ones who know if they felt I was; so yes, I just invite them

in for

> > > > a tea, now that I know they hold no power over me. Strange

> > > > bedfellows all. I don't wallow in the praise and adulation

or the

> > > > blame or the shame. I don't wallow, let anger fester to


> > > > rage, I've never been greedy but you'd have to ask those who


> > > > me. I've seen fear in myself, but am I fearful when I face


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I'm just saying that sometimes you seem to post too many

comments and

> > > remarks, or affect through neglect, negative sentiments, that


> > > seem to have a gratuitously spiteful effect. And it doesn't

seem, to

> > > me, to demonstrate a commitment to living fully in love. Of


> > > one, I, can always appear to be projecting. But that's my


> > > impression, for what it's worth.

> >

> >

> >

> > Please offer me evidence of that. And why what I have written

gives you

> > that opinion. My posts are infrequent more often than not.




When someone suggested that I was a fool at your feet, you


> with a smiley face.




I apologize, I don't think I interpreted it in that manner. And

like poetry, I forget poems I have written until someone else

reminds me. It flows through, and I'm on the next page.


It's like that.


No one is a fool at anyone's fee, especially mine;-)












> > My commitment is to be truthful to myself, and make no mistake

Sky, I

> > have spent a lifetime to find and be my own truth. If it


> > resonate with you, and we can't be Lovers, at least let us be


> > and kind to one another. This is what I can offer. (I think

you know

> > from whence I speak.)







Sounds great! But for us to be lovers, Anna, I'm just not ready


> such hyperbole. Now, I'm asking you, why be so shocking, if not

as an

> addiction to intensity? Isn't that what poetry is, to a great




Call it whatever you want, addiction to intensity? I call it Anna's

life. We can't all be perfect. hahahaha









> > The first poem I wrote Sky...

> >

> >

> > A Taste Of Ashes Forgive me My Life, For not understanding

you soon

> > enough-- not looking to you and you alone as my Savior Unnamed


> > have spoken this Truth This emptiness of Existence that exists

not There

> > And for this I have given my Life-- This Part I have not

Lived... In

> > dreams of Dreams In memories of Memories in words of Words I


> > were Mine... Yet Love still speaks to me of You-- --this


> > Ache--Longing to be Touched To hold even gentler still as My

Prayer-- In

> > bowing Gratitude for You as you Know Me.. Now Here, Now

Passing A

> > Shadow of Self, Selfless Long Last This Ecstasy An

Astonishment A

> > Fragility in Balance --Before-- A Taste of Ashes on This


> > Tongue

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > >

> > >







Beautiful. Really. Nevertheless, also, no need for " this wretched

> Ache, " it now seems to me, with abstinence from loathing.




Beloved Sky do you still think it's a case of fear and loathing? I

offer this for your consideration, it is my second poem:



A Simple Task



I who had learned to walk by touching the earth.

Knew not one thing until


My ever-cleansing Earth touched

This magnificent frailty,


Graced in the Freedom of gifts


I who was given my breath and breathed--


Only the Divine Breathes


I who was given my eyes to see

was blind


That Blindness may See


I who held Life in small distances

Loved Not

Until All Distances disappeared

as this small sad little life I held in jealous grasp



--A pulsating Star farther--reaching


In Silence.


Yes it was I who suffered--

In absolute despair,


In horror thrust upon my Innocence


And my own Calling is not enough--

All of You are enjoined


In my fervent plea of living

This Solitary Life.


I have Love to give,


This simple task.











Nothing else I can say Sky,

Do we understand one another?


Does the sky fit the earth once again?











<<<having snipped the above and the below


only the middle remains:>>>

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