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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 19-2006 from Saidarbar.

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Fourth Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 19 / 2006

14- 09 -2006



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Compiled by:

Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.




Devotional discipline serves the purpose of a safety valve found in

the modern gadgets, for the modern man who is constantly battered by

tension and stress. When he resorts to various spiritual exercises

such as meditation (Dyana), chanting (Namasmarana) and worship

(Pooja), the pressure that builds up from within finds an escape route.


By utilizing a few minutes in his daily routine for these practices,

he is sure to derive peace within. No financial expenditure is

involved and he need not seek costly medical aid. Of course, the

person concerned should have faith in the sacred values which have

been inherited by all of us.


Sages have handed over them with the hope that they would be cherished

and preserved. The wise have prescribed them only for posterity's

benefit. They had no self-interest and no axe to grind. If these

traditions are upheld by us, good will surely accrue.

Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

To be continued…




September 9, 1918: Dasa Ganu wrote " Sri Sai Sthvana Manjari " at

Maheswaram on the banks of the river Narmada.


September 28, 1918: Nathpanth Saint Rama Maruthi of Kalyan passed away.


September 29, 1952: " Kalash " of gold was fixed on the spire of Samadhi





These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SaiBaNiSa Ji

From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that

this feature will 1help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled

from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.


Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.




What is Sai Thathva and how to put it into practice? Baba- please

help me to know. I was shown with a visual-


Sai appeared in the form a villager. He was walking down, singing

rhymes on Sai Thathva effortlessly. I stopped and asked him as to how

he remembers them so well. He replied- " It is not great to memorize

them, but it is essential to put them into practice in every walk of

life, on daily basis while recalling them. The water you drink must be

from the same source and preferably carry your own, wherever you go.

That will help in speeding up the process of your quest for seeking

spiritual goals " . Obviously for me the one source is Sai Satcharita



Sai Thathva is simple to follow and layman centric.




I had been to Meerpet Sai temple and offered Rs. 101/- to Sainath. I

looked towards HIM for blessings before retiring to bed. He appeared

in the form of one of our labor leader and grabbed my handbag

containing the diary of my experiences with SAI. I requested him to

return the book, but he insisted on payment of Rs. 100/-. I was not

able to understand as to why Sai is demanding another hundred rupees

in spite of my having given Rs. 101/- yesterday only. Later I recalled

that on 30-08-1994; SAI appeared in the dream as a traffic police and

asked for Rs. 200/- to return my white helmet, which was misplaced.

However I acted like a miser and offered only Rs. 101/- in the temple.

So, I concluded that SAI is wanted me to part with the amount as

demanded. Again I went to Meerpet Sai temple and offered the balance

of Rs. 100/-.



Sai unfailingly collects the offerings (dakshina) due to him.





I received a letter from Saibandhu Sri. Aluri Gopala Rao. I looked

towards SAI's advice for sending a suitable reply to the letter. As

usual I prayed to him. Sai appeared in the form of an unknown person

standing in front of orphanages instead of the usual temples. He said

" I shall feel elated when orphans are sheltered and served in those

temples built for me as, I would feel that my Lord has given me an

opportunity to serve His children " .


I decided to write the same words of Sai to Sri. Aluri Gopala Rao.


Service to the poor and under-privileged was of most liking to Sai.



To be continued…..



(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

" Shashi " : shashi_31


24. Elucidation of Real Nature (Prakruti)


Sri-Mata Amritanandamayi Devi says: " Religion helps in establishing

and maintaining harmony among human beings, between an individual and

society and between him and Nature. Our ancestors foresaw that man,

due to his selfishness, may forget Nature and that the future

generation would suffer due to their dissociation from her. Hence they

linked each religious rite with Nature and thereby succeeded in

developing an emotional bond between them. The ancients worshipped

trees and plants. Thus religion teaches man to love the entire creation. "


She also says: " A house-holder should perform five duties

daily. Among them is to serve all human beings, through the care

extended to animals and plants. In the past, family members never ate

before feeding their domestic animals and birds and watering plants

and trees, thereby pleasing Nature, in gratitude, for her kind gifts.

Through these rituals and different types of sacrifices, human beings

learnt to live in harmony with the Society and Nature. Those who

declare that religion is merely a collection of blind beliefs may not

spare even a moment to try to understand the scientific principles

behind spiritual practices. The ancients worshipped the cow and the

earth. The wall of separation between human beings and Nature has been

created mainly by the selfish attitude of the former. They think that

Nature's bounty is only for exploitation by them to meet their selfish

ends. In reality, Nature is but God's visible form which we can behold

and experience through our senses. Prayers will restore our harmony

with her, which creates the circumstances through which an individual

soul can reach the Supreme Being. "


To be continued…..







News From Abrod


IRVINE, CALIFORNIA, September 11, 2006: Thousands of Hindus gathered

Sunday at UC Irvine during a rare Kumbha Mela religious festival to

help bring spiritual peace to devotees and to the world on the eve of

Sept. 11. " We hope today's celebration, held on the day before 9/11,

can bring positive energy and peace to the Earth, " said Rama Kumar of

Orange, one of the organizers. In India, the festival is held at

irregular intervals four times within each 12-year period and draws

millions of devotees. More than 18 Southern California organizations

took part in the festival, which featured a quarter-mile procession

with an estimated 4,000 chanting marchers who carried pictures and

images of deities and spiritual leaders from various temples.



Sanatana Dharma for Kids: One God, many gods


Sanatana Dharma is under siege in our great Bharat today. One way we

can deal with the situation is to unite and create awareness and

knowledge, especially among the Hindu kids and youth throughout the

world, about our religious and cultural values. For, the future of our

nation lies in their hands. -- Saidevo


The family was at the dining table. Mummy, and the twins Arvind and

Padma, were happy that daddy was back home early for dinner. When

everybody was seated, mummy served the first course of dinner--roti,

dal and onion raita--and took a seat near Arvind. Padma sat near her

daddy, who seemed very relaxed that evening.


" Daddy " , began the kids together, " can we ask you something? "


" Shoot it " , said daddy.


" We're really confused, daddy " , began Padma. " Our class teacher said

today that we Hindus have really only one God named Brahman and not

many Gods as we think. "


" Before the teacher could explain it " , Arvind added, " the bell rang

and the class was over. "


" Daddy " , said Padma, " is it true that we have only one God? "


" No, we have several in the Puja room! " , pleaded Arvind. Counting on

his fingers, he continued, " Ganesha, Shiva, Vishnu, Muruga, Rama,

Krishna, Durga, Lakshmi, Sarasvati and many more! "


" And Ganesha is our favourite God! " said Padma.


" I don't know who is Brahman. " said Arvind. " I have not seen him. How

does he look like, dad? "


" I am not giving up Ganesha for Brahman " , said Padma sternly.


" Or any other God for that matter " , said Arvind.


" Don't worry, I will explain to you. " said daddy. " What did your mummy

say to your question? "


" Well I said, just like we are a family of four people, the one God is

a family of many gods. "


" We will put it this way. Padma, who are you? "


" I am a girl, daddy. "


" Who are you to me? "


" I am your daughter. "


" So, Padma has two forms, a girl and a daughter. She is a girl

basically, but to me and mummy, she is a daughter. "


" Same way, I am a boy and a son " , observed Arvind.


" You understand? Now, Padma, do you have any more forms? "


Padma was quick to grasp the idea. Nodding her head, she said, " Yes

daddy, many more! I am a sister to Arvind, a student in the class, a

friend of Valarmathi, a granddaughter to my four grandparents... "


" Are you the same or different in each form? "


" The same, of course! "


" No she is different " , corrected Arvind. " She goes to school smartly

dressed; she is often naughty to me, a helping daughter at home and,

always the pet granddaughter! "


" You both are right. Padma looks different in each form or role, but

she is the same girl in all of them. In the same way Arvind, you are

what Padma is in each of your roles, but only your form is different. "


" I understand that dad, " said Arvind. " But Padma and I are different,

aren't we? She is a girl and I am a boy. "


" Yes and no. You are a boy and she is a girl alright, but both of you,

and me and mummy too, are humans. Therefore, all of us are human forms. "


" But dad " , said Arvinid, " Is God a human too? Because every God we

have is in the human form. "


" Except our Ganesha " , said Padma. " He is special. He is a human with

an animal head. "


" Yes, God takes a human form when He wants to take a form. Because a

human is the best of all the forms that God has made in this world. "


" But aren't these forms different, dad? " said Arvind, " Just as you and

mummy and Padma and I are different? "


" Yes Arvind. The God forms are different, but the God in them is the

same One God, whom we call Brahman. "


" But daddy " , asked Padma, " why do we worship God in many human forms

when He is Brahman, the only one? "


" This world of ours is a colorful world. We have different types of

humans here. Some want wealth, some want health, some knowledge, and

some, nothing except what God would give them. Since God creates,

gives and controls everything in this world, He appears as Lakshmi to

those who want wealth, as Ganesha to those who want health, as

Sarasvati to those who want knowledge, and so on; generally, as any

personal God according to human nature. "


" We have many Gods in our Puja room " , said Arvind. " Does this mean

that we want everything dad? "


Daddy laughed. " You are right in a way. For you and Padma, Ganesha is

your favourite God. In the same way, everyone has a personal God, an

Ishta Devata. But since we all love everyone of our God forms, we

worship them in many forms. "


" If Lakshmi gives wealth and Sarasvati knowledge, what do Shiva and

Vishnu give daddy? " said Padma.


" That will be a long discussion. We can have it some other day. For

now, you understand two things: firstly, God is only one, called

Brahman, but is worshipped by us Hindus in many forms. And secondly,

though we worship God in many forms, we know that God is only one. "


" Yes, we now understand Daddy " , said the children in chorus. Arvind

continued, " Dad, if God appears in human form, then we are God, too? "


" Yes we are, basically, but most of us don't realize it. That is why

we think of ourselves as separate human beings. "


" If God is human, then daddy is my favourite human God! " said Padma.


" And mummy is my favorite human God! " , said Arvind.


" Don't forget your teacher and the guest " , said mummy, who was

listening to the whole chat with interest.


" Yes mom " , said the children together. " We now understand what you

often tell us. Matru Devo Bhava; Pitru Devo Bhava; Acharya Devo Bhava;

Athithi Devo Bhava. " .




Aurangabad Grushneshwar Jyotirlinga


Then a bubble emerged from the earth with water (Kashikhand).


Parvati kept that glorious light in stone Linga and installed it

there. This Purna (complete) JyotirLinga is called Kunkumeshwar. But

since Dakshayani created this Linga with the function of her thumb.

She gave it the name of Grishneshwara (Grishna means friction).


On the southern mountain called Deva Parvata, a great scholar Brahmin

Sudhama of Bharadwaja gotra, used to live with his beautiful, devout

wife called Sudeha. They had no children. They were very unhappy

because of this. They were harassed and tortured by the sly remarks of

their neighbours. But Sudhama, an intelligent person, did not care

about these. One day, Sudeha threatened to commit suicide and sister

Dushma, married her husband. Both of them promised that there would be

no jealousy between them.


After sometime, Dushma gave birth to a son. And eventually even that

son married. Both Sudhama and Dushma, were nice to Sudeha. But

jealousy did get the better of Sudeha. Once she picked up Dushma's son

who was sleeping by her side and killed him. She threw the body into

the lake near by.


In the morning there was a big hue and cry. Dushma's grief knew no

bounds. Even then, she went to the river to do her routine worship.

She made her usual hundred Lingas and began worship she saw her son

standing near the lake. Shiva was pleased with her worship and

revealed the truth about Sudhas forgiveness of Sudha's sin. She indeed

requested Shiva to remain there itself for the welfare of the humanity.


Shiva acceded to her request and remained there with the name of


History of the Grishneshvar Temple


The very devout Shiva devotee, Bhosale (The Patel or chief of Verul)

once found a treasure hidden in the snake pit (ant hill) by the grace

of Lord Grishneshwar. He spent that money to renovate the temple and

built a lake in Shikharshinganapur.


Later on, Goutamibal (Bayajabai) and Ahilyadevi Holkar renovated the

Grishneshwar temple. This 240ft x 185 ft temple is still there strong

and beautiful as ever. Halfway up the temple, Dashavataras are carved

in red stone. These are beautiful to look at. There are also other

beautiful statutes carved out. A court hall is built on 24 pillars. On

these pillars there are wonderful carvings. The scenes and paintings

are beautiful. The Garbhagriha measures 17ft x 17 ft. The Lingamurty

faces eastward. There is a gorgeous Nandikeshwara in the court hall.


The JyotirLinga stories is complete





8/31/2006 08:42:33 -0600


Om Sai Ram! Lord Sai ram has helped me and my husband in innumerable

ways. It was some nine years back when I first experienced his

miracle. I had lost my admission ticket of the common entrance exam.

When I prayed to him he made me obtain that within minutes. Recent one

is of my marriage. My uncle n aunt wanted me to get married to his

relative who is a businessman. They made us talk to each other over

the phone. When we started to like each other the shocking news came

up that our horoscopes don't match. Everybody who supported us in the

beginning opposed us saying that this marriage would not work out

since my qualification is higher than his. We both are the devotees of

Baba. All our relatives including my parents were against the wedding

..but Baba made my parents agree for the wedding and now we are married

because of his blessings. I know he will never let us down. His

miracles are beyond our understanding. He is great and very caring and

loving. He makes us feel his presence always.




Thursday, September 22, 2005 1:24 PM


Baba Manifestation and Reinforcing of Faith


This is a surprising coincidence of the prasad offering to Baba.

I had offered Peda to Shirdi Saibaba in Long Islands, New York when I

had been with my family on the occassion of my eldest daughter

birthday who is now in Banglore on Aug 11, 2005. .

We had gone to visit Baba temple from Toronto, Canada to New York on

the cordial invitation of Ardent Devotee and world famous cancer

Surgeon Dr.Noori Dattareya, who established Baba temple in New York of

his hard earned self funds.

Secondly, we offered Baba Moti Boondi Ladoo on Krishna Janma Astimi on

Aug.26, 2005 at my place in Toronto, Canada.

Is it a Blessing of Baba manifestation to Veena Didi at her place in

New Delhi, India or a mystery miracle of Baba once again on the Photo

Frame of my offerings at her place?

Baba had manifested Udi when Veena Didi had come to bless my new home

in Toronto, Canada on the lap, hands and foot of His idol which was

surprisingly presented to my daughter on the eve of our new home from

Shirdi by her friend

May Baba always Protect and shower His Blessings on His Devotees.

Ravinder Thota





Fri, 8 Sep 2006 21:04:52 -0700 (PDT)


Inactivity, according to this Upanishad, would be the canker of the

soul. " Sai Ram. An idle mind is the devil's workshop, goes the adage.

And the devil will do his work if we don't do our work! Negativity is

bound to enter the empty chambers of the mind, unless the positive

pressure of good acts (acts prescribed by the Shastras) and a sense of

surrender to the will of the God is present. Only when one reaches the

state of nomind that one is freed from the pulls and pressures of

desires. Sai Ram.


" It is only when a man spends his life-time on doing actions in this

manner that he can hope to attain the ideal of Naishkarmya. " Sai Ram.

Please mark the word 'hope' and all men don't achieve the goal or

ideal of Naishkarmya in this life span. Then they have to go through

the cycle of births and deaths once more, as explained in Chapter 8

and hope to get a human birth some time in the future, when hopefully,

they will succeed. In one of the chapters of Satcharitra, Sainath

tells one of His devotees that all who come to Him don't get the full

benefit of His association. See the last page of Chapter 25. Sai Ram.


" Finally, the text goes on to say that a man, who sees all beings in

the Self and sees the Self as existing in all beings; in fact, for

whom all beings and everything that exists have become the Self - how

can such a man suffer infatuation? What ground would such a man have

for grief? Loathfulness, infatuation and grief verily proceed from our

not being able to see the Atman in all things. But a man, who realizes

the oneness of all things, for whom everything has become the Self,

must ipso facto, cease to be affected by the common foibles of

humanity. (Page 169-170 of The Creative Period by Messrs. Belvalkar

and Ranade). " Sai Ram. This is the state of the nomind, that of

Sthitha Prajna, who is unaffected by what he sees, what he hears, what

he eats, what he smells or what he touches etc. In fact, such a man

(if we can call that Atman a man), is the Jeevan Mukta, the Liberated

while still living in the body. Sri Krishna, King Janaka, Gautama the

Buddha, Sai Maharaj and Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi come to my mind in

this regard. And at the end of the day, when all efforts are made, it

is the Divine Grace that actually liberates a man from the shackles of

desire! Let us all pray to our beloved Sainath Maharaj to bless us

with the state of Naishkarmya. Sai Ram.


We have come to the end of this wonderful chapter which continued the

teachings of Sai with respect to Brahma Jnan, the science that

liberates the soul from its self-created shackles of ego. Sai Ram. We

will take up the 21st chapter in the next issue. Sai Ram.



Author, Editor, Proof-Reader and Book Reviewer





Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.


Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. For the last two

years I have told you about Lord Krishna's Leelas and Lord Rama Story.

Now I want to tell the stories what heard in my child hood.




Once upon a time a partridge built its nest under a big peepal tree

in a jungle. Many small and big creatures lived around that tree. The

partridge was on good terms with all of them.


One day the partridge went out far in search of food. After covering a

long distance, he reached a cornfield. The corn was ready for

harvesting. Now, the corn is a favorite food of the partridges. So he

stayed there and kept on feasting on the delicious corn. He made

friends with many other birds, which also enjoyed the corn in the

field. This went on for many days.


Here, under the peepal tree, a rabbit chanced to come. He saw the

unoccupied nest of the partridge and decided to start living there.

When the partridge finally returned to his nest, he found it occupied

by the rabbit. So he asked the rabbit to leave it and to somewhere

else, as the nest originally belonged to him.


The rabbit refused to leave. He insisted that now it belonged to him.

It might have been the rabbit's once but he had found it empty and

started living there. So he was the rightful owner. Their quarrel

grew. The partridge sought the help of his other neighbors. They came

for help but were not able to decide who the rightful owner should be.

So they suggested to them both that they should go to a competent

judge to decide their case. This appealed to both of them. They

started out in search of a competent judge. After wandering for a long

time they finally reached a Ganga - bank. Beside the river, some

distance away, they saw a tom-cat sitting quietly. They both got

frightened and decided to go somewhere else.


The tom-cat, however, was very cunning. He had seen the rabbit and

the partridge in the distance. In order to all their fears he

pretended to close his eyes and started chanting the 'Ram-nam' with

the help of Rudrakshamala. The two seekers of justice were astonished.

They had never seen a pious tom- cat who actually worshiped God. They

were impressed. They talked between themselves and decided to approach

him to solve their dispute. But both of them were still not fully

assured of the goodness of the judge. So they kept standing some

distance away. The tom-cat finally finished his act of 'puja' opened

his eyes and turned towards them enquiringly.


The partridge said, " Sir, the rabbit and I have a dispute. But it

involves legality. We want you to kindly settle our dispute and award

punishment to the one who is guilty. "

The tom-cat assumed a pained expression and said, " Who am I to give

punishment to another? I am an ordinary servant of God and pass my

days in worshipping him. However, you may tell me both your sides. I

shall try to point out who is in the wrong. "


So the partridge narrated his side of the case and the rabbit put

forth his arguments. The tom-cat listened to them and then sat

silently for sometime as if reflecting. Then he said, " My friends, I

am now old. I can neither see properly nor hear clearly. I could not

hear your arguments properly. Why don't you two come nearer and

explain the whole thing in a better way. " By now, both the rabbit and

the partridge had completely forgotten the fear of tom-cat. They now

had full confidence in his good intentions. They both drew closer to him.


Suddenly, the tom-cat pounced on them and killed both of them with one

blow. Then he did full justice to them eating them up. Thus the

foolish rabbit and the partridge paid the price of building faith in

their natural enemy.


Bye children meet you in the next issue





Sai ka laadla: saikalaadla

8/21/2006 07:10:03 -0700


The Devotees who earn the blessings of Sri Sai Baba


Without any hatred towards all beings, friendly, compassionate,

without any sense of possessiveness, without any egoism, equal in

pleasure and pain and forgiving. The Yogi who is always contended,

self controlled, strongly determined, his mind and intelligence

offered to Me, that devotee is dear to Me.


He who nether disturbs the world nor is disturbed by it, who is free

from joy, envy, fear and excitement - he is dear to Me. He who is

without expectations, pure, dexterous, impartial, undisturbed,

renouncing all effort in undertakings - that devotee is dear to Me.


He who neither likes nor dislikes, neither bemoans nor desires, who

has renounced both the auspicious and inauspicious and who is full of

devotion to me- he is dear to Me. Equal to friend and foe, in honor

and dishonor, heat and cold, pleasure and pain and equally free from

all attachment.


Equal to being criticized or praised, silent, contended with whatever

he has, without a fixed abode, stable minded, engaged in devotion that

devotee is dear to Me. But who follows completely the immortal

righteousness as ordained, with faith, holding Me as the Supreme such

devotees are exceedingly dearer to Me.


Sai Ka Laadla




Bharath Divi : admin

9/11/2006 14:20:07 -0700


Dear Devotees & Members of Saidarbar,


The Shirdi SAI Mandir invites you to attend and participate in Shirdi

SAI Baba's Murti Pratishta Mahotsav during the auspicious days of

Vijaya Dasami 2006.


Pranpratishta ceremonies will be conducted on Shirdi SAI Baba's

life-like murti to the accompaniment of chanting of sacred vedic

rites, bhajans and naam jaap. Garba, Dandia and other cultural

activities are also planned during all days of Mahotsav.


Mark your calendars and do not miss this rare opportunity to receive

Baba's Grace and immerse in Divine Bliss.


Bharath Divi



raghammudi ramchandrakiran: ramchandrakiran


On 9/10/06,


The e-magazine " The Glory of Shirdi Sai " is an excellent use of the

internet for fostering bhakti among the users. It would be more useful

if more experiences of the devotees are included.

ramchandra kiran,




Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai,

Many Blessings and Thank you for your wonderful magazine of our Lord

Shirdi Sai. Thank you for being able to read your magazine by clicking

on " text " . This is very helpful. You are a wonderful influence.

Lord Sainath is all and everything.

Koti Pranams at His Lotus Feet.

Best wishes,

dobby sommer


Shantha shanmugam: shas_prof

On 9/10/06,


Thank you very much for mailing " The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue18.



8/23/2006 21:33:24 -0600



I am a devotee of Shri SaiBaba who has been my dear Father, Mother,

Guardian and all that I have needed. HE is the whole soul of my life.

I love worshipping LORD SAIBABA of SHIRDI.







Malathy Mani: malathymani

On 8/25/06,


I am malathymani it's very nice and heart warming, really I imagine Sai

When I visited www.saidarbar.org



" Kalyani " : kalyanielpass

Sun, 27 Aug 2006 11:53:25 -0700 (PDT)



My name is kalyani. I am regular reader of your website

http://www.saidarbar.org and I really like all the sections in the

website. I believe in Shirdi Saibaba so much that I make at least

essential effort to follow at least few of his principles in my every

day life. esp: shraddha and saburi





" Suresh Vaghela " suresh

Fri, 25 Aug 2006 09:06:19 +0100


Sairam !




View the ebook newsletter, it is just fantastic. Prasad from Baba and

reminder of what we sometimes forget to do.

Aum Sai Shree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai






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Saidarbar members would like to convey hearty thanks to Saibandhu

Murali Koneru of Australia and Saibandhu Murali Bala of USA who

has uploaded Saibanisa's discourses Audio C.Ds in their web sites




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Things impressed me from this Magazine:


Devotional discipline serves the purpose of a safety valve found in

the modern gadgets, for the modern man who is constantly battered by

tension and stress. When he resorts to various spiritual exercises

such as meditation (Dyana), chanting (Namasmarana) and worship

(Pooja), the pressure that builds up from within finds an escape route.


Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai " – they

may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster


We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of

Shiridi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the

articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish

them as a matter of routine practice.


You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative by

submitting e-mail ID in the main page of http://www.saidarbar.org


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we request that the person concerned may be notified about receiving

the same.


Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the

articles published.


This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi



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