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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 22--2006 from Saidarbar.

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Fourth Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 22 / 2006

26- 10 -2006


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Compiled by:

Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.




Leading a virtuous life may not by itself, sufficient for

God-realization. Concentration of the mind is absolutely necessary. A

good life prepares the mind as a fit instrument for meditation, which

eventually leads to self- realization, without whose aid, one, can not

grow into the divine state or liberate oneself from its trammels and

attain immortality.


Meditation is the keeping up of an unceasing flow of God-

consciousness, when all worldly thoughts are shut out and the mind is

saturated with divine thoughts. Just as oil, when poured from one

vessel to another, flows ceaselessly, just as the harmonious sound

produced from the ringing of bells falls upon the ear in a continuous

stream, so too, the mind should `flow' towards God in an unbroken way.


The man, who has not purified his mind, will not be able to start the

fire of meditation. It is equally important that no violent or sudden

attempt should be made to control the mind. It should be granted a

little freedom for a while, make it run and exhaust it efforts. It

will initially jump like an untrained monkey. But it is bound to calm

down gradually. Divine thoughts should be allowed to get in slowly,

when vicious tendencies will vanish. It is like sweeping a room that

was kept closed for many months and where dirt remains accumulated.


Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

To be continued…




October 16, Wednesday1918: Baba's Body was taken in procession through

the Shirdi village and then interred in Butty Wada with due formalities.


October 27, 1918: Baba's devotees from all over gathered and funeral

rites were performed by Balasaheb Bhate with Annadhanam to poor in Shirdi.


October 27, 1918: A committee was formed to manage the worship of

SaiBaba's Samadhi, comprising of 15 members with Bapusahed Butty as

the Chairman.



October 27, 1918: Nanavalli a great but quaint and queer devotee of

Baba breathed his last.

October 7, 1954: A big and beautiful marble statue of Saibaba was

installed behind Baba's Samadhi at the hands of Swami Sai Sharnandji.


October 19, 1956: H.H.Narasimha Swamiji passed away (Aged 82 years).





These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SaiBaNiSa Ji

From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that

this feature will 1help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled

from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.


Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.




How to live courageously with peace? I could not find an answer and I

looked towards SAI for guidance. I was shown with the visuals--


I was insulted in a meeting of seniors by my boss. I felt very much

let down and upset. Next day without loosing patience, I presented him

with facts and pointed the mistake he has committed. From there on, I

observed a marked change in conducting myself before others is only

due to Sainath.


I set out on a pilgrimage accompanied by my wife. On the way, I met a

Saint resembling Sai. He said " wife can at the most accompany you on a

pilgrimage, whereas on the spiritual journey, one has to travel by

himself. It is relatively a difficult one and lots of efforts are

needed to be put in " . I woke up from my sleep.


An angry mind looses direction and purpose.




My thoughts were reeling between courage and cowardice. As usual I

looked towards my master. Baba said- both are mind dependent with

their origin traced to within.

For example: Take lesson from a mother serving a plague effected child

resting in her lap, lesson from a couple living happily even though

they are not blessed with children and lastly the refugees from Tibet

with small kids living against all odds without proper shelters.


I thus concluded once we are able to overcome the weak mind, the power

of courage automatically surfaces.


Life never comes to standstill even with all the obstacles.




Discharging of moral and social obligations should not the only aim in

life. Try knowing the creator and the purpose for which we are here.

Never give away presentations to anybody after incurring debts.

Winning over their hearts is of less importance compared to the

troubles likely to be invited later unknowingly.


Know thyself.


To be continued…..



(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

" Shashi " : shashi_31


25. Importance of Swadharma:


If Swadharma is not performed properly, the mind will be dragged into

and tied down in Samsara. Those who perform Swadharma properly, the

wavering nature of their mind will be reduced and it becomes peaceful;

their attractions towards worldly activities get reduced and they lead

a straight forward right path of life. There is nothing superior to



We should not try to imitate to the Dharmas of others. Compared with

Dharmas of others doing our own Swadharma much superior. This will

uplift us soon. If we undertake others activities on our head, it will

cause many difficulties, filling our mind with worldly affairs. Try to

acquire the mercy of God. Get your mind out of the whirlpool of

worldly affairs. Your mind will become pure. If your acts of Swadharma

are done at all times, you will never get any harm.


Baba said to one of His Sadhakas, - " Everyone has to perform Swadharma

daily as Yagna. If you leave your Swadharma and show interest in other

Dharmas, you will be caught in the circle of births and deaths. If you

are doing Swadharma well, you will not be entangled in worldly ties.

As the world is entangled in Maya, one is becoming weak by not doing

Swadharma. If you are associated Swadharma well, all your desires will

be fulfilled, even without performing rituals, pilgrimages, Bhajans

etc. Do not keep any selfish idea in your mind.


If you perform Swadharma with faith and devotion that itself will

fulfill all your desires like Kamadhenu. Swadharma will never let you

down. If you do not perform Swadharma, you will be surrounded by

difficulties. You will not be able to enjoy your pleasures. However

much you weep, you can not get out of your difficulties. So do not

leave Swadharma. Do not allow your Indriyas to go about as they

please. If anyone does so, he will get destroyed like fish out of

water. If any one spends money with self-less motto, his sins will be

washed out and will get God – realization. So every one must do their

own Swadharma and spend his money freely in his Swadharma.


To be continued…..





LONDON, ENGLAND, October 17, 2006: The Hindu Culture and Heritage

Society (HCHS), in association with Hindu Council UK and the London

Fire Brigade, celebrated the Ganesha Chaturthi Festival for the second

successive year outside India with stunning success on Sunday, October

8, 2006, in Southall West London. On October 5, 6 and 7 Lord Ganesha

was worshipped followed by kirtan, arti and prasadam.



CHAGUANAS, TRINIDAD, October 15, 2006: A Trinidadian pundit recently

visited South Africa for the purpose of reawakening the spirit of

Hinduism among South Africa's 1.7 million Hindus. Pundit Munelal

Maharaj, of Lange Park, Chaguanas, spent three-weeks in South Africa

with his wife, Naveeta and five-year old daughter, Vaishnavi, aimed at

" recreating the Hindu Renaissance in South Africa. " He hosted nightly

programs in cities such as Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Dundee and

Johannesburg. " The tour was indeed an awakening to the thousands of

people who eagerly flocked to the programs to enjoy the melodious

voices of both wife and husband.



LONDON, ENGLAND, October 19, 2006: Divali was celebrated October 15 in

Trafalgar Square, London, by 20,000 people. Organized by the Mayor of

London and the Divali in London Committee, chaired by Nitin Palan, the

number of celebrants has increased 5,000 each year. Raghav, Hunterz

and Kalakaar provided musical entertainment. Groups from the Saraswati

Dance Academy, Brahma Kumaris, BAPS Swaminarayan School, Bombay Dance

Club, Metropolitan Police Hindu Association, Sai School of Harrow,

Kutch Leva Patel Community and the Brent Hindu Council gave dance

performances. A Ram Leila play was presented by the Hindu Council of UK.



CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA, October 20, 2006: Diwali was celebrated at the

Federal Parliament House in Canberra on October 16, 2006. The function

was jointly hosted by the Hon. Senator Amanda Vanstone, Minister for

Immigration and Multicultural Affairs and the Hindu Council of

Australia, a national body representing all Australian Hindus, and was

attended by a number of Senators and Members of Parliament. After the

ceremonial lighting of the traditional lamp, the Minister of

Immigration emphasized the importance of celebrating Diwali at the

Parliament House and the positive contributions being made by the

Australian Indian community in the economic development and well-being

of the Australian Multicultural society. A number of dances were

performed by the young artists from Canberra, Sydney and Darwin.

Sweets and light refreshments were served. The program ended with

spectacular fireworks at the Federation Mall outside the Parliament

House. Visit the Hindu Council of Australia's website to see other

news of Hindus in Australia and sign up for their newsletter.



6. SAIBANISA OFFERS PRANAMS TO " Maa Tulasi " BABA used to maintain

Tulasi Brindavan in Dwarakamai


Tulasi in legends


A number of passages in the Puranas and other scriptures (Vedas),

point to the importance of tulasi within religious worship. Tulasi is

regarded as a goddess and a consort of Lord Vishnu. A garland of

tulasi leaves is the first offering to the Lord as part of the daily

ritual. Tulasi is accorded the sixth place among the eight objects of

worship in the ritual of the consecration of the kalasha, the

container of holy water.


One story has it that when Krishna was weighed in gold, not even all

the ornaments of His consort Satyabhama could outweigh Him. But a

single tulasi leaf placed by His another consort Rukmini on the pan

tilted the scale.


Tulasi is ceremonially married to Vishnu annually on the eleventh

bright day of the month of Kaartika in the lunisolar calendar. This

festival continues for five days and concludes on the full moon day,

which falls in mid-October. This ritual, called the " Tulasi Vivaha " ,

inaugurates the annual marriage season in India.






In 1996 I went with a few colleagues to Singapore, Bangkok and Hong

Kong on a work related exposure trip. By the time we reached Hong

Kong. I was tired and kept feeling I have not seen Baba's picture in

days. In Hong Kong we could not find any accommodation due to the

celebrations for the independence from British Rule. A local Indian

Businessman known to a colleague got us place as paying guest with a

Korean family.


I was in the elevator and it was Thursday. Suddenly a lady entered

carrying agarbatti and I could not stop myself from asking her where

she was going. And she said to the Sai mandir which is on the 10th

floor of the building.


My hair stood on ends and I could not believe that this was possible.

We got a place to stay in the very building that Baba's temple was

there. To date when ever I remember that incident I cannot but bow my

head with love to this great old man.





Swamy " swamymain

Fri, 20 Oct 2006 21:29:39 -0700 (PDT)



Sai Ram.


Let us continue with the Spiritual Gems from Chapter 21 of Sai



" There have been institutions of Saints in this world, from time

immemorial. Various Saints appear (incarnate) themselves in various

places to carry out the missions allotted to them, but though they

work in different places, they are, as it were, one. "


All saints are one with each other. They work in unison under the

common authority of the Almighty Lord and supplement work wherever

necessary. An instance illustrating this is given below. "


" Mr. V.H.Thakur, B.A., was a clerk in the Revenue Department and he

once came to a town named Vadgaum near Belgium (S.M. Country) along

with a Survey party.

There he saw a Kanarese Saint (Appa) and bowed before him. " Sai Ram.

To meet a Saint we must have some poorva janma punyam and the time has

to come. " The Saint was explaining a portion from the book

" Vichar-Sagar " of Nischaldas (a standard work on Vedanta) to the

audience. " Sai Ram. Vichar Sagar means a sea of

Miseries. The Saint was explaining these abstruse concepts to people

in a simple language. Sai Ram.


" When Thakur was taking his leave to go, he said to him, " you should

study this book, and if you do so, your desires will be fulfilled, and

when you go to the North in the discharge of your duties in future,

you will come across a great Saint by your good luck, and then he will

show you the future path, and give rest to your mind and make you happy " .


Sai Ram. Is it not rather strange that the Saint should tell Thakur to

read a book on Vedanta and assure him that if he reads that book, his

desires will get fulfilled? At first sight, it does appear rather

strange, but it is not strange if we understand what the desire(s) of

that gentleman are. Suppose his desire is for liberation from the

worldly desires, will not the study of Vedanta help? Yes, it will

certainly help. Sai Ram.


And the Saint Appa knew the future of Sri Thakur and hence this

assurance. It is very clear that Sri Thakur was a ripening fruit ready

for plucking by the Master. Sai Ram.


" Then, he was transferred to Junnar, where he had to go by crossing

Nhane Ghat. This Ghat was very steep and impassable, and no other

conveyance, than a buffalo was of use in crossing it. "


Sai Ram. Buffalo is the Vahana of Sri Yama, the Lord of Death and also

Lord of Dharma and Karma. So, the little self of Thakur had to go

through a lot of difficulty and finish its Karma before he could

receive the grace of Sadguru Sai. Hence this buffalo ride!


" So he had to take a buffalo-ride through the Ghat, which

inconvenienced and pained him much. Thereafter, he was transferred to

Kalyan on higher post, and there he became acquainted with Nanasaheb

Chandorkar. He heard much about Sai Baba from him and wished to see Him. "


Sai Ram. This is called Subhechha, a good desire. Though all desires

are to be finally given up, in the spiritual path, good desires help

us move forward unlike the 'bad' (materialistic, sensual, pleasure

seeking which make a person selfish and make him forget that he is not

the little self but is one with the Universal Self) desires. In a way,

good desires and the consequent good actions help us to nullify the

negative karma. Thus Thakur got the desire to see the Saint, whom he

was ordained to meet years ago, but is not aware yet.


" Next day, Nanasaheb had to go to Shirdi, and he asked Thakur to

accompany him. He could not do so as he had to attend the Thana Civil

Court for a civil case. So Nanasaheb went alone. Thakur went to Thane,

but there the case was postponed. Then, he repented for not

accompanying Nanasaheb. "


Sai Ram. This is an example of most of us. We repent for lost

opportunities (material or spiritual) without realizing that we cannot

go back in time. But see the difference between a good Sadhaka and a

not so good one. Thakur did not give up his plan of going to Shirdi

just because he could not go with Nanasaheb. Sai Ram.


" Still he left for Shirdi and when he went there, he found that

Nanasaheb had left the place the previous day. Some of his other

friends, whom he met there, took him to Baba. He saw Baba, fell at His

Feet and was overjoyed. His eyes were full of tears of joy and his

hair stood on end. "


Sai Ram. Guru's grace was passing like an electric current through him

causing those sensations.


" After a while the omniscient Baba said to him - " The path of this

place is not so easy as the teaching of the Kanarese Saint Appa or

even as the buffalo-ride in the Nhane Ghat. In this spiritual path,

you have to put in your best exertion as it is very difficult " . When

Thakur heard these significant signs and words, which none else than

he knew, he was overwhelmed with joy. "


Sai Ram. At other places also, Sai indicated the difficulty of the

spiritual path, which is compared to a knife edge, a thin rope tied

between two poles and suspended over a raging river below etc. " He

came to know, that the word of the Kanarese Saint had turned true.

Then joining both hands and placing his head on Baba's Feet, he prayed

that he should be accepted and blessed. "


Sai Ram. The surrender of the ego is an important part in learning.

And Thakur knew that the great Saint referred to by Saint Appa is none

other than Sadguru Sai. The placing of his head on Baba's feet is to

receive the grace, which is like the flow of Ganges that will wash out

the dirt within and illumine the inner space. Sai Ram.


" Then Baba said - " What Appa told you was all right, but these things

have to be practiced and lived. Mere reading won't do. You have to

think and carry out what you read; otherwise, it is of no use. Mere

book-learning, without the grace of the Guru, and self-realization, is

of no avail " " . Sai Ram. The word Acharya, which is used to mean Guru,

actually means One who treads the path. For example, seeing the road

map of the route from Hyderabad to Delhi is needed but not sufficient

to reach Delhi. We need to take a guide (Guru), who is familiar with

the route. Or we need to ask at important stages in the journey. In

the case of Thakur, the Saint Appa indicated years ago that in future

when he goes to north, he will meet a great Saint who will show him

the further path. And Sai is showing bim now. Sai Ram.


" The theoretical portion was read from the work `Vichar Sagar' by

Thakur, but the practical way was shown to him at Shirdi. Another

story given below will bring out this truth more forcibly. " Sai Ram.

What a wonderful story! What great insights! We are truly blessed. Sai












Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.


Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. For the last two

years I have told you about Lord Krishna's Leelas and Lord Rama Story.

Now I want to tell the stories what heard in my child hood.


The story of the elephant and the sparrow


Once upon a time there lived a sparrow with her husband on a tree. She

had built a nice nest and laid her eggs in the nest. One morning, a

wild elephant with spring fever feeling restive came to the tree in

search of shade and in a rage broke the branch of the tree on which

the nest was residing. Unluckily all the sparrow eggs were lost though

both parents were saved. The she-sparrow was deep in lament.


Seeing her lament, the woodpecker bird, a friend of hers offered her

consolation that she would think of a way of killing the elephant.

Then she went to her friend the gnat, who in turn went to the

counselor frog for advice. The frog then devised a scheme for killing

the elephant. He asked the gnat to buzz in the ears of the elephant,

so that the elephant would be thrilled to listen to the music of the

gnat and close its eyes. Then she asked the woodpecker to pluck his

eyes. She herself would be on the edge of a pit and would croak

misleading the elephant to think that it is a pond.


The next day at noon the three carried out the plan and the elephant

was killed when he fell flat into a pit after being blinded by the

woodpecker when he closed his eyes in response to the gnat. So the

revenge was taken with collective wit of all three animals.


MORAL: Wit is superior to brute force.




Sai ka laadla saikalaadla

9/7/2006 05:03:21 -0700


Belief comes spontaneously. Belief comes by effort. In the spiritual

life, a sincere, advanced and surrendered seeker can and will have

spontaneous belief. Belief by personal effort, without the divine

grace and Sri Sai Baba's unconditional protection, cannot be as

effective as spontaneous belief. We have two principal organs: the eye

and the ear. Our eyes quite often, if not always, believe themselves.

Our ears very often believe others. These are our human eyes and our

human ears. But the divine eye, the third eye, will believe only in

the vision of Divinity, and the divine ears will believe only in the

truth of reality. When we listen to the inner command, when we have

the capacity to grow into constant obedience to our Inner Pilot, we

feel within and without the presence of spontaneous belief. Belief is

the reality of our inner obedience. This is divine belief, spontaneous

belief. Belief by effort is a restricted, disciplined human understanding.


Belief is power. A real seeker of the infinite Truth knows this. An

insincere and unaspiring seeker is aware of the truth that belief is

power, but he cannot go beyond understanding or awareness; whereas a

sincere, genuine, devoted and surrendered seeker knows that belief is

dynamic power, and he has this power as his very own.


We see a tree. The tree bears flowers, and soon after wards we see

fruits. The flower is the harbinger of the fruit. In the spiritual

life, belief is the flower. Belief is a divine angel which enters into

us as the harbinger of Sri Sai Baba.


If we do not have belief, we can develop belief. How? We can do it by

mixing with sincere spiritual people who care more for Sri Sai Baba

than for pleasure. There are also people who care only for Sri Sai

Baba in human beings, and if we mix with those people we can cultivate

belief. When we have belief, we can walk with Sri Sai Baba in His

Garden of Light and Delight.


Sai Ka Laadla




Nagendra kumar: vnk_nagu

On 8/10/06


Sai Ram

I V.Nagendra Kumar, residing in Hyderabad conveying my regards and

congratulations to you and all the persons involved in running this E-

magazine " The Glory of Shirdi Sai " since three years.

I pray Lord Sai Baba on behalf of us.

V.Nagendra Kumar


Sai aerospace saiaeropace

On 10/12/06


What a pleasure it was to get the Glory of Shirdi Sai once again! I

wish you and all the readers a very happy Diwali and May Sai bring all

happiness, love and prosperity to one and all.

Sarve Jana Sukhinobhavanthu



" Krishna Puranam " : puranamk

Wed, 11 Oct 2006 19:01:05 -0700 (PDT)




I would appreciate if you can include the below Information regarding

a opening of Shirdi Sai Mandir in Dulles, VA on Sep 27th so that

people who are interested can attend the aarti's conducted by the temple.

Please visit: http://www.shirdisaimandir.org/undercon.htm





" SP.Kannan " kannanusha1

10/14/2006 11:14:34 +0800

Sai Ram,

We are Sai devotees from Malaysia. Ours is a registered society,


Shirdi Sai Baba Selangor, Malaysia. We conduct prayers on every Thursday

morning 9.00 1m and bhajans at 7.30 pm in our Centre. Any devotees

from Malaysia or Singapore like to visit our centre, please note the



Persatuan Shirdi Sai Baba

No.73, Jalan Selasih

Taman Gembira

41100 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia.

Thank you and Sai Ram



Chandra sekar : chandra3459

On 10/19/06


Wish a happy depawali for all Saidarbar members.



Meenakshi Sharma meenakshi

On 10/20/06

Jai Sai Ram

Wish you all a very happy Deepawali.

Thanks & regards

Meenakshi Sharma


Valsala Sivadasan valsala.sivadasan

On 10/20/06

Jai Sai Ram

Dear All Members of Sai Darbar Group,


Myself & My family wishing to everybody " A happy Diwali " and also get

Bababji's wishing to every body.


With best Regards & thank you so much for the E- Magazine.


New Delhi.



Please visit:



Please visit for Sai Aartis in Telugu:



Please visit for Sai Aaratis Audio:




Please contact: saidarbar & saidarbar




God Who Walked On Earth

Rangaswami Parthasarathy

Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd

A-59, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase 2, New Delhi 110020

Tel: 011 26387070 / 26386165

Email: info


The God and the Apostle

Prof. C. R. Narayanan

All India Sai Samaj Mylapore

Chennai - 600 004.


The Greatness of Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi

Prof. C. R. Narayanan

All India Sai Samaj Mylapore

Chennai - 600 004.


A century of Poems on Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi

Prof. C. R. Narayanan

All India Sai Samaj Mylapore

Chennai - 600 004.



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Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book World) to spread the

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Saidarbar members would like to convey hearty thanks to Saibandhu

Murali Koneru of Australia and Saibandhu Murali Bala of USA who

has uploaded Saibanisa's discourses Audio C.Ds in their web sites




You can download Audio:

Sri Sai Satcharithra (In English Language)

Sri Sai Satcharithra by chapters (In English Language)

Sri Sai Satcharithra (In Telugu Language)

Sai Satcharithra by chapters (In Telugu Language)

Sri Guru Charithra (In English Language)

Sri Guru Charithra by chapters (In English Language)

Request Sri Sai Satcharithra CD (English and Telugu Language Available)

Saibanisa's discourses (Telugu)






Contact Murali Bala murali






Things impressed me from this Magazine:


Leading a virtuous life may not by itself, sufficient for

God-realization. Concentration of the mind is absolutely necessary.


Meditation is the keeping up of an unceasing flow of God-

consciousness, when all worldly thoughts are shut out and the mind is

saturated with divine thoughts.


Divine thoughts should be allowed to get in slowly, when vicious

tendencies will vanish. It is like sweeping a room that was kept

closed for many months and where dirt remains accumulated.


Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai " – they

may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster


We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of

Shiridi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the

articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish

them as a matter of routine practice.


You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative by

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Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the

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This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi



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