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EpiSong: 2007 Is The Number of Her Year ...

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DiosasAncianos2012 ,

" Millennium Twain " <yonibluestar wrote:




haku, Sharon, all,


Chumash greetings.


haven't meditated on my own vision of Year 2007

yet ... coming soon ...


here is a glimpse of some colours, language, that

others have painted for us, this collective WE,

for this Year 2007 come upon us.


[i am still working out the Year 2007 Chinese

Astrological/Feng Shui predictions for a WORLD

FAMILY. and Megumi is cobbling together a first

synthesis of a Japanese forecast.]


in HER, gentlest, returning,



Millennium Twain





The 1987 Southern Hemisphere supernova should

reach visible brightness again by year 2007,

because it is brightening again because of a

collision of gases in space. A series of positive

events in the Southern Hemisphere seem to have

begun with the 1987 supernova, in what I call the

" Southern Cross Effect " : democracy and economic

stability came to the countries of South America

after that, and positive political change came to

South Africa. So after year 2007, I believe that

hope for the world will come from the Southern

Hemsphere -- South America, South Africa,

Australia and New Zealand, and the

brightening Southern Hemisphere supernova

represents this hope.


The rapture will occur on the 7th hour of the 7th

day of the 7th month of the Hebrew calendar year

that corresponds to 2007 CE. Jesus will appear

simultaneously in Jerusalem, Baghdad, Washington,

Moscow and in every other capital city of the



Hang on tight -- 2007 is going to be one wild

ride. You won't be needing any caffeine, energy

drinks or death-defying sports this year; the

numbers say that 2007 is going to be a year of

true extremes. From changes in religious and

philosophical thought, economics and global

politics to advances in technology and medicine,

the new year has something for everyone.


The two most important numbers for 2007 are 5 and

9 -- with 5 representing challenges and 9

promise. With a shape like a white-water

whirlpool, it's no surprise that the dynamic

number 5 is all about change. More than any

recent year, this could be an excellent time to

go for it. Try to master control and stability

while experiencing the thrill-ride of ups and

downs. In a year where chaos and the unexpected

seem to rule, you'll definitely come across some

Class 3 rapids on this white-water ride of life.

But hold on tight … what goes up almost always

comes back down.


Since the mid-1800s global temperatures have

increased by about 0.6°C, impacting the entire

world, from low-lying islands in the tropics to

the vast Polar Regions. During the last Century:

the largest glacier on Mount Kenya has lost 95%

of its mass, sea levels have risen by 15 - 25 cm,

and the thickness of sea ice in the arctic has

decreased by 50%.


Chinese New Year (according to the lunar

calendar) starts on the second New Moon (18th

February 2007) after the Winter Solstice and is

celebrated by Chinese all over the world. It

heralds new beginnings and a fresh start. At a

social level, it is very much a family affair, a time

of reunion and thanksgiving. Chinese New Year falls

on February 18th (Sunday) 2007 (Lunar calendar)

00.14 China, 16.14 (Saturday 17th )United Kingdom,

08.14 (Saturday 17th) California USA, 17.14 (Saturday

17th) Barcelona and because the CNY falls close

to midnight in China and because of time

differences it will fall what appears to

be a day early in most countries. This is the

date you celebrate the Chinese New Year with Ang

Pow, fireworks etc and not the date you use to

place your cures and enhancers in Feng Shui

(February 4th 2007).


What is the momentum attribute for 2007?

Spiritual discernment. What aspect of spiritual

growth is it important to master this year, in

preparation for the awakening of the masses

in 2008? Intuitive discernment.


The year 2007 should see the ratification of the

European Constitution, fulfilling Scripture,

creating the role of a EU President and Foreign

Minister, or the " prince " of the people of

Rome (Daniel 9:26).


July 2007 will see the beginning of something big

on the world scene..


The world is not as different as is painted by

the propagandists in delusional colors. Contrived

collision of " us and them " has happened many

times before. To fodder the flames of hatred our

designated enemies are presented as caricatures.

It is time to erase that fake line between them and

us; it is an opportunity to face the outside world

with strength, yes; but more importantly with

understanding and compassion. Strength

without understanding is always misdirected.


Society will be focused on creating a one-world

government with a one-world religion. The US will

cease to exist in the year 2007.


Nostradamus wrote his famed prophecy about the

return of the terrifying king ... taking place in

day 9, corresponding approximately to the year



Supernova are identified as " forms of directed

intelligence " by the Foundation for the Law of

Time which is engaged in calendar reform to

facilitate correction of the DNA in homo sapiens

to evolve into " Earth Wizards " in the year 2012

and overcome the oppressor planets Jupiter (Vatican

false spirituality) and Saturn (G-7 Syndicate for

Materialist Evolution). The Quetzalcoatl

supernova returned in 1997 signaling the

conclusion of the Quetzalcoatl Project, " a mythic

ten-year project on a parallel universe called

Velatropa...[an]other galactic brain " ! In 2007,

Quetzalcoatl will become brightest star on the

Day-Out-of-Time (July 25), the last day of the

year in the Celtic 13-Moon calendar which is in

the process of replacing the Gregorian Calendar.


" Closely related to the mystery of the black

holes are supernova. Black holes are formed from

remnants of a supernova... If the seven black

holes are solar witnesses, and supernova are

forms of directed intelligence, consider then the

`Quetzalcoatl' supernova 1987A, observed just before

the Harmonic Convergence: it has returned ten years

later in 1997 to signal the conclusion of the

Quetzalcoatl Project? With all of its

fantastic rings, this supernova will grow

brighter until it reaches its final preternatural

luminosity in 2007, before condensing to a black

hole, the size of seven suns? The Day-Out-of-Time

occurring in the year 2007, is Red Magnetic

Skywalker, the galactic signature of Ce Acatl

Quetzalcoatl. In the 20 Tablets of the Law of

Time , this date is referred to as the`Quetzalcoatl

visitation.' In anticipation of an

intelligence from which parallel universe? "


[ed. note: there are no black holes. there are,

however, toroidal superstars of unimagined



The Fifth Day (2007) of the Mayan Calendar is a

period of Light and, in fact, is the brightest

period of light in the entire cycle. In a plant's

life this is when new chemicals are produced that

carry the message to form buds. In human history,

it was this section when Art was invented ...


(Light of Quetzalcoatl/MaShakti)

1 Ahau, Wednesday December 13, 2006

8 Ahau, Tuesday January 2, 2007

2 Ahau, Monday January 22, 2007

9 Ahau, Sunday February 11, 2007

3 Ahau, Saturday March 3, 2007

10 Ahau, Friday March 23, 2007

4 Ahau, Thursday April 12, 2007

11 Ahau, Wednesday May 2, 2007

5 Ahau, Tuesday May 22, 2007

Midpoint of the Fifth DAY, culmination

of The Breakthrough Celebration


Global World Tree Ceremony


For the global synchronization I recommend that

dikshas are performed on these Ahau (Oneness in

Light) days at 6.00, 12.00 and/or 18.00 European

Central Time, (9 pm (previous night), 3 am and 9 am

PST) (12 pm, 9 am and 3 pm EST) and the corresponding

times for Asia and Australia. Possible peaks generated

by a focused collective consciousness will as was the

case with the Midlight Meditation be monitored through

the Global Consciousness Project.


To perform prayers, dikshas and meditations

globally synchronized on these Ahau (Oneness in

Light) days will serve to synchronize the global spiritual

community with the divine process of creation. I

call especially on the global diksha community to help

bring in the divine presence in this process that

this movement is all about in this phase of humanity's

evolution. The Fifth DAY may very well lead to

the very ability to give diksha being passed on from

one individual to another especially if the Breakthrough

Celebration generates the necessary flow. Yet, I

feel there are many other practices including field

transforming techniques that will contribute

significantly in the process towards Oneness. In

fact, I am convinced that some of these innovative

phenomena have not yet seen the light of the day

but are about to do so during the period covered by

the Breakthrough Celebration. To accomodate and

support such creativity I feel the process should be

approached in a spirit of mutual sharing that fosters

the necessary cross-fertilization between ideas and

spiritual practices. Thus, I feel that the dates above

should be approached with an attitude of service also

to the many other movements and organizations that

may happen to organize events and festivals on these

dates. There is every reason to let global diksha and

meditation events continue also in later phases of the

Galactic Underworld at Ahau (Oneness in Light) days,

which are the most conducive to enlightenment. The

very purpose of the Breakthrough Celebration is to serve

a global breakthrough into experiencing the divine

presence. Part of its purpose is also a breakthrough

into experiencing the Mayan calendar, that is to say

the divine time plan, and its rhythm. This by itself

will turn out to be invaluable for providing guidance

and hope for humanity in some of the more difficult

energies it will go through until the cosmic field

of Oneness is established in the heavens on October

28, 2011.





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