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Richard Dawkins: The God Delusion (book):


" Pr.Dawkins why are you so wound up against faith in our society?

Dawkins: i care for the truth "

" In one sense there is a purpose in our existence which is the

propagation of DNA, but it is not a very uplifting purpose. And each

of us makes his own purpose in existence. " " My ambition is to help

people who read my book drop the belief in God. " " the brain is a very

complex machine that can simulate God, a vision, etc. " " the Bible is a

collection of documents, ...like any other tribal mythology trying to

make sense of the world. The miracles in the NT are surely nonsense,

virgin birth, resurrection, etc. if you look at all the other

religions they come up with common myths " . We'd be better off living

in a rational society based on scientific truth than in a faith

society based on a lie, even if it meant less happiness or comfort,

truth is what counts. Leaders who have the " right of God " to back them

up are dangerous, many people in Bush's team (not he himself) believe

that hurrying Armageddon by a global nuclear destruction is the will

of God, and necessary " . " I am baffled by Christian scientists; they do

it by compartmentalization of the mind " (He says he cares deeply about

this advocacy): " I hope to persuade a substantial number of middle of

the road people that there is nothing wrong with not believing in God "

Journalist: What gets you thru the night?

Dawkins: love of human fellowship, love of nature, love of art, the

world, science, like everybody else.

J: And you are comfortable with that?

D: I am, but even if i wasn't i don't believe we are here to be


[phew! the man means business]

My opinion: Pr. Dawkins gives a good impression of honesty and

fearlessness in his convictions, not the lab scientist buried in fuzzy

theories i thought previously but engaged in what he says and ready to

take the heat.

More Dawkins about atheism here:


(This link could be lighter on slower connections because it is only

an audio). " I was struck by the contradiction of religions and i

became intellectually an atheist, not morally because i was never

bothered by such questions as: If there is a God why is there so much

evil in the world? I was interested in the explanation of life and

when i discovered Darwin it was what convinced me that no higher

intelligence was needed to explain creation " . " the status of atheists

in America today is on a par with that of homosexuals 50 years ago " ...

" but 50% of America is Intelligent & Atheistic " [oh dear!] " the more

intelligent you are the less you believe in God " ; 42 studies in Mensa

magazine, in 38 of them there was a correlation between IQ/education

and atheism. " The reason why i am hostile to religion is that it

teaches you to be satisfied with inadequate explanations which aren't

explanations at all " " It is very sad if some people are in a culture

that disco(u)rages them to access the scientific explanations of life

and the universe. " " there is something evil about faith when it means

believing in something in the absence of evidence, and taking a pride

in believing in something in the absence of evidence " ... and so people

do not have to justify evil done in the name of religion. " To label

small children as Christians, Muslims or Israelites is a form of child

abuse because they have no understanding and no choice. " " People

should teach their children anything which is factually true, or they

could introduce the various religious beliefs without adding faith to

them. "

More comment: Definitely a straightforward man who takes no bull. We

could easily return his act of faith on the conviction that

immediately made of Darwin his counter-evidence to Creationism; his

argumentative constructions are heavy shock-proof stones but quickly

linked with hasty transitions, many little details required him to

take a leap of faith, even under the " scientific " guise; and he is

fast and clever, he dumps very adroitly masses of arguments that he

has honed on years so that debunking only pieces of it would be

ineffective, you need to dedicate him a book to debunk him correctly

while most other " meaning-of-the-world " thinkers can be debunked on

three, four pivotal ideas; Dawkins needs to be debunked on his

functioning processes, his modes of construction. Simply because the

liberation he proposes with science is imperfect and does not take

into account the further steps of liberation that some " religion " have

better addressed than science.


George Carlin on Religion:


" When it comes to BS you have to stand in awe in front of the false

promises and exaggerated claims: Religion " ; the more you live, the

more you look around the more you realize the world is a fucked up

place; so if there is a God he is incompetent and (maybe) doesn't give

a shit. So i became a Sun worshiper: i can see it, he provides for

everything, plants and animals, and we sun worshipers are extremists;

the Sun treats me fine, doesn't judge me; i don't pray to the sun

because it looks arrogant instead i pray to Joe Pesci, he looks like a

guy who can 'get things done'. Prayer to whom ever you want works

50-50 so pick your superstition make a wish and enjoy yourself.

Comment: It's funny with his exhaustive exploration of topic and his

tone and gesture he reminds a lot of Jerry Seinfeld (maybe the younger

took lessons from his elder).


Shri Krishna:



Simply devotional slide shows with various representations of Shri

Krishna and a nice Indian music.


All these comments are archived here:


and discussed here:


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