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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 03 - 2007 from Saidarbar.

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Fifth Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 03/2007




This is the first magazine in 3d Page turning format.






























Compiled by:

Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.



Whenever there is a decay of Dharma and rise of Adharma, then I embody


To protect the good, to destroy the wicked and to establish Dharma, I

am born age after age.

- Bhagavad Gita IV: 7, 8



Like water, Dharma also finds its level. When an individual commits an

Adharma towards another, he will be made to compensate the other for

it in some form or other, in this or in a subsequent life. Sin and

retribution are inalienable action and reaction. That is a law of nature.


When that Adharma exceeds individual limits and spreads it wings to

cover large sections of society, and a few ordinary virtuous mortals

are unable to meet the challenge, God descends on earth in the form of

an incarnation or Avatar to neutralize that collective Adharma. There

is nothing accidental or extraordinary in this. It is only the

operation of law referred to above on a very comprehensive scale to

extend its effect to all the groups of society that deserves it. The

combined Karma of all the individual souls of the society gets

embodied in this incarnation. An incarnation is an agent of the

Supreme Godhead, sent into our midst; with full authority and power to

set in order all lapses and aberrations in the practice of Dharma.


But in this process, two significant departures of the Lord from His

supreme station of spectatorship deserve special mention for our



" Prakita' or " Mayasakti " is a creature of Eswara, the lord. At the

time of His incarnation on earth, He manipulates `Prakriti' and

appears to be born and growing, through in reality. He is unborn and



Secondly, though in His original state He is above all Karma, in an

incarnation he moves in actual flesh and blood among us as influenced

by Karma but as an ideal Jivatma. He does this among other things, to

bring Himself nearer to His devotee's understanding of Him – nearer

than a mere concept of God, or scriptural ideal to reach an unseen

perfect personality of an epic.


Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

To be continued…




February 25, 1912: Madhavrao Deshpande (Shama) left Shirdi to attend

Kakasaheb Dixit's thread ceremony at Nagpur and Nanasaheb Chandorkar's

son's wedding at Gwalior.


February 14, 1914: Mr.B.V.Deo was charged by Baba for stealing His

rags and after lot of abusing and scolding was favored with

instructions to read Dhyaneswari regularly every day as per Deo's desire.






These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SaiBaNiSaji

From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that

this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled

from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.


Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.




I prayed Lord Sainath to give message to HIS devotees.


Sri Sai in the form of an unknown person said that


Women, children and even dumb animals are employed in Politics and

Cinema field with a motto of personal gains. Earlier such crimes were

restricted only to select people like kings and Zamindars (elite and

rich). Now-a-days even common people are found indulging in such acts.

My advice would be to distance from such activities, tarnishing the

image of humanity.


Exploitation has become the order of the day.




A day before was Thursday. Some of my friends visited my house. I

briefed them about Sai, HIS Philosophy and I felt happy for having

done well. If Sai permits, I thought I could do it for life long. I

put this before Sai and the approval was granted like this. He placed

a white stone like mass in my hand asked me to drop it into the water

storage tank kept on our rooftop. The stone purified the water. He

further asked me to serve the purified water to the Sai devotees

visiting my house. I was glad to get a green signal to go ahead for

spreading HIS philosophy.


Good deeds are always encouraged.




Yesterday, I was thinking more about the problems faced in leading

family life often resulting in conflicts. I prayed Lord Sai to give me

a solution to this vexed problem. Sai presented with the visuals as



Imagine the family life as a pond of water with a couple of fish in

the pond. It's possible that they may get separated due to the motion

of waves set by strong winds blowing and female fish may get separated

and reach the ground. It will be the duty of the male fish to drag the

female fish back into waters, lest it may die or some one else may

catch to eat it up. It will be foolish to expect that someone will

come selfless and push it back into waters. So it is essential that in

spite of the strong disturbances, the fish should never be separated

and touch the ground.


Movement of friends inside the house should be selective.



To be continued…..



(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

" Shashi " : shashi_31


26. Mind Alone Is Held Responsible For the Bondage & Emancipation


Mind is the cause for man's life, sorrow, joy and liberation as well.

It is the mind that makes us oblivious to Divinity and lures us to the

enchantments of the world. Maya is that mental state in which the

existent appears to be non-existent and the non-existent appears to be

existent. All the experiences in the dream state are seen in the

waking state as unreal. The joy derived in the deep state is

attributed to the higher mind. Our mind shines with resplendent purity

if we cultivate noble thoughts ideas and feelings. It is only

developing the purity of mind; we can ensure the purity of action.

Pure deeds can yield, if we keep our mind pure. Our destiny rests on

our thoughts only. For our rise and for our fall the thoughts in us

are the cause. Thoughts in our mind can lead us into dungeons of

darkness and also illuminate us. The thoughts in our mind are the very

vital breath to us. Harboring evil thoughts, or hatred, envy, anger

and ego is the cause of our downfall. We are under estimating the

supreme importance of our mind by our ignorance. Our whole life rests

on the mind.


We should make earnest efforts to understand the power of the mind.

Our love and hatred, pain and pleasure, life and death are based on

the mind only. Even the five elements, the five senses, the five

sheaths and the five vital airs draw sustenance from our mind only. We

must have faith that the mind is the sacred power in the world. We

must all understand that worldly pleasures that tempt our mind

tantalize our mind. But we must know that there is an immortal

Divinity in our mind. It is the mind which makes us to scale ethereal

heights and also fall down to irretrievable depths. Everything becomes

subservient to us, if we can control our mind. It is the mind which

makes us a man. Man, mind and world are one and the same. It is the

mind which makes the world. Our mind is a slate containing the

writings of our many past lives.

So the mind must surrender multiplicity unto the God to attain unity.


To be continued…..




How can I accept or reject anything? Is there anything apart or

distinct from Brahman? Now, finally and clearly, I know that I am the

Atman, whose nature is eternal joy. I see nothing. I hear nothing. I

know nothing that is separate from me.


When one's consciousness, peaceful and strengthened by goodness, is

focused on the divine, one then achieves Dharma, wisdom, detachment

and opulence. "







SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, January 29, 2007: After a 16-year wait, San

Antonio's Hindu temple finally has received its crowning touch, a raja

gopuram --literally, a " kingly pagoda " -- that identifies the building

with its roots in South India. The gopuram, a 42-foot-high entrance

tower built by Indian artisans with statues of 52 Hindu Deities

sculpted in concrete on site over the past eight months and painted

white, was sanctified Sunday. The ceremony was conducted by two

resident temple priests assisted by two other priests from Austin and

Houston temples. Several hundred people attended. " This is my dream

come true, " said Venkateshwar Goud, a member since 1991, when the

temple building itself was completed. " The temple is finally complete.

It's wonderful. We're all blessed. " No Hindu temple is considered

authentic unless it has a gopuram built according to scriptural

specifications by artisans from India and sanctified according to

Hindu rituals. The door must face east.


" It's like the entrance to a palace, " said Dr. Rajender Thusu, a

longtime temple member. " It's the entrance to God's house. The various

Deities protect both the house itself and the people. " Every gopuram

is built to be seen from a distance. That way, even people who don't

have the opportunity to go to the temple may pray whenever they see it

or pass it. Ram Kushwaha, president of the temple trustees, said the

15-year wait for the US$120,000 gopuram was necessitated by the

requirement that a specially trained team of 10 sculptors from India

do the work.



CEUTA, SPAIN, January 15, 200 & ; (HPI note: This report is translated

from Spanish) Carpenters, electricians and bricklayers are working

against the clock on Echegaray Street where the new Hindu temple is

being built. " We hope to inaugurate it by the end of February, "

explains Ramesh Chandiramani, president of the Hindu community. In

order to build the temple the Ceuta city government and the Hindu

community signed an agreement last year in which the city committed to

finance part of the work, estimated at approximately US$390,000. The

work started around the middle of September, once the " Consejeria de

Fomento " granted all the required permits.


When completed, this temple will be an oasis of peace to which

inhabitants of the city, whatever their religious affiliation, will be

able to come when looking for a place of withdrawal and tranquility.

" Like Hinduism, this temple will be open to everybody, " says

Chandiramani. " Gandhi also said: a culture that is not open is

condemned to extinction.



KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, January 25, 2007: (HPI note: A kavadi is a

decorated wood arch carried in procession during the festival of

Thaipusam honoring Lord Murugan. Pots of milk are carried on each end

of the arch and offered to the Deity upon arrival at the temple.

Kavadi range in size from small to large affairs weighing over 100

pounds. What is described in this article are the small to medium

ones. Thaipusam in Malayasia in a big way this year.


Malaysian-made kavadis are now much sought after overseas. Hindus

celebrating Thaipusam in Australia, Canada, Africa and Japan are

ordering the kavadis to fulfill their vows. Devotees from India have

also made several trips here to take home samples of kavadi

decorations as they felt the decorations here were grander. Kavadi

decorator Soraja Maniam said most of her customers living abroad were

fascinated with Malaysian-made kavadis.


Devotees and tourists are expected to throng the Sri Subramaniam

temple in Batu Caves during the Thaipusam festival, with kavadi

bearers climbing the 272 steps to the famous temple as a show of

faith, sacrifice and fulfillment of vows. This year, the festival

falls on Feb 1 and it has also been included as one of the major

events in the tourism calendar for Visit Malaysia Year.





Thu, January 11, 2007 2:59 pm



I am Sai Aparna. I am devotee of SaiBaba. On November 25th 2005, I had

an eye infection. It pains a lot, and it was Friday. On Monday, doctor

visits to our city & I thought of consulting him. Meanwhile I should

to near by doctor. He is not Sure of what it is and gave medicines. On

Sunday night I had too severe pain such that if I hit my head to the

wall also strongly (I made it practically) I couldn't feel sense

because of pain. All my family members are worrying about me.

Meanwhile my mother bought BABA's Udi and applied on my head and in



After applying Udi with that pain only I sang Baba's song and

unknowingly I went to sleep. Next day when I visited doctor he said it

is Herpis zoster and he is not sure of sight. I suffered with it for 3

months and I prayed to Baba to give me good eye sight. After one week

check up doctor was surprised and said you are so lucky. This all

happened because of Baba. Not only this Baba had showed me many

incidents. I want to share this happiness moment to all devotees. So I

am sending my real experience. If you have 100% faith in Baba then he

will surely help him.


Sai Aparna





Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.


Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Now I want to tell

the stories what heard in my child hood.

The Crow and the Serpent:


Once a pair of crows built a nest on a big banyan tree. They lived

there in a great happiness. One day a black serpent took shelter under

the tree. He started living there in a hole. The crows did not like

this but they could not do anything. After some time the female crow

laid eggs. In due course small crows were hatched. The crow couple

looked after their small ones with loving care. One day while they

were away in search of food, the serpent climbed the tree. He ate up

the young ones of the crows. When they came back to their nest they

found the nest empty. They were very sad. They asked other animals and

birds living there if they had seen their young ones. No one could

tell them anything. They were dejected for a long time. Finally when

they got over their sorrow, they decided that the next time they had

young ones they would not leave them alone.


Many months passed. The female crow laid eggs once more. Once again

they had young ones. This time the crow couple was very careful. They

always kept their eyes on the young ones. One of them always remained

with them. One day the female crow saw the big black serpent climbing

the tree towards her young ones. She crowed wildly for it to go away.

But the serpent paid no heed. He ate them up. The mother crow was

heart broken. She wept bitterly. All her relatives gathered round her.

They wanted to punish the serpent but by then he had vanished in to

his hole.


When the father crow returned in the evening, he heard the whole

story. His sorrow too knew no bounds. At last the mother crow said

that they would leave the tree and go away somewhere else. That way

the tragedy would not be repeated in future. But the father crow

reasoned with her. He said that they had been staying there for such a

long time. It was their house. If any one, then, it was the serpent

who had to go.

How could they punish the serpent? Then they remembered their friend,

the cunning old, fox who lived nearby. They would go and ask her to

help them. She was sure to have some clever way to punish the serpent.

So they went to the fox. They told her the whole story and then begged

her to help them. Otherwise they would have to leave their old banyan

tree and go somewhere else.


The fox thought for some time. Then she told them, " No, you do not

have to leave your old home. I will tell you how the serpent is to be

properly punished. " " Tomorrow morning the royal Princess will be going

to the river bank for a bath. Before entering the water she will take

off her ornaments and clothes and keep them beside the water. There

will be guards to look after them. " The fox continued, " You make it a

point to be hiding in a tree there. When nobody is looking, one of you

pick up the precious necklace of the princess and fly away. The other

one will follow making a lot of cawing sound. This would make the

guards and others see that you have taken away the necklace. They will

surely chase you. You carry the necklace to your tree and drop in on

to the hole of the serpent. Then watch the fun. "


The crows agreed to do as they were told. The next morning the crow

couple went on to the river- bank and hid themselves among the thick

branches of a tree growing near the bank. After some time the

Princess, followed by her friends, servants and guards also reached

there. The Princess and her friends took off their clothes and

ornaments and kept them at one place on the bank. Then they entered

the water and started frolicking among themselves. The crow-couple

were waiting for this opportunity. They had noticed a beautiful pearl

necklace among the ornaments of the Princess. The mother crow swooped

over it, picked it up and started flying away. The father crow

followed it, cawing loudly all the while. The servants and the guards

had seen the crow pick up the necklace. They all shouted loudly and

started chasing the crows.

The mother-crow came to the banyan-tree and dropped the necklace on

the hole of the serpent at the foot of the tree. Then she flew away.


The chasing servants had seen the necklace falling being dropped. They

reached the foot of the banyan tree. The necklace was half inside the

hole. So they tried to take it out with the help of sticks and spears.

The serpent did not like this disturbance. He got infuriated and came

out of the hole hissing menacingly. The attendants of the Princess

surrounded the serpent and beat it to death with their sticks and

weapons. They then picked up the necklace and went back. The crow

couple was watching the show from a safe distance. When they saw that

their old foe was safely dead, they both heaved a sigh of relief. Then

they lived happily ever after, increasing their family and always

grateful to their friend, the clever fox.


Learn from your parents the moral of the story - bye children meet you

in the next issue.






" Swamy " swamymain

Mon, January 22, 2007 7:52 am


Spiritual Gems from Sai Satcharita - Chapter 22 continued


Sai Ram. We saw how Sri Balasaheb Mirikar was saved from the Lamba

Baba. Now, let us see how the predictions of an astrologer were

challenged by Sadguru Sai in case of Shri Bapusaheb Buty thus proving

that Guru's grace can overcome any karma or planetary influences, as

asserted in Sri Guru Gita and Sri Guru Charitra. Some more examples of

similar intervention by Sai Maharaj are narrated in this Satcharitra

and we will link up these Spiritual Gems into a nice necklace. Sai Ram.


Sai Ram. My apologies for not posting the installment in time for

the previous issue of Glory. I was caught up with some other works and

forgot. It is His will. Sai Ram.


SSS: A great astrologer named Nanasaheb Dengale told one day

Bapusaheb Booty, who was then in Shirdi, " To-day is an inauspicious

day for you, there is a danger to your life " . This made Bapusaheb

restless. When they, as usual, came to Dwarakamai, Baba said to

Bapusaheb - " What does this Nana say? He foretells death for you.

Well, you need not be afraid. Tell him boldly " Let us see how death

kills. " Then later in the evening Bapusaheb went to his privy for

easing himself where he saw a snake. His servant saw it and lifted a

stone to strike at it. Bapusaheb asked him to get a big stick, but

before the servant returned with the stick, the snake was seen moving

away and soon disappeared. Bapusaheb remembered with joy Baba's words

of fearlessness.


SSG: Sai Ram. In Sri Guru Gita and Sri Guru Charitra too, it is

asserted that Guru is Karma Dhwamsi that is destroyer of karma. It is

also mentioned that Guru can save the disciple from the wrath of

Brahma, Vishnu and Siva but the Three Gods cannot save the disciple

from Guru's wrath! That is because Guru doesn't get angry with the

disciple but for the welfare of the disciple. And thus it obviously

goes without saying that if the Guru is pleased, all the Gods will be

pleased (in fact Deepaka, the disciple of Veda Dharma does say that

when Sri Siva and Sri Vishnu appear to him and ask him for seeking

their boons). Sai Ram. The above story appears at first sight rather

simple but is quite deep in its spiritual significance. Sai Ram.


SSS: Amir Shakkar was a native of the village Korale, in Kopergaon

Taluka. He belonged to the butcher caste. He worked as a commission

agent in Bandra, and was well-known there. He once suffered from

Rheumatism, which gave him much pain. He was then reminded of God, and

so, he left his business and went to Shirdi, and prayed to Baba to

relieve him from his malady. Baba then stationed him in the Chavadi,

which was then a damp unhealthy place, unfit for such a patient. Any

other place in the village, or Korale itself would have been better

for Amir, but Baba's word was the deciding factor and the chief medicine.


SSG: Sai Ram. Similarly when another devotee who was suffering from

tuberculosis and for whom all medicines failed came to Shirdi and

sought refuge at the feet of Sai, He ordered him to stay in the house

of Bhimabai, which again was not an appropriate place when looked with

the ordinary worldly vision. Sai's objective in such inappropriate

remedies was to show to all doubting thomases like us that faith in

Guru is the real medicine. Sai Ram.


SSS: Baba did not allow him to come to the Dwarkmai, but fixed him

in the Chavadi, where he got very great advantage. Baba passed via

Chavadi every morning and evening; and every alternate day Baba went

to the Chavadi in a procession and slept there. So Amir got Baba's

contact very often easily. Amir stayed there for full nine months, and

then, somehow or other, he got a disgust for the place.


SSG: Sai Ram. It is an example of how even great devotees sometimes

slip from their sadhana. Meant to be a lesson for all of us to be

always alert. Sai Ram.


SSS: So one night he stealthily left the place and came to Kopergaon

and stayed in a Dharmashala. There he saw an old dying Fakir, who

asked him for water. Amir brought it and gave it to him. As soon as he

drank it, he passed away. Then Amir was in a fix. He thought that if

he went and informed the authorities, he would be held responsible for

the death as he was the first and sole informant, and knew something

about it. He repented for his action, viz. leaving Shirdi without

Baba's leave, and prayed to Baba. He then determined to return to

Shirdi, and that same night he ran back, remembering and muttering

Baba's name on the way, and reached Shirdi before day-break, and

became free from anxiety. Then he lived in the Chavadi in perfect

accordance with Baba's wishes and orders, and got himself cured.


SSG: Sai Ram. It is Sai's grace that forgave Amir Shakar and allowed

the prodigal disciple to return to Sai's fold. Sai Ram.


SSS: One night it so happened that Baba cried at midnight- " Oh

Abdul, some devilish creature is dashing against the side of My bed " .

Abdul came with a lantern, examined Baba's bed but found nothing, Baba

asked him to examine carefully all the place and began to strike

ground with His satka. Seeing this Leela of Baba, Amir thought that

Baba might have suspected some serpent had come there. Amir could know

by close and long contact the meaning of Baba's words and actions.

Baba then saw near Amir's cushion something moving. He asked Abdul to

bring in the light, and when he brought it, he saw the coil of a

serpent there, moving its head up and down. Thereupon the serpent was

immediately beaten to death. Thus Baba gave timely warning and saved



SSG: By saving His disciples from serpent bites and from many other

dangers, Sai is giving a simple message that Sadguru takes care not

only of the para but also of the iha, the worldly matters as needed in

the case of those who depend on His grace. Sai Ram.


We will continue with this chapter in the next issue. Sai Ram.



Author, Editor, Proof-Reader and Book Reviewer





" Raghammudi ramchandrakiran " ramchandrakiran

Thu, 18 Jan 2007 09:29:46 +0000 (GMT)


Baba tu hi maata tu hi pita

Nahi sachha aur koi jag ka naata

Tere dar pe aakar sab kuch paata

Hey jagannath hai tu hi ek data


Teri mahima badi nirali

Bhar de sadgunom se meri man rupi jholi

Naiya uski kaabhi na doobey jiski tu karta rakhwali

Aa bas ja mere hriday mein

Mera hriday hai janmon se khali


Upkaar tere kai hain mujh par

Phir bhi jholi phailaye aaya tere dar

Nij swabhavvash nirash na karna Harihar

Sadaa apney bhakton ki rakhta tu khabar

Ye Moodh prarthna karta, sada rahe shraddha tum par

Puri karo sabki manokaamna Hey Gurvar





" Raghammudi ramchandrakiran " ramchandrakiran

Thu, 18 Jan 2007 09:29:46 +0000 (GMT)


Dear Saibandhu,


" The Glory of Shirdi Sai " E-magazine is very nice and I always enjoy

reading it and try to put the teachings into practice.

om sairam,

R.Ramchandra kiran


" Ramesh khanna " neelkanthpublications

25 Jan 2007 11:32:05 -0000


Respected Saibandhu,

Thank you very much for keeping me on your mailing list. I appreciate

and request you to continue sending me valuable information on Sai.

With regards,

Ramesh Khanna


Neelkanth Publications.



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Things impressed me from this magazine:


Like water, Dharma also finds its level. When an individual commits an

Adharma towards another, he will be made to compensate the other for

it in some form or other, in this or in a subsequent life. Sin and

retribution are inalienable action and reaction. That is a law of nature



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Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi



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