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Suffering . . .

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I find nothing wrong with suffering.


To me, trying to 'get rid of' (;))

suffering is akin to Iron (or Gold)

trying to get rid of 'fire burns'.


Truth is that whenever Iron comes

into contact with fire - it will burn -

it is part of its nature. It is its 'role',

its designated 'purpose' and it becomes Iron

only because of fulfilling that role. It

serves its 'role' in the 'leela' only by

fulfilling that role. That 'burning' is what

allows it to 'bend', 'become flexible' and

to take thousand interesting [and useful ;)]


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> What is your interpretation of the

> cause and remedy of suffering?


Suffering is an essential part of our

design as 'human' being. Freedom

from this 'nature' is neither possible,

nor necessary or useful for us 'humans'!


It serves many Greatly useful purposes

and it is here to stay! [And, I notice that

it has indeed stayed for eons!]


To a large extent, suffering essepart

of learning and of making memory imprints.



For most part, human's ability to

'suffer' is also what makes many

'social systems' to work! It makes

'award' and 'punishment' work, it makes

'justice' work and it gives root to

many other valuable 'human' qualities

such as compassion, understanding and

human-to-human bonding! I am glad that

our 'ability' to suffer is here to stay ;)

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Hi AC -


Good point.


There is nothing that isn't " fuel for the fire of being-aware. "


Including delusions, illusions, sense of separation, and suffering.


Ignorance and wisdom interdependently arise.


Everything that was excluded, is included.


Everything that was included, dissolves.


-- D.


(nothing new below)






Nisargadatta , " adithya_comming "

<adithya_comming wrote:


> After many questions, inquiries,

> introspection, reflections on

> suffering, the LAST question

> I encountered was:


> I shouldn't suffer.


> Is that true?



> I noticed that my foolish, 'egoic', deluded and selfish

> belief in this 'false' idea had often caused me far more

> pain than any real suffering. Further, it often also

> blocked many useful lessons and growth opportunities

> that 'suffering' provides!



> I noticed that my belief in this false idea

> was the basis of my numerous 'false' searches

> to 'get rid of' suffering too...


> But, when that Very IDEA was questioned and found it false,


> I was often left without ANY reason to...

> 'escape' the Present Moment!


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If suffering is such a useful experience, then why do I bother trying

to alleviate it for myself and others?




Nisargadatta , " dan330033 " <dan330033



> Hi AC -


> Good point.


> There is nothing that isn't " fuel for the fire of being-aware. "


> Including delusions, illusions, sense of separation, and suffering.


> Ignorance and wisdom interdependently arise.


> Everything that was excluded, is included.


> Everything that was included, dissolves.


> -- D.


> (nothing new below)






> Nisargadatta , " adithya_comming "

> <adithya_comming@> wrote:

> >

> > After many questions, inquiries,

> > introspection, reflections on

> > suffering, the LAST question

> > I encountered was:

> >

> > I shouldn't suffer.

> >

> > Is that true?

> >

> >

> > I noticed that my foolish, 'egoic', deluded and selfish

> > belief in this 'false' idea had often caused me far more

> > pain than any real suffering. Further, it often also

> > blocked many useful lessons and growth opportunities

> > that 'suffering' provides!

> >

> >

> > I noticed that my belief in this false idea

> > was the basis of my numerous 'false' searches

> > to 'get rid of' suffering too...

> >

> > But, when that Very IDEA was questioned and found it false,

> >

> > I was often left without ANY reason to...

> > 'escape' the Present Moment!

> >


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Nisargadatta , " Silver " <silver-1069



> If suffering is such a useful experience,

then why do I bother trying

to alleviate it for myself and others?


> Silver


Is there anything which is not " useful " ?


Has God/Creation/Existence created anything

which is not " useful " ?


Is God/Creation/Existence a " fool " and it

creates and persists with things which are

useless and unnecessary?





To me,

suffering is one way God/Creation/Universe

" talks " to me.



[And, once I understand its message...]



Love is the way I talk to the




Ability to 'feel', 'accept' and 'understand'

'suffering' is one of the Greatest gift that

humans have because, that TRULY open many doors...

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GuruRatings , " adithya_comming "

<adithya_comming wrote:


GuruRatings , anna <anna@> wrote:


> After many questions, inquiries,

> introspection, reflections on

> suffering, the LAST question

> I encountered was:


> I shouldn't suffer.


> Is that true?


> I noticed that my foolish, 'egoic', deluded and selfish

> belief in this 'false' idea often caused me more

> pain than any real suffering. Further, it often also

> blocked many useful lessons and growth opportunities

> that 'suffering' provides!


> I noticed that my belief in this false idea

> was the basis of my numerous 'false' searches

> to 'get rid of' suffering too...


> But, when that Very IDEA was questioned and found it



> I was often left without ANY reason to...

> 'escape' the Present Moment!

> ----------------


> Adithya,


> Here is what I have come to in the past six months and I

think it is from acim. I find that when I can apply this,

I do not experience emotional pain, suffering.



Do you still need to apply it again and again?


Or, have you really become " free " of pain and suffering.


In my experience, no one is free of suffering, no one

should be and no one needs to be.



Pain is among the most powerful " communicators " ! It is one

of the Most Effective and Direct way that the

Universe/God/Creation " talks " to us. Being 'deaf' to this

communication is neither necessary nor useful.



> In fact, I have this written out on a note

> card on my computer desk. Now, I say remember because I

am conditioned to respond in egoic ways and those always lead to




What we often call 'egoic' way; is often just the result

of little 'misunderstanding'! It is based on false ideas

and three of these utterly false ideas are:


- I should not suffer.


- I should be happy.


- My wishes should be fulfilled.


I have noticed that even after spending years " searching " -

many spiritual 'seekers' are still unwilling to give up

these ideas. In fact, these three ideas often start search,

sustain the search and many times they survive even after

the search is deemed 'fulfilled'! Yet, in my mind, these

are among most basic misunderstanding that we have.





> The first thing I realized was that most of my

perceptions are based on the past


For a very good reason:


All " knowledge " comes from Past and we are a 'knowledge

based' animal. That is among our most vital strengths.




> and I have not reexamined these in the light of the

present. I saw further that I am very much like a robot

acting on past programing.




For a Very Good reason:


This is the way humans are 'designed' to function. This is

what enables us to 'multi task'. This is what allows us to

function effectively without having to learn same thing

again and again. This is how 'evolution' takes place and

most importantly because our 'sub conscious' is greatly

more effective in performing what it has learnt than our

conscious. It just needs some training, guidance and

practice that's all.


Sub-conscious runs our body. It runs our heart, it pumps

blood, it breathes, it regulates our sleep, it regulates

our temperature, it regulates our hormones and… it also

drives our cars and… most importantly it does most our



And, it does a WONDERFUL job pretty much everywhere. I

think, thinking is the only job that it ends up doing

somewhat poorly and I think, thinking is the job which can

improve DRAMATICALLY with some 'Conscious' participation!


I think, only thing that we might benefit by continuing to

do 'consciously' is… thinking!




> I did not previously see that my perceptions were more

often than not incorrect so I was acting on beliefs I

picked up in my past.





> Though these may sound simple, they definitely work for

me and when I am able to utilize them and not fall back into

conditioned responses, I have peace and contentment.




What I find even more important is whether that " process "

is still 'conscious' [i.e. you have to remember to do it]

or if it has already become automatic. The second happens

when the sub-conscious gets 'trained' to think, act and

behave in the " new " way. I have seen that sub-conscious is

one of the BEST asset that we have but, sometimes it needs

to be 'fed', 'guided', 'molded' and 'trained' to function

in desired way through Conscious.




> 1. Judge no one


I see 'judging' is part of 'knowledge' and among one of

the Most Basic Human Trait. By 'judging' all we are trying

to do is to 'predict' 'future' behavior and it is among our

most basic 'survival' traits. 'Not judging' sure sounds

very nice and " cool " spiritually and " politically " - yet,

in my observation, there has never been a human who doesn't

judge. It is neither necessary nor useful. But yes, some

'observation', 'guidance' and 'correction' by Conscious is

important here too!



> 2. Forgive utterly


In my experience, " forgiving " is not something you can

" do " ! In fact, whenever you try to " do " it - at the best,

you will end up 'pretending'! Forgiveness is the side

effect of RIGHT understanding. It comes with understanding

that what someone DID - was not really his/her fault

[sometimes, because, they didn't really have any other

choice!]. Sometimes forgiveness also comes because we

understand that the universe doesn't have to be " about me "

or " for me " and that the things/people can and should be

the way they are!




> 3. Resist nothing


In my experience, we exist only because you resist!


Resistance can surely mean " pain " many times yet, when

done with right 'understanding' and with 'consciousness' it

is the way of Human Growth and Evolution! And, in my mind,

that is one reason why we are here!


In my mind,

our " personal " pleasure/pain/suffering/salvation is far less

important that what it means at the grander scale - at the scale of

that which WILL " outlast " us [something like the Universe,

Humanity, " life " for example…]! And, whether we 'believe'

it or not - it is ALREADY True! Universe and everybody

around us is ALREADY " programmed " to treat us that way!

And, when we try to make it the OTHER way [i.e. my

" personal " suffering/salvation is more important all else]

the universe does [and should] attempt to fight or abandon





> This first one has to do with seeing that we are not

different from each other. We all want to be free of suffering.



Yes, many kids want toys - even when it means fighting

with some other kids.



> We all want peace and

> contentment.


Yes, many kids want clean and dry diapers - even when it

means waking us parents and neighbors.



> We go about this in different ways depending upon our

> individual level of awareness but what we want is the



Or, we might " grow " and question that very want!


We might realize that we are here on an 'invitation' and

that we owe our each breathe and each drop of our blood to

the Universe - to the creative Evolutionary, Unfolding,

Progressing 'leela'! Realizing that we might SEE that this

'leela' has ALREADY done enough for us - perhaps, now, it

is my turn to participate in it 'Consciously'!


> So if my

> neighbor does things that initially irritate me, I

remind myself that she and I are the same. We want the same thing

and all of us do as well as we can.



Yes, two kids often want SAME toy and many times end up




> With that thought, judging leaves me. But I've yet to

> discover a way to get around self judging.


'Self judging' can be a good way towards growth as long it

is 'understood' and done consciously.






> Now, I do agree with you that we can learn from painful


> But I swear I have had those all my life and never

learned a damn thing.




May of use have done similar things!


Maybe, because we are so " busy " resisting it and in trying

to 'escape' to no pain zone that we were not really

available to Consciously SEE, understand and learn from it!


In my experience, suffering and resistance [including the

" wish " to be somewhere else] go together! It is impossible

to suffer [for long] without resisting it and without

wishing to be somewhere else! Absent the resistance and the

wish to be somewhere else… Pain is just quick and very

effective message - decode it, understand it and use it! It

is just a friend.



> I read once that a difference between humans and

laboratory ratswere that rats would stop a behavior once there was

longer a pleasant outcome, some reward. The point was that humans

will continue the same behavior over and over again without a

pleasant outcome or reward.


I am not sure of that. We might 'persist' little longer

but, only because we somehow " see " a possibility!


Remember the story:


Tie a baby elephant with heavy iron chain that it can't

break and once the elephant grows up it never tries to

break again even when it is tied with a string that it

could easily break. You can surely not do it with [most]






> AnnaW



Best Wishes,


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If suffering is such a useful experience,

then why do I bother trying

to alleviate it for myself and others?




Is there anything which is not " useful " ?


Has God/Creation/Existence created anything

which is not " useful " ?


Is God/Creation/Existence a " fool " and it

creates and persists with things which are

useless and unnecessary?


{{{{These are questions for your God to answer.}}}}


To me, suffering is one way

God/Creation/Universe " talks " to me.

[And, once I understand its message...]


{{{{No doubt your God " talks " to you through making you suffer. I am

not doubting what you say.}}}}


Love is the way I talk to the



{{{{Okay...so your God makes you suffer and you are in a loving

relationship with Her. She communicates suffering to you while you

respond to Her in a loving way.... Have you understood Her



Ability to 'feel', 'accept' and 'understand'

'suffering' is one of the Greatest gift that

humans have because, that TRULY open many doors...


{{{I need a bit more than that if I am to agree with what you are






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Nisargadatta , " Silver " <silver-1069



> If suffering is such a useful experience,

> then why do I bother trying

> to alleviate it for myself and others?


> Silver

> **************

> Is there anything which is not " useful " ?


> Has God/Creation/Existence created anything

> which is not " useful " ?


> Is God/Creation/Existence a " fool " and it

> creates and persists with things which are

> useless and unnecessary?


> {{{{These are questions for your God to answer.}}}}


YOU are not that different than " my " God!



> *****************

> To me, suffering is one way

> God/Creation/Universe " talks " to me.

> [And, once I understand its message...]


> {{{{No doubt your God " talks " to you through making you suffer. I


> not doubting what you say.}}}}




Like you might say/do something that can make

me 'suffer' if I say/do something that you

see as 'deserving suffering'.



> *****************

> Love is the way I talk to the

> God/Creation/Universe.


> {{{{Okay...so your God makes you suffer and you are in a loving

> relationship with Her.


That is " one " thing that she does but,

not the only thing.


Love is one thing that I do

but, not the " only " thing.




> She communicates suffering to you while you

> respond to Her in a loving way.... Have you understood Her

> messages?}}}}


Not all of them.



> *****************

> Ability to 'feel', 'accept' and 'understand'

> 'suffering' is one of the Greatest gift that

> humans have because, that TRULY open many doors...


> {{{I need a bit more than that if I am to agree with what you are

> saying.}}}}




maybe, you need more 'suffering' ;-)






> :-)


> Silver


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Is there anything which is not " useful " ?


Has God/Creation/Existence created anything

which is not " useful " ?


Is God/Creation/Existence a " fool " and it

creates and persists with things which are

useless and unnecessary?


{{{{These are questions for your God to answer.}}}}


YOU are not that different than " my " God!


{{{Are you saying that I am the Creator of your world? Our worlds are

very different. Apparently, yours is populated with gods and words

and ideas, ideals, concepts of suffering humans. Mine has nothing of

the sort.}}}


To me, suffering is one way

God/Creation/Universe " talks " to me.

[And, once I understand its message...]


{{{{No doubt your God " talks " to you through making you suffer. I am

not doubting what you say.}}}}




Like you might say/do something that can make

me 'suffer' if I say/do something that you

see as 'deserving suffering'.


{{{If I were anything like the god you somehow think that I am, I

might. But since I'm not, your statement above does not apply.}}}


Love is the way I talk to the



{{{{Okay...so your God makes you suffer and you are in a loving

relationship with Her.


That is " one " thing that she does but,

not the only thing.


Love is one thing that I do

but, not the " only " thing.


{{{If you assign anthropomorphic qualities to this god of yours, what

you say might make some sense, I suppose.}}}


{{{She communicates suffering to you while you respond to Her in a

loving way.... Have you understood Her messages?}}}}


Not all of them.


{{{Why not? Is there a language barrier between you or something?}}}


Ability to 'feel', 'accept' and 'understand'

'suffering' is one of the Greatest gift that

humans have because, that TRULY open many doors...


{{{I need a bit more than that if I am to agree with what you are




maybe, you need more 'suffering' ;-)





{{{Okay, well, I guess that's the end of this discussion then. Take

care of yourself, buddy. Enjoy a life of suffering. I'm just content

enough to understand it and accept it. I'll go about my business of

helping to alleviate suffering wherever I see it if I can, while you

go on contemplating its 'benefit' to others. Have a good night!}}}

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