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Fw/A Bedtime Meditation Prayer Of Forgiveness

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I Love how the world appears, the following came from a Leila of

Christian Druids, I sent this last night to my Middle East Peace

Forum and now to 'You'.


I think that we are already in the shift. More and more light of

awareness and hope than the bleak darkness of ignorance and fear.








A Bedtime Meditation Prayer of Forgiveness


By Rabbi Michael Lerner



A Project of the Tikkun Community


Every day I pray for peace, an end to the war in Iraq, reconciliation

and peace between Israel and Palestine, an end to the occupation of

Tibet by China, an end to the genocide in Darfur. I spend my time

trying to build a movement of spiritual progressives to contribute to

this effort, to get people to sign our ad for peace at

www.tikkun.org/iraq peace, to get people involved in Generosity

Sunday April 15, and to work with us to get the liberals and

progressives to push Congress to end funding for the war and to fund

instead our plan for the Global Marshall Plan.


But sometimes, when I am about to go to sleep, I am filled with the

troubles of the day. I worry that people who told me that they agreed

with what they were reading in Tikkun or hearing me say in the

Network of Spiritual Progressives (NSP) or in reading my book The

Left Hand of God have not followed through financially to support our

efforts to help spread our ideas. Or they haven't followed through

with time and energy that we so badly need--they tell me " keep up the

good work, Michael " but they don't actually join me. Or I remember

the terrible things being done by our government or the pain of so

many on this planet who do not have enough food to eat because of the

global economic system we've created and sustained. Or I remember the

ways that our environment is being systematically destroyed. And

sometimes people intentionally try to hurt me or put me down, or hurt

others whom I love, or our movement of spiritual progressives. All

that sometimes makes me upset, angry or just filled with agitation.

And then I remember the ways that I myself have not been the fullest

embodiment of my own ideals, the ways I've been insensitive, or

unnecessarily judgmental, or in other ways just didn't fully be the

kind of spiritual leader I want to be. I know I have to forgive

others and ask that they forgive me.


So I say the following prayer/meditation (below), based on the

writings of the Jewish spiritual tradition and the wisdom of my

teacher Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi, and the wisdom of many other

traditions as well. I invite you to try this for a week or two, and I

think you'll find that it contributes to a more restful sleep and a

more tranquil soul ready to engage in the necessary struggles and

opportunities to build a world of love in the coming years. You don't

have to believe in God or religion to use this meditation. Feel free

to circulate it, post it, reprint it or even claim you wrote it (no

private property in ideas) or use it in whatever way it can help you

or others.


Many blessings,


Rabbi Michael Lerner

Editor, Tikkun

Chair, The Network of Spiritual Progressives



Bedtime Prayer of Forgiveness



YOU, my ETERNAL FRIEND, WITNESS now that I forgive anyone who hurt or

upset me or who offended me-- damaging my body, my property, my

reputation or people that I love; whether by accident or purposely;

with words, deeds, thoughts or attitudes.


I forgive every person who has hurt or upset me.



May no one be punished because of me. May no one suffer from karmic

consequences for hurting or upsetting me.


Help me, Eternal Friend, to keep from offending You and others. Help

me to be thoughtful and not commit outrage by doing what is evil in

Your eyes.


Whatever sins I have committed, blot out, please, in Your abundant

kindness, and spare me suffering or harmfulillnesses.



Help me become aware of the ways I may have unintentionally or

intentionally hurt others, and please give me guidance and strength

to rectify those hurts and to develop the sensitivity to not continue

acting in a hurtful way. Let me forgive others, let me forgive

myself, but also let me change in ways that make it easy for me to

avoid paths of hurtfulness to others.


I seek peace, let me BE peace. I seek justice, let me be just. I seek

a world of kindness, let me be kind. I seek a world of generosity,

let me be generous with all that I have. I seek a world of sharing,

let me share all that I have. I seek a world of giving, let me be

giving to all around me. I seek a world of love, let me be loving

beyond all reason, beyond all normal expectation, beyond all societal

frameworks that tell me how much love is " normal, " beyond all fear

that giving too much love will leave me with too little. And let me

be open and sensitive to all the love that is already coming to me,

the love of people I know, the love of people who do join and work

with me in my projects to heal and transform the world, the love that

is part of the human condition, the accumulated love of past

generations that flows through and is embodied in the language,

music, recipes, technology, literature, religions, agriculture, and

family heritages that have been passed on to me and to us. Let me

pass that love on to the next generations in an even fuller and more

explicit way.


Source of goodness and love in the universe, let me be alive to all

the goodness that surrounds me. And let that awareness of the

goodness and love of the universe be my shield and protector. And

with that awareness, let me be energized to more fully contribute

with my heart, my full dedication of time and money and energy, and

my mind and soul, to the task of tikkun, healing the world, and

finding the best ways that I can personlly do that.


Hear the words of my mouth and may the meditations of my heart find

acceptance before You, Eternal Friend, who protects and frees me.



To connect to the community of people advancing these ideas, please

go to www.spiritualprogressives.org






Authors Website: http://www.tikkun.org


Authors Bio: Rabbi Michael Lerner is editor of Tikkun and national

chair of the Tikkun Community/ Network of Spiritual Progressives.

People are invited to to Tikkun magazine or join the

interfaith organization the Network of Spiritual Progressives-- " both

of which can be done by going to www.tikkun.org

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