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From Era to GURU; a sense of humour cuts through all kinds of s***


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Swami Beyondananda's

2007 State of the Universe Address


Humanifest Destiny

From Survival of the Fittest to

Thrival of the Fittingest


Note. This year, the Swami insisted on delivering the State of the

Universe Address on February 2nd, Ground Hog Day because " it's the

closest anyone comes to seeing their shadow all year. " Said the Swami,

" Look at us. America is the most heavily armed country in the world,

and still we're afraid of our own shadow. We seem stuck in a state of

emergency, so we must declare a state of 'emerge 'n see' instead. Like

the ground hog, we must emerge from our separate little holes and see

we are all in this together. And we must see our shadow -- otherwise,

we're in for another long season of darkness. We must laugh at the

shadow as well. I call on everyone to shine the light of laughter on

the endarkened corridors of power, because there's definitely

something funny going on. May we wake up laughing and leave laughter

in our wake. "


Another earth year has passed, and for what it is worth I am happy to

report that once again the universe is doing just great, thank you,

purring with perfection, ever-changing same as always. Light is still

cruising along at 186,000 miles per second, and the expanding universe

shows no signs of contracting. At this rate, it won't be long before

they'll have to let the photon belt out another notch.


Meanwhile back here on our own little center of the universe, the

human race seems to be racing against time. Those Concerned Scientists

have just moved the Doomsday clock up to five minutes till midnight,

and even some of the unconcerned scientists are getting concerned.

With all due respect to Wilson Pickett, if this midnight hour ever

comes it won't be love that comes tumblin' down. Well, maybe tough



The good news is, the alarm is getting louder, making it more

difficult to hit snooze. The Chinese say crisis means opportunity, and

opportunity sure seems to be knocking. If it knocks any harder, it's

going to knock down the door. The polar ice caps are melting -- north

and south -- which means on top of everything else this crazy world

now officially has bipolar disorder. No wonder the penguins are

flocking to Hollywood. The polar bears are now on the Endangered

Species List, right up there with us. We humans do seem to have the

Endangering Species List pretty much to ourselves, though.


An Evolutionary Upwising!


Fortunately, people are waking up and wising up. An evolutionary

upwising is gathering esteem all across America, and not a moment too

soon. Confidence in the powers that be in power hit Iraq bottom last

year, and once again -- thanks to the Daily Show and Colbert Report --

fake news was the greatest source of truth. The " we're-going-

to-heaven- and-everyone- else-can- go-to-hell " crowd continued to

expose itself -- in more ways than one -- and more and more Americans

awoke to the realization that the real abomination is to bomb a



Riding on the groundswell of this upwising, the unarmed forces won an

important victory in November. As predicted, the evolution was

officially launched when the first big shot was fired the day after

election day. And the farce was with us as well. The last two

Republican Senators to concede defeat were Burns and Allen, and more

than a few corrupt Congressfolk were shown the door and told to " say

goodnight, disgracie. "


The President, meanwhile, stepped up his counterintelligence program

to the point where just about everything he does runs counter to

intelligence. But now it looks like even Republicans may be ready to

put the " decider " through the decider mill, no doubt afraid that with

two more years of this, the party of Lincoln and Ford might go the way

of the Edsel.


Something else happened this year. Thanks to Al Gore the media finally

warmed up to climate change, and global warming became a hot issue. As

soon as " Inconvenient Truth " hit the theaters, the Bush Administration

counterattacked with it's own version of the story, " Convenient Lies. "

And the biggest cause of global warming? Global warmongering. We

humans spend over a trillion dollars a year on weapons of deadlihood

when we could be weaving a web of livelihood. No wonder the 'hood is

so deadly. And we've rationalized this dysfunctional persistent

" riches to rubble " war program as a " necessary evil " without bothering

to stand for peace as a " necessary good. "


Are We As Smart As Our Cells?


Now if you used to hate it when your parents compared you to someone

else saying, " if so-and-so can do it, why not you? " you're probably

not going to like what I'm about to tell you -- but here goes. Our

cells may be smarter than we are. At least they've figured out how to

live together in peace and harmony. According to cellular biologist

Bruce Lipton, we have a thriving 50 trillion cell community under our

skin where every participating cell is cared for. Universal health

care, full employment -- truly no cell left behind. And the cells that

do the most important work for the body as a whole, they get " paid "

more. Our organs seem to get along too. You hardly ever hear about the

liver cruising up the bile canal, invading the pancreas, and laying

claim to the Islets of Langerhans.


Meanwhile back in the jungle, we pursue manifest destiny and survival

of the fittest as our supposed biological imperative, except for one

small detail. It doesn't matter how fit the individual is, if the

species doesn't fit -- then out it goes into the recycling pile. If

you thought " The Man Without a Country " was a sad story, wait until

you see " Man Without a Planet. " I hate to say it, but global warming

may be nothing more than the Earth running a fever in the hopes of

shaking a virulent parasite called homo ignoranus.


Now don't get me wrong. There've been some really great people.

Gandhi. Mother Teresa. Elvis. (That's right, Elvis. I've been

following his threefold path for years: " Love me tender ... please

surrender ... return to sender. " ) But anyway, there've been lots and

lots of lots of really wonderful individuals. Individually, you won't

meet a nicer species. But put a bunch of us together, and we're hell

on wheels. Did you know that over the 20th century, war caused 260

million deaths? Why if someone did just one 260 millionth of that,

it'd be all over the 6:00 news with details at 11. And if any one of

us did what we allow " all of us " to do, we'd be put away forever. I

guess they must have modified the Ten Commandments while we weren't

looking: " Thou shalt not kill, except in extremely large groups. "



Spontaneous Re-Missioning


I've said it before, but maybe it bears repeating. It could very well

be that the Ten Commandments are just too much to bite off all at

once. Maybe we should start with One Suggestion: " We're all in it

together. " Each and every one of us is one with the same One. The

Universal Oneness. The universe has us surrounded, might as well

surrender. In the Creator's book, we are all number one -- and when

we're all number one, there is never a need to treat anyone else like

number two.


And perhaps instead of waiting for some Higher Power -- or for that

matter, some hired power -- to save us, maybe it's time to embrace the

world as a fixer-upper instead of rejecting it as a tearer-downer.

Maybe we're all working for Habitat for Humanity, and making our

habitat fit for humanity -- and all other living things -- is the

ultimate do-it-yourself project. Let's face it. Our Mother Earth is

suffering from a bad case of us, and a miraculous healing is required.

So, if we want a spontaneous remission, we humans must take

responsibility for a spontaneous re-missioning. We must change our

mission from manifest destiny and survival of the fittest to

humanifest destiny and thrival of the fittingest.


Here's another suggestion. Maybe we children of God manifest our

destiny as humanity by finally becoming adults of God, and realizing

we are the Creator's creation created to create. In other words, we

aren't here to earn God's love, we are here to spend it!


Creationism vs. evolution is a silly conversation, particularly when

both are true. I believe we were created to evolve, otherwise Jesus

would have said, " Now don't do a thing till I return. " If we want to

bring the Higher Power to earth, we must do it through our own words,

thoughts and actions. Supply-side spirituality, I call it: Be more

supplying and less demanding.


I have often said that if you are dissatisfied with the current

programming, turn off your TV and tell a vision instead. So I will

tell my vision for the new year and new millennium. I see the upwising

going worldwide as billions of people realize that each of us is a

cell in the body of humanity, totally unique just like everyone else.

Sure, the world is currently being run by a very, very small elite of

individuals, but look on the bright side -- there are way, way more of

us than there are of them. Where the healthy cells thrive,

sociopathogens can never take hold of the body politic.


And what if each nation -- like each organ of the body -- set out its

own mission to give its special gift to the world? It could be

baklava, it could be bagpipes ... anything that brings harmony instead

of harm. No more harmaments, and a farewell to harms! Imagine a

peacemaker implanted in the heart of every nation, and billions of

individuals signing on to a worldwide Humanifesto ratifying the One

Suggestion. Of course, the conditions might not change overnight, but

the conditioning would. And if we shift the conditioning, a shift in

conditions will surely follow.


Imagine all the nations of the world thriving together -- in a great

thrivalry -- and manifesting our destiny as a humanity ... to re-grow

the Garden from the grassroots up, and have a heaven of a time doing



Can it be done? Well, consider the alternative. Are we going to just

let our entire species flunk third dimension? Where's your species

spirit anyway?


I know what you're thinking. The Swami is a hopeless optimystic, an

overly-positive yea-sayer. But that is only because I understand that

our future is not our past. Otherwise, why would we need a future? We

could just all sit home and watch reruns. Each moment, we discard

billions of universes as we choose one future over another. Beggar or

billionaire, we're all in the futures market. The question for each of

is, which future are we investing in? Here's the good news: There is a

field of infinite possibility out there. And here's the better news:

It's not a battlefield, it's a playing field. The game is Humanifest

Destiny, and we have om field advantage.


C'mon, omies. Let's take the field.


© Copyright 2007 by Steve Bhaerman. All rights reserved.

Visit Swami online at http://www.wakeupla ughing.com/ news.html

or call (800) SWAMI-BE for a free catalog.



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