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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 12-2007 from Saidarbar.

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THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI Fifth Year of Publication Published as Bi-Weekly Issue 12/2007 07-06-2007 You can read this E- Magazine in 3d page turning NEW FORMAT in web page http://ettitudemedia.com/loadbook.php?BookName=EMagazineCurrent ------------------- GURUR-BRAHMA, GURUR-VISHNUH; GURU-DEVO MAHESWARAHA; GURUR-SAKSHATH PARAM BRAHMA; THASMAI SREE GURAVE NAMAHA: Sairam. You can watch Live Web casting from Shirdi Sai Samadhi Mandir from following Link: http://www.shrisaibabasansthan.org/onlinedarshan.asp THIS ISSUE CONTAINS: 1. FROM THE SATSANGHS OF SAIBANISA JI 2. SAI'S NEWS FROM TIME MACHINE 3. SAI IN DREAMS 4. QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY 5. SANATANA DHARMA & SHRI SHIRDI SAIBABA 6. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES 7. SAI WITH CHILDREN 8. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM SAI SATCHARITRA 9. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES 10. LETTERS FROM SAI DEVOTEES 11. TELUGU

SECTION 12. SAI'S BOOK WORLD 13. EDITORIAL. ------------------------------- 1. FROM THE SATSANGHS OF SAIBANISA JI http://www.angelfire.com/celeb2/saidarbar/pages/S3500055.htm Compiled by: Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad. MIND AND DESIRE With a judicious employment of free will man can do the most valuable service to himself by controlling the mind and killing desire. Desire is the arch enemy of man’s spiritual progress. First it takes possession of the mind and establishes its control over it. It then drags the mind to various temptations and corrupts it in yielding to heinous methods for getting them fulfilled. The more the mind indulges in them, the more thirsty it feels for them. Quite in a subtle and surreptitious

manner, it corrupts and enslaves man as an intoxicant and leaves him in the end like a boat caught in a storm in the middle of the sea. Desire is insatiable and proliferates. We can not kill desire by more desires just as we cannot extinguish a fire by adding more fuel to it. It leaves the person persuasively into a destructive clutches, as a light does to a moth. Thus a person hovers round all kinds of temptations and is incited to commit an endless variety of sins, which is their turn kill his higher nature and render him unfit for progress. When desire is opposed or defeated, it generates in man anger, hatred, delusion, ruin of reason and with the utter destruction of his inner personality. To subdue such a disastrous foe and control the capricious mind and the senses behind it, the best way is to study Holy Scriptures and practice their elevating precepts. Good counsel stands endless repetition. That sensual pleasures and their consequential evils are most retrograde to one’s spiritual advancement should be repeatedly dinned into his ears even to the point of fault. Regular prayer and meditation, association with holy personalities, filling the mind with spiritual ideas in order to keep at bay all evil thoughts help him as purifying agents of his filthy inside. By sincere and assiduous practice of such remedial measures, he can wean away his mind from it pursuit of sensual pleasures

and drive it in the right direction towards salvation. This is the best work he can do for his own uplift, to begin with. Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu To be continued… --------------- 2. SAI'S NEWS FROM THE TIME MACHINE: June 1911: Kashinath

Govind Upasani visited Shirdi for the first time at the age of 41 years. June 1929: Hemadri Pant (Anna Saheb Dhabolkar) completed writing SaiSatcharitra in Marathi June 1940: Sakhram Balvanth, a staunch devotee of Baba and an advocate from Nashik passed away at the age of 67 years due to heart attack. ----------------- 3. SAI IN DREAMS: http://www.ettitudemedia.com These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SaiBaNiSaji From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS. Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY. MARCH-1995: 01-03-1995 Now a day, I am not able to get along well with friends and even domestic life is under turmoil. I prayed Sai to grant me with permission to opt for renunciation. Sai appeared in the form of an unknown person and said- Everything happens at an appropriate time. One should be patient till then. Life is like playing the game of football. Try your best to make a goal, which will happen only at the pre-destined and opportune moment. One has to continue the play till it comes. I got the message. Moments of distress should be faced patiently. 02-03-1995 I asked Sai to bless all my family members so that we always follow the path of righteousness. Sai in formless said- Contentment and happiness will be in place once the housewife becomes a role model to begin with. Happiness in family life is very important. 06-03-1995 Some people and make money by resorting to wrong

practices and exploiting their positions. At times, I too am tempted doing the same, setting aside all the moral values. I put forward this predicament before Baba before going to bed. Sai in the form of an unknown person said- Real character is put to test only when one encounters upon such situations. One may even feel and try justifying that the chosen path is only the right one under those circumstances. However the true Sai devotee emerges successfully after going through the stages of push and pulls. A real Sai devotee can never go wrong. To be continued….. ---- 4. QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY: (By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao) "Shashi": shashi_31 29. Is Samsara Really Necessary? Baba finally advised Nana Chandorkar

about the importance of ‘Gruhastashram’. Gruhasta is not at all inferior to a celibate. Of all the four Varnashramas, Gruhastashram is better than other Ashrams. It is the best one. The reason behind it is that, the householder has to provide food and shelter and shoulder the burden of the three Ashrams. In the same manner as all the rivers and rivulets reach their destination, the ocean, Brahmacharis, Sanyasis and Seers meet the people of Gruhasta in their houses as the meeting point. It is the main stay for social and cultural continuity. The mutual cooperation of complicating and supplementing the social fabric is seen at Grushastashram. It is due to this that Gruhastashram is considered the best of all the four Varnashramas. If a Gruhasta has these 10 qualities 1. Aprarigruha (non-receiving) 2. Patience 3. Boldness 4. Dama 5.

Purity 6. Control of mind 7. The worldly vision 8. Philosophical Thinking 9. Leading a truthful life and 10. Without anger and ego Then that Gruhasta may be called as Mahatma, who has renunciated all the worldliness mind. To be continued….. ----------------------------- 5. SANATANA DHARMA & SHRI SHIRDI SAIBABA. At the beginning, mankind and the obligation of selfless service were created together. "Through selfless service, you will always be fruitful and find the fulfillment of your desires": this is the promise of the Creator. -Bhagavad Gita 3:10 As a man's shadow follows his footsteps wherever he goes, Even so will destruction pursue those who commit sinful

deeds. -Tirukkural 21: 208 For the Self is everything. When the seeker knows this, He falls silent. He no longer thinks, "I am this, I am not that." Such thoughts melt away. -Ashtavakra Gita

18:9 ----------------------- www.zeenews.com PITHORAGARH, INDIA, May 26, 2007: Starting out from New Delhi and walking 865 kms to complete their pilgrimage, the first of

16 groups with 45 pilgrims each will commence their journey on June 1. The news release explains, "The journey passes through the beautiful but tough mountain route including an arduous trek of 70 kms from Mangati onwards. There are five points - Gala, Bundi, Gunji, Kalapani and Nabhidang - on Indian side where the pilgrims would spend nights during the journey. After entering into Tibet through Lipulekh pass (16,500 ft), pilgrims would be staying in various camps at Taklakot, Kugu, Zaidi, Parkha, Hore, Dera Phuk, Darchain and Zongzairbu before arriving at the Mansarovar lake, situated at 14,862 ft with a circumference of 90 kms. Mount Kailash, considered as an abode of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, and Mansarovar, said to have been created by Brahma, is situated in Tibet." dhirajdshah AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND, May 28, 2007: In a historic event for the Hindu community of New Zealand, Prime Minister Helen Clark inaugurated New

Zealand's first Hindu conference by lighting the holy lamp at the Hindu Heritage Center in Auckland, May 12, 2007. The conference theme was The Contribution of Hindu Community to the National Life of New Zealand and the keynote address was presented by Dr. Guna Magesan, General Secretary of the Hindu Council of New Zealand. He highlighted the fact that the Hindu community is the second largest faith-based community in New Zealand and that it has grown by 62 per cent in the last five years. ------------------------------- Sairama Prasad sainamasapthaha On 4/27/07 INVITATION 8th Anniversary Celebrations AKHANDA

SAI NAMA SAPTHA SAPTHAHA & DAILY ANNA PRASADA FROM 26-08-2007 TO 14-10-2007 Blessed Sai Bandhus, To commemorate Baba's presence (In flesh and Blood) as an ascetic on 09-09-2000, It is scheduled to conduct 8th Anniversary Celebrations and Akhanda

Sai Nama Saptha Sapthaha & Daily Anna Prasada Non-stop chanting of Baba's Taraka Mantra "Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai" for 1176 hours From Sunday 26th August 2007 11.00 a.m to Sunday 14th October 2007 , 11.00 a.m. Email: saissvs Website: www.saissvs.org --------------- 6. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES: mystic_saurabh Tue, 15 May 2007 20:03:03 +1000 Shree Satchitt Ananda Satguru Sainath Maharaj Kee Jai 15th May 2007 Dear Sai family, I would like to share with you all a recent experience of mine where Baba

showed me clearly that he is behind me helping me with my application for permanent residency as well. I will try to be up to the point. I have been an overseas student in Sydney, Australia; now came the time when I was trying to get all the documents sorted for applying for a permanent residency here. Before applying for PR, I had applied for the certificate

to an Acocuntancy association for the recognition of the subjects I have completed so far (here and in India) for migrating as an Accountant. This is the most crucial and the only document that was left. I had done very few accounting subjects here but had done some in India so it was very doubtful that they would approve my application and I was sure that they would ask me to atleast complete one or two subjects more. Now for the PR application fees, I didn't even have around $2000 straight away and

thus I was a bit restless and had to delay everything. I had already asked several banks here for a credit card (since ages) and personal loan (recently) but everyone rejected it because I am not a permanent resident. About 2 weeks ago, I had some work in my Bank and I don't know what happened to me and I asked them if they give credit cards to non PR people now and she said that they do and sent my application. As usual, when I went to the Sai temple next time, I told my Sai devotee friend about it. I also told him that if they approve it and the letter comes on a Thursday then it is all Baba's game plan. Boom! On 10th May, Thursday, I get a letter from my bank with the PIN number, which is sent before the actual credit card is sent for security, thus confirming me about

the approval. On 14th May, Monday, I get 2 letters in the post box. One with the credit card (limit $6000) and a letter from the National Institute of Accountants. Before opening the letter I said to Baba that if I can't surrender to your will in this little thing then what will I have complete surrender; whatever you will is my will, I don’t care about anything else. (Although I said that, my heart wanted it to be approved :o) The letter was to say that 9 subjects out of 12 have been approved, which is what is required to migrate as an Accountant. Date of approval on the letter by NIA is the 10th of May, Thursday, my Baba's day. I cried and the heart celebrated in front of him. I have just finished applying for my PR online. Too many such things have started to happen only after I gained faith in Baba. At times I think that life's purpose (Moksha) is very easy as Baba is with me. May Baba bless all. Jai Sai Ram -------------------- 7. SAI WITH CHILDREN: http://www.saidarbar.org/HTML/portraits/7.jpgSmt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad. Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Now I want to tell the stories what heard in my child hood. TRUE SUPERIORITY: Once there was a king named Mallik. He was a very brave, kind and powerful king. He was loved by his subjects and also by his courtiers. One day a thought came to the mind of the King, “Am I really so great that there is no defect in me? How should I find it

out?” “Do my people praise me because they could not criticize me at my face? The truth can be known when one hears the true opinion of the people. This can happen only if I am not recognized. People will not afraid to give their true opinion.” The King called his charioteer. He told him that he wanted to go on a tour, he would take only the charioteer with him. The king, with his charioteer, traveled far and wide in his kingdom. Wherever he went, he asked the people what they felt about their King Mallik? Everywhere people, without knowing that they were talking to the king himself, praised King Mallik as great and noble king. One day while he was traveling, his chariot came to a narrow bridge. Only one chariot could move over it at one time. Now, the usual practice of those days was that

a lower ranking gave the way to a higher ranking man. Just when King Mallik’s chariot reached one end of the bridge, another chariot came to the other end of the bridge which had to come this side. Who was to cross first? The charioteer from this side said, “My friend, le me cross first. The great King Mallik is in my chariot.” The other charioteer replied, “If your master is a great king, then my master, the great King Brahmadatta of Kashi is greater. It is you who will have to make way for him.” What was to be done? Then one of the kings suggested that since both of them were kings, their superiority could be decided on the basis of age and the size of their kingdoms. Most surprisingly, it turned out that both the kings were equal in age and the size of their kingdoms. How to decide who

was superior? Both the kings started thinking. After much thought King Brahmadatta said, “The greatness of a person is determined by his qualities. You tell me about your qualities to prove your greatness.” King Mallik proudly spoke, “I reciprocate goodness with goodness and wrong with wrong.” King Brahmadatta said, “If these are your qualities, you cannot be bigger defect in the world than this.” King Mallik was shocked, He said, “Maharaj Brahmadatta, what do you say? Well, then, come out with your qualities. King Brahmadatta said, “Listen, O King Mallik, I repay wrong with goodness. Those who harm me, I help even those persons.” When King Mallik heard these words, he bowed his head before Brahmadatta. He acknowledged with his whole heart that King Brahmadatta was indeed greater than he

was. He still had many weaknesses which needed to be removed. Thus realization ultimately came to King Mallik that there were greater persons then he was. All his pride vanished. -------------- 8. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM SAI SATCHARITRA swamymain On 5/16/07 Sai Ram. Let us continue with the Spiritual Gems from Sri Sai Satcharitra. As usual, SSS represents Sri Sai Satcharitra and SSG represents Sai Spiritual Gems. Sai Ram. Ordeal of Guru-Bhakti Let us now see, how the second

Cholera-ordinance fared with Baba. While it was in force, somebody brought a goat to the Dwarakamai; It was weak, old and about to die. At this time Fakir Pir Mohamad of Malegaon alias Bade Baba was near. Sai Baba asked him to behead it with one stroke, and offer it as an oblation. This Bade Baba was much respected by Sai Baba. He always sat on the right hand of Sai Baba. After the chilim (pipe) was first smoked by him, it was then offered to Baba and others. After the dishes were served, at the time of taking meals at noon, Baba respectfully called Bade Baba and made him sit on His left side, and then all partook of food. Baba paid him also daily Rs.50/- out of the amount collected as Dakshina. Baba accompanied him hundred paces

whenever he was going away. Such was his position with Baba. But when Baba asked him to behead the goat, he flatly refused, saying "Why it should be killed for nothing?" SSG: Sai Ram. Bade Baba did not consider himself to be a disciple of Sai Baba and though he has seen many instances of Sai's powers did not get the spirit of discipleship. His ego (probably caused by his title of Bade Baba and the respect shown to him by Sai) prevented him from seeing Sai in the true light. Sai Ram. SSS: Then Baba asked Shama to kill it. He went to Radha-Krishna-Mai and brought a knife from her and placed it before Baba. Knowing the purpose for which the knife was taken, she recalled it. Then Shama went to bring another knife, but stayed in the Wada, and did not return soon. Then came the turn of Kakasaheb Dixit. He was 'good gold' no doubt, but had to be tested. Baba asked him to get a knife and kill the goat. He went to Sathe's Wada and returned with a knife. He was ready to kill it at Baba's bidding. He was born in a pure Brahmin family and never in his life knew killing. Though quite averse to do any act of violence, he made himself bold to kill the goat. All the people wondered to see that Bade Baba, a Mahomedan was unwilling to kill it while this pure Brahmin was making preparations to do so. He tightened his dhotar and with a semicircular motion raised his hand with the knife and looked at Baba for the final

signal. Baba said - "What are you thinking of? Go on, strike". Then, when the hand was just about to come down, Baba said - "Stop, how cruel you are! Being a Brahmin, you are killing a goat?" Kakasaheb obeyed and kept the knife down and said to baba - "Your nectar like word is law unto us; we do not know any other ordinance. We remember You always, meditate on Your Form and obey You day and night, we do not know or consider whether it is right or wrong to kill, we do not want to reason or discuss things, but implicit and prompt compliance with Guru's orders, is our duty and dharma". S.V.Swamy Author, Editor, Proof-Reader and Book Reviewer www.freewebs.com/swamyreviews ----- 9. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES: sudha_vohra Tue, 22 May 2007 11:50:45 +0530 AAb to le lo appni panah mein

sai mene kiye hain bahut se gunah hai Sai mene dekha hai bade payar se tujhe tum bhi dekho bus eek nigah hai Sai teri surat jo dekh le eek bar koi usko phir se dekhne ki chah hai Sai rrakh mujh par yakin tu bande mere tune hi di hai sabko yeh salah hai Sai Sudha Vohra --------------------- 10. LETTERS FROM SAIDEVOTEES: dobbyonearth Mon, 28 May 2007 15:43:23 -0700 Jai Sai Ram, Many Blessings on all your great works. Thank you so much when you send your issue right in the email, so simple for people like me. Dobby Sommer --------------- rte5rwe43 Wed, May 23, 2007 11:04 pm SaiRam, Thanks for the interesting and informative site. That is definitely what I have been looking for. Costa Vatican City State London --------- castles_22 On 5/23/07 SaiRam, Thank you for sending me a magazine based on Sai Baba please send me every weak. Shilpa. S ------------------- Response for “The Glory of Shirdi Sai” E- Magazine in the 3d page turning NEW FORMAT malini_anantha On Thu, 19 Apr 2007 08:32:45 40500 Thanks for sending valuable information on Baba. My faith in him grows stronger after reading all the experiences of devotees. I

strongly believe that one day I may be blessed by Baba in my vision and get the spiritual insight. Thanks for sharing and bringing us close to Baba. Malini ---------- sharmamandvi On Tue, 17 Apr 2007 00:58:25 40500 I have just been a member of this web site and for the first time I have read this magazine. It refreshed me and gave me hopes and joy. It took me closer to Baba. Mandvi ------------------ r_bharrat On Sat, 14 Apr 2007 23:12:09 40500 JAI SAI RAM I enjoyed reading the magazines and listening to the beautiful bhajans. Thank you so much. R. Bharrat ----------- jadeja01 On Wed, 09 May 2007 09:31:15 40500 Excellent work... it just gets better... Thank you for providing such a good service.... Kishorsinh D Jadeja -------- anilkavita On Mon, 07 May 2007 19:15:45 40500 I am very much impressed by your work thanks for connecting all Sai devotees. Anil Chadha ------------ saradaashetty On Mon, 07 May 2007 06:04:24 40500 It is really wonderful to see this ezine and I have been receiving this since 2005. I am

grateful to that person who has added me to the mail list. I want to send the same to few of my friends. Pls. advice me how I can do it. Sarada ------- babbu444 On Tue, 24 Apr 2007 10:05:29 40500 This is a very convenient format it is very easy to turn the pages and read thank you very much B.Swami nath -------- srlu1948 On Sun, 22 Apr 2007 03:54:59 40500 Jaya Sai ram lo what a wonderful pages this magazine contained, it is Sai Krupa which made millions of His bhaktas read and emulate. Anantha koti Brahmandanyaka Sadguru Sri Sainath Maharaj ki jai B. Seetharamulu ------------- chakora_s_2000 On Sun, 22 Apr 2007 00:27:18 40500 I NEVER SEE THIS TYPE OF TECHNOLOGY.I FEEL VERY HAPPY WHEN I SAW FIRST TIME THIS MAGAZINE. AS A DEVOTEE OF SRI SAIBABA, I GOT THIS PREVILAGE. OM SAI SRI SAI JAYA JAYA SAI CH. KOTESWARARAO ----------------- eseuens SaiRam, Please send the Aarti and Bhajan songs. I would like to hear it everyday. Sai Vishwa Jeth. --------------------- You can read this E- Magazine in 3d page turning NEW FORMAT in web page http://ettitudemedia.com/loadbook.php?BookName=EMagazineCurrent 11. TELUGU SECTION: Please visit: http://www.telugubhakti.com/telugupages/Misc/ShiridiSai/shirdisai.htm Please visit for Sai Aartis in Telugu: http://www.angelfire.com/celeb2/saidarbar/PDFS/pdfs.htm Please visit for Sai Aaratis Audio: http://www.shrisaibabasansthan.org/main_English/saibaba/saibaba_aarti.asp ------------------------------- FOR STARTING A SAIDARBAR CHAPTER OUT SIDE INDIA: Please contact: saidarbar & saidarbar ----------------------------- 12. SAI'S BOOK WORLD: Title: Sai Baba of Shirdi - A God Author: Sri Bapatla Hanumantha Rao Sri Bapatla Venkata Pardhasardhy Sri Sai Nilayam,Cheru P.O Guntur District A.P – 522 113 ------------- Title: The Eternal Sai Author: S. Maneey Sri Sai Spiritual Centre, 1 Block, Thyagarajanagar Bangalore - 28 --------------------- Title: How I found God Author: Yogi M. K. Spencer Sai Age Publications 126 Sector 37 Faridabad – 121 003 ------------------- Please Note: Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book World) to spread the word about their books may send ONE new copy of the book to Saidarbar, for details contact: saidarbar Acknowledgement of receipt of books will be done by E-mail only. Book(s) sent to Saidarbar will be retained by Saidarbar and cannot be returned. -------- SAIDARBAR – HYDERABAD: Please visit our Website: http://www.saidarbar.org and give your valuable suggestions for its improvements. Saidarbar members would like to convey hearty thanks to the websites which has uploaded Saibanisa’s discourses Audio C.Ds in http://www.omsrisai.net You can download Audio: Sri Sai Satcharithra (In English Language)

Sri Sai Satcharithra by chapters (In English Language) Sri Sai Satcharithra (In Telugu Language) Sai Satcharithra by chapters (In Telugu Language) Sri Guru Charithra (In English Language) Sri Guru Charithra by chapters (In English Language) Request Sri Sai Satcharithra CD (English and Telugu Language Available) Saibanisa’s discourses (Telugu) From http://www.saiaudio.com/sairam/index.htm --------------------- 13. EDITORIAL. Things impressed me from this magazine: Desire is the arch enemy of man’s spiritual progress. Regular prayer and meditation, association with holy personalities, filling the mind with spiritual ideas in order to keep at bay all evil thoughts help him as purifying agents of his filthy inside. Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place, essays, articles and poetry on Sai to "The Glory of Shirdi Sai" – they may be address their contributions to E-mail id: saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of Shirdi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish them as a matter of routine practice. You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative by submitting e-mail ID in the main page of http://www.saidarbar.org Also read the old issues from: http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htm If you are subscribing this E-magazine for your friend or a relative, we request that the person concerned may be notified about receiving the same. Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the articles published. This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only. Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi Saidarbar—HYDERABAD--INDIA P.S. In case you do not like to receive "The Glory of Shirdi Sai ", Kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action. ------------

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