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Summer 2007 Tour of the Mayan GrandMothers

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Re: Mayan GrandMothers Summer Tour with Don Alejandro



here are two links to the group that is sponsoring

the North American tour of Rosa Maria Cabrera, Elizabeth

Araujo and Don Alejandro Oxlaj ...


beginning in Goddess Moon California, end of June,

then moving to Santa Barbara ...






as soon as we have more North American tour

information we will share it!



Millennium Twain





Mayan GrandMother Kiara Windrider has discussed the limitations of

the etheric dikshas, cosmic spirit guides, as applied to most of us

living today. Love brings up anything unlike itself, and so many that

have received dikshas come to experience backlashes where the initial

state of bliss, sometimes mimicking an experience of enlightenment,

may turn into disappointment as the initial experience wears off.


http://www.deekshaf ire.com/? Deeksha


These phenomena become more easily understandable from the overall

perspective of the Mayan calendar, and we should be aware that the

shift from the polarity of the Planetary Underworld to the Universal

for most of us will require exposure to many transfers of light as

well as the necessary ensuing integration processes. Collectively

speaking in the overall Divine Plan the shift from one polarity of

consciousness to another proceeds in steps, which are propelled by

distinct pulses of energy emanating from the Mo Lam, the Cosmic World

Tree, at the current time especially as part of the Galactic

Underworld. This pulsewise emanation of light creates a wave movement

that we are all part of, and which invariably includes troughs meant

for integration. As the divine process of creation according to the

Mayan calendar is a wave movement the same will be true for our

individual processes. Thus, there is no path along which we can

gradually and linearly become enlightened. It seems more realistic to

expect our enlightenment processes to proceed like wave movements

where different dark corners of our consciousness are lit up by

dikshas. Kiaras advice to just expect us to go through such an up and

down process and accept it seems wise and highlights the necessity to

process aspects of ourselves that are not translucent. How much of

such processing that is necessary will depend on where we started and

our willingness to honestly see ourselves.


http://www.deekshaf ire.com/? About_the_ book


At the Star Knowledge Gathering in Las Cruces, New Mexico, Quiche

Mayan Elder, Grandmother Windrider, talked of her visions and her

challenging personal path. When she spoke, a hush fell over the room,

and the air was filled with a stillness and electricity like the calm

before a storm. Her words were carefully chosen, flying straight to

the heart like the arrows of a brave warrior. She challenged women to

step into their power and help men to balance and heal the planet.

From GrandMother WindRider:


" The Age of Truth has already begun. Coinciding with the ending of

the Egyptian calendar, 9-11 represented the ending of an age

dominated by heedless materialism and reckless greed. Long cycles of

collective human karma are being played out and completed now as we

approach the end of the current World Age. The old order is dying,

lashing out in the chaos and confusion of its collapse, and a New

World Age based on peace, justice, harmony, and respect for the

Earth, is rising from the ashes. "


" The world is changing. In the seeming darkness that followed the

events of 9-11, a great light has begun to shine forth, gently and

gradually at first, slowly gathering momentum. In a torrent of

unanswered questions and disturbing revelations, the light of truth

is beginning to dawn. People are starting to ask difficult questions,

questions that address the sleeping shadows both within us and around

us, questions we are asking ourselves, our communities, our

governments, our corporations, our world. How we answer these

questions reflects how we choose to move forward. Will we move

forward on a spiral of despair and death? Or in hope and



" Previous to this time, she was not allowed to speak to white persons

of the Mayan tradition kept by the women. Extreme changes are taking

place. Karma Cleaning is over. Things are speeding up. Do not hold

onto old victim attachments. The Mayans, Toltecs and Olmecs all have

traditions of listening to the cosmic harmonies. The Gateways are

starting to get into position to allow the celestial avatars in. Your

bodies are going through a good mutation to prepare you for the

Millennium. In these Earth Changes, some who are not ready to make

the transition to the 5th World will reincarnate elsewhere, at a more

primitive evolutionary stage. Some will reincarnate to clean up the

debris here, and make the transition to the higher-consciousnes s

World-Society into which Earth is transitioning. Some will be taken

off by the Star Nations to voluntarily live with them. Changes are

coming, with with all the heavens reaching out to us. Raise your

consciousness to miss the waves, as they are coming through faster

and faster now. Get to now the land and water and forests, the world

of nature. This society is completely sick; it is time for the women

to gather together and heal each other, then they will go to heal the

men. "


" Give voice to your own commitment to the truth of your deepest Self,

and the expression of that truth in the world. "


" Take time to share with your family, friends, and loved ones what

has most heart and meaning for you. What are you afraid of? What are

your dreams and hopes? What do you need to say that hasn’t been

spoken? How can we bring more love into each other’s lives? Can we

offer healing and forgiveness for all that is dark? Can we offer

support and recognition for all that is light? An Age of Truth can

only begin as we first light the candle of truth within. "


" Begin to ask ourselves some difficult questions about the state of

our planet. If we are to overcome long years of human greed, conflict

and separation, we need to examine the roots of our collective

insanity. I believe that most people in the world want peace, most

people want equality and justice for all, most people want to live in

harmony with our natural environment, most people want to live lives

where our highest human potential can be freed and honored. What

holds us back? When governments, institutions or corporations have

become greedy and corrupt, are we willing to hold them accountable?

Can we speak up for those who don’t have a voice, those who have

suffered, those who are less fortunate than ourselves? Can we see

ourselves as planetary citizens? Can we see ourselves as one with the

life of the Earth? Can we go beyond defensiveness and blame to

examine our own part in collective karmic cycles? "


" Once we have identified some of the issues most directly relevant to

our own communities and nations, initiate positive changes. Marianne

Williamson invites us to \ " think locally and act globally\ " . Disclose

the truth no matter how inconvenient, frightening, or uncomfortable.

Use the media. Create rallies and musical celebrations, bringing

together voices that are willing to compassionately hold a new vision

of justice and peace, a new paradigm for human possibilities. Dream

your highest visions, and share them through music, art, poetry,

writings, and speech. Invite the young people to speak, for the new

world belongs to them. Invite the elders into these gatherings, the

wise ones who see beyond the appearances, and who have positive

visions to share. Invite the divinity within our own deepest selves. "


" Having acknowledged our own shadows, let us extend the hand of

amnesty and forgiveness to each other, to ourselves, to our leaders,

and to that which is of the old paradigm soon to fall away. Invite

governments and institutions to do the same, absolving blame and debt

throughout the world. What if all international conflicts were ended,

political prisoners were released, and the third world debt was

completely abolished? What if our taxes went towards creating peace

rather than war? Send out the call for a planetary initiation of

truth, for the dissolving of long cycles of collective human karma in

the light of grace, and for a planetary quickening into the Age of

Truth. "


" We are the doorway into the New Earth. May we walk in truth, beauty,

and freedom! "




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