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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 13-2007 from Saidarbar.

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THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI Fifth Year of Publication Published as Bi-Weekly Issue 13/2007 21-06-2007 You can read this E- Magazine in 3d page turning NEW FORMAT in web page http://ettitudemedia.com/loadbook.php?BookName=EMagazineCurrent ------------------- GURUR-BRAHMA, GURUR-VISHNUH; GURU-DEVO MAHESWARAHA; GURUR-SAKSHATH PARAM BRAHMA; THASMAI SREE GURAVE NAMAHA: Sairam. You can watch Live Web casting from Shirdi Sai Samadhi Mandir from following Link: http://www.shrisaibabasansthan.org/onlinedarshan.asp THIS ISSUE CONTAINS: 1. FROM THE SATSANGHS OF SAIBANISA JI 2. SAI'S NEWS FROM TIME MACHINE 3. SAI IN DREAMS 4. QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY 5. SANATANA DHARMA & SHRI SHIRDI SAIBABA 6. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES 7. SAI WITH CHILDREN 8. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM SAI SATCHARITRA 9. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES 10. LETTERS FROM SAI DEVOTEES 11. TELUGU

SECTION 12. SAI'S BOOK WORLD 13. EDITORIAL. ------------------------------- 1. FROM THE SATSANGHS OF SAIBANISA JI http://www.angelfire.com/celeb2/saidarbar/pages/S3500055.htm Compiled by: Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad. SELFLESS WORK Man born and brought up in a society saturated with mundane ideas and ideals cannot normally be inclined to abandon the fruits of his actions. Rather he craves for more and more abundant harvests for his cultivation and if, though some ill luck, the crop fails, he feels utterly dejected and stoops to various nefarious schemes to replenish his loss which necessarily plunge him in sin and negative Karma that bind him to earth. Failure with heroes is a stepping stone to success, but with ordinary

folk, it is a seedbed of sin. For his release from the bonds of Karma, especially sinful Karma, he should renounce the fruit of his action but not the action itself. To give up action is neither the law of nature nor a possibility for him. He must do something or other at least for his own existence like eating, drinking etc. He can also never help thinking of something and every thought is an act. Hence, indulging in action and leaving the result to God, is the best way of satisfying both God and nature. If, in addition, that action is a sacred one, like a humanitarian or a spiritual enterprise. It is all the better. If

also, that is done not with any motive of self-advertisement or as a mere formality of observing a tradition, but in a purely selfless manner, thinking it is all God’s work, done in His name and for Him, he gains the maximum benefit for all that. Among common virtues, unselfishness is very paying and an aspirant seriously training himself in self – abnegation hastens his own union with God. Selflessness is a spiritual harvest. But selfishness dies hard. Surreptitiously it tightens its grip over man’s emotions and proves to be a stumbling block to his spiritual progress. It should, therefore, be ever remembered that, to use

an oxymoron, ultimately, the giver gains and grabber grieves. Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu To be continued… --------------- 2. SAI'S NEWS FROM THE TIME MACHINE: June 1991: All India SaiSamaj celebrated its Golden Jubilee at Mylapore, Madras. Ashada -1908 (Gurupoornima): Prompted by BABA, Dadha Kelkar and others started the "GURU WORSHIP" in Shirdi. ----------------- 3. SAI IN DREAMS: http://www.ettitudemedia.com These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SaiBaNiSaji From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS. Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY. MARCH-1995: 07-03-1995 I was thinking about the role of birth and death cycle in human life. I prayed Baba to guide me so that I do not fear death. Sri Sai appeared in the form of a weaver. He said- While birth is like weaving a new cloth, death is like a torn clothe to go to the dust one day or other. God (weaver in this context) may make a cloth with cotton yarn or for that matter even with silk yarn. But towards the end all clothes have to meet the same fate. Why to

fear then? Life and death are destined for everybody. 10-03-1995 Yesterday, Sai appeared in the form of an unknown person and said- A man

can earn wealth even without formal education. A good moral character can only make him popular in society. Often money helps breeding bad habits, where individual lacks the good moral character. Character is like an ornament to a person. Remember that position is materialistic World is a transient event on the universal time scale. However position in Saidarbar is permanent. All events are in life are small in compared to the God’s grace. 12-03-1995 Yesterday, my wife was going through her monthly cycle. I had a doubt whether Sai can accept offerings made by her. Sri Sai appeared in the form of a Doctor and said- A lady going through her menstrual cycle is mentally tired physically exhausted and needs rest. “Therefore I do not expect them to serve me going through those stressful days”. Nature has stipulated certain customs for the benefit and well – being of all. To be continued….. ---- 4. QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY: (By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao) "Shashi": shashi_31 29. Is Samsara Really Necessary? Sai Baba also advised Chandorkar: As long as you follow Dharma in your routine life, there is no difference between a householder and a sanyasi. Since most of you leading family life, what is required is renunciation of the fruits of Karma, with firm determination, reflecting it in thought, speech and deeds. My shelter will always be there for those who are bent upon service to the holy person with single minded devotion, even if they are in Gruhashtashram. Baba further clarified: If you taste the Punyakarmas done with Bhakti, it yields happiness. The imprint of those Karmas done in the previous birth is the main

cause for happiness. Leading family life with enjoyment of senses should not be your ultimate goal. Beware of this is illusion. Perform your Gruhasta dharma with Nistha. Do Abhyagathiseva with sincere devotion. In Gruhashtashram the wife and husband should act like two in one in their thinking and in their activities. The Dharma must be practiced by husband together with his wife; whereas the wife’s duty is to protect the Brahma Nistha of her husband. You should not allow your mind’s craving for the unrealistic Samsara until your death. Fulfillment of Dharmas is their joint duty. They should do ‘Niskama Karmas’. Every action of their, should have a meaning and purpose. Charity should sprout in their Nitya Karma by inviting guests and rendering ‘Athiti’ and ‘Abhyagati Seva’. By doing so, they get happiness in their family life. Their self also will be illuminated. Since mind is the main route of the family, it should be purified. To get rid of the cycle of

births and deaths, one need not run away from his house to perform Japa and Tapa in forest and caves. To acquire the four Purusharthas viz. Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moskha, pray God in your house itself. Live in Samsara and try to find out the real cause of this birth. Then only you can realize yourself. To be continued….. ----------------------------- 5. SANATANA DHARMA & SHRI SHIRDI SAIBABA. An object has a reflection: When looking we see two images, yet there is only one thing. Likewise, this world is a reflection of the Supreme Lord. We may see two, yet only One exists… -Jnaneshwar Even as rock remains rock, carved or uncarved, consciousness remains consciousness whether the world appears or not. The world-appearance is but an empty expression; its substance is nothing but consciousness. In fact, even these manifestations and modifications are but Brahman, the cosmic consciousness—though not in the sense of manifestation or modification. Even this distinction—modification in the sense of modification, or any other sense—is meaningless in Brahman. When such expressions are used in relation to Brahman, the meaning is quite different, like water in the mirage. -From the Yoga Vasishtha Even if you have nothing, It is hard to find that contentment Which comes from renunciation. I accept nothing. I reject nothing. And I am happy. -Ashtavakra Gita 13:1 NEWS www.hindutemple.org TEMPLE, TEXAS, June 2, 2007: (HPI note: Temple, Texas, was so named in 1881.) The Hindu Temple of Central Texas will celebrate their Kumbhabhishekam June 8 - 10. Event begin at 6:30 a.m., Friday, June 8, with Vighneswara Puja. The temple's Rajagopuram and Hanuman shrine will be formally dedicated during the three day celebration. The temple opened it's doors for

the devotees on December 9, 2001. The initial Kumbhabhishekam was performed in the month of February, 2003, in which the main Deity, Ganesha, and the other Deities were installed following the ancient practices in the Agama Sastras. The temple's priests, Sri Sreeram Hariharan and Sri Venugopal Dittakavi as well as Sri Thanga Bhattar, Chief Priest of the New Orleans Hindu Temple, will be the officiating priest and assisted by Sri Koteshwaran Gurukkal from the Ganesha Temple in Nashville, Tennessee. paras_ramoutar TRINIDAD, TOBAGO, June 4, 2007: One of India's top choreographers, Goswami Suushiljhi Maharaj, are now conducting a series of workshops on Ram Leela. Swamiji will be here for a couple weeks again and his presence is under the auspices of the SWAHA Educational Institute. His assignment includes training students in dance, music, stage-lighting, costume construction, crown-making and other ornaments for the production of the annual street festival of Ram Leela. Swamiji also trains actors who portray such divine characters as Lord Rama, Mother Sita, Lakshaman, Ravan, Lord Hanuman, King Dasharat, Khekayi, Vishwamintra, Vashista, Jayanti and others. Swami said that the story of the Hindu Holy Book, the Ramayana, is of

quintessential importance to mankind since it relates to everyday life. "The people of Trinidad and Tobago have shown great respect and love for this epic, and these people come from serious religious and social backgrounds, says Swami. timesofindia.indiatimes.com UNITED STATES AND CANADA, June 4, 2007: Pramukh Swami Maharaj, 85 and head

of the Gujarat based Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS), is visiting the US and Canada from June 10 to September 28 to mark the centenary celebrations of the organization. During his visit, two magnificent new temples depicting Indian heritage and civilization will be inaugurated in Atlanta in the United States and Toronto in Canada. The temples to be inaugurated have been constructed using traditions that date back to

thousands of years. They include a prayer hall, cultural arena and exhibits on the contributions of Indian civilization to the world in areas such as science, mathematics, medicine, art and language. BAPS temples in the US and Canada are planning to host events during Pramukh Swami's presence. According to his itinerary, Pramukh Swami will visit Chicago, Houston, Toronto, New Jersey, Atlanta, Dallas, San Jose, Los Angeles and New York. "The events will showcase the diverse cultural, social and spiritual activities of BAPS that have flourished under the leadership of Pramukh Swami," BAPS spokesperson Harish

Patel said. ---------------------- 6. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES: rabbineni Tue, 12 Jun 2007 09:54:45 +1000 SaiRam, Our humble pranams to the holy feet of Sainath maharaj. We heartily Thank you for the Best wishes and Greetings. The 3 day event went well with Baba's grace and Blessings. On thing for sure, Baba

was with us all through the event, never letting us go down. The weather in Sydney over last one week was terrible with high winds, rain, chilly nights. With the large scale preparations, limited covered space at the Mandir and volunteers stretched to the limit, we had our own doubts how we can accomodate the visitors in such bad weather. We left everything to Baba and challenged HIM, "It’s YOUR Big Day, and it’s YOUR duty to keep your children comfortable and enjoy the day". (At times we have to

challenge Baba to see quick results). Baba played HIS trick here, though heavy rain was forecast until late Sunday, all clouds cleared by Saturday evening, bit overcast on Sunday and a glorious sunny day on Monday. So, the main day event went well with true festive spirit. Thanks once again for your warm Wishes and Blessings. With Kind Regards In the Humble service of Samarth

Sainath Maharaj Ramabhadra Rao Abbineni For & on behalf of Sai Mandir Sydney -------------------- 7. SAI WITH CHILDREN: http://www.saidarbar.org/HTML/portraits/7.jpgSmt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad. Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Now I want to tell the stories what heard in my child hood. THE GOLDEN BIRD Long long ago there was a great king. He had a large beautiful pond in his palace. There, many beautiful golden colored swans had made their home. Once in a month, these swans used a drop of golden feather for the king to keep. In return, the king let them stay in the pond and some servants used to feed the swans every day. One day golden water – bird flew to the pond. He made the pond his home. He had feathers of pure gold all over his body. When other swans saw this, they felt very jealousy. They felt threatened by the arrival of new, uninvited guest to the pond. They called a meeting. When the discussion began one of the swans said, “Friends we give only one gold feather to the king once a month.

But this golden bird has so many that surely the King will start preferring him to us. We will be no longer important or valuable for the king. If we want to keep our importance and value as usual, we must chase this bird away.” The other swans agreed to him in unison. So one of them went to the golden bird and said, “Please will you go and make your home in a some other pond? We are afraid that your presence will lessen our value in the eyes of the king. He will care only for you and we will be left unattended.” But the golden bird was a stubborn one. He insisted on staying in that pond only. Soon an argument began which soon changed into a major fight. When the servants saw the swans fighting with the golden bird, they went and told the king. The king ordered “Go and

cage the swans. They are being foolish to fight with a guest like this. They must be taught a lesson.” When the servants approached the pond with cages, an old swan saw them. He warned the others, “Quick, get ready to fly off. The king’s men are here to catch us. He must have heard of our fights.” So all the swans took flight and flew away from the pond. So by not accepting a guest they had lost their home and comforts provided in the palace pond. -------------- 8. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM SAI SATCHARITRA swamymain On 5/16/07 Sai Ram. Let us continue with the Spiritual Gems from Sri Sai Satcharitra. As usual, SSS represents Sri Sai Satcharitra and SSG represents Sai Spiritual Gems. Sai Ram. SSG: Sai Ram! What a great Guru Bhakti! We all should fall down and prostrate at the feet of Kakasaheb Dixit! In a few sentences, he defined the role of a sishya with respect to Guru. While questioning with intent to understand is OK, questioning with intent to show Guru in poor light and or to show off one's own knowledge and disobedience to Guru's instructions are the result of an impure and so immature ego. In one of the later chapters, Sai Sadguru differentiates nicely between prasna and pariprasna by explaining to Nanasaheb Chandorkar, another great devotee of Sai, the meaning of a sloka in Bhagawat Gita. What Sri Kakasaheb told above is fully in agreement with what Sri Krishna told His disciple Arjuna in Sri Bhagawat Gita (Leave aside all dharmas

and surrender to me...BG, 18 - 65, 66) and what Sri Siva told to His consort Sri Pravati in Sri Guru Gita. Sai Ram. SSS: Then Baba said to Kakaseheb, that He would Himself do the offering and killing business. It was settled that the goat should be disposed of near a place called Takkya, where fakirs used to sit. When the goat was being removed to that place, it fell dead on the way. SSG: Sai Ram. Baba knew all along that the goat was about to die on its own and used it just to convey some deep spiritual lessons to us, His humble and ignorant devotees. Sai Ram. SSS: Hemadpant closes the Chapter with a classification of disciples. He says that they are of three kinds: (1) First or best (2) Second or middling and (3) Third or ordinary. The best kind of disciples are those who guess what their Gurus want and immediately carry it out and serve them without waiting for an order from them. The average disciples are those who carry out the orders of their Masters to a letter, without any

delay, and the third kind of disciples are those, who go on postponing the carrying out of their orders and making mistakes at every step. SSG: Sai Ram. It is possible to become the First type of disciple only when the mind is fully merged with Sri Guru and thus logic takes a back seat and intuition is in full flow. Then, there is no need for verbal communication. A wonderful example of this kind of non-verbal communication is represented by Sri Dakshina Moorty (the South facing avatar of Sri Siva), who sits under a tree and is faced by Sanaka, Sanandana and other great Sages. Sri Dakshina Moorty is an eternally young lad of 16 years and teaches or

clarifies all the doubts of the sages who are thousands if not millions of years old. And the communication takes place in Samadhi, silence, where there is no need for words and all the doubts of the sages get resolved. When the mental waves subside and mind becomes free of the Vrittis (thought patterns which are like waves in the sea), true knowledge remains and doubts subside. Sai Ram. SSS: The disciples should have firm faith, backed up by intelligence and if they add patience to these,

their spiritual goal will not be distant. Control of breath -- ingoing and outgoing, or Hath-Yoga or other difficult practices are not at all necessary. When the disciples get the above-mentioned qualities, they become ready for further instructions and the Masters then appear and lead them on, in their spiritual path to perfection. SSG: Sai Ram. Shri Hemadpant stresses one of the oft-repeated truisms of spirituality that when the disciple is ready, Guru comes. What is required from the disciple is sraddha and saburi. Sai Ram. SSS: In the next Chapter we will deal with Baba's interesting wit and humour. Bow to Shri Sai - Peace be to all S.V.Swamy Author, Editor, Proof-Reader

and Book Reviewer www.freewebs.com/swamyreviews ----- 9. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES: sudha_vohra Tue, 22 May 2007 11:50:45 +0530 nahin chahiye etna sukh jo tera nam bhula de sai mujhe chahiye woh aansu jo teri yad dila de sai sai nam ke moti chunkar mein ek mala banati usko pahan kar mein khud ko hi bhulati mujhe chahiye woh mala jo tujhe se mila de sai nahin chahiye.................................... sai teri lagan lagi aab chain na pauon es jag mein aake aab tu hi sanbhal bahut ganvaya hai es jag mein hanin chaniya eesa jag jo aapno ko hi mitatha ha

sai mujhe chahiya ................................ Sudha Vohra --------------------- 10. LETTERS FROM SAIDEVOTEES: msckbrar On 6/10/07 I enjoyed reading the magazine in this simple format of just scrolling down and enjoying reading. I always look forward to its new issue. Thanks. Jai Sai Ram Charanjit kaur Brar ---------- shivithee On 6/3/07 OMSAIRAM, All Glories to Sadguru Maharaj, who

constantly showers his blessings to humanity and his devotees. Great are his leelas and we are happy when we see him crossing the seven seas to bring us relief and succour Many thanks for all those doing Seva to keep this website kicking and alive, as many people wait for the Thursday news letter with great eagerness. Navind Monika Shivitee Ritcha -------------- shikha_4ever05 On 5 Jun 2007 06:26:05 -0000 Jai Sai Ram, All the photographs of Shirdi Sai is Amazing n colored background pages, instead of the normal white pages are really good and fantastic. Thanks for sending me this mail. I m really thankful to you from the very bottom of my heart. I m also sending you some pictures of Shirdi Sai & Sathya Sai Baba. Please check it out. Sai Daughter Shikha Kohli. --- vasanth_infi Wed, 30 May 2007 11:31:13 -0000 This is grate time to join in this group. SaiRam. --------- Response for “The Glory of

Shirdi Sai” E- Magazine in the 3d page turning NEW FORMAT dobbyonearth On 6/1/07 Jai Sairam, Many Blessings on all your good works. Your Glory of Shirdi Sai brings Sainath ever closer. Thank you. Please continue to send me Glory of Shirdi Sai in the email. Thank you. Dobby Sommer ------------------------ tauras_2cool On Sat, 21 Apr 2007 13:33:26 40500 This is a wonderful e-magazine. Please keep on adding new and more devotees experiences. Dips ---------- jyoti2xl On Sat, 21 Apr 2007 09:10:46 40500 I am very delighted to see this site. It’s a very good and new way of getting information about Baba. Jyoti Bahl --------- kalajaius On Thu, 19 Apr 2007 22:57:43 40500 Wonderful site especially bhajans adds a new flavor. Especially on Thursdays it feels as though

we are in Sai Mandir. Jai Sai ram Suryakala ------------- saigvs On Fri, 20 Apr 2007 04:21:00 40500 Sai Ram My hearty congratulations on your great efforts to make the e-magazine alive and interesting. My prayers to Sai for a long prosperous and healthy blessed life to all the team responsible for the holy service VENKATASUBRAMANIAN G -------------- jayram1933 On Thu, 19 Apr 2007 19:19:51 40500 Thanks for giving us more opportunities to understand Sai's teachings. Jayaraman R. G -------- ramana On Fri, 25 May 2007 17:32:36 40500, SaiRam, I prayed Baba for one work to happen and that work happened, I am very happy. Ramana. ----------- mohan On Thu, 17 May 2007 23:24:32 40500 I am very happy by e-magazine. It brings the essence of Sai Baba philosophy. Carry on the good work. Thanks Mohan Kumar --------- devamb11 On Thu, 17 May 2007 16:27:03 40500 Many thanks to the creator of this e-magazine, where you can read all about Shree Sadguru Sainath. Love and peace to all, God bless to all. Mrs. Shital Joshi -------- musti0 On Thu, 17 May 2007 18:20:34 40500 It is really nice to read this e-magazine and feel full of divinity and Baba's grace on all of us. Thanks you for giving us such a beautiful magazine. Regards Vallimohan Musti ------------------- You can read this E- Magazine in 3d page turning NEW FORMAT in web page http://ettitudemedia.com/loadbook.php?BookName=EMagazineCurrent 11. TELUGU SECTION: Please visit: http://www.telugubhakti.com/telugupages/Misc/ShiridiSai/shirdisai.htm Please visit for Sai Aartis in Telugu: http://www.angelfire.com/celeb2/saidarbar/PDFS/pdfs.htm Please visit for Sai Aaratis Audio: http://www.shrisaibabasansthan.org/main_English/saibaba/saibaba_aarti.asp ------------------------------- FOR STARTING A SAIDARBAR CHAPTER OUT SIDE INDIA: Please contact: saidarbar & saidarbar ----------------------------- 12. SAI'S BOOK WORLD: Title: Sai Baba The Master Author: Pujya Acharya Ekkirala Bharadwaja Sri Gurupaduka Publications, M.M.Donka Ongole – 523 002 -A.P Email: masteruniversal ------------- Title: Scribblings of A Shirdi Sai Devotee Author: Suresh Chandra Gupta Sai Security Printers Limited, Suresh Chandra Gupta ‘Sai Sadan’ F-5 Green Park Main, New Delhi – 110 016 --------------------- Title: Sri Sadguru Sainatha Sagunopasana Author: K. J. Bhishma Shri Sai Baba Sansthan, Shirdi P.O Shirdi Dist. Ahmednagar Maharashtra ------------------- Please Note: Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book World) to spread the word about their books may send ONE new copy of the book to Saidarbar, for details contact: saidarbar Acknowledgement of receipt of books will be done by E-mail only. Book(s) sent to Saidarbar will be retained by Saidarbar and cannot be returned. -------- SAIDARBAR

– HYDERABAD: Please visit our Website: http://www.saidarbar.org and give your valuable suggestions for its improvements. Saidarbar members would like to convey hearty thanks to the websites which has uploaded Saibanisa’s discourses Audio C.Ds in http://www.omsrisai.net You can download Audio: Sri Sai Satcharithra (In English Language) Sri Sai Satcharithra by chapters (In English Language) Sri Sai Satcharithra (In Telugu Language) Sai

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