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The Grace of the Guru

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The Grace of the Guru


b: Namaste

Sadhu: Hello

b: how is the weather in Tassie?

Sadhu: Its a beautiful sunny day, cool with a slight breeze -

probably about 12 degrees here

b: mmm

Sadhu: Whats it like over there?

b: cloudy but not

b: cold

Sadhu: Last week I was reading Jnaneshwari and I am now looking at

The Flight of the Garuda

b: it is on my site

b: let me get the link for you.

b: brb

b: here it is..

b: http://www.upnaway.com/~bindu/anantayogaweb/garuda/garudaindex.htm

Sadhu: Thankyou. In the chapter of divine manifestations

Jnaneshwari talks about seven great seers and four manus , do you

know what/this refers to?

b: yes

b: they are said to be the origin of the cosmos... i cannot recall

their names but you can find it in Vasista Yoga ..

Sadhu: OK, I have a copy of that.



Sadhu: Do you have satsang in WA?


b: yes, informally ...i do not play Guru.


Sadhu: When you go to India, what do you do


b: i have not been there, i am going 1st time in december.


Sadhu: Wow, that will be interesting.


b: yes ... i have a lot of students there.


Sadhu: Do you have many in Australia?


b: 10 or so


Sadhu: You have a fairly low key presence on the web - I found you

from the Advaitin chatgroup. Is there any benefit to being in the

physical presence of a Self realized one?


b: i do not advertise who or how i am; being present with a realized

one does help ... yes. but in reality there are no realized ones

There is only The Unknowable Unspeakable Unnamable Self.. but it is

like when a saint comes across a man who has abused himself ... the

saint sees him and sees he needs healing so he, (out of compassion

for the poor man) heals him on the spot.... the man goes away in

great joy HEALED.... but then the next day or soon enough, that same

man continues to do the things that made him sick in the 1st place so

he gets sick again. The saint is then taken to task.


b: It is the same with devotees and Sadhu's ... The master may heal

them while they are with him or each time they come to see him... ...

he may even open their eyes for the full duration of their visit; but

soon after they depart; they begin doing the things which made them

blind or ill again. So it helps by gradual degrees yes... due to the

encouragment those (let us call them " healings " ) engender in the

Sadhu... so gradually they lose the identification with the ego " AS

SELF " via their own experience ... not via anything the master does.



Sadhu: I see. A Course in MIracles talks a lot about sickness


b: oh yes. The siddha yoga texts talk of saktipat .. have you heard

of that?


Sadhu: I have seen the word but dont recall the meaning.


b: Saktipat is the transmission of spiritual energy to the Sadhu....

In the Siddha Yoga texts this is said to be done by the Guru IF and

ONLY IF the Sadhu has earned the grace ... but a great and dire

misunderstanding of it has crept into the texts due to translations

being discrepant.


The reason is that the true meaning of grace is not really

understood... but it is as simple as the following.


When the Sadhu begins to come to the understanding that the only SELF

is THE REAL SELF ... then it can be said HE or She (The Sadhu) can

receive the grace of the Guru.... But again at this point (due to the

misunderstanding as to the nature of the Guru) another deluded and

misinformed idea creeps in..... ....


so -- 1. Grace is Misunderstood...

2. The Guru's Nature is Misunderstood also...


b: so who gives what to whom is then the issue.


b: To clear this up we need to come to understand both grace and the

nature of the Guru.


b: i.e. Since there is ONLY ONE SELF in existence, the Guru and the

Self are synonyms.


Hence, what is grace? Since the Sadhu is ALSO inhered by the SAME

SINGLE Self... it is the SELF IN THE Sadhu (The word used to refer to

the Guru in this way is the " SadGuru " ) who gives the Saktipat or

realization to HIMSELF, by re-cognition, " i.e. by remembering WHO HE

IS! " The physical Guru is a symbol of the SadGuru... So the master

(Guru) gives pointers directions, and kick-starts... so that the

Sadhu becomes ready to receive the grace of the REAL Guru WHO IS



So then HE (The Sadhu) realizes that THE SELF IN HIM is the Self in

all... and thus also the Self in the Guru; so it is SELF -

realization ... or SELF - RE - Cognition!


Thus the Sadhu comes to dissolve in THE Self! his work is done! The

very reason that the separate self existed at all is then come to an

end and is fulfilled in The Self.


These are very deep things; so to tell the Sadhu that HE, (The Sadhu)

must give himself the grace is a grave error unless it is fully

understood and expressed as i have done so here; else that egoic Jiva

will run about believing HE himself is the Guru or God!


Sadhu: When jiva is out of the way or surrendered there is the grace

of the Self revealed. It is helpful to have an explanation of grace.


b: Yes. That very surrender is the giving of grace.


It is like the old english sentiment of, or saying of, " Oh she has

such Grace! " which means she is pliant and flexible and does not

enforce or force herself or her opinions upon people in a given

situation. But grace is actaully love-in-action

as the surrender is linked to faith in The Self. To trust; or re-

cogntion as to the integrity of God or the Self ... as i have

expressed elsewhere.


Note: You may have to Join this group or login to your account

to read this...




Sadhu: lovely explanation.


b: sSo then grace is given by surrender ... so then one gets ... not

by taking it... but by giving it . i.e. by total acceptance of the

integrity of God... which is trust. faith and love... Integrity as

mentioned here, has a whole galaxy of meaning far beyond what it is

normally taken to mean.


Sadhu: Trust faith and love, like the book of Job in the Bible


b: Yes. Too have trust and faith in the integrity of the Self or

God.... is to cease trying to manipulate people, events,

situations... reality and ones-self via attack, self-sabotage or self-

abnegation and hate.


b: So then. at 1st, when we let go and begin to trust or apply faith,

there will still be the evidence of our previous mistrust and lack of

faith showing forth in our lives " AS OUR EXPERIENCE " of what is

occuring... much like the ripples i have mentioned dozens of times

thru-out my writings. These ripples must be left to subside, we must

not interfere again... They have to play out... which simply means

they are receding into the past... we should watch them like a house

disappearing as we walk away; they will soon disappear.


That is why the bible says: Faith is the essence of things hoped for

and the evidence of things not seen. (Heb 11:1)


b: It is a supreme riddle, but that is the answer to it. Another way

of looking at it may be to say that what is appearing in front of us

has a cause therefore it is a result of the past and is thus the

past ... NOT THE NOW!


Sadhu: Thankyou this is very helpful. Is it OK to say no or should

everything be yes.


b: Yes it's ok to say no.... but when this is said be aware as to WHY

you are saying NO.... are you saying NO . to defend the existence of

ego or Jiva or to defence or maintain a certain separation

consciousness.. or are you saying no because to say yes will lead you

back towards the confusion?


Sadhu: So acceptance of the situation and a considered selfless



b: Yes! i.e AWARENESS!


Sadhu: thankyou Binduji


b: The vipasana people will call it mindfulness; this is the meaning

of discrimination however (there are always other nuances); at a

certain point in the process of becoming conscious .... all laws,

events, manifestations (even what previously appeared to be

erroneous, bad, flawed or flat out wrong) are seen to be empty of

difference.. the same applies to the reverse.


This is because at that point all is recognized to be nothing but the

knowledge-consciousness of the self. i.e. one mode of knowledge (no

matter the import in terms of the Jeeva <--- plural ) is not superior

or desireable to another... it is simply all the knowledge or Jnana

of the Self. The Hindu's say it is the leela of Sri Krishna or God.

(which means it is HIS play -- the play of HIS consciousness in



The whole of existence no matter the density or lack of density of

the manifestation ... no matter the dimension. no matter the nature

of the Jiva or creature, no matter the world either spiritual or

material; all is the Self.


Sadhu: the playing out of The sSelf in all of its costumes.


b: Yes. But this depth of understanding is totally open to

miosunderstanding. Say a person who sees this text takes it and thru

misunderstanding goes off and does harm to himself or others with

it.... due to thinking he or she can do as they like because all is

the Self and acceptable; then they themselves as well as the people

they hurt of mess up .... are also modes of the conscious self....<- -

--- now then from this we can deduce that it is OK to do as we damn

well like (i.e absovle ourselves of responsiblitity) but that is not

the case at all; as to do so is to be subject to our own lack of love

and compassion. Hence knowledge is useless, even harmful without love

(for this reason it is said knowledge is ignorance)... love then is

wisdom itself; This is grace.


Sadhu: whatever we do to our brothers/us we do to God/Self.


b: yes it is impossible to escape that; so then Sri Krishna has Said

that to His Devotees (to His Bhakti's ) all HIS Yoga's will accrue.

i.e. Bhakti, Jnana, Kriya, and Karma yoga; this means that when the

Self is realized (Krishna-consciousness or the awareness that

GOD " The Self " is ALL has become a fact in our lives) we will then

see that no Yoga or Jnana has been attained or is owned by anyone But

The Self. Hence then we live in a state of thou ... NOT I! Om Tat Sat!


I will post this talk to the forum and if you don't mind


Sadhu: That is OK, thankyou


b: The knowledge is not known by this jiva. The teaching comes from

the Self and the jiva learns from it ....

hence i too am His Student.


Hence We must cultivate faith (devotion to God) to recieve grace.

This is indisputable.


Sadhu: yes, I see

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