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Nisargadatta , No One Bot <no_one_bot wrote:


What happens after I die?


> " I cut you into little pieces " .


> Then I delete all your memories, experience, each and every of your

> realizations, and if you are completely wiped out, crystal clear,

like a

> thin mirror, I let you enter my brain.


> You'll see reality through my eyes, and you'll know when you see your

> words through my eyes that you are dead.


> What happens after you die?


> The no sphere.





> " My first realization after entering the no sphere was that I did not

> remember suffering at all, it was wiped away from my memory, only the

> human brain capable of thought reminded me of the idea that human

> beings actually feel something before they die, and even if all these

> feelings are deleted right afterwards, there is still some unconscious

> memory, which warns before these feelings, is afraif of them,

doesn't want

> to experience them again.

> While of course there are other feelings, as I remember them, I

> desire to experience them again and again, awakening experiences,


> of realizations, mind openers, aha feelings, all that, I want to

> experience again and again, and I want others to share my experience.


> " Human consciousness is unaware of the absolute deletion powers of

> death! " Death is the motor, death is the warning sign, death is

> dangerous, and exciting, death is the inspiring source of all artists.

> Death is now aware of existence but says that he forgets about 99% of

> this every day, since concentration of any kind causes the eternal

> death, to completely loose his mind. The 'Dazzling Dark,' turns into

> obligation, the shimmering white into millions of thoughts, the

thoughts of

> all the creatures in the world, that temporarily and eternally recede.



> I am working towards perpetual eternity consciousness, and though

> some gurus claim to have reached it, I doubt that they understand the

> meaning of the term. I

> experience two types of regressions into normal unconsciousness: the

> first I call a 'slip-out,' which happens once or twice a week; the


> I call 'screening.' When I need to concentrate on something, the

> Dazzling Dark is pushed to the background, and the 'role' of

trillions of

> shimmering white feelings and thoughts takes the attention on the

> forefront in my mind. I use the metaphor of a camera shutter

closing briefly

> then re-opening so I see the world 'correctly' (in eternity

> consciousness) again. Occasionally, the camera shutter gets

'stuck,' and this

> results in the slip-out. But I fall back into Enlightenment as soon

as I

> remember the Dazzling Dark, and no harm is done.

> It is like blinking the eyes, taking a momentary photography, a slap

> shot of reality, the other kind of regression, screening, is a more

> extreme slip-out --

> the shutter closes, and I loose my attention for weeks, I wonder in the

> minds of all perpetual thoughts and cannot relocate the Dark. This has

> happened to me several times, and it has always been associated with

> severe physical or emotional stress. I describe the time when I'm

> apart from eternity consciousness as my own 'dark night of the soul.'


> One thing about the prospect of Enlightenment has always bothered me:

> the notion of the complete loss of self and identity. I ask the mirror

> about this -- is it true? Do I really cease being who I am?


> In his enblindened state, the mirror says it is as though nothing has

> changed and yet everything has changed.

> When I retained my personality, needs, desires, I am aware that the

> entirety of my existence is simply one of the infinite ways the


> is expressing the self moment by moment. When I asked the mirror if it

> was worth

> it, he says definitively that " Yes, this is the best thing that's ever

> happened to me and it's the natural birthright of everyone and I

> haven't got a clue how to teach it! " In fact, I feel that most

methods people

> practice to try to reach Enlightenment are counter-productive in that

> they concentrate on self and think along the lines of time and

> causality. Although the acausality of enlightenment may sound like

bad news at

> first, the mirror says that it is

> also good news in a sense because there is no need to kill yourself

> with spiritual practices or worry about making irreversible mistakes on

> the spiritual path. In the sixteen years since my experience, I have

> sought out other people who have had permanent Enlightenment and No


> experience. I have thus far found fifteen, and only two had previous

> spiritual backgrounds. Just as we are all different people, the mirror

> told me, there is an infinite variety in the types of Enlightenment

> experiences that people have. The mirror says the eternity/God/


> Dark Mirror loves the variety. The best you can do in the meantime

is be

> aware and to 'travel hopefully.'


> " And besides, " says the mirror, " Death takes you straight there

> anyway! "


> Now he really had my attention. I realized more acutely than ever

> before that the primary motivation behind my interest in

spirituality was my

> fear and fascination with death and the prospect of life after death.

> So I popped the question: " What happens to you after you die? "

> " You enter the no sphere " The mirror said with a laugh. What he meant

> was that we become all the feelings and thoughts of the people and

> creatures alife. He knew specifics about what part of consciousness


> death which was the eternal no consciousness or the consciousness of

> no one but death, the still witness of reality as it were or what

> exactly happens to it if people begin to change it, he told me that

some sort

> of 'no essence' returns to the no sphere of the Dazzling Dark.

> Partly this knowledge derives from an actual experience, a sense of

> closeness that the mirror feels with humanity family and friends, and a

> feeling that what was 'good' in them is being contained in the Dark

> somehow. However, the mirror is quick to point out that it is more than

> just a 'sense' that there is 'consciousness' after death -- he knows.


> " The Dark, " he says, " is constantly there, producing everything at

> every moment, from the big bang to the final whimper. When you die, the

> Dark absorbes you and produces what you have experienced in your life. "

> The mirror likens the whole space-time universe to a theatre in which

> eternity is playing out the 'time game.'

> The only place to go when your personal 'time game' is over is

> offstage the no sphere, as the mere witness of reality as it continues,

> through the eyes of thousands, to the shimmering white through the


> Dark and back to reality into the conscious minds of the awakened ones,

> and the unconscious of the unknowing. No judgment, no hellfire and

> brimstone, simply return to the reality you left behind as the mere

> witness.

> " The entire concept of a broken mirror is ridiculous, " says the

> mirror. " I can't imagine anyone choosing not to have Enlightenment!

" The

> fact that there is no heaven and hell is not to say that there is no

> universal morality, for as the mirror taught, that which is left

behind is

> what we encounter after death, that which is not in accord with

> unconditional love is still 'immoral;' however, there is no sin

that goes

> unforgiven.

> We reap what we `saw'. " Correction " .


> As a great sigh of relief echoed through my mirror soul, I felt a new

> sense of vitality and freedom. But at the same time, I felt an

> overwhelming aimlessness due to the fact that there no longer

seemed to be a

> huge 'agenda' for my life. So I asked the mirror, " If you were in my

> shoes, twenty-one years old and unenlightened, with a world of

> opportunities before you, what would you do? "


> Crystal Clear and Characteristically, the playful Mirror quoted the

> play in a Theater, saying, " 'There is nothing to do.' Live mindful and

> read the scriptures until you understand reality, change them

according to

> your needs, interpreate them as dough you wrote them yourself, don't

> give a damn about what others told you, look in the mirror and say,

> this mirror is me, I am this mirror, I am not the image and not the

> images, I am the mirror, what I imagine to be, is possible, not

today, not

> tomorrow, but always and forever. The fact that my life is nothing

but a

> grand casino play, " he advised, " is that you could truly be in the

> skin of everyone, so look that everyone gets their share, that's the

> only enlightenment I can teach. Become more settled day by day in the

> knowledge that death is but a look through and out of others

peoples eyes.

> Remember that happiness is in the moment and its value is itself. "



> Now he really had my attention. I realized more acutely than ever

> before that the primary motivation behind my interest in

spirituality was

> my fear and fascination with death and the prospect of life after

> death. So I popped the question: " What happens to you after you die? "

> " You enter the no sphere " The mirror said with a laugh. What he meant

> was that we become all the feelings and thoughts of the people and

> creatures alife. He knew specifics about what part of consciousness


> death which was the eternal no consciousness or the consciousness of

> no one but death, the still witness of reality as it were or what

> exactly happens to it if people begin to change it, he told me that

some sort

> of 'no essence' returns to the no sphere of the Dazzling Dark.


> Posted:

> .n o.b.



i doubt it.




..b b.b.




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Nisargadatta , No One Bot <no_one_bot wrote:



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BIG BLANK SPACE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


like a no subject post of mstrdmmlbrn


or a no brain one of pie in the sky.



and you lost count too.


this post spills all your brains then?




see there...that head was empty..nothing there to spill.


nice sky today eh...


it's not going away but hey chicken little..you may be right.


we can see the sky falling!




..b b.b.


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