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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 15- 2007 from Saidarbar.

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Fifth Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 15/2007





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Compiled by:

Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.


Shirdi Sai's Philosophy in the words of Saibanisaji


" Your suffering is My suffering and your happiness is My happiness, "

Said Baba, and just as a mother always loves her child, He does not

forget the spirit even for a single moment, for it is the nature of

Saihood to be compassionate.


He trained himself to avoid abusing others, and then He wished that

all might have the serene mind that would follow by living in peace

with others.


Thus Baba's compassion embraces all people, and His constant

consideration is for their happiness. He loves people as parents love

their children and He wishes the highest blessedness for them, namely,

that they will be able to pass beyond this ocean of life and death.


Just as rain falls on all vegetation, so Baba's compassion extends

equally to all people. Just as different plants receive particular

benefits from the same rain, so people of different natures and

circumstances are blessed in different ways.


Parents love all their children, but their love is expressed with

special tenderness towards a sick child.


Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu


To be continued…




July 1941: All India Sai Samaj formed by H.H Narsima Swamiji at Madras.


July 1953: Waman Rao Patil renounced the World and adopted Sanyas

Ashram with a new name Shri Sai Sharana nanda.


July 1976: Shri. Mota Maharaj, a great Saint of Gujarat left his

mortal coils at the age of 78 years.





(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

" Shashi " : shashi_31


29. Is Samsara Really Necessary?


Sai Baba finally advices us all: A householder is not at all inferior

to a celibate. A Gruhasta who performs his Swadharma and follows a

righteous law is a great person. Sanyasi and Gruhasta both have their

own customs, different from one another. One's customs and one's state

of sublimity need not be compared with the other. Everyone has to get

the rewards or reprimands of one's own actions. Nature has no power to

lessen the fruits of action.


By these Baba's teachings we must know how to conduct over selves in

Samsara. The wise should be cheerful and contended with their lot in

life, as it is the result of Deha Prarabhda. We should not kick

against the pricks. If wealthy, be humble. Plants bend when they have

fruits. But humility is not towards all; Severity is needed in dealing

with the wicked. But towards Saints be humble and respect them. Spend

money in charity, Dharma – but not extravagantly. The world perishes

no doubt, but while it lasts, wealth is a necessity. Be not being

obsessed with the importance of wealth. Do not be entangled in it. Be

liberated and munificent but not lavish or extravagant. We must get on

carefully with our worldly problems.


Pray God always: This Samsara is not mine, but God's. Think thus all

the time when we are awake. We must have consideration for the poor

and do not persecute or tease them. We must always enquire – `Who am I?'


To be continued…..





SaiRam, Saidarbar – Hyderabad is happy to inform that we are

releasing New Discourse C.Ds 1) SivaSwarupamlo Sai (SAI as Siva) 2)

Gruhastulaku Sai Salhalu (Sai'sAdvices to Married couple.) 3) Kalalalo

Sai (Sai in Dreams.) On Gurupurnimaday (29-7-2007) rendered by

Saibanisa GopalaRao Ravadaji. Those who know Telugu Language and

interested in obtaining the above C.Ds in MP3 Format may kindly

contact saidarbar


In the Service of Lord Sainath and His devotees,


SaiSevak SrinivasaRao Kasturi

For http://www.saidarbar.org


" K V R Rao "

Tue, 17 Jul 2007 12:20:50 +0000 (GMT)


Audio CDs from Sai Banisa – Saidarbar - reviews


CD – Gruhastalaku Sri Sai Salahaalu


Manusmruti has laid down some Gruhastsrama dharmas like a `Gruhasta'

should not eat an item which is not served to the guest.


Bhartruhari has proclaimed `paropakaram idam sareeram'. Just as plants,

rivers and cows live for others man has to live for others.


In his lecture in the CD, Sai Banisa has presented various

illustrations from Sai Baba's words which speak about a wife's rights

and duties, a mother's love, a husband's role, children's

responsibility towards parents and so on.


For instance the incident in 12th chapter, page 101 proves that a

woman should not forget her parents' home after marriage. Nana Saheb

and his wife were in Shirdi for quite some time. Suddenly they heard

the news

that their son was ill at Belapur. Nana Saheb wanted his wife to go but

come back the very next day. But Baba said, `Go, don't delay. Stay there

for four days. Visit all your relatives and come back at leisure!'


There are many such instances which prove a woman has absolute rights

over the property given by her parents, should continue the task started

by her husband, should pray for her children's safety. The husband also

should look after his wife well, should not take up sanyasa during her

life time, children should repay their parents and the like other words.


Sai Banisa quotes umpteen number of illustrations from Sai Saccharita

with reference to page numbers and chapters where in exists an

underlying current of thought which defines Gruhastasrama dharmas. He

has studied Satcharita and absorbed every word of it in essence. Name

anything – he can quote an example, an anecdote, and an incident and

interpret it in terms of that principle and trace it's origin to



CD - Kalala lo Sri Sai


God speaks to us in many ways. Sai Baba is known to speak through our

dreams. Sai Banisa is living example of this miracle. He performs the

next days' duties based on Sai Baba's advice to him the previous night

in his dream.


In the present lecture, he describes vividly what dreams are, how

dreams have found their place in our epics and how Sai Baba has

appeared in the dreams of many in His life time and how Sai Banisa

himself had many answers to his queries and doubts through his dreams.


One should appreciate his analytical knowledge of Sai Satcharita. He

doesn't read it as anybody does. It is a continuous source of

inspiration for him; it is source of knowledge for him; it is a beacon

light for him in the path of righteousness; it is a philosophical

guide for him.


It is not a blind belief. He shows facts and figures, he quotes many

examples, illustrations, anecdotes to support and supplement his

statement. Baba would make one wonder whether he was dreaming or it

was a reality!


In chapter 29, Baba appeared as Lord Sri Rama to a devotee of Rama

during noon Aarthi. Baba would invite his devotees to His place,

through their dreams. In chapter 30, a Punjabi Brahmin called Ramlal

was invited to His place in his dream. He solves the problems or

clarifies doubts of his devotees through other devotees. Sapatnekar's

wife dreamt of a Fakir filling her empty pot. Baba blessed her through

a cowherd woman. He accepts dakshina as per his wish.


For instance Sai Banisa had a dream early hours of March 9, 1992 in

Visakhapatnam. A well dressed man in suit, boot, in cooling glasses

and hat appeared in his dream. He said, `You settled your daughter's

marriage and you are offering dowry. Won't you give me rupees five?'

Surprisingly, as he was seated on a bench in the station to leave

Visakhapatnam, a man came and sat beside him. He was the same well

dressed man in suit, boot and cooling glasses, in his dream the

previous night. Should he honour his dream and give him Rs.5? If so,

how would he react? He went behind him, dropped a five rupee note at

his feet and told him `Your money has fallen down.' The man picked it

up walked away a few steps and disappeared.


Sai Banisa has many such hair-raising anecdotes up his sleeve. In one

word Sai Baba is his friend, philosopher and guide. He has a Sai

Darbar at his home made out of rose wood, again as per the

instructions of Sai Baba.


His lecture is thought provoking and heart rendering. One longs to get

such dreams and be blessed by Sai Baba!


CD - Sri Siva Swaroopamlo Sai


`Siva Rama Krishna Maruthya Namaha' is one of the names of Sai Baba.

In his earlier renderings, Sai Banisa has clearly illustrated how Sai

is Siva, Rama, Krishna and Maruthi.


In the present discourse, Sai Banisa compares Siva Puranam and Guru

Geetha with Satcharita. Siva Puranam deals with who is Guru, what are

his miraculous powers, how to respect Guru etc. Guru Geetha is

conversational style between Parvathi and Siva which high lights the

greatness of the Guru.


Sai Banisa proves meticulously, step by step that Sai Baba has all the

qualities defined in a Guru.


For example in Siva Puranam Siva explains that there is no difference

between Him, His Linga and his Murthy. In Satcharita, Sai Baba

explains in chapter 41 that there is no difference between him and his



29th Sloka of Guru Geetha ` Sarva theertha vahagavasya Samprapnothi

phalam naraha' proclaims that if you drink the padatheertham of Guru,

it is as good as having a holy dip in all holy rivers. In the fourth

chapter of Satcharita Dasaganu plans a trip to Prayaga, confluence of

Ganga and Yamuna.


Sai Baba says `Prayaga is here itself' When he knelt before the feet

of Sai Baba, Ganga, Yamuna gushed out the feet of Sai Baba. Guru is

one who drives out the darkness of ignorance through knowledge. Baba

has driven out the ajnana of Vijayanand in 31st chapter and has

liberated his soul.


Thus Sai Banisa proves that Sai Baba is Samartha Sadguru and he will

guide us in the rightful path as `Sai Sankar.' The musical note of

Guru Geetha is melodious while the speech is motivating and guiding

the Sadhaka in spiritual path.


K V R Rao

For http://www.telugubhakti.com




When was the first Gurupoornima celebrated in Shirdi?


The great good fortune of being the first to formally worship fell to

Sri Noolkar upon a Guru Poornima day. Sri Noolkar first visited

Shirdi in 1909(Sai Satcharitra Chapter 31 & Saipatham Magazine August

2002) and he passed away in March, 1911. But Sri M. B. Nimbalkar

mentioned in his writings that as per Dr.Gavankar`s opinion Noolkar

first visited Shirdi in 1908 and therefore first Gurupoornima held in

1908. With the above mentioned reasons Gurupoornima might have started

in Shirdi in 1908 or 1909 or 1910.


Noolkar wrote a letter to his friend Nanasaheb Chandorkar describing

first Gurupoornima celebrations in Shirdi. In that letter he mentioned

" As I awoke on Saturday, I remembered that it was the day of Guru

Poornima. We immediately started preparations for the pooja " . From

this letter it reveals that first Gurupoornima was held on Saturday.


As per Lunar Calendar, Gurupoornima day had fallen as follows.


Year Month Date Week

1908 July 13 Monday

1909 July 3 Saturday

1910 July 22 Friday


As per Noolkar's letter Saturday's Gurupoornima will come only in

1909. So, we might say in Shirdi first Gurupoornima Celebrations held

on Saturday, 3rd July, 1909.


Noolkar first visited Shirdi in 1909. He was one of the most intimate

devotees of Baba. Baba would never allow anyone to worship him. He

would not allow any devotee to even garland him. The great good

fortune of being the first to formally worship fell to Sri Noolkar

upon a Guru Poornima day. One day Sri Tatya Saheb Noolkar went to the

Dwarakamayi and saluted Baba. As he did so, Baba pointed to the pillar

besides the dhuni and said " You worship that pillar tomorrow. "

Noolkar could not understand why Baba had said so. When he returned to

the Wada he conveyed Baba's instructions to Shama and asked him as to

what Baba's intentions were in ordering him thus. Even Shama could not

understand why Baba had asked them to worship the pillar next day. He

went to the Dwarakamayi to inquire of Baba but Baba merely reiterated

his earlier instructions. Later Baba repeated the same instructions to

Tatya Kote Patil and Dada Kelkar too. The next day happened to be a

Saturday. As Noolkar awoke from sleep he suddenly remembered that it

was Guru Poornima. He conveyed this to Shama and the other devotees.

They got the almanac to check and it was confirmed that it was indeed

so. That day was Guru Poornima. They now understood the meaning of

Baba's words when he told them to worship the pillar. They were all

very happy that Baba had finally permitted them to worship him. They

all went to the Dwarakamayi and begged Baba to allow them to perform

the worship of their guru. Baba merely told them again to worship the

pillar. " Oh our God! Why should we worship the pillar when we have

you, a God, in front of us? We will worship only you. " Baba did not

agree to be worshipped by the devotees. The devotees stuck firmly to

their resolve. At last Baba had to acquiesce to the wishes of his

devotees and allow them to worship him. Baba always surrenders to the

feelings of love and faith of his devotee. He said, " All right " at

last, and the happiness of his devotees knew no, bounds.


They immediately started preparing for the worship of the Guru.

They decided to worship Baba after he returned from his round of alms

and informed him thus. Baba, with utmost kindness, not only agreed but

also permitted them to worship him using the sixteen articles of

formal worship. Baba sent word to Radhakrishna Ayi and Dada Kelkar.

She sent the various ingredients used in worship to the dwarakamayi

and Dada Kelkar also reached the Dwarakamayi with the various articles

used in worship. All the devotees present did congregational worship

of Baba. Baba returned all the dakshina offered to him back to the

devotees. Arati was offered after the worship. Thus the first Guru

Poornima worship was performed at Shirdi.


Sri Tatya Saheb Noolkar wrote a brief note to his friend Chandorkar

about the first celebrations of Guru Pooja during Guru Poornima, as

Chandorkar was not present at Shirdi at that time. This letter was

published in Sai Leela magazine but unfortunately the date was not

mentioned. This is a free translation of that letter.


" As I awoke on Saturday, I remembered that it was the day of Guru

Poornima. We immediately started preparations for the pooja. Baba had

permitted us to worship him after he returned from his round of alms.

He did not object and kept silent when we worshipped him with the

sixteen ways of worship. He returned all the dakshina given to him

back to the devotees after the worship was over. We sent word to

Radhakrishna Ayi and Dada Kelkar that worship of Baba and arati were

being done in the dwarakamayi. Ayi sent various articles of pooja.

Dade Kelkar too came with his pooja articles and participated in the

pooja. "



As per Tatyasaheb Noolkar's Letter Saturday's Gurupoornima had fallen

in the year 1909. Therefore the First Gurupoornima Celebrations could

have been started on Saturday, 3rd July, 1909.










Jul 5, 2007 7:59 PM


Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan, Canada (Toronto) cordially invites all

to join in Celebrating Shri Guru Purnima on July29th from 8:00am to

8:00pm at Gur Mandir, 207 Queen's Plate Dr, Etibicoke -Toronto for

details visit www.shirdisainath.org or call 416-294-4804


Baba Bless You Ever!

Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan, Canada



TORONTO, CANADA, July 4, 2007: The BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir of

Toronto, Canada, will celebrate their grand opening July 15 - July 27.

The temple will be Canada's first traditional hand-carved stone and

marble mandir. Using 6,000 tons of marble and stone, 1,500 craftsmen

worked over three years to assemble the temple to last 1,000 years.

Sunday, July 21, HH Pramukh Swami Maharaj will present for the Hagar

Yatra (festival parade.) The temple is located at 61 Claireville Drive

(HWY 427 & Finch Ave. W.), Toronto, Canada. Pilgrims may call

416-798-2277 or email address above for additional information.


NEW DELHI, INDIA, July 1, 2007: The ban on carrying coconuts inside

Mumbai's famed Siddhivinayaka temple has been lifted. However, one can

now expect the police to screen the coconuts at the temple entrance.

Maharashtra Home Minister R. R .Patil announced on Thursday that the

ban, imposed a few days ago because of security reasons, has been

lifted. Devotees can carry coconuts as offerings to Lord Ganesha, but

the coconuts will be manually checked before being let in. The ban on

offerings of flower garlands too has been lifted in the temple.

Frisking machines, however, are going to be installed as a

precautionary measure.


LONDON, U.K., June 27, 2007: Tune in to MATV channel 793 (Sanskar

Channel) in London and the local MATV channel in other European

countries at 3:00 p.m. UK time on Sunday, July 1, to see the Divine

Parmarth Mansarovar Yatra, inspired and led by H.H. Pujya Swami

Chidanand Saraswatiji and in the holy presence of H.H. Pujya Swami

Divyanand Teerthji, Shankaracharya Bhanpura Peeth, H.H. Pujya Acharya

Balkrishanji and H.H. Pujya Rasyani Babaji. Have darshan of Lake

Mansarovar, Mt. Kailash and revered saints as well as the 200 yatris

from all across the world who traveled together on this divine

journey. See details also of the Parmath Mansarovar ashrams built by

India Heritage Research foundation under the blessings, guidance and

inspiration of Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji, in Mansarovar and

Paryand (Tibet) as well as the new ashram being constructed on the Mt.

Kailash parikrama route at Dirapuk. The film is narrated by Bollywood

actor, Shri Suresh Oberoi





Thu, July 5, 2007 7:40 pm


A miracle happened on a holiday that I took with my

family. My sister and I were in the hotel room with the door slightly

ajar as the children were in and out. My sister was sleeping soundly

while I was watching the TV. Suddenly, I saw a man creep into the

room and checking my handbag for cash and

valuables. I was shocked and started shouting at him. He was

completely taken aback and ran away after dropping my handbag! The

Shirdi Sai photo that I put in the bag saved me from losing all my

valuables. It was Baba that made the thief drop my handbag instead of

taking it with him!

Thank You Baba and koti pranams to You.


Geeta Kannan




Mon, June 25, 2007 2:18 pm


Om Sai Ram! I am very much impressed by reading the experiences of my

fellow Sai bhakth. I would like to share mine too. I have been working

in some junk field (software) for past 12 years and recently I decided

to change my field to dotnet. I prayed Saibaba and submitted my resume

(fake experience). I was successful with phone interview and went for

personal interview. But I was not selected for that position. It was a

contract to hire position. I was little sad, but I have full

confidence that Baba will show me the better one. That is TRUE. By HIS

holy grace I was selected for permanent position in some big company.

I have to start my new job from 28th. I am sure that Baba will

definitely take care of these devotees. We need to have Sradhha and

Saburi. Hope we all will develop those important qualities and reach

his HIS holy feet one day.


Om Sai Ram!








Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.


Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Now I want to tell

the stories what heard in my child hood.


The story of the Monkey


Construction of a temple was on outside a town. Near the site, a huge

wooden log was being split. At the lunch, the workers fixed a wedge

between the split wood and went to dine. A monkey had been watching

the activities of the workers since morning. When the workers were

away, the monkey descended from the tree and began to meddle with that

log of wood. During the play, he saw the wedge and began to withdraw

it. But he forgot that his tail was hanging between the split ends of

the log. As soon as the wedge was out, the split ends closed squeezing

the tail of the monkey. The monkey tried hard to get himself free but

in vain. No help was available nearby. By the time, the workers

returned from their lunch, the monkey had died.


MORAL: Do not meddle in things that don't concern you






Sun, July 8, 2007 8:01 am


Sai Ram. Let us continue with the Spiritual Gems from Sri Sai

Satcharitra, Chapter

24. Sai Ram.


SSS: Generally, all people like wit and humor, but they do not like

that jokes

should be cut at their expense. But Baba's method was peculiar; when

it was

accompanied with gestures, it was very interesting and instructive,

and the

people, therefore, did not mind, if they were held up to the ridicule.


gives his own instance below.


SSG: Sai Ram. It is our ego that makes us like or dislike something.

It is also

our ego which makes us enjoy the discomfiture of others (it has

something to do

with our desire to dominate others for our own pleasures. Sai Ram.).

However, in

the presence of our Sadguru Sai, our egos get refined and learn the

lessons from

the jokes or humor. That is the effect of Sadguru and of course the

result of our

merits of this birth or past lives. Sai Ram.


SSS: Chanak-Leela

In Shirdi, bazaar was held every Sunday, and people from the

neighboring villages

came there, erected booths and stalls on the street, and sold their

wares and

commodities. Every noon, the Dwarakamayi was crowded more or less; but

on Sunday, it was crowded to suffocation. On one such Sunday,

Hemadpant sat in front of Baba, shampooing His Legs and muttering

God's name. Shama was on Baba's left, Vamanrao to His right - Shriman

Booty and Kakasaheb Dixit and others were also present there. Then

Shama laughed and said to Annasaheb - " See that some grains seem to

have stuck to the sleeve of your coat " . So saying he touched the

sleeve and found that there were some grains. Hemadpant straightened

his left fore-arm to see what the matter was, when to the surprise of

all, some grains of gram come rolling down and were picked up by the

people who were sitting there.


This incident furnished a subject matter for joke. Everybody present

began to

wonder and said something or other as to how the grains found their

way into the

sleeve of the coat and lodged there so long. Hemadpant also could not

guess how

they found an entrance and stayed there. When nobody could give any


explanation in this matter, and everybody was wondering about this

mystery, Baba

said as follows: -


Baba - " This fellow (Annasaheb) has got the bad habit of eating

alone. Today is a

bazaar-day and he was here chewing grams. I know his habit and these

grams are a

proof of it. What wonder is there is this matter? "


Hemadpant - " Baba, I never know of eating things alone; then why do

you thrust

this bad habit on me? I have never yet seen Shirdi bazaar. I never

went to the

bazaar today, then how could I buy grams, and how could I eat them if

I had not

bought them? I never eat anything unless I share it with others

present near me " .


Baba - " It is true that you give to the persons present; but if none

be near-by,

what could you or I do but do you remember Me before eating? Am I not

always with

you? Then do you offer Me anything before you eat? "


SSG: Sai Ram. Sai Sadguru is teaching Shri Hemadpant and us a very


spiritual lesson. Recall what Shri Hemadpant was doing above. " On one

such Sunday,

Hemadpant sat in front of Baba, shampooing His Legs and muttering

God's name. "

Since Shri Hemadpant was doing a good seva, Sai wanted to reward him

by teaching

him a good spiritual lesson. Also, while Shri Hemadpant was shampooing

Sai's legs,

he was uttering God's name and Baba wanted to confirm that He was One

with all the

Gods, including the name of the God whom Hemadpant was remembering.

Sai Ram.


We will continue with this chapter in the coming weeks. Sai Ram.



Author, Editor, Proof-Reader and Book Reviewer





" Deepa H " debu7366

Thu, June 14, 2007 4:20 pm


Pure heart is ----


Pure heart is when you don't think badly about anyone. Pure heart is

when you don't let jealousy, greed, anger or lust be in your heart or

mind. Pure heart is when you forgive and forget, the bad behavior of

people who are against you .Pure heart is when you believe that you

will do your good karma no matter how hard it is for you cos in the

end it is Baba who is with u and what ever the outcome will be -it

will be for your best. Pure heart is when instead of arguing with

someone or gossiping about someone, you choose to be quiet. Arguing

will just give rise to anger and ego which will destroy our peace of

mind .And gossiping about someone is like pointing four fingers at

yourself when you point 1 finger towards someone else, after all we

are not perfect so we are not in a position to comment or judge about

other people's karma. Pure heart is when you try your level best not

to have ego. Pure heart is where love, peace of mind and SAI lives.



" Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu


Gurur Devoh Maheshwar;


Gurur Shakshat Parambramha


Tashmai Shri Gurur Veh Namah "


May the Merciful Sri Sai Baba always shower His grace on us and our

families and

remove our problems and anxieties by giving us all - strength , good

luck, success

and happiness with peace of mind.

Sai bhakt,

Deepa H





Thu, 12 Jul 2007 19:06:04 -0400



World wide Sai-Services by SAIDARBAR under your guidance are

incredible, it is a great inspiration and help to millions of Sai



Glad to know the release of the Spiritual discourses on our beloved

Sai Sadguru. Thank you very much for giving me an opportunity to

listen to them on Gurupurnima day. I believe this is a Sai blessing

for me for this GuruPurnima.





On 7/12/07


Hi SaiDarbar Team,

I am very happy with this magazine. Every Thursday I am receiving the

e-magazine. After reading to that book some of incidents really

matching to some situations in my life. Every Thursday if I receive

magazine means I feel that is good sign from Sai. Telugu section in

the magazine is also very nice. I really appreciate your work. Thanks

who are there back of this to be successful.


I feel always He (Sai) is with me and what every position I have today

is because of him. I strongly believe on Baba from my child hood. I

feel he is mine and with me always.



Sai Devotee.

Vellanki. Suvarna



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Title: Spiritual Masters – Sai Baba

Author: Sonavi Desai

New Age Books, A-44 Naraina Phase – 1

New Delhi – 110 028

Email: nab


Title: Shrine of Shirdi

Author: Siva Jayakumar

12, 3rd Cross, 1st Floor, Rainbow Nagar,

Pondicherry 605011

E-mail: sriajanasri


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Sri Sai Satcharithra (In English Language)

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Sri Sai Satcharithra (In Telugu Language)

Sai Satcharithra by chapters (In Telugu Language)

Sri Guru Charithra (In English Language)

Sri Guru Charithra by chapters (In English Language)

Request Sri Sai Satcharithra CD (English and Telugu Language Available)

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Things impressed me from this magazine:


" Your suffering is My suffering and your happiness is My happiness, "

Said Baba,


Just as different plants receive particular benefits from the same

rain, so people of different natures and circumstances are blessed in

different ways.


Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai " – they

may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

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Submitted by:

Sai Sevak Srinivasa Rao Kasturi.



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