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The Stone produced a Child

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The stone Produced a ChildA modern Mulla Nasruddin lived in a colony ofEvolutionists. The Evolutionists did not believe inGod and used to say that this vast creation came intobeing as a process of development into billions ofyears. They used to make every possible effort toimprint this 'idea' on every mind and soon manypeople started to believe in their words. TheEvolutionists' reputation grew and many scientistsand historians, students and teachers, followed theirdoctrine of 'gradual development'from a lifeless universe tomono-cellular organism, thenbirds and animals, then chimpanzeeand then human being.There was a widespreadfervor about this "new idea". ButMullah Nasruddin caught no'spark' of this popular knowledge.He used to live in a lonelycottage on the outskirts of theEvolutionists' Colony

andpassed his time praying andsupplicating God. Wheneverwould he pass through streets,the Evolutionists would mock athim and say: "See, the sage ofnon-sense!".One fine morning, Mullah Nasruddin waswalking in the colony, knocking at every door anddistributing an invitation card. After some time, allthe Evolutionists were out in the street showingwonder and amazement and buzzing with clamors,talking to each other, laughing and pointing to theinvitation card which read as follows:"Dear Sirs & Madams, you are all invited to asupper at my cottage this evening on account of birthof a child in my home".All knew that Mullah Nasruddin was not marriedand lived all alone. How come a child could be bornin his home? Yet, with a motive to make fun of himand enjoy a humorous situation, they all gathered atMullah's house in the evening. The house wasdecorated with flowers and delightful music

wasfilling melody in the environs.When the guests were seated, Mullah came outsmiling, with a petty newborn in his arms which hehad 'borrowed' for a day from his friend in the nearbytown. All were amazed and asked: "But, Mullah!You were never married". "Oh,No!" Mullah giggled, "That's notthe case. Come, I’ll show you mywife who gave me such a prettychild". Curiously, all followed.Mullah guided their steps to aroom in which a big stone pillarlay stood in the middle. Mullahhad even put a beautiful gown onthat pillar to give it the look of alady. “This is my wife who gaveme this pretty child"."Ha-ha-ha-ha… ha-ha-haha…”An uproarious laughterburst out and when it stopped, anEvolutionist said: "Mullah, wealready knew you are foolish butnow we think you are even mad.You want us to believe that adead stone produced a living child who breaths andsleeps, moves and feels?"Now

Mullah was serious and said : "But this iswhat YOU have been telling me since long. If thisbeautiful world, its orders and systems, perfectionsand designs, intellect and emotions, dreams anddesires can come out 'gradually' and 'evolve' from alifeless object, without God, why my stone can'tproduce a living child?"Copyright © www.yourspiritualrevolution.org

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