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Being Time (no time lags) : Dogen

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The Time-Being

All things are like this...

Permanence and nature of the wind

Moon reflected on the water



The Time-Being

'The Moon in a Dewdrop; writings of Zen Master Dogen'

Translated by Dan Welch and Kazuaki Tanahashi




An ancient buddha said :


For the time being stand on top of the highest peak.

For the time being proceed along the bottom of the deepest ocean.

For the time being three heads and eight arms.

For the time being an eight- or sixteen-foot body.

For the time being a staff or whisk.

For the time being a pillar or lantern.

For the time being the sons of Zhang and Li.

For the time being the earth and sky.


" For the time being " here means time itself is being, and all being is

time. A golden sixteen-foot body is time; because it is time, there is the

radiant illumination of time. Study it as the twelve hours of the present.

" Three heads and eight arms " is time; because it is time, it is not


from the twelve hours of the present.




Even though you do not measure the hours of the day as long or short,

far or

near, you still call it twelve hours. Because the signs of time's

coming and

going are obvious, people do not doubt it. Although they do not doubt it,

they do not understand it. Or when sentient beings doubt what they do not

understand, their doubt is not firmly fixed. Because of that, their past

doubts do not necessarily coincide with the present doubt. Yet doubt


is nothing but time.





The way the self arrays itself is the form of the entire world. See each

thing in this entire world as a moment of time.

Things do not hinder one another, just as moments do not hinder one

another. The way-seeking mind arises in this moment. A way-seeking moment

arises in this mind. It is the same with practice and with attaining

the way.

Thus the self setting itself out in array sees itself. This is the

understanding that the self is time.





Know that in this way there are myriads of forms and hundreds of grasses

throughout the entire earth, and yet each grass and each form itself

is the

entire earth. The study of this is the beginning of practice.

When you are at this place, there is just one grass, there is just one

form; there is understanding of form and no-understanding of form;

there is

understanding of grass and no-understanding of grass. Since there is


but just this moment, the time-being is all the time there is.


form-being are both time.

Each moment is all being, is the entire world. Reflect now whether any

being or any world is left out of the present moment.





Yet an ordinary person who does not understand buddha-dharma may hear the

words the time-being this way:


For a while I was three heads and eight arms. For a while I was an eight-

or sixteen-foot body. This is like having crossed over rivers and climbed

mountains. Even though the mountains and rivers still exist, I have


passed them and now reside in the jeweled palace and vermilion tower.


mountains and rivers are as distant from me as heaven is from earth.


It is not that simple. At the time the mountains were climbed and the

rivers crossed, you were present. Time is not separate from you, and

as you

are present, time does not go away.

As time is not marked by coming and going, the moment you climbed the

mountains is the time-being right now. If time keeps coming and going, you

are the time-being right now. This is the meaning of the time-being.

Does this time-being not swallow up the moment when you climbed the

mountains and the moment when you resided in the jeweled palace and

vermilion tower? Does it not spit them out?





Three heads and eight arms may be yesterday's time. The eight- or

sixteen-foot body may be today's time. Yet yesterday and today are both in

the moment when you directly enter the mountains and see thousands and

myriads of peaks. Yesterday's time and today's time do not go away.

Three heads and eight arms move forward as your time-being. It

looks as

if they are far away, but they are here and now. The eight- or


body moves forward as your time-being. It looks as if it is nearby, but it

is exactly here. Thus, a pine tree is time, bamboo is time.





Do not think that time merely flies away. Do not see flying away as

the only

function of time. If time merely flies away, you would be separated from

time. The reason you do not clearly understand the time-being is that you

think of time only as passing.

In essence, all things in the entire world are linked with one another

as moments. Because all moments are the time-being, they are your






The time-being has the quality of flowing. So-called today flows into

tomorrow, today flows into yesterday, yesterday flows into today. And


flows into today, tomorrow flows into tomorrow.

Because flowing is a quality of time, moments of past and present

do not

overlap or line up side by side. Qingyuan is time, Huangbo is time,


is time, Shitou is time, because self and other are already time.

Practice-enlightenment is time. Being splattered with mud and getting wet

with water is also time.





Although the views of an ordinary person and the causes and conditions of

those views are what the ordinary person sees, they are not

necessarily the

ordinary person's truth. The truth merely manifests itself for the time

being as an ordinary person. Because you think your time or your being is

not truth, you believe that the sixteen-foot golden body is not you.

However, your attempts to escape from being the sixteen-foot

golden body

are nothing but bits and pieces of the time-being. Those who have not yet

confirmed this should look into it deeply. The hours of Horse and Sheep,

which are arrayed in the world now, are actualized by ascendings and

descendings of the time-being at each moment. The rat is time, the

tiger is

time, sentient beings are time, buddhas are time.





At this time you enlighten the entire world with three heads and eight


you enlighten the entire world with the sixteen-foot golden body. To fully

actualize the entire world with the entire world is called thorough


To fully actualize the golden body - to arouse the way-seeking mind,

practice, attain enlightenment, and enter nirvana - is nothing but

being, is

nothing but time.





Just actualize all time as all being; there is nothing extra. A so-called

" extra being " is thoroughly an extra being. Thus, the time-being

half-actualized is half of the time-being completely actualized, and a

moment that seems to be missed is also completely being. In the same way,

even the moment before or after the moment that appears to be missed

is also

complete-in-itself the time-being. Vigorously abiding in each moment

is the

time-being. Do not mistakenly confuse it as nonbeing. Do not forcefully

assert it as being.





You may suppose that time is only passing away, and not understand

that time

never arrives. Although understanding itself is time, understanding

does not

depend on its own arrival.

People only see time's coming and going, and do not thoroughly

understand that the time-being abides in each moment. This being so, when

can they penetrate the barrier? Even if people recognized the

time-being in

each moment, who could give expression to this recognition? Even if they

could give expression to this recognition for a long time, who could stop

looking for the realization of the original face?

According to ordinary people's view of the time-being, even

enlightenment and nirvana as the time-being would be merely aspects of

coming and going.





The time-being is entirely actualized without being caught up in nets or

cages. Deva kings and heavenly beings appearing right and left are the

time-being of your complete effort right now. The time-being of all beings

throughout the world in water and on land is just the actualization of


complete effort right now. All beings of all kinds in the visible and

invisible realms are the time-being actualized by your complete effort,

flowing due to your complete effort.

Closely examine this flowing; without your complete effort right now,

nothing would be actualized, nothing would flow.





Do not think flowing is like wind and rain moving from east to west. The

entire world is not unchangeable, is not immovable. It flows.

Flowing is like spring. Spring with all its numerous aspects is called

flowing. When spring flows there is nothing outside of spring. Study

this in


Spring invariably flows through spring. Although flowing itself is not

spring, flowing occurs throughout spring. Thus, flowing is completed

at just

this moment of spring. Examine this thoroughly, coming and going.

In your study of flowing, if you imagine the objective to be outside

yourself and that you flow and move through hundreds and thousands of

worlds, for hundreds, thousands, and myriads of eons, you have not


studied the buddha way.





Great Master Hongdao of Mt. Yao [Yaoshan], instructed by Shitou, Great

Master Wuji, once went to study with Zen Master Daji of Jiangxi.


Yaoshan asked, " I am familiar with the teaching of the Three Vehicles

and twelve divisions. But what is the meaning of Bodhidharma coming

from the

west? "

Zen Master Daji replied:


For the time being have him raise his eyebrows and wink.

For the time being do not have him raise his eyebrows and wink.

For the time being to have him raise his eyebrows and wink is right.

For the time being to have him raise his eyebrows and wink is not right.


Hearing these words, Yaoshan experienced great enlightenment and

said to

Daji, " When I was studying with Shitou, it was like a mosquito trying to

bite an iron bull. "

What Daji said is not the same as other people's words. The " eyebrows "

and " eyes " are mountains and oceans, because mountains and oceans are

eyebrows and eyes. To " have him raise the eyebrows " is to see the


To " have him wink " is to understand the oceans. The " right " answer belongs

to him, and he is activated by your having him raise the eyebrows and


" Not right " does not mean not having him raise the eyebrows and wink.

Not to

have him raise the eyebrows and wink does not mean not right. These

are all

equally the time-being.

Mountains are time. Oceans are time. If they were not time, there


be no mountains or oceans. Do not think that mountains and oceans here and

now are not time. If time is annihilated, mountains and oceans are

annihilated. As time is not annihilated, mountains and oceans are not


This being so, the morning star appears, the Tathagata appears,

the eye

appears, and raising a flower appears. Each is time. If it were not

time, it

could not be thus.





Zen master Guixing of She Prefecture is the heir of Shoushan, a dharma

descendant of Linji. One day he taught the assembly:


For the time being mind arrives, but words do not.

For the time being words arrive, but mind does not.

For the time being both mind and words arrive.

For the time being neither mind nor words arrive.


Both mind and words are the time-being. Both arriving and not-arriving

are the time-being. When the moment of arriving has not appeared, the


of not-arriving is here. Mind is a donkey, words are a horse.

Having-already-arrived is words and not-having-left is mind. Arriving

is not

" coming, " not-arriving is not " not yet. "





The time-being is like this. Arriving is overwhelmed by arriving, but

not by

not-arriving. Not-arriving is overwhelmed by not-arriving, but not by

arriving. Mind overwhelms mind and sees mind, words overwhelm words

and see

words. Overwhelming overwhelms overwhelming and sees overwhelming.

Overwhelming is nothing but overwhelming. This is time.

As overwhelming is caused by you, there is no overwhelming that is

separate from you. Thus you go out and meet someone. Someone meets


You meet yourself. Going out meets going out. If these are not the

actualization of time, they cannot be thus .





Mind is the moment of actualizing the fundamental point; words are the

moment of going beyond, unlocking the barrier. Arriving is the moment of

casting off the body; not-arriving is the moment of being one with just

this, while being free from just this. In this way you must endeavor to

actualize the time-being .





The old masters have thus uttered these words, but is there nothing


to say ?


Mind and words arriving " part-way " are the time-being .

Mind and words not arriving " part-way " are the time-being .


In this manner, you should examine the time-being.


To have him raise the eyebrows and wink is " half " the time-being

To have him raise the eyebrows and wink is the time-being

" missed. "

Not to have him raise the eyebrows and wink is " half " the time-being.

Not to have him raise the eyebrows and wink is the time-being " missed. "


Thus, to study thoroughly, coming and going, and to study thoroughly ,

arriving and not-arriving, is the time-being of this moment .


On the first day of winter, first year of Ninji [1240], this was

written at

Kosho Horin Monastery.






The following passages are from 'Enlightenment Unfolds - The Essential

Teachings of Zen Master Dogen'


All things are like this...


When dharma does not fill your whole body and mind, you may assume it

is already sufficient. When dharma fills your body and mind, you

understand that something is missing. For example, when you sail out

in a boat to the middle of an ocean where no land is in sight, and

view the four directions, the ocean looks circular, and does not look

any other way. But the ocean is neither round nor square; its features

are infinite in variety. It is like a palace. It is like a jewel. It

only looks circular as far as you can see at that time. All things are

like this.


Though there are many features in the dusty world and the world beyond

conditions, you see and understand only what your eye of practice can

reach. In order to learn the nature of the myriad things, you must

know that although they may look round or square, the other features

of oceans and mountains are infinite in variety; whole worlds are

there. It is so not only around you, but also directly beneath your

feet, or in a drop of water.





Permanence and nature of the wind


MAYU, Zen Master Baoche, was fanning himself. A monk ap- proached and

said, " Master, the nature of wind is permanent and there is no place

it does not reach. Why then do you fan yourself? "


" Although you understand that the nature of the wind is permanent, "

Mayu replied, " you do not understand the meaning of its reaching

everywhere. "


" What is the meaning of its reaching everywhere? " asked the monk

again. Mayu just kept fanning himself. The monk bowed deeply.


The actualization of the buddha-dharma, the vital path of its correct

transmission, is like this. If you say that you do not need to fan

yourself because the nature of wind is permanent and you can have wind

without fanning, you will understand neither permanence nor the nature

of the wind. The nature of the wind is permanent. Because of that, the

wind of the buddha's house brings forth the gold of the earth and

makes fragrant the cream of the long river.





moon reflected on the water


Enlightenment is like the moon reflected on the water. The moon does

not get wet, nor is the water broken. Although its light is wide and

great, the moon is reflected even in a puddle an inch wide. The whole

moon and the entire sky are reflected in dewdrops on the grass, or

even in one drop of water.


Enlightenment does not divide you, just as the moon does not break the

water. You cannot hinder enlightenment, just as a drop of water does

not hinder the moon in the sky. The depth of the drop is the height of

the moon. Each reflection, however long or short its duration,

manifests the vastness of the dewdrop, and realizes the limitlessness

of the moonlight in the sky.






..b b.b.

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