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Greetings everyone,


All of the Messengers of Peace are grateful for the helpfulness that

our shared Purpose and the Teacherofteachers.net web site is

giving/receiving. Thanks for your loving thoughts and comments. I

am posting 4 new messages that just were recently received:


" Blessings and nice to see your new website which will bring the

light of Truth to all who seek to explore the depths of Gods Truth

and come to a clearer understanding of His Plan for creation. " -Jack



" Hi Beautiful people! Thank you so much for this new website. I feel

so blessed by you and it! Thank you for the hours spent in it's

wonderous creation. This donation is a token of my gratitude and

love. Peace and joy " -Suzanne


" Ever since we first met you keep touching my heart with your

sweetness and kindness and love. Through all my stories, emotions and

seeking for truth, you have given me nothing but unconditional

acceptance, support and love. How can I ever thank you for taking me

to your heart, accepting my way to express love and giving me back

your heart full of care and tenderness? I am always by your side.

Forever in Love " -Anna


" You continue to shine such a bright light into my days of Awakening.

Sometime in the midst of deep confusion or of great dispair, I

remember things you've said throughout the years, and I'm gently

being led back to rightminded thinking; to the Simplicity and

Friendliness of Life. If I could only be like You. And then I

remember: I am excactly like You. Ohh.. Jesus! Could I be this

blessed? Ego and Spirit seems to be wrestling in an ongoing match,

the price being my attention. But in quiet moments I recognise that

Spirit doesn't fight, but just waits patiently till I return to His

Voice, knowing this Voice to be the only one in Truth. " -Jacob


I will speak this coming Saturday night on Paltalk about the new

Teacherofteachers.net web site and the topic: Salvation is no

compromise of any kind. Here are the access instructions for

Paltalk: http://www.acimgather.org/instructions.htm


" Being so simple and direct, this course has nothing in it that is

not consistent. The seeming inconsistencies, or parts you find more

difficult than others, are merely indications of areas where means

and end are still discrepant. And this produces great discomfort.

This need not be. This course requires almost nothing of you. It is

impossible to imagine one that asks so little, or could offer more. "



These words apply very well to the Teacherofteachers.net web site.

The teachings are extremely simple and clear and a huge variety of

examples and metaphors and parables are artfully used by the Holy

Spirit and Jesus to Guide the mind into the experience of complete

forgiveness (Atonement) and the Peace of God. The metaphysics are

pristinely pure and clear, the unlearning required is laid out very,

very directly, and the transfer of training sweeps across the mind,

leaving no stone unturned and no exceptions hidden. All this with a

touch of humor and lots and lots of laughter.


Here are the basic sections of the web site. The materials library

is constructed of three parts:


The first is called Laying the Framework. It includes some of the

most basic (and fundamental) ideas that are presented in as well as

some items about the Course itself. A lot of the first questions and

issues that are raised by those who find the Course are answered here

in one form or another. Some of the early metaphors of the Course are

introduced and explored as well as some of the fundamental

metaphysical ideas.


The second set of materials is called Unlearning the World. This

section covers many concepts, particularly the middle and later

metaphors used by the Course. This is the stage of learning where

egoic assumptions, beliefs and distortions are brought more clearly

into awareness. A solid understanding of the ACIM metaphysics is the

key to moving into the final stage of learning to unlearn the world;

the transfer of training.


The third set of materials is called The Transfer of Training.

Knowing the ideas isn't enough to have the experience beyond the

words; they must be lived and applied. The deepest teachings about

the advanced ideas of cause and effect as well as the subject /

object split and relationships are covered here as well as many other

ideas. A solid understanding of the most advanced metaphors of ACIM

combined with a willingness to transfer those ideas to one's life

without exception has only one result; a clear mind and consistent




This practical curriculum is designed specifically for those who

desire to Awaken in this seeming 'lifetime.' There are no

distortions in the teachings and they reflect the desire for

Enlightenment or Self-realization. The curriculum reflects the

following statement from A Course In Miracles: " The peace of God is

everything I want. The peace of God is my one goal; the aim of all my

living here, the end I seek, my purpose and my function and my life,

while I abide where I am not at home. " (W-205.I) To experience the

Peace of God consistently is a miracle-minded state, the result of a

highly trained mind that has released every scrap of self-concept,

every scrap of reciprocity, and ever scrap of pride. In salvation

there is no system, no complexity, no difficulty, and no challenge.


" The constancy of joy is a condition quite alien to your

understanding. Yet if you could even imagine what it must be, you

would desire it although you understand it not. The constancy of

happiness has no exceptions; no change of any kind. It is unshakable

as is the Love of God for His creation. Sure in its vision as its

Creator is in what He knows, happiness looks on everything and sees

it is the same. " (T-21.VIII.2)


" Can you imagine what a state of mind without illusions is? How it

would feel? Try to remember when there was a time,–perhaps a minute,

maybe even less–when nothing came to interrupt your peace; when you

were certain you were loved and safe. Then try to picture what it

would be like to have that moment be extended to the end of time and

to eternity. Then let the sense of quiet that you felt be multiplied

a hundred times, and then be multiplied another hundred more. And

now you have a hint, not more than just the faintest intimation of

the state your mind will rest in when the truth has come. " (W-107.3)


" Can you imagine what it means to have no cares, no worries, no

anxieties, but merely to be perfectly calm and quiet all the time?

Yet that is what time is for; to learn just that and nothing more.

God's Teacher cannot be satisfied with His teaching until it

constitutes all your learning. He has not fulfilled His teaching

function until you have become such a consistent learner that you

learn only of Him. " (T-15.I.I)


Time has been collapsed and saved, and the way of forgiveness of

illusions is clear and straightforward and direct. The experience of

Love is within, still, and far beyond the images and beliefs and

thoughts of the world. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. As with

the Course, this web site was designed to save time (in awareness

terms) and bring an end to the search for Identity as Christ.

Welcome Home Beloved One!


Here are some features of the Teacherofteachers.net web site:


*All writings and mp3 files and charts can be downloaded and copied

and shared freely without charge. (The site is supported solely by

tax deductible donations and is completely nonprofit and



*The teachings come from a Living experience and express the Union of

Divine Mind, using the symbols of the world and pointing beyond them.


*The teachings are in a dialogue format with very sincere questions,

cascading deeper and deeper into the mind, and always followed by the

Clear Answer from the Holy Spirit & Jesus that leads to the goal of

peace of mind. All questions are one question, and you will be Guided

to hear it asked in the specific way that you can have it Answered



*Clarity of mind and discernment eliminate delay and distractions and

inspire confidence in the ability to listen and follow the Holy

Spirit & Jesus.


*The feeling of the equality of all brothers and sisters and the Love

of God permeates every session, and the laughter and lightness offers

the attraction to Love. There are no hierarchies of illusions, for

they are all the same, and the mind can rest in sameness and

stillness of the Present Moment. "


*The teachings undo the belief in level confusion and the confusion

between form and Content. There are literally thousands of examples

and metaphors and parables that are offered freely to accomplish this

goal. The goal of the Atonement cannot be accepted without this



*The teachings carry forth those offered by the Holy Spirit through

Jesus, Arten, Pursah, and do so in a way that uses the contemporary

symbols of the past century in a way that can be grasped and

understood easily for a willing mind.


*The web site is impersonal and universal and does not

highlight " persons " or " personalities. " It aims at the universal

experiences of peace, love, joy, freedom, and happiness. The web

site helps the mind transcend belief by accepting forgiveness as the

last illusion.


I hope to see you this coming Saturday night (EST Saturday 29th

8:30pm) on PalTalk and we shall rejoice together in the Peace of God!


In Love & Gratitude,







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