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Hello HUR





Wayne will be talking about The Living Teaching in Chicago and New York City in

the coming weeks. See details below.







Hello my loves,


I am periodically taken to task for not having a teaching style more like some

of my preceptors - most notably, Nisargadatta Maharaj. Maharaj was famous for

speaking from the standpoint of the Absolute. He would say things such as, " I

was never born and I will never die " and " I am awake even when I am asleep. "

Such assertively non-dual statements sometimes had the effect of shocking his

listeners into a profound, transcendent Seeing.


I am sympathetic to this approach but I have rarely been comfortable using it. I

feel much more at home when I am meeting my listeners where THEY are...most of

them believing that they were born and will die and that they are asleep while

asleep. From this point of " obvious " truth we can then proceed to examine the

more profound, underlying nature of this " one " who lives and dies and sleeps.


No one can deny that there is EXISTENCE here. The nature of that EXISTENCE can

(and has been) debated endlessly. But this EXISTENCE is self-proving. It is not

a philosophical debating point but a self-affirming Truth. It is here at the

center when you pull off the onion-like layers of your apparent self - the self

that lives and dies and sleeps and wakes.


We are the victims of our beliefs. When you " believe " the pointers of a teacher

such as Maharaj the inevitable result is a kind of nihilism in which all that is

apparent (including yourself) is denied as meaningless and illusory. When you

believe the pointers of a teacher such as myself the inevitable result is the

sense of having a progressively deeper and truer knowledge about the nature of



So pick your poison. With a little luck...either one will kill " you. "


With much love,








Daily Talks in His Home: 9AM Sindhula, N. Gamadia Rd. #10, Mumbai, India

(Helpful info for people planning to visit Ramesh can be found in the Ramesh

Balsekar section of the advaita.org website)








Chicago, Illinois October 26 - 28, 2007 Contact: Maggie Email:



New York City, New York November 9 - 11, 2007 Contact: Daniel Email:



Ross, CA (San Francisco Bay Area) December 7 - 9, 2007 Contact Joanne

415-987-6400 jfm1 or Ellen 415 902 1713


Paris, France January 18 & 19, 2008 Contact: Philippe Email: phde_h


London, England February 1,2 & 3, 2008 Contact: Ryan Spielman

Email: trueryan Phone: (0) 7951 515 667


Madrid, Spain February 8, 9, & 10 Contact Conchita Email:




Further details are available on the advaita.org website,





Talks in Wayne's Home


927B Sixth St., Hermosa Beach, CA (Check advaita.org website for times or call

310-376-9636 for a recorded announcement.)


These talks are broadcast LIVE over the Internet. Live broadcasts can be

accessed free from the advaita.org website thanks to the continuing support of

the members. To become a member go to:









A Buddha's Babble - Ramesh S. Balsekar



Aham-Brahma-Asmi---I am Brahman

Tat-Twam-Asi---THAT You Are


These statements---the mahavakyas---have caused considerable confusion among

Indian spiritual seekers because their inner meaning has not been comprehended.


Every twam is not Tat: every 'you' are not THAT. THAT is every 'you', THAT will

always be there without 'you', but 'you' cannot be there without THAT.


Unless this is very clearly understood, every seeker will want to be 'one with

THAT' and will, therefore, be frustrated. What is to be very clearly understood

is that every human being, in his daily living, must continuously remain

connected to THAT Source and never be disconnected from it.


The individual entity---the Ego---gets disconnected from the Source whenever he

considers himself or the 'other' as the doer of some action, and blames and

condemns him for some action.


The connection finally ends when the body dies and the Ego no longer exists as a

separate entity.


To remain continuously connected to the Source in one's daily living means doing

whatever is necessary to be done in any situation as if one is the doer---and,

therefore, to witness whatever is happening as something that is precisely

supposed to happen according to the Cosmic Law, without regrets about the past,

without any complaints in the present, without any expectation in the future,

and, importantly, without condemning anyone for anything---neither himself nor

the other.



Paperback / Pages: 197 $16






Enlightened Living---Ramesh Balsekar



It stands to reason that if you want something desperately you would take great

pains to find out what it did for those who have 'got' it. So if you desire

Enlightenment, it would make abundant sense to at least check out what the

'Enlightened' ones have to say about the state of self-realization. That is

what " Enlightened Living " does for you.


In this book, Ramesh Balsekar, arguably the most renowned exponent of the

ancient philosophy of Advaita today and the author of 30 well-known books,

presents you a clear perspective on the self-realized state, in his hallmark

lucid style.


If you have believed the sage to be a glorified vegetable, passionless and

neutered to all pleasure and all pain, if you have believed that he is in a

never-ending state of cocooned bliss or if you have believed that there is

some-'one' out there to enjoy that 'blissful' state, this book shows you just

how mistaken you are.


To make its point, " Enlightened Living " presents an impressive array of

Masters---from Adi Shankara to Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, from Ashtavakra to

Ramana Maharshi, from Jnaneshwara to Nisargadatta Maharaj and Sengtsan---to

share with you, in the simplest terms possible, the reality of the state of

self-realization. Pointers are used, insights are bestowed and cobwebs

vigorously dusted away till what you are left with is a deeply satisfying

clarity---which may or may not be intellectual.



Paperback / Pages: 183 $15








2007 Guru Purnima Talk with Ramesh Balsekar - DVD - July 29, 2007

Daily Talks with Ramesh Balsekar - DVD - August 2, 2007


These are well produced video records of the daily Satsangs in Ramesh's Mumbai.

All of Ramesh's satsangs are wonderful in their own way but we have selected and

are offering some that we believe to be the best.


Running time approx. 2 hours


To order click: https://advaita.3dcartstores.com/Ramesh-Balsekar_c_18-1.html



What I Teach, The Way I Live -- DVD **NEW**


This is a new video interview of Ramesh produced in India by Zen Publications.

In this conversation Ramesh dispels the most common misconceptions about a Sage

and reveals his path to finding Peace of Mind.


Running time: Approximately 2 hours


To order click:









Several new MP3's of Wayne's Talks have been added to the DOWNLOAD section of

the Advaita Press Store.

Also, nearly all the currently available CD's of Ramesh and Wayne's Talks have

been converted to downloadable MP3's. These can be purchased in the Store and

then immediately downloaded for use in your iPod or other mp3 player. MP3

downloads are less expensive than the CD versions and there are no shipping



These can be found at the advaita.org website's Advaita Online Store under











The Advaita Fellowship is an IRS recognized 501 c3 non-profit organization. Your

contributions help to make these beautiful Teachings available to everyone ---

plus they are tax deductible in many countries.


Donations can be made via the website

https://advaita.3dcartstores.com/DONATIONS_c_24.html , by sending a check or

contacting the Fellowship Office for bank transfer details Tel: 310-376-9636 or

fellowship .


You may also support the Fellowship by becoming a Member of The Advaita

Fellowship. For more information on becoming a member go to:



A LIVING GEM FROM RAMESH (never before published)



Liberation is really only liberation from the concept of bondage. Only objects

can be born and die, only objects can be conceived or perceived. And all that

seems to exist is appearance only, phenomena. And the " spirit " or " self " or

" subjectivity " cannot be anything that is cognizable. In fact IT or THAT can

never be any thing. It can only be ALL that is, and ALL that we are, not what we

think we are. It is phenomenal absence / absolute PRESENCE without the

consciousness of it presence.


January 1, 1990




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Hearing Wayne acknowledge this about his approach to teaching is

impressive. It seems to explain why listening to him never

personally inspired myself to any great degree.


But I do now have more respect for him.






> ***************************


> ****************************


> Hello my loves,


> I am periodically taken to task for not having a teaching style more

like some of my preceptors - most notably, Nisargadatta Maharaj.

Maharaj was famous for speaking from the standpoint of the Absolute.

He would say things such as, " I was never born and I will never die "

and " I am awake even when I am asleep. " Such assertively non-dual

statements sometimes had the effect of shocking his listeners into a

profound, transcendent Seeing.

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