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Reiki- The Divine Touch

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Reiki- The Divine TouchReiki- I choose to call it"Faith Healing" is a handsonHealing therapy that isused to heal illnesses at allthe 3 levels- emotional,physical and mental . Asper the Universal Wisdom,Reiki energy is accessible to all of us, and throughthe initiation method, a person becomes a Reikichannel and is able to tap this energy and use it toheal people. The discipline of Reiki is based on theconcept of " There is nothing Like Linear time". It isbelieved that there exists nothing like Time and spaceand what we are experiencing is "The present momentor NOW " . I have been associated with Reiki for thepast 8 years and Life has since been transformational. Ichoose to explain it this way: No method of healing- beit Allopathy, Homeopathic, Yoga, Aromatherapy orReiki is effective or beneficial unless the

persongetting healed is positive and receptive towards thesame. Dr. Deepak Chopra is a firm believer of what wecall as the "Mind body connection" and I believestrongly that our thought patterns have a major effecton our health. People who are extremely positive andhappy tend to remain healthy most of the time..Reiki believes that the root of all illness is"Emotion". Every disease be it a minor cold todiseases like Cancer have a mind body connection.It is believed that People who have repressedresentment or anger inside them fall prey to cancer.Every illness has a psychological connection to itand the extent to which a person gets healed dependson how positive he remains towards the healingprocess. I would not say Blind faith is a requisite, buta positive inclination towards healing and the beliefthat " I would be healed " is enough to make miracleshappen. This is very evident from the fact that

2patients suffering from the same disease havedifferent responses towards the same treatment. Onemay be healed in no time, never to have it again, andthe other might worsen his health by remaining in astate of depression and negativity .Reiki has been extremely beneficial in curing alltypes of Illnesses of any origin- be it stress, ordiseases like spondylisis, Migraine etc to diseases ofpsychosomatic origin. Many people ask me" How isit possible to heal a person suffering from acutediseases like Migraine". I say the key to this is"Faith". Faith can move mountains as the oldproverb goes , holds true here. Whenever a personcomes for healing, The first step that starts thehealing process effectively is the 'Faith in Reiki"and this is true for all the methods of treatment likemedicines, Yoga etc. The positive attitude andreceptivity in a person opens up channels throughwhich healing happens.Reiki,

as I said before is a hands on healingtechnique wherein the healer places hands on theaffected parts of the patient to enable healing. Firstthe healing begins by opening up the blocked energycenters ( or chakras). Once the Chakras are openedup, The Reiki energy flows in; enabling healing.During the Reiki treatment, it is possible that pain,aches, fever or psychological effects like Sadnessor depression crop up. This is natural and ensures thathealing is happening effectively. There are variousillnesses which are repressed inside us which we arenot aware of, and healing just opens up these blocksand heals from the Root. I encourage people comingfor my sessions for Taking Mediation sessions as well.This aids in Healing and Reiki is one such disciplinewhich encourages other healing options along withReiki treatments.We are living in an era where Emotional stress andburden is so much that we do not realize

what it isdoing to our psyche and hence our Physical bodies.Only when we fall prey to acute diseases do we realizewe need to Slow down. It is believed that the illnessfirst strikes at the Auric level and then the damage isdone to the Body. By the time the body gets affected,The damage has already been done . The Aura getsclouded due to negative emotions like Anger, Envy,hatred, resentment, guilt , Fear.The key to Good health has always beenHappiness. And what's the Key to happiness? Wellevery one has a different definition for the same. Thekey to it lies in living a soulful and enriched life thatincludes the Right kind of Food, Right sleep, RightHabits, positive attitude towards Life, Loving andaccepting oneself fully.Do not indulge in gossips, as it depletes the energyDo not stick onto negativity( emotions) for longMake Positive affirmations dailyAppreciate another person ( your spouse,

siblingor parents) daily at least once;Feel good about yourself by remembering yourachievements and your positive qualitiesDo Spiritual activities like meditation for at least10 minutes.Eat healthy foods.Try and be expressive about your feelings andthoughts.Read a lot. Especially Spirituality based, Selfhelp books that inspire you. Re read books ….readas many times as you can; it gets engraved in theneural pathways and then we are able to use thiswisdom in our daily lives…Make it a point to maintain a good relationshipwith the people who are close to you. If an issue orargument bothers you, be brave enough to communicatewith the person concerned. Repressedemotions and feelings are the major cause forillnessPractice the act of forgiveness. This can onlyhappen if you forgive yourself for all your deedsand accept yourself as the person you are.Healing is not about just curing your

body of anillness but it is a whole process that involvescleaning your system off negative emotions,feelings, toxins and replacing them with the feelingsof Unconditional Love, acceptance and Peace.Copyright© www.yourspiritualrevolution.org Free spirituality international monthly e-magazine(Nov-07 Issue)

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>I must say I have had myself reikied maybe ten times.Cost me

600.Which would be 800 in todays money.All I can say is:I wish I could

find a way to get 800$ as easy as that babe did. It is the ultimate

something for nothing game.But...maybe that is just bitterness talking.


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