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The Miracles of Mind

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The Miracles of MindYou have been blessed with three minds the first is yourConscious Mind, which is your body and it carries youthrough this period you call your life. God has blessed youwith a free will and you can think and create, no other ofGod's creatures can create. The Conscious Mind can becharacterized by voluntary awareness. When you are notsleeping, you are aware. When you are awake, you havethe capacity to be aware. The fact that you are aware isconfirmation that your Conscious Mind is dominant andin control. The Conscious Mind is the gatekeeper to thegiant Subconscious Mind. God gave us a Conscious Mindso that we could decide which of God's miracles are for us.Yet, so many of us do not believe they are worthy ofmiracles. What are these miracles?w The miracle of love; to share in god's love, and love forall

humanityw The miracle of faith; to believe in our immortalityw The miracle of wealth; to share in god's prosperitywThe miracle of thought; to rise above all othercreatures in this universewThe miracle of death; so that we may return to godfrom whence we cameAll miracles start in your conscious mind and aredirected to your subconscious mind of which its mainfunction is to make into reality the commands put forth byour conscious mind.Take control of your thinking, for you are the directorof your life.Secondary you have a Subconscious Mind, alsoknown as your Soul. Which is the storehouse of all theinformation in the Universe. You have access to all thisinformation by simply asking for it. We do this by thoughtor by word. Our Subconscious Mind controls how webreathe, the actions of our heard, the circulation of blood,digestion, all secretions and all excretions. It is theSubconscious Mind that

carries on the work ofassimilation while we sleep. It reveals God's presence inan actual realizable form. It warns of approaching danger.The Subconscious Mind carries out the best aspects givento it, providing your Conscious Mind does not interceptand change its course. The Subconscious Mind heals thebody and keeps it in good health, it it's directed to do so byyou. Your Subconscious Mind is your soul, and this soul isinfinite. Your Subconscious Mind is in direct contact withthe Universal Superconscious Mind of God. YourSubconscious Mind is the creator, it will create intoreality what ever the Conscious Mind commands and youcontrol your Conscious Mind. You tell God what youdesire, and God tells you HOW to get it. Even the Biblestates: “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shallfind, knock and the door shall be open to you.” It'samazing that so few believe it and even fewer use it totheir good.Third

we have access to the Universal Super-Conscious Mind of God. This is how God communicateswith us every minute of everyday. The UniversalSuperconscious Mind is the force that rules the Universe,and it is within us. It has been called the Mind of God,Infinity, Creation or Universal Mind. The UniversalSuperconscious Mind is around and through you. It is thevital force of the Universe. You are a Creator, with theGod-given power to use this vital force as you please, tomake of it what you will. To create and manifest yourpositive, healthy desires requires four steps:The mental image of what you desire, this is the mold wKnowledge of your power so you can conscientiously wdraw to you all the vital forces you needwFaith in your creative power; faith to crystallize thevital force until it manifests for all to seewConvincing your Subconscious Mind through theUniversal Superconscious Mind that you believe you

havealready received what you desire. If you desire a new car, geta picture of it, place it in front of you and visualize it parkedin your driveway. Do you want to lose weight? Get a pictureof yourself when you were slimmer, and put in on yourbathroom mirror. Visualize yourself at your desired weight.It is not enough to know you have this power. YouMUST put it into practice not once, or twice but every hourof every day. It will not be easy at first, but then anythingworthwhile never is.What greater miracle can you ask for than the miracle ofhaving God as your partner? You are a mind with a body andthat mind controls the Universe, your Universe. Stop rightnow, close your eyes and see your life, as you want it.Believe and it's yours, believe whole-heartedly and it'syours faster.© Phoenix Publications Inc. All rights reserved.By Leonard M. Rubino,

www.yourspiritualrevolution.orgFree International Spiritual Ezine(Oct-07 Issue)

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Nisargadatta , santosh Dodda <ysr_santosh



> The Miracles of Mind

> You have been blessed with three minds the first is your

> Conscious Mind, which is your body and it carries you

> through this period you call your life. God has blessed you




This is the usual marketing tecnique of pretending to help people with

their egos but in fact build them up. IE You are helping 'god' unfold

the universe etc. Ask Tolle its sells lots of books and cds etc..Tony

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