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Nondual Liars II

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Mirrors! So we have a bit of a dilemma here, the seeker comes here to seek enlightenment, but what he or she encounters are liars. They believe in the lies, because they are pretty, nirvana sounds great, I admit, but it's after all an illusion. Anyway, our nondual seekers, believe in the lie, and even worse, they tell others. A viscious circle indeed. I'm just here visiting every now and than, hope you don't mind me telling you that you are right, Nirvana is a lie, there is no such thing as nirvana, there are realizations, there is enblindenment, there is even enlightenment, but there is no nirvana. All there is is a mirror, a transparent, pretty black mirror, in which the self sees the self, talk to this mirror if you seek wisdom, the mirror was here long before nonduality, talk to this mirror and it will tell you, that you really are a mirror.And that all the creatures are your reflections. So when you die, you cease to exist, but your reflections do not, and because you really are a mirror, you simply turn into all your reflections, that's simple mirrorsophy. taught by our great nondual master F. Nietzsche. So before you turn into nothingness, look at all the people you become, than go and return, as all these people. This is just brainstorming, no need to read or even respond. They tell him that there is no ego and all that.And it's quite true, the ego, that which is spelling these words, is a nonexistent entity, but it has an existent body, a body different from all others, while the ego, is in all these different bodies always the same mirror. Finally they believe in what they are told, and so they tell others the same. Ok, from time to time, a really smart and witty person [myself] lol, steps into the circle, and takes a quick look, enchanted to see the spiral break. I belong to the rare creed of persona, who believe in the endless return, as taught by our nihilistic nondual professor F. Nietzsche. he was smart enough to realize, that after nothingness and death, comes again, this world.So in other words, I accept the fact that there is no nirvana, but that we just return to this world. Endless times. So who am I? Nietzsche's return? The intellect is a mirror. I am a mirror, I did not study nietzsche, I studied my mirror, and interestingly enough, we both came to the same conclusion, that we are mirrors, that everyone is.

Why in the world would a self realized person enter nirvana, while the liar does not?

What's the difference between nirvana and this world?

In ego terms, what's the difference between the self realized liar and yourself? After all we're speaking about illusions here, the seeker has the illusion of seeking enlightenment, and liberation from suffering. The self realized suffers from the illusion of being liberated from reincarnations ... The mind is a mirror, it comes straight from nirvana, wherever that is, each individual persona has been to nirvana, endless times. And why do we always return here, to this world, because this world, is our nirvana.








Nisargadatta , "Werner Woehr" <wwoehr wrote:>> Hi advaitains,> > On this list most members including myself are cheaters and liars and > are writing their posts as if they are fully realized or enlightened.> > For example to state that there is no ego is a lie. There is a > structure, a bundle of personal reactions based on memory collected > during one's life time which are centered aorund and fed by the > inherent suvival instinct. One can realize these reactions all day > long and undeniably they are obvious and do exist. For this bundle > there exist a generic term: Ego.> > Ok, there is no source called ego which is creating all those > reactions but nevertheless those reactions do exist. But to say that > there is no ego simply is a lie, a lie based on the hope that by > denying they no longer will exist. But that denial is just another > reaction which adds to that reactive bundle called ego.> > So why not stay with what is, honestly seeing what one is, how one is > ticking, without escaping into nondual terminology ? By constantly > nondual babbling one more and more falls linto the trap of believing > one had understood. But that "understanding" is just intellectual > rumination of what one has read.> > Therefore I would suggest from now on lets call the members of this > forum "nondual ruminators".> > :)> > Werner>

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