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FWD: [K]Not of Insanity.

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I think I am insane. I probably am

since I despise my reality,

finding only truth in nature as it

is, seeing only ugliness in all

its spectrum in humanity around me.

I live in a major war zone.

Literally. IN the middle east. I am

sick to my stomach with what I

witness day in and day out with

people crossing other people's

boundaries, innocense being stolen,

nature being cut down. My own

family is one of horrors - my

conditioning - emotional rape. I just

down't even know where to begin

doing this work, though I see Katie

as I see other teachers in my life -

like Peace Pilgrim - people who

live their truth. I'd like to be

that. I just really need to find

some light in all of this BS. The

only person I can change is myself-

that I know - and have been working

on this for over 30 years. Still

I find little but sadness and

depression. It's more to do with this

underlying grief to my psyche that I

can't even begin to put a finger

on. All I can say is - I'm just

utterly weary of this charade in it's




Thanks for hearing - joy






I too discovered that no real progress

can be made without... forgiveness.


A teacher that I heard said:


Realization is nothing but... Total Forgiveness!



The moment, you completely forgave...

you are realized and the " freedom " will

be instantly available and 'verifiable'

to you. If it not... it simply means

that there is still something or

somebody that you haven't completely




The teacher said,


your non-forgives is what keeps " you " ... 'in chain'!



You forgive... and, " you " are free!




I guess Buddha too said something



{paraphrasing} your lack of

forgiveness [meaning… your anger,

resentment] is the burning coal that

you keep in your own hand, hoping to

throw it on someone else. Yet, it is

your hand that burns first!



In fact, lack of forgiveness is worse

than that... it is the knot if cancer

that " you " deliberately keep alive in

your body by watering it with more

hate. It hurts you, it hurts you

immensely, still you keep it alive by

feeding it more similar thoughts,

because, in reality... 'being right'

and 'setting the record straight' is

Far More Important to you than being

Peaceful or free. You hate the other

more than... you " love " yourself. If

not, you will soon see the insanity and

un-necessity of non-forgiveness.


Ever since I discovered the freedom

that forgiveness brings, one of my

consistent Patrice/prayer/act is to:


............ Forgive others.


............ Forgive All.


............ Forgive self.


............ Forgive 'God'.



You will notice that lot of all

" memories " exist simply because we

haven't forgiven something and most of

those memories are quite burdensome.

Forgiveness brings Instant Relief...



Watch this video:




Note: Please note that I fully endorse this

teaching on forgiveness,

but, I don't at all endorse the teacher.

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