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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 03-2008 from Saidarbar.

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THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI Sixth Year of Publication Published as Bi-Weekly Issue 03/ 2008 31-01-2008 The Glory of Shirdi Sai enters Sixth year from 01-01-2008. You can also read this E- Magazine in 3d page turning NEW FORMAT http://ettitudemedia.com/loadbook.php?BookName=EMagazineCurrent GURUR-BRAHMA, GURUR-VISHNUH; GURU-DEVO MAHESWARAHA; GURUR-SAKSHATH PARAM BRAHMA; THASMAI SREE GURAVE NAMAHA: Sairam. You can watch Live Web casting from Shirdi Sai Samadhi Mandir from following Link: http://www.shrisaibabasansthan.org/onlinedarshan.asp ----------------------------- THIS ISSUE


DEVOTEES 10. TELUGU SECTION 11. SAI'S BOOK WORLD 12. EDITORIAL. ------------------------------- 1. FROM THE SATSANGHS OF SAIBANISA JI http://www.angelfire.com/celeb2/saidarbar/pages/S3500055.htm Compiled by: Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar - Hyderabad. Shirdi Sai's Philosophy in the words of Saibanisaji When moon sets, people say that the moon has disappeared; and when the moon rises, they say that the moon has appeared. In fact, the moon shines continuously in the sky. Our Sai is exactly like moon. He neither appears nor disappears; He only seems to do so out of love for the people so that He may teach them. People call one phase of the moon a full moon, they call another phase a crescent moon; in reality, the moon is always perfectly round, neither waxing nor waning. Sai is precisely like the moon. In the eyes of men, Sai may seem to change in appearance, but, in truth, Sai does not change. The moon appears every where, over a crowded city, a sleepy village, a mountain, or a river. It is seen in the depths of pond, in a jug of water, in a drop of dew hanging on a leaf. If a man walks hundreds of miles the moon goes with him. Sai is like a moon in following people of this world in all their changing circumstances, manifesting various appearances; but in Essence He does not undergo any change. To be continued --------------- 2. SAI'S NEWS FROM THE TIME MACHINE: January 1, 1946: Sri B.V.Deo passed away (Composer of Chapter 53rd of Shri Sai Satcharitra in Marathi language). January 3, 1912: Megha fed some Brahmins on completion of his Gayatri Purascharana. Dadasaheb Khaparde attended it in Sathewada. January 19, 1912: Megha died in Shirdi at about 04:00 hrs. Baba lamented loudly and followed the funeral procession for some distance. Baba showered flowers on Megha's body. January 20, 1912:

Bapusaheb Jog started performing Baba's Pooja and Arati after Megha's death. He continued this till Baba's Maha Samadhi. ----------------- 3. SAI IN DREAMS: http://www.ettitudemedia.com These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SaiBaNiSaji From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS. Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY. JULY-1995: 12-07-1995 Yesterday’s prayer to Sai was to give me a message on spiritualism. Baba appeared in the form of my Schoolteacher and said- -Read forever my Satcharita, tell my stories to others and lead a pious Life. -Reward given to your teacher shall reach me. -I disapprove saints in not doing any work and engaging themselves in preaching ideals. I would rather appreciate a labourer who is indirectly educating that work is worship. Spread the message to practice before preaching others. 24-07-1995 I prayed Baba to tell me some thing about spiritualism. Baba has shown me with a visual- Some people enter a garden and engage in plucking flowers, but the plant does not understand why and for what purpose the flowers would be used. A tree or plant grown with divine grace for a definite mission will give flowers like Sai to the people. When its flowers are plucked, God continuously monitors to keep a watch whether HIS purpose is met or not. Saints are the messengers of God with a definite mission and purpose. 26-07-1995 Before retiring to bed, I prayed Baba to give me lessons on how to advance on the spiritual path while leading a commoner’s life. Sai has shown a visual- In normal life, practice to offer food to others before you commence to eat, otherwise the thought of me and mine (self), will eclipse the mind. Spiritualism should be tasted first so that sense of

belonging vanishes and one realizes that everything is only God’s creation and doing. It should be digested first before imparting to others around. Spiritualism should be absorbed first before imparting to others. To be continued------------- ----------------------------- 4. QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY: (By Late Sri

Bharam UmamaheswaraRao) "Shashi": shashi_31 30. Efficacy of Prayer and Worship Baba’s Aarti at Shirdi and Pooja, on ordinary days, were started in 1909, but for sometime, there was no celebration of Guru-Poornima, by special worship of Baba, on that day. Baba Himself sent for Dada Kelkar on Guru Poornima day and said –“Do you know

that to-day is Guru Poornima? Bring your materials for worship and do your Guru Pooja”. Then Guru pooja was started from 1909 and it is continuing even after Baba’s Samadhi. Baba was being worshipped by a number of Hindus with flowers etc. Mahalsapathi applied sandal paste to Baba’s neck. One day Mahalsapathi had a vision of Baba with sandal paste on Baba’s forehead. Thereafter Mahalsapathi was regularly applying sandal wood paste on Baba’s forehead. Initially, individual worship was first neither systematic nor organized. But K. G. Bhishma, a good songster, drew up the ritual, for Sai Baba’s worship, and he brought a set of Aratis i.e. ritualistic verses for use by individuals at Shirdi and these were sent by Baba to Nana Saheb Chandorkar and were approved by Him. They were largely in use and tended to develop the worship of Baba on the customary lines of worship in well known temples. To be continued. ----------------------------- 5. SANATANA DHARMA & SHRI SHIRDI SAIBABA. Those who see all creatures in themselves And themselves in all creatures know no fear. How can the multiplicity of life Delude the one who sees its unity? -Isha Upanishad Like bubbles in the sea, All the worlds arise in you. Know you are the Self. Know you are one. Let yourself dissolve. You see the world. But like the snake in the rope, It is not really there. You are pure. Let yourself dissolve. -Ashtavakra Gita 5:2-3 NEWS Lanka Unveils "Trail of Ramayana" Tour Package http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/holnus/002200801172042.htm NEW DELHI, INDIA, January 17, 2008: With an eye on its "primary source market", Sri Lanka Tourism officials have identified 50 sites associated with the Hindu epic Ramayana to attract more pilgrim travellers from India to the island nation. "Following the Trail of Ramayana" is a Touristic circuit based on research findings that link the sites to Lord Ram, Sita and the demon king Ravana, SLT director-general S. Kalaiselvam told reporters on Thursday while unveiling the ambitious thematic

program. "Currently we are taking steps to develop and restore all sites to facilitate foreign and local visitors the opportunity to witness and experience the sacredness of these sites," he said. The programme includes places like Seethaeliya, Ram Bodha, Ussangoda and Roomassala and special temples in areas where Ravana is believed to have held Sita captive. Kalaiselvam said the "Ramayana epic is a very special feature in the bond that we have with India and we are trying to offer opportunity to our friends here to visit Sri Lanka to explore, absorb and

enjoy the various places of significance present in the epic". Ayyappa Temple Opens for Makara Vilakku Festival www.hinduonnet.com SABARIMALA,

INDIA, December 31, 2007: The Lord Ayyappa temple was opened for the Makaravilakku festival on Sunday evening, marking the second phase of the two-month-long pilgrimage season to the hill shrine. Makara Jyothi, the most auspicious occasion of the festival when pilgrims sight a divine light at Ponnambalamedu, the distant hills opposite the temple, falls on January 14. Devaswom Minister G. Sudhakaran held a review meeting with concerned officials at Pampa to

evaluate the facilities being extended to Ayyappa devotees with tens of millions of them expected to throng the temple in the coming 15 days and create an action plan. Hinduism Today Launches YouTube Channel With Festival Video www.youtube.com KAUAI, HAWAII, January 2, 2008: Hinduism Today Magazine is proud to announce its presence on YouTube. Visit Hinduism Today's YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/hinduismtodayvideos --------------------------- 6. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES: kchirag Wed, January

16, 2008 9:31 pm Om Sai Ram, Shri Sai Sai Sai. My name is Chirag and I would really love to share my experience of our Sai Baba and His miracles in my life that has happened recently. To start off I was not a Bhakt of Sai Baba before but my friend told me to start praying to him with complete faith and devotion. I was having problems with my wife for about 4 months. She stopped talking to me coz of some misunderstanding and things like that, I tried a lot to clear things out and get things back to normal but she just would not listen to me or would want to talk to me. I was totally lost and devastated

in life coz I never had expected this. Then my friend asked me to start praying to Sai Baba with complete faith and devotion which I started and also started reading the Sai Sat Charitra and started learning so much from Sai Baba and his leelas that I changed many things in my life and started following my Sai Baba’s words. I had heard that one who reads Sai Sat Charitra (all 50 Chapters) in one week’s time; the devotee’s wishes are fulfilled by Sai Baba. Along with this I also started Sai Baba’s Sai Vrat, and also this vrat has got miraculous effects if it is done with complete faith and devotion and completed the vrat on the 9th Thursday with due formalities according to the vrat book, your wishes are for sure to be answered by Sai Baba. Friends, I did everything possible for Sai Baba and to get my

wish fulfilled and solve my problems with my wife and get back things like before smooth and normal. After I completed my vrat with due formalities, Sai Baba answered my prayers and my wife called me and we cleared everything out and things are fine now between us. Trust Sai Baba totally and with full heart he will answer your prayers for sure. But like we all know we need complete faith and patience and devotion towards him. Friends, when I started reading the Sai Sat Charitra. I really started feeling so good and happy from inside that before I had stopped going out with friends or to enjoy and all. But as I kept reading Sai Baba’s Leelas, I

learned so much from Him and changed my thinking towards life and friends and people. I started going out and started to enjoy again even though things weren’t solved with my wife. But I had complete faith and trust in my Sai Baba and left everything to him. I have experienced Baba’s Bliss every time I read his Sai Sat Charitra or pray to him whenever I feel like. Some of small miracles by Sai Baba for me was that, while reading Sai Sat Charitra, there are chapters telling about His Udi and its efficaciousness, in my mind I was asking Sai Baba if I cud also get His Udi somehow (as I live in Canada, there is no Sai Baba Mandir here). I had just happened to go to my friend’s place and she had just got back from Mumbai, I started telling her about Sai Baba and everything I started for Him, here the best thing happened, she told me that she had been to Shirdi and had got Udi and she offered me some which I totally and very happily took it from her. After coming back home, I

prayed to Sai Baba and thanked him so much for getting me the Udi. Trust me friends, I have become one of the most devout person of Sai Baba and will serve him through out my life and talk to him whenever I feel like it. I love Sai Baba from bottom of my heart and will always love him. I have also told my friends about my experiences with Sai Baba and I am so happy that they have also started to believe my Sai Baba. I just wanted to share my experience with all of you and I feel so good

and happy that Sai Baba has accepted me as his devotee. Thank you Chirag --------------- 7. SAI WITH CHILDREN: http://www.saidarbar.org/HTML/portraits/7.jpg Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad. Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Now I want to tell the stories what heard in my child hood. THE BLUE JACKAL A hungry jackal came out of the forest in search of food. He saw a

village nearby and decided to do some scavenging there but as he reached the periphery, he was spotted by a pack of dogs. The dogs ran to catch it and seeing the danger, the jackal dashed towards the forest. Suddenly it froze; there was great danger in that direction too as he saw a pair of wolves bounding towards him. He turned somersault and again made a dash towards the village. He was face to face with death on both sides, so he jumped into a small stream and crossed over like lightening. He ran on in the dark night, stumbling over unknown obstacles until he finally fell into a huge vat of blue dye. With barely his nostrils above the liquid to breathe, he hid in the vat the whole night

until the dogs, unable to find him, gave up the chase and went away. Shivering from fright and damp, he crawled out and lay exhausted near a bonfire to dry and warm. He lay there until dawn when in the early morning light, he noticed his colour. His whole body had been coloured a bright blue and he looked exotic, as if from another world. Being a very clever animal, he decided to exploit this change and went back to the jungle. He strutted before the other jackals and with a spiritual look said I had gone to the Temple of 'VanDevi'. She was pleased with my devotion and blessed me. To distinguish me from your commoners, she turned me blue." The other jackals looked and listened in awe. They bowed their heads and

pronounced him king. Hailing his majesty and following him in a procession, they informed the other animals in the forest of this great transformation. All the animals gathered together and decided that this creature be crowned king of the forest. Thus in the span of few hours, the jackal became "Master of the Jungle" with the tiger, bear and others becoming his courtiers and bodyguard. This elevation brought a sudden change in his attitude too. He started treating the other jackals with disdain making them very unhappy and miserable. After a few days of this mal treatment at the hand of one of their own kind, they planned to take revenge by exposing him. An old one advised "It is a natural trait in us whenever

some of us start howling, all the others join in this call. We shall do this tonight all of a sudden, when he sleeps. When he hears us, it will be but natural for him to join in the howl without thinking. This will reveal his identity to others." They acted according to plan and at midnight, when the blue jackal slept soundly, they started howling. As the sound reached a crescendo, the blue jackal woke with a start and without a second thought joined in the howl, thus exposing him self. The tiger which lay nearby was very angry at being duped by a mere jackal and made to serve him. He pounced on him and tore him apart. Thus the jackal paid for this trickery with his life. Lesson: 'Fraud and Forgery ends ultimately in penalty.' Bye children meet you in the next issue ------------ 8. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES: View the Video of Shri Saibanisa Gopala Rao Ravada ji's discourses in English from the below link http://www.debu7366.blogspot.com/ -- "Sai ka laadla" saikalaadla The way of Deliverance Really this Jiva [human soul] transcends the three qualities, viz., Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas, but being deluded by Maya, he forgets his nature which is existence-knowledge-bliss, and thinks that, he is the doer and enjoyer; and thus, entangles himself in endless miseries and does not know the way of deliverance. The only way of deliverance is the loving devotion towards the Guru's feet. The great Player, or Actor, Lord Sai, has

delighted His Bhaktas and transformed them into Himself [His nature]. We regard Shirdi Sri Sai Baba as an Incarnation Of God for reasons already stated, but He always said that, He was a obedient servant of God. Though, an Incarnation, He showed the people the way, how to behave satisfactorily and carry out the duties of their respective stations [Varnas] in this life. He never emulated others in any way, nor asked others to have something, done for Him, Who saw the Lord in all movable and immovable things of this world, humility was the most proper thing. None, He

disregarded or disrespected, for He saw Narayan [Lord] in all beings, He never said "I am God; "but that, He was a humble servant and He always remembered Him, and always uttered, "Allah Malik" [God is the Sole Proprietor or Owner.] We do not know the various kinds of saints, how they behave, what they do and eat etc. We only know that, by God's grace they manifest themselves in this world, to liberate the ignorant and bound souls. If there be any store of merits on our account, we get a desire or interest, in listening to the stories and Leela's of the saints,

otherwise not. ------ 9. LETTERS FROM SAIDEVOTEES: nirmalagopal_y date Jan 19, 2008 7:06 PM Dear Sir, E- magazine detailed is praise worthy and very useful to all of us. Thank you very much NirmalaGopal ----------- valsala.sivadasan Dec 31, 2007 10:27 AM JAI SAI RAM, Dear all Sai Pariwar, Wishing you & your all Sai Pariwar members of Shri Saibabji”a very very happy & prosperous new year 2008". May Babaji's wishes get to everybody in the coming year 2008. With best regards, Valsala Sivadasan & Family New Delhi. ----------------------- ramars_jillella 16 Jan 2008 17:15:47 -0000 JAI SAIRAM ..OMSAIRAM All-Saidarbar-Samardha Sathguruvu almighty Sai devotees all over the world On behalf of my family and myself, I wishing you all a good, blissful, energetic, happy, prosperous, healthy, spiritually and devotionally healthy " new

year-2008 and happy pongal to one and all. Blissfully yours, Bhanoji Ramars.J.V. -------------- Response for The Glory of Shirdi Sai E- Magazine in the 3d page turning NEW FORMAT vjrkk On Jan 3, 2008 8:36 AM Wow Early morning I read this mail and it was like an unexpected gift in the right time. Life is great There is no debate To live it wise We really need such great advice Viji Rajan. -------- pankaj_namdev On Dec 26, 2007 7:54 PM SaiRam, I am very impressive and I have no word to explain my thought. I am always pray to SaiRam. Pankaj. --------- surya_mprakash On Dec 27, 2007 10:10 PM, Sairam, Baba had helped us in our each and every step. Last week my father in law was very sick about to reach the death, and doctors had no hope at all. They gave us just 48 hours time. But just because of Baba know his life is saved and it is almost a week, he is still with us fit and fine. Thank you Baba for all your support and help you have given for us. We love you Baba. Mrs. RekhaPrkash ---------- laxman_ahuja2002 On Dec 27, 2007 11:50 PM Om Sri Sai Ram, I am very much happy to see this dairy. Thank you very much to send me such a lovely dairy. Laxman. -------- kuppuraj10 On Dec 28, 2007 3:42 PM SaiRam, I have seen the pages. It has very nice and heart touching messages. I feel happy to say this. Nice keep it up. Kuppuraj ----------- anand2048 On Jan 1, 2008 3:18 AM SaiRam, I am amazed by the work done in making this website. I shall certainly make donation and please continue your work. Anand Iyengar ----------- You can also read this E- Magazine in 3d page turning NEW FORMAT in web page http://ettitudemedia.com/loadbook.php?BookName=EMagazineCurrent 10. TELUGU SECTION: Please visit: http://www.telugubhakti.com/telugupages/Misc/ShiridiSai/shirdisai.htm Please visit for Sai Aaratis Audio: http://www.shrisaibabasansthan.org/main_English/saibaba/saibaba_aarti.asp ------------------------------- FOR STARTING A SAIDARBAR CHAPTER OUT SIDE INDIA: Please contact: saidarbar ----------------------------- 11. SAI'S BOOK WORLD: (TAMIL) Title: Shirdi Saibaba Seermigu Varalaru Pulavar Author: Nagashanmugam Chettinadu Pathipagam, Laxmi NivasN2, Sical Race ViewApts, No. 2 Race Course Road Guindy, Chennai 600 032 ------------- Title: Shirdi Sai Baba Arputhangal Pulavar Author: Nagashanmugam Chettinadu Pathipagam,Laxmi NivasN2, Sical Race View Apts, No. 2 Race CourseRoad Guindy, Chennai, 600 032 --------------------- Title:

Shirdi Sai Baba Namavalikal Pulavar Author: Nagashanmugam Chettinadu Pathipagam, Laxmi NivasN2, Sical Race View Apts , No. 2 Race Course Road Guindy, Chennai 600 032 ------------------- Please Note: Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book World) to spread the word about their books may send ONE new copy of the book to Saidarbar, for details contact: saidarbar Acknowledgement of receipt of books will be done by E-mail only. Book(s) sent to Saidarbar will be retained by Saidarbar and cannot be returned. -------- 12. EDITORIAL: Things impressed me from this magazine: Those who see all creatures in themselves And themselves in all creatures know no fear. How can the multiplicity of life Delude the one who sees its unity? Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place, essays, articles and poetry on Sai to "The Glory of Shirdi Sai" they may be address their contributions to E-mail id: saidarbar We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of Shirdi Sai- the Bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail

id, we will publish them as a matter of routine practice. You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative by submitting e-mail ID in the main page of http://www.saidarbar.org Also read the old issues from: http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htm If you are subscribing this E-magazine for your friend or a relative, we request that the person concerned may be notified about receiving the same. Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the articles published. This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only. Submitted by: SAI SEVAK SRINIVASA RAO KASTURI. Saidarbar-Hyderabad-India P.S. In case you do not like to receive "The Glory of Shirdi Sai ", Kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action. -----------------

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..b b.b.











Nisargadatta , Hemalatha Ganti <hema_ganti




> Sixth Year of Publication

> Published as Bi-Weekly

> Issue 03/ 2008

> 31-01-2008


> The Glory of Shirdi Sai enters Sixth year from 01-01-2008.



> You can also read this E- Magazine in 3d page turning NEW FORMAT


> http://ettitudemedia.com/loadbook.php?BookName=EMagazineCurrent







> Sairam. You can watch Live Web casting from Shirdi Sai Samadhi

Mandir from following Link:


> http://www.shrisaibabasansthan.org/onlinedarshan.asp

> -----------------------------
















> -------------------------------



> http://www.angelfire.com/celeb2/saidarbar/pages/S3500055.htm


> Compiled by:

> Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar - Hyderabad.

> Shirdi Sai's Philosophy in the words of Saibanisaji




> When moon sets, people say that the moon has disappeared; and when

the moon rises, they say that the moon has appeared. In fact, the moon

shines continuously in the sky. Our Sai is exactly like moon. He

neither appears nor disappears; He only seems to do so out of love for

the people so that He may teach them.


> People call one phase of the moon a full moon, they call another

phase a crescent moon; in reality, the moon is always perfectly round,

neither waxing nor waning. Sai is precisely like the moon. In the eyes

of men, Sai may seem to change in appearance, but, in truth, Sai does

not change.


> The moon appears every where, over a crowded city, a sleepy

village, a mountain, or a river. It is seen in the depths of pond, in

a jug of water, in a drop of dew hanging on a leaf. If a man walks

hundreds of miles the moon goes with him. Sai is like a moon in

following people of this world in all their changing circumstances,

manifesting various appearances; but in Essence He does not undergo

any change.


> To be continued

> ---------------



> January 1, 1946: Sri B.V.Deo passed away (Composer of Chapter

53rd of Shri Sai Satcharitra in Marathi language).


> January 3, 1912: Megha fed some Brahmins on completion of his

Gayatri Purascharana. Dadasaheb Khaparde attended it in Sathewada.


> January 19, 1912: Megha died in Shirdi at about 04:00 hrs. Baba

lamented loudly and followed the funeral procession for some distance.

Baba showered flowers on Megha's body.


> January 20, 1912: Bapusaheb Jog started performing Baba's Pooja

and Arati after Megha's death. He continued this till Baba's Maha Samadhi.


> -----------------


> http://www.ettitudemedia.com


> These are the dream sequences and messages as received by

SaiBaNiSaji From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In

Anticipation that this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are

hereby compiled from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.


> Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.


> JULY-1995:


> 12-07-1995


> Yesterday's prayer to Sai was to give me a message on

spiritualism. Baba appeared in the form of my Schoolteacher and said-


> -Read forever my Satcharita, tell my stories to others and lead a

pious Life.


> -Reward given to your teacher shall reach me.


> -I disapprove saints in not doing any work and engaging themselves

in preaching ideals. I would rather appreciate a labourer who is

indirectly educating that work is worship.


> Spread the message to practice before preaching others.


> 24-07-1995


> I prayed Baba to tell me some thing about spiritualism. Baba has

shown me with a visual-


> Some people enter a garden and engage in plucking flowers, but the

plant does not understand why and for what purpose the flowers would

be used.


> A tree or plant grown with divine grace for a definite mission

will give flowers like Sai to the people. When its flowers are

plucked, God continuously monitors to keep a watch whether HIS purpose

is met or not.


> Saints are the messengers of God with a definite mission and purpose.


> 26-07-1995


> Before retiring to bed, I prayed Baba to give me lessons on how to

advance on the spiritual path while leading a commoner's life. Sai has

shown a visual-


> In normal life, practice to offer food to others before you

commence to eat, otherwise the thought of me and mine (self), will

eclipse the mind.


> Spiritualism should be tasted first so that sense of belonging

vanishes and one realizes that everything is only God's creation and

doing. It should be digested first before imparting to others around.


> Spiritualism should be absorbed first before imparting to others.



> To be continued-------------

> -----------------------------


> (By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

> " Shashi " : shashi_31


> 30. Efficacy of Prayer and Worship


> Baba's Aarti at Shirdi and Pooja, on ordinary days, were started

in 1909, but for sometime, there was no celebration of Guru-Poornima,

by special worship of Baba, on that day. Baba Himself sent for Dada

Kelkar on Guru Poornima day and said – " Do you know that to-day is Guru

Poornima? Bring your materials for worship and do your Guru Pooja " .

> Then Guru pooja was started from 1909 and it is continuing even

after Baba's Samadhi.

> Baba was being worshipped by a number of Hindus with flowers etc.

Mahalsapathi applied sandal paste to Baba's neck. One day Mahalsapathi

had a vision of Baba with sandal paste on Baba's forehead. Thereafter

Mahalsapathi was regularly applying sandal wood paste on Baba's forehead.

> Initially, individual worship was first neither systematic nor

organized. But K. G. Bhishma, a good songster, drew up the ritual, for

Sai Baba's worship, and he brought a set of Aratis i.e. ritualistic

verses for use by individuals at Shirdi and these were sent by Baba to

Nana Saheb Chandorkar and were approved by Him. They were largely in

use and tended to develop the worship of Baba on the customary lines

of worship in well known temples.

> To be continued.

> -----------------------------




> Those who see all creatures in themselves

> And themselves in all creatures know no fear.


> How can the multiplicity of life

> Delude the one who sees its unity?


> -Isha Upanishad




> Like bubbles in the sea, All the worlds arise in you.


> Know you are the Self. Know you are one. Let yourself dissolve.


> You see the world. But like the snake in the rope, It is not

really there.


> You are pure. Let yourself dissolve.


> -Ashtavakra Gita 5:2-3






> Lanka Unveils " Trail of Ramayana " Tour Package


> http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/holnus/002200801172042.htm



> NEW DELHI, INDIA, January 17, 2008: With an eye on its " primary

source market " , Sri Lanka Tourism officials have identified 50 sites

associated with the Hindu epic Ramayana to attract more pilgrim

travellers from India to the island nation.


> " Following the Trail of Ramayana " is a Touristic circuit based on

research findings that link the sites to Lord Ram, Sita and the demon

king Ravana, SLT director-general S. Kalaiselvam told reporters on

Thursday while unveiling the ambitious thematic program. " Currently we

are taking steps to develop and restore all sites to facilitate

foreign and local visitors the opportunity to witness and experience

the sacredness of these sites, " he said.


> The programme includes places like Seethaeliya, Ram Bodha,

Ussangoda and Roomassala and special temples in areas where Ravana is

believed to have held Sita captive. Kalaiselvam said the " Ramayana

epic is a very special feature in the bond that we have with India and

we are trying to offer opportunity to our friends here to visit Sri

Lanka to explore, absorb and enjoy the various places of significance

present in the epic " .


> Ayyappa Temple Opens for Makara Vilakku Festival


> www.hinduonnet.com



> SABARIMALA, INDIA, December 31, 2007: The Lord Ayyappa temple was

opened for the Makaravilakku festival on Sunday evening, marking the

second phase of the two-month-long pilgrimage season to the hill

shrine. Makara Jyothi, the most auspicious occasion of the festival

when pilgrims sight a divine light at Ponnambalamedu, the distant

hills opposite the temple, falls on January 14.


> Devaswom Minister G. Sudhakaran held a review meeting with

concerned officials at Pampa to evaluate the facilities being extended

to Ayyappa devotees with tens of millions of them expected to throng

the temple in the coming 15 days and create an action plan.


> Hinduism Today Launches YouTube Channel With Festival Video


> www.youtube.com


> KAUAI, HAWAII, January 2, 2008: Hinduism Today Magazine is proud

to announce its presence on YouTube. Visit Hinduism Today's YouTube



> http://www.youtube.com/hinduismtodayvideos


> ---------------------------



> kchirag

> Wed, January 16, 2008 9:31 pm


> Om Sai Ram, Shri Sai Sai Sai.


> My name is Chirag and I would really love to share my experience

of our Sai Baba and His miracles in my life that has happened

recently. To start off I was not a Bhakt of Sai Baba before but my

friend told me to start praying to him with complete faith and

devotion. I was having problems with my wife for about 4 months. She

stopped talking to me coz of some misunderstanding and things like

that, I tried a lot to clear things out and get things back to normal

but she just would not listen to me or would want to talk to me. I was

totally lost and devastated in life coz I never had expected this.

Then my friend asked me to start praying to Sai Baba with complete

faith and devotion which I started and also started reading the Sai

Sat Charitra and started learning so much from Sai Baba and his leelas

that I changed many things in my life and started following my Sai

Baba's words. I had heard that one who reads Sai Sat Charitra (all 50

Chapters) in one week's time; the

> devotee's wishes are fulfilled by Sai Baba. Along with this I also

started Sai Baba's Sai Vrat, and also this vrat has got miraculous

effects if it is done with complete faith and devotion and completed

the vrat on the 9th Thursday with due formalities according to the

vrat book, your wishes are for sure to be answered by Sai Baba.


> Friends, I did everything possible for Sai Baba and to get my wish

fulfilled and solve my problems with my wife and get back things like

before smooth and normal. After I completed my vrat with due

formalities, Sai Baba answered my prayers and my wife called me and we

cleared everything out and things are fine now between us.


> Trust Sai Baba totally and with full heart he will answer your

prayers for sure. But like we all know we need complete faith and

patience and devotion towards him.


> Friends, when I started reading the Sai Sat Charitra. I really

started feeling so good and happy from inside that before I had

stopped going out with friends or to enjoy and all. But as I kept

reading Sai Baba's Leelas, I learned so much from Him and changed my

thinking towards life and friends and people. I started going out and

started to enjoy again even though things weren't solved with my wife.

But I had complete faith and trust in my Sai Baba and left everything

to him. I have experienced Baba's Bliss every time I read his Sai Sat

Charitra or pray to him whenever I feel like. Some of small miracles

by Sai Baba for me was that, while reading Sai Sat Charitra, there are

chapters telling about His Udi and its efficaciousness, in my mind I

was asking Sai Baba if I cud also get His Udi somehow (as I live in

Canada, there is no Sai Baba Mandir here). I had just happened to go

to my friend's place and she had just got back from Mumbai, I started

telling her about Sai Baba

> and everything I started for Him, here the best thing happened, she

told me that she had been to Shirdi and had got Udi and she offered me

some which I totally and very happily took it from her. After coming

back home, I prayed to Sai Baba and thanked him so much for getting me

the Udi.


> Trust me friends, I have become one of the most devout person of

Sai Baba and will serve him through out my life and talk to him

whenever I feel like it.


> I love Sai Baba from bottom of my heart and will always love him.

I have also told my friends about my experiences with Sai Baba and I

am so happy that they have also started to believe my Sai Baba.


> I just wanted to share my experience with all of you and I feel so

good and happy that Sai Baba has accepted me as his devotee.


> Thank you

> Chirag

> ---------------


> http://www.saidarbar.org/HTML/portraits/7.jpg


> Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.

> Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play

with children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children

visiting Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Now I want

to tell the stories what heard in my child hood.




> A hungry jackal came out of the forest in search of food. He saw a

village nearby and decided to do some scavenging there but as he

reached the periphery, he was spotted by a pack of dogs. The dogs ran

to catch it and seeing the danger, the jackal dashed towards the

forest. Suddenly it froze; there was great danger in that direction

too as he saw a pair of wolves bounding towards him.


> He turned somersault and again made a dash towards the village. He

was face to face with death on both sides, so he jumped into a small

stream and crossed over like lightening. He ran on in the dark night,

stumbling over unknown obstacles until he finally fell into a huge vat

of blue dye.


> With barely his nostrils above the liquid to breathe, he hid in

the vat the whole night until the dogs, unable to find him, gave up

the chase and went away. Shivering from fright and damp, he crawled

out and lay exhausted near a bonfire to dry and warm. He lay there

until dawn when in the early morning light, he noticed his colour. His

whole body had been coloured a bright blue and he looked exotic, as if

from another world.


> Being a very clever animal, he decided to exploit this change and

went back to the jungle. He strutted before the other jackals and with

a spiritual look said I had gone to the Temple of 'VanDevi'. She was

pleased with my devotion and blessed me. To distinguish me from your

commoners, she turned me blue. " The other jackals looked and listened

in awe. They bowed their heads and pronounced him king. Hailing his

majesty and following him in a procession, they informed the other

animals in the forest of this great transformation.


> All the animals gathered together and decided that this creature

be crowned king of the forest. Thus in the span of few hours, the

jackal became " Master of the Jungle " with the tiger, bear and others

becoming his courtiers and bodyguard. This elevation brought a sudden

change in his attitude too. He started treating the other jackals with

disdain making them very unhappy and miserable. After a few days of

this mal treatment at the hand of one of their own kind, they planned

to take revenge by exposing him.


> An old one advised " It is a natural trait in us whenever some of

us start howling, all the others join in this call. We shall do this

tonight all of a sudden, when he sleeps. When he hears us, it will be

but natural for him to join in the howl without thinking. This will

reveal his identity to others. " They acted according to plan and at

midnight, when the blue jackal slept soundly, they started howling. As

the sound reached a crescendo, the blue jackal woke with a start and

without a second thought joined in the howl, thus exposing him self.


> The tiger which lay nearby was very angry at being duped by a

mere jackal and made to serve him. He pounced on him and tore him

apart. Thus the jackal paid for this trickery with his life.


> Lesson: 'Fraud and Forgery ends ultimately in penalty.'

> Bye children meet you in the next issue


> ------------


> View the Video of Shri Saibanisa Gopala Rao Ravada ji's discourses

in English from the below link


> http://www.debu7366.blogspot.com/

> --

> " Sai ka laadla " saikalaadla

> The way of Deliverance

> Really this Jiva [human soul] transcends the three qualities,

viz., Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas, but being deluded by Maya, he forgets

his nature which is existence-knowledge-bliss, and thinks that, he is

the doer and enjoyer; and thus, entangles himself in endless miseries

and does not know the way of deliverance. The only way of deliverance

is the loving devotion towards the Guru's feet. The great Player, or

Actor, Lord Sai, has delighted His Bhaktas and transformed them into

Himself [His nature].


> We regard Shirdi Sri Sai Baba as an Incarnation Of God for reasons

already stated, but He always said that, He was a obedient servant of

God. Though, an Incarnation, He showed the people the way, how to

behave satisfactorily and carry out the duties of their respective

stations [Varnas] in this life. He never emulated others in any way,

nor asked others to have something, done for Him, Who saw the Lord in

all movable and immovable things of this world, humility was the most

proper thing. None, He disregarded or disrespected, for He saw Narayan

[Lord] in all beings, He never said " I am God; " but that, He was a

humble servant and He always remembered Him, and always uttered,

" Allah Malik " [God is the Sole Proprietor or Owner.]


> We do not know the various kinds of saints, how they behave, what

they do and eat etc. We only know that, by God's grace they manifest

themselves in this world, to liberate the ignorant and bound souls. If

there be any store of merits on our account, we get a desire or

interest, in listening to the stories and Leela's of the saints,

otherwise not.

> ------



> nirmalagopal_y

> date Jan 19, 2008 7:06 PM


> Dear Sir,


> E- magazine detailed is praise worthy and very useful to all of

us. Thank you very much


> NirmalaGopal

> -----------

> valsala.sivadasan

> Dec 31, 2007 10:27 AM




> Dear all Sai Pariwar,


> Wishing you & your all Sai Pariwar members of Shri Saibabji " a very

very happy & prosperous new year 2008 " .


> May Babaji's wishes get to everybody in the coming year 2008.



> With best regards,

> Valsala Sivadasan & Family

> New Delhi.

> -----------------------

> ramars_jillella

> 16 Jan 2008 17:15:47 -0000




> All-Saidarbar-Samardha Sathguruvu almighty Sai devotees all over

the world On behalf of my family and myself, I wishing you all a

good, blissful, energetic, happy, prosperous, healthy, spiritually and

devotionally healthy " new year-2008 and happy pongal to one and all.


> Blissfully yours,


> Bhanoji Ramars.J.V.


> --------------

> Response for The Glory of Shirdi Sai E- Magazine in the 3d page

turning NEW FORMAT



> vjrkk

> On Jan 3, 2008 8:36 AM

> Wow

> Early morning I read this mail and it was like an unexpected gift

in the right time.

> Life is great

> There is no debate

> To live it wise

> We really need such great advice

> Viji Rajan.

> --------

> pankaj_namdev

> On Dec 26, 2007 7:54 PM

> SaiRam,


> I am very impressive and I have no word to explain my thought. I am

always pray to SaiRam.


> Pankaj.

> ---------

> surya_mprakash

> On Dec 27, 2007 10:10 PM,

> Sairam, Baba had helped us in our each and every step. Last week

my father in law was very sick about to reach the death, and doctors

had no hope at all. They gave us just 48 hours time. But just because

of Baba know his life is saved and it is almost a week, he is still

with us fit and fine. Thank you Baba for all your support and help you

have given for us. We love you Baba.

> Mrs. RekhaPrkash

> ----------

> laxman_ahuja2002

> On Dec 27, 2007 11:50 PM


> Om Sri Sai Ram, I am very much happy to see this dairy. Thank you

very much to send me such a lovely dairy.

> Laxman.

> --------

> kuppuraj10

> On Dec 28, 2007 3:42 PM

> SaiRam,

> I have seen the pages. It has very nice and heart touching

messages. I feel happy to say this. Nice keep it up.

> Kuppuraj

> -----------

> anand2048

> On Jan 1, 2008 3:18 AM

> SaiRam, I am amazed by the work done in making this website. I

shall certainly make donation and please continue your work.

> Anand Iyengar

> -----------

> You can also read this E- Magazine in 3d page turning NEW FORMAT

in web page


> http://ettitudemedia.com/loadbook.php?BookName=EMagazineCurrent




> Please visit:

> http://www.telugubhakti.com/telugupages/Misc/ShiridiSai/shirdisai.htm


> Please visit for Sai Aaratis Audio:



> -------------------------------


> Please contact: saidarbar

> -----------------------------



> Title: Shirdi Saibaba Seermigu Varalaru Pulavar

> Author: Nagashanmugam

> Chettinadu Pathipagam, Laxmi NivasN2,

> Sical Race ViewApts, No. 2 Race Course Road

> Guindy, Chennai 600 032

> -------------

> Title: Shirdi Sai Baba Arputhangal Pulavar

> Author: Nagashanmugam

> Chettinadu Pathipagam,Laxmi NivasN2,

> Sical Race View Apts, No. 2 Race CourseRoad

> Guindy, Chennai, 600 032

> ---------------------

> Title: Shirdi Sai Baba Namavalikal Pulavar

> Author: Nagashanmugam

> Chettinadu Pathipagam, Laxmi NivasN2,

> Sical Race View Apts , No. 2 Race Course Road

> Guindy, Chennai 600 032

> -------------------

> Please Note:

> Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book World) to spread

the word about their books may send ONE new copy of the book to

Saidarbar, for details contact:

> saidarbar

> Acknowledgement of receipt of books will be done by E-mail only.

> Book(s) sent to Saidarbar will be retained by Saidarbar and cannot

be returned.

> --------


> Things impressed me from this magazine:


> Those who see all creatures in themselves

> And themselves in all creatures know no fear. How can the

multiplicity of life

> Delude the one who sees its unity?


> Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai " they

may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

> saidarbar


> We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of

Shirdi Sai- the

> Bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the articles

instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish them as a

matter of routine practice.


> You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend

/relative by submitting

> e-mail ID in the main page of http://www.saidarbar.org


> Also read the old issues from: http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htm


> If you are subscribing this E-magazine for your friend or a

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receiving the same.


> Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in

the articles published.


> This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


> Submitted by:


> Saidarbar-Hyderabad-India


> P.S. In case you do not like to receive " The Glory of Shirdi Sai

" , Kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action.


> -----------------




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