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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - issue 10-2008 from Saidarbar.

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THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI Sixth Year of Publication Published as Bi-Weekly Issue 10/ 2008 08-05-2008 --------------------------- One World One Family Vasudhaika Kutumbam Om! Asatoma Sargamaya, Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya, Mrityorma Amritamgamaya, Om Shantihi, Shantihi, Shantihi! (Aum! Lead from wrong path to the right path, from ignorance to knowledge, from mortality to immortality! Peace be to All) ----------------------------- You can also read this E- Magazine in 3d page turning NEW FORMAT http://ettitudemedia.com/loadbook.php?BookName=EMagazineCurrent GURUR-BRAHMA, GURUR-VISHNUHU; GURU-DEVO MAHESWARAHA; GURUR-SAKSHATH PARAM BRAHMA; THASMAI SREE GURAVE NAMAHA: Sairam. You can watch Live Web casting from Shirdi Sai Samadhi Mandir from

following Link: http://www.shrisaibabasansthan.org/onlinedarshan.asp ----------------------------- THIS ISSUE CONTAINS: 1. FROM THE SATSANGHS OF SAIBANISA JI 2. SAI'S NEWS FROM TIME MACHINE 3. SAI IN DREAMS 4. QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY 5. SANATANA DHARMA & SHRI SHIRDI SAIBABA 6. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES 7. SAI WITH CHILDREN 8. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM SAI SATCHARITRA 9. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES 10. LETTERS FROM SAI DEVOTEES 11. TELUGU SECTION 12. SAI'S BOOK WORLD 13. EDITORIAL. ------------------------------- 1. . FROM THE SATSANGHS OF SAIBANISA JI http://www.angelfire.com/celeb2/saidarbar/pages/S3500055.htm Compiled by: Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari

Kasturi, Saidarbar - Hyderabad. Shirdi Sai's Philosophy in the words of Saibanisaji THINGS MUST BE USED PROPERLY: One should always remember that nothing in the world can strictly be called “mine”. What comes to a person comes to him

because of a combination of causes and conditions; it can be kept by him only temporarily and, therefore, he must not use it selfishly or for unworthy purposes. Once a queen offered a saint five hundred garments, the saint received them with great satisfaction. The king, hearing of it, suspected the saint of dishonesty, so he went to saint and asked what he was going to do with these five hundred garments. The saint replied; “Oh King, many of the citizens in your kingdom are in rags; I

am going to distribute the garments among them. “What will you do with the old garments of the Poor?” “We will make bed-covers out of them.” “What will you do with the old bed covers?” “We will make pillow-cases.” “What will you do with the old pillow-cases?” “We will make floor-covers out of them.” “What will you do with the old floor covers?” “We will use them for foot- towels.” “What will you do with the old foot towels?” “We will use them for floor-mops.” “What will you do with the old mops?” “Your Highness, we will tear them into pieces, mix them with mud and use the mud to plaster the house walls.” Every article entrusted to us must be used with good care in some useful way, because it is not “ours” but is only entrusted to us temporarily. To be continued------- --------------- 2. SAI'S NEWS FROM THE TIME MACHINE: May 1913: waman Rao Patel (Swami Sharanandji) visited Shirdi again and this time he stayed for eleven months. May 1917: Lokmanya Bala Gangadhar Tilak arrived at Shridi with Dada Saheb Khaparde for having Baba's dharshan. May 1990: Foundation stone was laid for Sai Baba Bhaktha Niwas Sthan in Shirdi. -------------------------------- 3. SAI IN DREAMS http://www.ettitudemedia.com These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SaiBaNiSaji From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS. Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY. OCTOBER-1995: 23-10-1995 I prayed Baba to give a message on the occasion of Diwali festival (The festival of lights). Sai was standing in front of Dwarakamayi and said- “You came to me fully engulfed in ignorance and selfishness. I shall kindle the twin lights of knowledge and wisdom to ward off the two evils from your self”. The lighting of lamps is to ward off the darkness surrounding us from all sides. 31-10-1995 Sai appeared in the form of an unknown person and said- On transfer from one place to another, people opt to go for packers and transporters for shifting their household items. This is to make their travel more safe and comfortable. In the same way, come to me so that I can take you across the ocean of life to the

final goal effortless. Relatives often recognize individuals by the financial status and their position in society, which are purely temporary. Engage in spiritual activities to earn the God’s grace, which nobody else can afford to touch. Spread the message across and help for upliftment of the downtrodden. Nobody can steal the spiritual treasure. To be continued------- ----------------------------- 4. QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY: (By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao) "Shashi": shashi_31 31. Nama Japa During Nama Sankeertana, we must chant only one Name which can be easily repeated by all of us. All of us should chant together. We should not entertain the idea that one can sing well. We must all chant God’s name with sincerity and devotion. We should not mix many names. Our minds should be attached to Nama only and then chant it. Then we will get Divine experiences. We will also develop detachment for our body and senses. We must

participate in Nama Sankeertana with one-pointed devotion. First of all we must stabilize our mind. If we do Nama Sankeertana with single minded devotion forgetting everything, then the bad ideas in our mind get destroyed and we will get spiritual evolution. When we chant, we must see that our mind is merged in God and drive away worldly affairs from our mind. With determined attitude, if we chant, our lives will be filled with Supreme Bliss. We should not partake in Nama Sankeertana to please others. How many people take part in Nama Sankeertana is not important. Those who do Nama Sankeertana with faith and devotion, they only get God’s blessing. To be continued. ----------------------------- 5. SANATANA DHARMA & SHRI SHIRDI SAIBABA. Mission of the Saints -Shri Sai Satcharitra Chapter IV Lord Krishna says in Bhagvadgita (Chapter IV, 7-8) that "Whenever there is a decay of Dharma (righteousness)

and an ascendancy of unrighteousness, I manifest Myself; and for the protection of the virtuous, the destruction of the vicious and for the establishment of righteousness, I manifest Myself in age after age". Namadeva Enlightenment Put To Test One day Panduranga asked Namadeva, "Are you always aware of the fact that this entire world is filled with me?" "I look upon all life in the same light," answered Namadeva. We have already seen how when a dog snatched the bread from his hand and ran away, Namadeva pursued the dog with a view to feeding it with gee too. Namadeva told that this attitude of his was due to the teaching of his Sadguru Visoba. It was Ekadashi (the eleventh day) of the month of Kartika. Namadeva was fasting that day. An old Brahmin came to him begging for food. "Today, you know, is Ekadashi, the day of fasting. I should not treat you to any regular meal. I can get you some fruit if you want," said Namadeva. "If I don't get a meal, I will die of starvation. The sin of killing a Brahmin will be on you.I know

nothing about sin or merit of good deed," said Namadeva. "You don't seem to have the slightest mercy. Yet you show off your philosophical knowledge in empty words. Do you allow this old man to die of starvation?" demanded the Brahmin. "If you die today for want of food, let me face the same fate," declared Namadeva. But then the eyes of the Brahmin started rolling up. The very next moment he was dead. Namadeva without a second thought carried the corpse to the bank of river Bheema. He prepared a pyre to burn the body and laying himself on the pyre beside the Brahmin’s body, he set fire to the piles of wood. His wife also was making ready to follow her husband. At this juncture Panduranga showed himself in his glorious divine form with four hands, saved all of them and showered his blessings on them. Namadeva went and lived in the northern country when all the contemporary saints departed from this world. Just as he had written many Abhangs (abhangs means a song composed and sung by the saints in Maharashtra in praise of God's glory) in Marathi, he wrote Abhangs in Hindi also. To love God with all their heart, to lead a pious life surrendering everything to him with steadfast devotion is the way of devotees. It is called the cult of Bhakti. Through- ages South India had built up a tradition of Bhakti. After Namadeva went and settled in North India, a similar tradition was set up there also. This great saint passed away in 1350 A. D. He was then eighty years of age. His whole life was dedicated to Vitthala. He was a divine light guiding many a pilgrim on the path of devotion. There are two kinds of Abhangs in Namadeva's compositions: those, which express the yearning of the devotee for the vision of God, and those, which express the bliss of fulfillment after God realization. The total number of all his compositions is said to be 2,375. The Content and Manner of Preaching A saint is also a poet. He tells us in detail how we should live. He shows to his people the beauty he has enjoyed. And he shares with them the joy he has experienced. For example: (Even as the whole and huge form of the tree lies dormant in a seed, you are there in every object and

form we see.) (All these forms are the body of Sri Hari.) (Wherever I go there is Vithoba and Vithoba only) (The crane seems to be meditating; but it is only to catch fish. So also many in this world look pious but indulge stealthily in selfish acts. It is nothing but hypocrisy.) As long as you live in this world, be

thinking always of God. Respect all women as you would respect your mother. Don't be after money. Consider it as dust. Never crave for sensual pleasures. Use this body for meditation, prayer and worshipping God. Speech is man's great fortune. Animals cannot speak. Man has the gift of speech. What does it profit if the speech is used only for ordinary communication? If it must be put to good use, chant then the name of God, sing His glory. Chant the name of Rama. There is no salvation without devotion. How to get this devotion? The first thing is to have faith in God. Faith and constancy go together. Thus preached Namadeva. The works of Namadeva written for the spread of spirituality are also of a high order aesthetically. Namadeva has a fine way of

saying things. To say that God is everywhere, he employs the image of a bumblebee having already received the fragrance or flowers before they are carried to the temple. In another song he says that we are placing our feet on Sopanadeva (the steps of the temple personified as God) when we stand on temple pavement to offer our salutation to God. In this way he speaks in images which get imprinted indelibly on our minds. God is the mother who has given birth to us. He is the air we breathe in. He is the water. He is the offspring inside an egg, the fawn also is He. Namadeva uses stories of beautiful metaphors. We have heard of many stories about Namadeva as told by devotees. All these stories show his steadfast devotion, his humility, his broad and impartial outlook in treating all people as equals, without making any distinction of high or low caste or class. It is the personality and many good qualities of Namadeva that are important. We have

also known how Namadeva had completely submitted himself to Vitthala and how he lived only for Him. The most important point here is that his devotion had helped him to develop a broad outlook. Persons born in different castes worked in harmony like brothers and sisters in the service of God. They realized that the children of God should not have feelings of superiority or inferiority. And they actually lived up to this principle. Namadeva declared that all devotees of God are equal. He practiced what he preached. So there was no need for anyone to give up Hindu religion. To realize that there is an element of divinity in every man and to live accordingly is the proper course. Namadeva in this was a model for others to follow. He was so great as to see divinity even in such lowly creatures as an ordinary dog. Now, is it not desirable to know at least one example of the intimate style used in his Abhangs? A great Kannada poet, Dattatreya Ramachandra Bendre, has translated into Kannada an abhang of Namadeva beginning with the line and it reads like this: I came to your door, O, Vitthala, Having heard that you are redeemer of sins. As you don't wish to be one, my good sire, I walk back. When I beg for alms you don't give even a bit have leftover - so virtuous Who is that wise man who called you Lord of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth? You say, 'I shall give him who gives' Aha, what utmost generosity! Now I turn away from your door, as you are a born goldsmith. Who is

there to care for others. Let that be, Nama says, 'Adieu! I go' May this love of mine for thy Holy feet Be like water for my parched heart. Author - Simpi Linganna ------------------------------ NEWS Trinidad’s Vice President Addressed Hanuman

Conference Source: http://www.hinduismtoday.com/hpi/2008/4/27#1.shtml TRINIDAD, April 27, 2008: (by Paras Ramoutar) Suriname’s Vice-President, Ramdien Sardjoe has spoken of the clashes in the world society. He told the closing session of the Global Lord Hanuman Hindu Conference at the Dattatreya Yoga Centre on Saturday that the entire

world is encountering clashes and a great crisis because of the lack of understanding and lack of confidence. “Lord Hanumanji’s life is presenting a great message to live on this earth in harmony, in cooperation and with love, peace and understanding,” Sardjoe told the overflowing assembly of devotees from T & T, India, Canada, USA, England and Holland. Sardjoe said Lord Hanumanji is an ideal example for building a bridge to unity, oneness, for synthesis and for togetherness of all types of races, creeds, countries, cultures and communities. “This is because of the uniqueness of our Vedic Hindu Culture, as they work with unity in diversity and diversity in unity and unity in oneness. Thus, we can make a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious society, just as the rainbow brings together the beauty of many different colors,” he said. Sardjoe said that throughout the Hindu religious text, the Ramayana, one observes that whenever a vexing problem arose requiring diplomacy, Valmiki (the author) lauds Hanumanji as a confluence of integrity, valour, intelligence, strength, patience

and wisdom. --------------------- Tirupati Temple Conducts Crash Course for Priests http://www.newindpress.com/NewsItems.asp?ID=IEA20080319011517 & Page=A & Title=Southern+News+-+Andhra+Pradesh & Topic=0 TIRUPATI, INDIA, March 19, 2008: In a novel initiative, the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) has launched a crash course for temple priests to help them hone their skills in performing the temple rituals. The five-day training

program is being executed by TTDs Sri Venkateswara Employees Training Academy (SVETA), in a bold attempt to make the priests ward off the modern-day professional hazards such as stress. Besides, it teaches the priests how to keep themselves physically fit and inculcate a sense of social responsibility in their work. The intensive training includes the corporate style thought-provoking lectures and Power Point presentation on personality development, maintaining mental and physical peace and adopting healthy lifestyles by a team of experts comprising physicians and personality development trainers. Another salient feature of the course is that the senior Agama pundits requisitioned from outside, stay with the trainees for five days, giving them an opportunity to discuss matters related to temple rituals and

clear their doubts. Under a program launched in June 2007, 300 priests from various districts were trained in 14 batches, including 13 in Vaikhanasa Agama and the one in Pancharatra system of temple worship. Plans were afoot for covering the priests from the other southern states, he explained. ------- 6. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES: pamidipatiraj On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 3:39 AM SaiRam all, I would like to share my experience - how Baba helped me. One day I went to a shop on my scooter to collect an emergency lamp that I gave it for repairing. Shop owner being my friend I spent some time talking with him. In the meantime I got a call from home to start immediately, as I was getting late for dinner. In a hurry I returned home by walk and totally forgot about my scooter that I parked in front of the shop unlocked. Next day

morning I was surprised to see my scooter missing from the parking area at home. Then I could recollect that I parked it in front of the shop previous night. A rude shock early morning! I was sure that the scooter will not be there as I did not lock it. Then I immediately prayed Sai Baba to help me, as that is the only vehicle I own. I rushed to the spot --Wonder of Wonders--My scooter was still in front of the shop throughout the night - unlocked. In these days when locked vehicles are stolen - Sainath heard my prayer and ensured my scooter was untouched – Thank you Baba, Thank You once again. YOU ARE REALLY GREAT DEVA. Rajkumar ------------------------ Sun, April 6, 2008 12:24 pm JAI SAINATH Hi I would like to share my experience with you guys. I live in UK but couple of months ago strongly I started to believe in Sai Baba. I started reading Sai Satcharita and finished it within a week. I had no idea that I would get any benefit of reading but the night I finished reading the last chapter of Sai

Satcharita, I said to myself whether I would ever be able to feel Baba's presence and would ever be able to know if He is with me. I went sleep and then the next day, my dad told me to go to the shopping place and I went with him (my dad have never liked going to that place and he has always refused) and I was surprise to see a Sai Baba idol in a shop. I got really emotional and my wish of feeling Baba's presence and seeing Him came true in a form of seeing Baba's idol or portrait and I brought that idol to my house. Therefore I have full faith that if you read Sai Satcharita, your wishes come true. For a girl like me who have never heard of Sai baba previously. I just started believing him and got that benefit of it. It is therefore true what He said in the Sai Satcharita, that He draws His devotees even from across seven seas. May Sainath shower His love on all of us. God Bless. Jai Sainath. Simran ------------ paragmaheshwari81 Tue, April 8, 2008 4:27 am Dear Sai Bandhus, I would like to share my experience with you all about Sai baba's grace, it is Sai Blessing because of which I got my first job which was much needed at that time when required and through that time I am continuously reading Sai aarti as my morning Prayer and again it is because of Sai grace I got my first increment within the same job which I got through baba's blessing. Oh! Sai please accept my Pranam to Your Holy feet. OM SAI SRI SAI JAYA JAYA SAI Parag Maheshwari --------------- 7. SAI WITH CHILDREN: http://www.saidarbar.org/HTML/portraits/7.jpg Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad. Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know

Baba use to play with children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Now I want to tell the stories what heard in my child hood. THE MISCHIEVOUS MONKEY: Seth Jamuna Das was a very rich man and owned large tracts of farm and forestland. He was very fond of nature and decided to have a house near the forest. He selected the best masons and carpenters for this mansion and put RamLakhan in charge of them. The work was going on at break-neck speed. The masons competed with each

other to complete their job at the earliest, whilst the carpenters too got into the act, felling the largest trees and splicing them for the doors and windows. One day the carpenters were splicing a huge log when the lunch bell rang. Before going for their lunch, Ram Lakhan ensured that a steel plate was inserted at the spot where the splicing had reached to keep the cleavage apart for inserting their saw. This was necessary, as without this plate, the two shafts would spring together tightly. A group of monkeys from the nearby jungle appeared on the scene. The workers being away, they were up to their mischief without hindrance. The bigger ones

were trying to show their strength by jumping around and scattering the piles of wood whilst the younger ones ran around and pulled each other's tails. A huge male decided that to show his strength, he should pull out the plate wedged between the two unfinished splices. Thus he sat on the log with his tail hanging between the two shafts and exerted all his might in removing the plate. It was a very difficult job but after huffing and puffing for a long while, he managed to remove the wedge. As soon as he removed it, the two splices sprang together locking his tail between them like a clamp. It screeched loudly and howled with pain, but there was no

way out. He ultimately bled to death. Lesson: "Never act in haste without understanding the job at hand". Bye children meet you in the next issue ------------ 8. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM SAI SATCHARITRA swamymain Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 10:01 AM Shri Sai Satcharitra Chapter XXVIII Sparrows Drawn To Shirdi Sai Ram. Let us continue with the purifying and uplifting story of Lala Lakhamichand. Sai Ram. Sanza At noon when Lakshmi chand was sitting for meals he got some sanza (wheat-pudding) from a devotee as Prasad. He was pleased to have it. Next day also he expected it, but got nothing. SSG: Sai Ram. The ego goes after sensual pleasures like this only. Some thing good happens and we are happy. So, we associate happiness with that good event. We try to recapture that happiness by going after similar

things. SSS: So, he was anxious to get it again. Then on the third day at the noon Arati time, Bapusaheb Jog asked Baba, what naivedya he should bring. Baba told him to bring sanza. Then the Bhaktas brought two big potfuls of sanza. Lakhamichand was very hungry and there was some pain in his back. Then Baba said to him - "It is good that you are hungry, take sanza and some medicine for the pain in the back." He was again wonderstruck to see that Baba again read his mind and spoke out what was passing therein. How omniscient was He! SSG: Sai Ram. Till one experiences the oneness of Guru with the Universe and thus all other Gurus and Gods, one is bound to be surprised at the miracles and the mind-reading skills of Saints. Later, as the devotee realizes that the Saint is God in human form, all doubts disappear. It is like a child realizing that one day it will also grow up and be strong and wise like its parents. Sai Ram. Evil eye On this occasion, he once witnessed one night the procession to the chavdi. Baba then suffered much from cough. He thought that this suffering of Baba might be due to somebody's evil eye. Next morning when he went to the Dwarakamayi Baba spoke to Shama as follows - "I suffered last night from cough; is it due to some evil eye? I think that somebody's evil eye has worked on me and so I am suffering". In this case Baba spoke out what was passing in Lakshmi chand's mind. SSG: Sai Ram. Baba took many people's karma on Himself and suffered at the physical level but never allowed Himself (Spirit) to suffer. However, Lala Lakshmi chand was in the early stages of discipleship and was

probably attaching the human attributes to Baba. Like a fond parent apparently agreeing with the innocent child, Baba was playing with His Spiritual Child Lala. Sai Ram. SSS: On seeing these proofs of Baba's omniscience and kindness to His Bhaktas, he fell prostrate at Baba's Feet and said - "I am much pleased with your darshan. Ever be kind and merciful to me and protect me always. There is no other God to me in this world except Your Feet. Let my mind be ever rapt in Your Bhajan and Feet. Let Your grace protect me from the miseries of the world and let me ever chant Your name and be happy". SSG: Sai Ram. Baba's playful words worked as mantra and see how Lala became wise! That is the grace of Guru. Through a smile, through a kind look, through a playful pat on back, no, just by His intention, He can dispel the ignorance and ignite the lamp of bhakti and jnana in us. Sai Ram. SSS: After getting Baba' Udi and blessing he returned home with his friend, much pleased and contented and singing Baba's glory on the way. He remained a staunch devotee of Baba afterwards and always sent garlands of flowers, camphor and Dakshina with any person of his acquaintance bound for

Shirdi. SSG: Sai Ram. Blessed is Lala who got such a staunch devotion in one visit. Let us in turn do our namaskar to this wonderful sparrow drawn to Shirdi, a sparrow which got the spark of bhakti and jnana in such a short time, because of his merits in earlier births and his full faith in Sai. Sai Ram. We will continue with this chapter in the coming weeks. Sai Ram. S.V.Swamy Author, Editor and Book Reviewer www.freewebs.com/swamyreviews www.freewebs.com/svswamy To be continued... ------------- 9. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES: rgcjp Ram Chugani Kobe, Japan Pleasure and pain depends upon one's attitude Das Ganu a devotee Shirdi Sai Baba once took to translating the Ishavasya Upanishad but could not get to the essence of the Upanishad. He sought the help of many people to resolve his problem but was still unable to understand the gist of the

work. Hence he resorted to seek the help of his Guru Sri Sai Baba. Baba asked him not to worry and that Kaka Mahajan's maid will clarify his doubt. Every one around were surprised at Baba's solution and some even thought that Baba was joking. But Das Ganu showed no signs of delay in starting for Kaka's house. During his stay at Kaka's place once he heard a poor girl who was the sister of Namaya the servant of Kaka singing a beautiful song while engaged in some household chores. The song was about a beautiful crimson sari but she was dressed in rags. Das Ganu took pity for the girl's plight as she was robed in rags while singing about a beautiful sari. He arranged Rao Bhadhur M.V Pradhan to buy her a beautiful chirdi.. The girl was overjoyed as she danced about wearing her new chirdi. The next day she was

clothed in her old rags but her cheerful disposition remained the same as she sang on joyfully. Das Ganu was then enlightened with the fact that one has to enjoy what ever is presented to him with the spirit of equanimity. The events in one's life have to be accepted with the right spirit that God bestows them all for one's own benefit. Here in this incident the girl, the torn dress and the new chirdi, the donor, the spirit of acceptance while wearing the old as well as the new clothes are all different aspects of the same all-pervading power. Thus contentment with the belief that what ever happens is the ordinance of God will lead one to free oneself from attachments to worldly issues. This in turn will help towards attaining self-realization. Thus Das Ganu was enlightened with the gist of the

Upanishad. Related Articles A step towards God makes God take a Thousand steps towards you. A complete surrender without reserve is the highest form of worship pleasure and pain depends upon one\'s attitude. (Sharing with Love) Ram.Chugani --------------------- Saibanisaji feels-------- Devotion must not be like the flood of the rainy season in which all get washed away. Devotion should be like the river that retains water even in the hottest season. Saint Kabir (1440-1518) View the Video of Shri Saibanisa Gopala Rao Ravada ji's discourses in English from the below link http://www.debu7366.blogspot.com/ Please view the VIDEO -Sai in Ramayan (Saidarbar presentation) from the below link http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4750532170420342389 ------ 10. LETTERS FROM SAIDEVOTEES: sainama Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 9:12 PM Dearest Saibandhu Gopal Rao

ji! Jai Sairam! Baba Blessed me to listen to your (Sai's) C.Ds on Sai's philosophy in TELUGU. I have no hesitation to say that Baba Sai is behind your project in all respects. Ones pujya Sivanesan Swamiji was telling to take Baba to the door the door step of devotees several books in simple language, periodicals, self less sevaks are required. As now a days electronic means of communication is very popular Baba must have prompted you to choose this line. i.e., prachar through CDs. I feel these invaluable CDs will be immense use for a student of Saism to understand 'Sai' the inner meaning of his utterances, His Philosophy and Teaching you have made sincere effort to make the listener understand in simple words. May Sai Give you many more ideas of this type One of the 108 Names of Sai is 'Om Sri Sai Siva Rama Krishna Maruthi rupayana maha'. Your CDs 'Sai in Ramayana, Sai in Bhagavatam, Sai in Siva Swaroopa, Sai Dattavathar' will through light on the above Nama. CDs on Sai’s Philosophy and inner meanings of Sai's words are really wonderful-informative and enlighten! Thanks you are very cautious in declaring that views are your experiences. You have listed practical examples furnishing details of the persons. It is well known and universally accepted fact that Baba communicates with his devotees through 'Dreams' 'Kalalo Sai'(Sai in dreams) give your genuine experiences. I understand that you are making efforts to bring in the CD’S in English for the benefit of non-Telugu speaking Sai devotees for a wider coverage. I am sure that it will be of immense help to all the Sai devotees. I wish your mission to spread Saism through out the breadth and length of the world sitting at home will meet the expected success. I pray Lord Sainath to bless you with enough energies to continue to do like this till your last breath! Om Sai Sree Sai Jaya Jaya Sai In services of Sai D.Sankaraiah. OM SAI SRI SAI JAYA JAYA SAI ------------------------ padmadulasi Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 6:56 PM SaiRam, I want the E-magazine “The Glory of Shirdi Sai” to be sent to my e-mail ID every week, thank you Bathri Padmaja ------------ Response by Saidarbar Team: Dear Saibandhu Padmaja Garu, SaiRam, I am Saisevak SrinivasaRao Kasturi from Saidarbar - Hyderabad. Thank you very much for your letter and showing interest in our E-magazine. Devotees like you are backbone of Saidarbar movement. Your E-mail id is added in our mailing list. You will receive our Bi-weekly E-magazine next issue on wards on alternate Thursdays only since it

will be released once in two weeks. Please feel free to contact us in Sai related matters. With best regards, SaiSevak SrinivasaRao Kasturi For http://www.saidarbar.org ------------- You can also read this E- Magazine in 3d page turning NEW FORMAT in web page http://ettitudemedia.com/loadbook.php?BookName=EMagazineCurrent 11. TELUGU SECTION: Please visit: http://www.telugubhakti.com/telugupages/Misc/ShiridiSai/shirdisai.htm Please visit for Sai Aaratis Audio: http://www.shrisaibabasansthan.org/main_English/saibaba/saibaba_aarti.asp ------------------------------- FOR STARTING A SAIDARBAR CHAPTER OUT SIDE INDIA: Please contact: saidarbar ----------------------------- 12. SAI'S BOOK WORLD: Title: My Life with Sri Sai Baba Author: Bharam Umamahswara Rao Sri Sai Publications, Flat No.12 Sai Towers 4th Lane, Brundavan, Gardens,Guntur - 522 006 ------------- Title: Quintessence of Sri Sai Baba's Philosophy Author: Bharam Umamaheswara Rao Sri Sai Publications, Flat No.12 Sai Towers 4th Lane, Brundavan, Gardens,Guntur - 522 006 --------------------- Title: Messages of Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi Author: Bharam Umamaheswara Rao Sri Sai Publications, Flat No.12 Sai Towers 4th Lane, Brundavan, Gardens,Guntur - 522 006 ------------------------ Please Note: Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book World) to spread the word about their books may send ONE new copy of the book to Saidarbar, for details contact: saidarbar Acknowledgement of receipt of books will be done by E-mail only. Book(s) sent to Saidarbar will be retained by Saidarbar and cannot be returned. -------- 13. EDITORIAL: Things impressed me from this magazine: The lighting of lamps is to ward off the darkness surrounding us from all sides. As long as you live in this world, be thinking always of God. Respect all women as you would respect your mother. There is no salvation without devotion. Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place, essays, articles and poetry on Sai to "The Glory of Shirdi Sai" they may be address their contributions to E-mail id: saidarbar We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of Shirdi Sai- the Bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish them as a matter of routine practice. You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative by submitting E-mail ID in the main page of http://www.saidarbar.org Also read the old issues from: http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htm If you are subscribing this E-magazine for your friend or a relative, we request that the person concerned may be notified about receiving the same.Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the articles published.This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only. Information contained in this E-MAIL is about Sri Shirdi

Sai Literature and Sanatana Dharma. If you don’t want to receive these E-MAILS in future, please reply with the Subject Line "REMOVE FROM MAILING LIST". Submitted by:


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